RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF MMHMBMHnMjmaanBanm 0 Amebian ! legion i Copy for This Department Supplied the Atnsrlcnn l.tRlon Nrwn flurvlcn.) GOES TO PRISON FOR BUDDY . Haley, Canadian Soldier, Harry W Serves Time to Gavo No Man's Land Comrade. A story of personal sacrifice, unique. lti annals of the World war, Is that of Hurry W. Haley, who served In Leavenworth prison to repay a war-lime buddy lor his life. Haley has written the American Legion (he first account of his action. Wounded and left In no man's land, Haley, a Canadian soldier, mm was slowly (lying from loss of blood when ho was picked up by Trlvnte Thomas O. Jones, an American. After taking his buddy to safety, Jones disappeared. Buck in the lines ngnln, Haley was captured by the Germans and lost all truce of his rescuer. On May 20, 1021, Haley arrived at the liomc f his sweetheart In Canada. Hls'wcddlng wan to occur at 8 o'clock and the guests wero assembled. Then Private Jones reappeared. lie had deserted the army at Fort Slocum, N. Y.. because, he said, they were going to Had him back to Germany. Ho was suffering from mustard gas burns nnd tmd n wife and two children dependent xpon him. tyiley acted quickly. Telling Jones Jo return to IiIr wife nnd keep quiet, (e informed his fiancee of his Intention, Hhc declined to wait while ho served the term Jones would hnvo to spend In prison. At the hour of the wedding Haley took n train for St. I'nul, Minn. He gave himself to the flrst police oflicer he encountered, declaring he Private Thomas G. Jones, wanted for desertion. Tried by court-mnrtlal at Port Crook, .Vol)., Holey wch sentenced to dls ltonornblc discharge nnd six months In prison. He hud served nil but 18 days of his sentence when uuthorltlcs. by checl-.liig fingerprints nnd Idcntlllrn tlnn learned ef the substitution. The Veginn is petitioning President Ilnrdlng to purge the dishonorable discharge from Haley's record. NOTED LEGION GUEST BUSY Marshal Foch Nearing End of Tour of Forty-Two Statea and Jaunt That Totals 1G.000 Miles. When Marshal Foch sails for Paris and much needed rest, he will have traveled n total of 10,000 miles on his tour of 42 states ns guest of the American Le gion. More than 200 towns nnd cities will hnve been vKlted by the allied gener nllsKlmo, In each of which the local Legion post and everybody In the community put forward their best :g i aw A y ': 7 ' '2 or iftO A'. to entertain French hero. The Legion tour Inkos Marshal Koch from coast to coast and from Now Or leans to Minneapolis. Despite his seventy years, the eating of nrtlstlcul ly gotten up banquets which are more or less digestible, and nlnuHt us many speeches each day us there are hours, the mnrshal will go back to Franco "feeling tine." He likewise withstood the ndmlnistrnllon of the degree of LL.D. conferred upon, him by 17 uni versities nnd colleges. One of the marshal's lust photo graphs, tnken In un unguarded mo ment, depicts his "lighting face," ac cording to his aide's. American Legion members of the Foch party, however declnre it moreover shows the effects of the long strain on the allied leader. Above tho Draft Age. John Sylvester Myers, one hundred and two years old, walked from his home at Lime nidge to Bloomsburg, Pn., lo nddross n meeting of tho Bloonibburg post of tho American Le gion. Myers told how ho tried to get Into service during tho World war, but niB rejected, becnuso he wns "abovo tho droft nge." The centennrlnn told an Interesting story of his life, lie had served in tho Mexican nnd Civil wars, and was rejected from service during the Spanish-American war bo cause of his age. lie has also served In tho navy. Ho has bcon mnrrlcd threo times, his last murringo being ut the ago of ninety-two. "I feel Just us good as I over did," declared tho veteran. He Is Not Dead but Sleepeth. "So tho saloons urc dead," mourned tho overseas veteran, returning to the land of tho free, for tho first time since 1017. "Yeu," answered his friend cheerily, "but you can communicate with their BDlrlts." American Legion Weekly. br & w ill Pr$j . the Carrying On With the American Legion An uniiy kitchen nnd 1,000 cots hnvc been placed lit former barracks nt Cleveland to euro for Jobless ex-service men. A 5 per cent discount on nil pur chases lins been accorded members of Uio American Legion by the majority of merchants In Arcadia, Kin. There la u Polish nost ainonc the posts of various nationalities of the American Legion. Argonne Ih its nntmi und It Is located nt Toledo, O. Motion pictures nro shown three nights u week ut the American Legion theater, which has Just been estab lished by a post In Attn Vista, Knn. Agents of the Chicago American Le gion post which hns undertaken the reconstruction of Mcsnll-en-Arronnlso, Plcardy, have gotten the project under way. Hnrold'Wclls, Petersburg, Vn blind ed In the war, was loaned $1,000 by tho American Legion post there. He es tablished n tobneco shop nnd hns paid bnck the debt. This country Is well rid of Grover C. Bcrgdoll, slacker, according to nn Illinois Amerlcnn Legion post, which recommends that the War department drop the case. Tho few remaining Confederate vet- r erans of Tennessee wcro able to nttend tho annual meeting of their association because of the efforts of 20 American Legionnaires of Nashville. I-hnployccs of the elevated railways of Chicago have formed a post of the American Legion nnd hnvo dedicated a bronzo plate to the memory of eight "L" men killed In the war. Pour leading concert companies are to nppenr In Christopher, 111., this win ter because of the American Legion post there, which hns succeeded In In augurating a lyceum course. Tho stnto of Michigan hns bought the community house nt Camp Custer, Improved tho plnce nnd turned It over to tho American Legion posts to bo used us n hospltul for veternns. Whllo Cincinnati wns discussing the need of cleaning the Willlnm Henry Harrison Mntuo there, the Bcntloy American Legion post, nrmed with brushes, buckets and soap, did It. An American flag has been given the Hellenic post, Minneapolis, of the American Legion, by tho Greek citizens there. The post Is composed of Gre cian born veterans of tho A. E. P. Five hundred ox-service men acted ns ".supers" in the (liming of n motion picture nt Mnmaroneck, N. Y. They were sent to ennct a "battle" by a New York American Legion employment bu reau. Twelve overseas veterans refused to face death ngnln in fumigating Immi grant ships. The Amerlcnn Legion employment bureau In New York hnd received tho call from the Immigration officers. Due to the propaganda of the Amer ican Legion in Birmingham, Ala., the hundreds of former service men have been placed In positions ranging be tween that of short order cooks to ou st ruction foremen. Work has been supplied every appli cant at the Wichita (Knn.) American Legion post employment agency, ac cording to tho Department of Luhor. Seven states have been surveyed and that city heads the IN. V By means of entertainments given by the school children of Minnesota, the Amerlcnn Legion Auxiliary of thnt state will be enabled to erect a build ing to care for destitute veterans on their discharge from hospitals. Unemployed service men of Minne apolis have been organized by the Amerlcnn Legion posts there nnd nro campaigning tho city, selling hand bags, nutomobllo booster plates nnd slmllnv articles bearing Legion sanc tion. Jerked from his floor-bed by a rush of no proffered positions, n Kansas City former soldier has been nblo to sup port himself, his wife and five chil dren. He hnd registered tho previous day at tho American Legion employ ment ofllce. Oscar K. Cnrlstrom, Alcdo, 111., new commander of tho United Spanish Wnr Veternns, was one of the committee of fifty A. B. P. men which stnrted the Amerlcnn Legion In Paris In 1010. He is an ndoptod member of the G. A. It. of Illinois. Feeling ngalnst Grover C. Bergdoll, slacker, was so high at the Missouri stnto convention of tho American Le gion that when It was announced thnt u motion wns to be rend about him It was passed by popular acclnmntlon bo- foro even rending It. Adjusted compensation will not he squandered by former service men, according to n Toledo (O.) nowspnper. According to figures from a campaign, 170 want home aid, 88 wnnt cash, -10 choso the certificate plan und 5 per ceut want vocational training. fmm$ Mtt nA iVJ lft5V.ijPli ' nil I M? I m'. Ml rW?Si .itat" Kfitf," . r . '&!? ' r. i i-nr'"" rT rrn osvir t. ' .'ww-fmrn,; vjfiasft, - mi v r )Lm',.ic. ti i'i - i-tb v . tt mami's .5mia.iwfd Sf:5S5l2aCE Ws?n ?.!.'. ' ..'l.-i-WV, ' ! r-HKSwsPNll - & -M;wmmmLtr 1'-. i mrs CBurtontktniJ -CuurftJ? at 'it Jv-rArib A-rtwu - Camoens' Garden in Macao. .rrepuetl Jiv ti National nongraphic; So ciety, WaBhlnnton, V. C.) Two hills stretching to the sen so as to form n charming bay, und be tween them an undent, half-Spanish, wholly southern city; Its roofs tufted with verdure, rising one above anoth er on terraced slopes; Its houses with their once gny tints nil faded, basking In peaceful decrepitude In n sunshine llko thnt of June; the town fust nslccp; the harbor silting up; the walls crumbling; the Iron gratings lusting; the pavements turning green; the gables nodding like old gray heads, tired of listening to the same old sto ries such Is Mncno, the Far Eastern Mtpost of the Portuguese trailers of he Sixteenth century, the Monte Cnr o of the Orient, and one of Portugal's few rcmnlnlng possessions In Pacific waters. Macao Is situated on tho west side ef the Pearl river. Forty miles ncross Is Hongkong; eighty-eight miles to the north lies Canton, sent of the South China government. Macao was found ed In 1557. Prior to 1887 there ap pears to have been no documentary evidence of n formal cession of this territory, tho Portuguese claiming, however, that they received It ns a reward for destroying tho horde 'of Mongolian pirates that hurried the southern const of Chirm; and tho re mnlns of the old barrier across the narrow neck of land separating the penlnsulnr town from the rest of the Island of Heung Chan, nnd once guard ed by Chinese soldiers, gavo color to tho Portuguese claim. However, all doubts were laid to rest In 1SS7 when fonnul cession wns tnndo by Chlnn to the Portuguese. Macao's Rise and Fall. So murvelous was the growth and prosperity of this Portuguese settle ment In Its youth thnt it excited the envy of the early Dutch trnders who In 1022 attempted Us conquest. The spot where tho Dutch lender was killed by a round shot from Monte fort, which wrote finis to that at tempt, Is now marked by a monument. Macao continued to be n nourishing mart up to 1811. the British Fast In dia company nnd the Dutch compnny meanwhile obtaining n foothold there. Tho British free trade propaganda of the "Forties" excited n demand for u free port at Mncno, to which the Por tuguese demurred. Grent Britain then secured tho Hongkong concession, mndo that n free port In 1815, und the decline of Macao ns nn entrepot dates from thnt year. Not only Is Macao the site of tho first Kuropenn claim made on Chinese soil, but It has cultural ties with Eu rope closer knit than the political re lationships of controverted area's to the north. It coutnlns the oldest ruin In Chlnn thnt Is associated with Eu rope, and the tamarind nnd banyan shade the gardens where the Por tuguese Chuuser, Cnmoens, composed half of tho Luslods, celebrating the discoveries of the Portuguese explor ers who opened up for tho West tho secrets of tho East. It Is one of the hnlf-dozen of the world's great epics. Camoens' Place of Exile. Luis de Camoens, the star of Lusi ttinlnn poetry, beenmo enamored of Cnthnrlnn d'Atnyada, lndy-ln-honor to Queen Cntharlna of Portugal, which 80 enraged tho king thnt ho banished tho poet to Macao, about 1G07, where he remained for five years as admin istrator of tho effects of deceased per sonsa, melancholy oillec for n poet and lover. Itcturnlng In 1572, his ves sel was wrecked, his small savings wero lost, but tho poem which 1ms been translated into every civilized language wus saved to an appreciative posterity. A monument to Camoens mnrks the spot In tho grotto where ho composed his noblo epic. , Macao bus snoozed peacefully away on Its Island In Into years while con troversies have raged around the hand ful of other foreign holdings on the Chlncso const. But recently tho gov ernment of Southern China Is reported to have demanded thnt there bo a "cleanup" in tho city, n procedure, which If cnrrled out would entail rec ognition of tho Southern China govern ment us well ns ucceptnnco of Its right to rulo in what has long been consid ered Portugueso territory. Onco in Mncno tho traveler may re main to contemplate on out-of-the-way slirlne of European history. But una- XfmlM&&H :..tlM s K Ms2 M -ti '- n i, Ki&- ' ri i-4 '' &Vj T-'i vxv rv2fa v-'JW .. , f w wa that Is not why most folk board the dally bont from Hongkong to go there. It is a summer resort for tho Canton ese because of its exposure to tho cooling monsoons In mid-summer. Opium smugglers nnd gamblers, In re cent years, have loomed large among Its transients. Formorly tho Chlncso coollo tralllc nlso hnd a headquarters here. Within a century Its waters mny hnvo wnrrnntcd the characterization of ono traveler who called them "tho most dangerous wnters of the world from a police standpoint," nnd added "n river trip is spiced with the risk of piratical attack." Revenues From Gambling. The Ideas of Henry George nnd oth er tax theorists hnvc found a niggard soil In Macao, whoso llscnl policy Is simplicity Itself. Poo-dicc and fan tan provide tho revenues of tho city. It has been said thnt half the minted pieces of the Far East find their wny sooner or later to the gambling boards of Macao, and the old lllx dollar, tho Mexican peso, and tho Amcrlcun dime are clinked upon Uio tables of tho Jeuncsso doree, or of tho 'rlckshuw coolies and harbor riff-raff of tho town, while a dally llow of mou, women nnd dollnrs crosses the estnary from Hong kong to Macao and pours Into tho hells of the ltoa do .Togo, or gambling street. Fun-tan Is the favorite game, but It is nothing like the card game of that name known to Americans. Tho Chi nese croupiers sit enthroned before a .sqtinre marked nt tho corners with the numbers 1, 2, 3 nnd 4. The banker reclines behind n grating, smoking n long pipe. Overhead Is a gallery run ning nil around the room und forming a sort of celling, pierced only by a hole the slzo of tho tublc. From this gnllery the bets are made, and the stakes nro alternately lot down and drawn up, accompanied by the sound of drawling minstrelsy. The croupier takes n handful of sninll coins nnd covers them with n reversed howl, while money is laid on one of tho four numbers. When the betting has censed ho lifts tho bowl and separates the coins with his wnnd. Then he counts them by fours, nnd the remainder, or tho Inst four, If thero be no rcmnlndcr, represents the winning number. Each hazard Is n one-to-three wager, nnd tho bnnks pay on that basis, after deducting the house percentage. A number of these licensed gambling dens, graded accord ing to the limit of wager allowed, puy the revenues of tho city of Macuo. Attractive to Travelers. Present day Macao is not marred for the casual traveler by cither lte flnlr for fun-tun or Its thriving trndo In opium. The latter Is shipped away to wreak its havoc; the former brings tho bizarre and tho adventurous'. The city of todny Is one of the few Far Eastern const towns which have not been caught In the resistless current df commercial progress, nnd for that reason It presents some Interesting studies to lovers of tho picturesque. Ho who lands from n steamer Is captivated by Its blend of Portuguese nnd Chlncso people, by pagoda and western church, and when tho sum mons of hunger lends him to a hotel thnt has been called the cleanest nnd most beautifully situated In the Or ient, the contrnst persists. He may order tho famous Portuguese eolareB with his yellow wot?r chestnut pasties, nnd chooso cither ultrn-qccldcntal gnmc dinners or pudding of co'agulnted duck's blood and sugnr-preserved bntn boo shoots. There nre but 4,000 Por tugueso resident there, but they rep resent n four-century Impress thnt their nutlonnltty bos made upon the total population of about 75,000. After dinner the visitor may stroll along tho Pruyn Grnnde, both the Broadway nnd tho Riverside drive of .Macao. Having shopped and slummed, he finally will bo led to catch tho deeper romance of tho city In tho grotto where the poots hnvo carved lines of praise to tho one-eyed Boldlcr poet who wrote the glory of farthest West Europe on un Islnnd of nearly furthest East China. H. C. L. Pinches King George. - Owing to Increased expenses, King George hns found it necessnry during tho past few years to supplement tho Income ho receives from tho state out of his private resource ' tteMW3W$& SW-sfft $r JKJfc'UfrCJ' Tvr, W "e '77S- jJi : &t&m flfcitsai',?.M jtjifpjty- .-.'. ij CHOICE BETWEEN TWO LOVES Can One Wonder That Malvlna Tur- tlcdove Hesitated When It Camo to a Showdown? Malvlnn Turtledove wreped bitter ly. Those denr, bright blue eyes wcro In danger of being washed clearer nnd bluer still. She was In love! Then she dressed hurriedly, In prep aration for Jack's expected visit. Promptly nt eight he arrived. "Jack," she breathed, "1 am so wor ried." "My pet, my angel, what Is It?" risked Jack, In gloat concern. "I have got to give one of you up, nnd I don't know which 1 love best. Can't 1" the maiden wept. "No!" returned Jack, determinedly. "You must choose between us he or 1 1" "Jack," she wept, 'Vhow me some mercy I" But he showed her none, and so, with a Inst look of love. Malvlnn threw her Pomornnlnn, Bob, out of the window and said: "Jack, I mil yours 1" DIFFERENT, OFF THE STAGE Master Crook Hnd to Seek Ordinary Mortal to Perform What Would Seem Simple Task. Dnrohnrn Drnko, the world-famous film vlllnln, had had a very busy day nt the studios. In the performnnce of pnrt nineteen of "Tho Master Crook" ho hnd deftly cut open with his electric snw five formidable snfes, mnstered swiftly the mysterious combinations of nlno more, nnd with n nnnchnlnnt nlr hnd picked the lock of his prison cell. And now, his day's work finished, he breathed a sigh of relief ns he alighted from his enr nnd reached tho door of hl flat. It wns locked. Anxiously he searched every pocket of his clothes for tho latchkey, but failed to uncnrth It. "Here's n fix I" ho gronncd. After nnnther vain search tho Master Crook walked around to tho nrnrcst locksmith's shop, flung n $20 bill onto the counter nnd begged tho unshaven mnn in charge to come nud open his "blessed" door! Sour Milk Called Life Elixir. The elixir of long life consists of hotired jow's milk, cheese mndo from f-heep's milk nnd white bread, accord ing to Dr. Sndowcln, professor of phys ical chemistry at tho University of Kiev. He hns found u village In tho mountains nenr Temlr Khun Shurn, the new cupltnl of the Dnghestan re public, where 18 men out of n popula tion of 120 nre more than 100 years old. Investigations showed they ate the above nnmed foods exclusively. Many persons transported there from the famine regions of Central Itiwslu nro migrating Into the mountains, where tills food is to be had In abund ance. Couldn't Fool Him. An IndlnnupollH woman was visiting her threc-ycnr-old grandson, nnd one day saw him standing before the mir ror looking nt himself, nnd saying: "Yes, flint's me." "Thomns," said grandmother, "you should sny, 'That Is I.' " "Well, It might bo I, but It looks like me." A Lesson to Him. Itnffcrty bored ten feet Into a min ing claim nnd then abandoned It. An other took It up nnd nt 11 feet struck gold. When Itnffcrty heard the news he exclaimed: "I'll never leave anoth er clnlm until I've gone n foot fur ther !" Life. The r-rank Man. "And am I the only girl you have ever " "Walt a minuter Molly. Before you nsk mo that, do you want me to Ho and flatter you, or tell you the truth and satisfy your curiosity?" No, Beatrice, astronomers do not scour the heavens for tho purpose of polishing tho stars. The man who "also ran" In n politi cal race usually bus an empty purso us a souvenir. Strongest ropo is mndo of cotton, WWPIRIH Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists. Aivlfln U " f wk of Uajw lUrotectur ot UosMMtlHCldMUr at UallcjUcicU ATTORNEY SURELY A WONDER But Old Darky's Admiration Must Havo Dcen Embarrassing Under tho Circumstances. In Alabama they tell of a prosecut ing attorney who wns so uniformly successful with his enses thnt he be enmo hrth the terror of evil-doers In the vicinity and the admiration of nil, especially the dusky portion of tho population. I'pon his withdrawal from ofllce ho was at onco sought out by those charged with crime. Much to his dis gust, the first two cases that he de fended resulted In the conviction of his clients. An aged darky, mimed Joo Clinton, who had watched his prosecu tions with wonder und who looked with equal ninnzeinent now he conduct ed the defense, met the attorney Just after his second defeat. "Mlstnh Ciil." salil the old chap, In awed tones, "yo' shore Is a wonder. No mutter which side you Is on. they goes to the pen Jest the same." Mllwuukeo Sentinel. SAW THING IN RIGHT LIGHT Old Mose Taylor Undoubtedly Had the Situation Sized Up, but Who Got the Dime? "At the end of n Georgia negro meeting," says un Atlnntn man, "it was decided to take up a collection for charity. The chairman pnssed the hat himself, no dropiwd n dime In It for n nest-egg. Every right hand encoun tered thnt hat, und yet, ut the end, when the chairman turned the lint over and shook It, not so much as his own contribution dropped out. "Fo do land's sake I" he cried. 1 has even lost de dime I sturtcd with I' "All the rows of dusky faces looked puzzled. Who wns the lucky man? Finally tho venerable Mose Taylor summed np the situation. '"Gentlemen,' he said solemnly, ris ing from his sent, 'der 'pears to bo a great moral lesson round heah some whenh !' "Pittsburgh Dispatch. MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG, SYRUP Hurry, mother Even a sick child loves tho 'fruity" tnsto of "California Fig Syrup" and It never falls to open tho bowels. A tcuspoonful todny may prevent n sick child tomorrow. If con stlpatcd, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or If stomach Is sour, tonguo coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels Is often nil that Is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies und children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must sny "Cnllfornla' or yon may get an Imlt tlon fig syrup. Advertisement. John'6 Discouragement. Little John sat upon the stairs look ing dlsconsolntc. "What's the mnttcr, Johnny?" asked Cousin Isabel, kindly. "Well, you see, Cousin Isabel, they let mo hold tho baby on my knee, sometimes, though he can't even hold his head up straight. And they weigh him every single duy, but since they began It he's gained only two pounds nnd three ounces. And I've Just been thinking thul I'll be nn old, old mnn before that fcllow'll be of any use on the team." 'N Ev'rythlng. "My own !" ho exclaimed, ns they were starting on their wedding Jour ney. "Does It make you hnppy to know that you nre mine nil mine forever?" "Yes, It makes me awfully hnppy," she replied. "Now I can ent, candy without being afraid of getting fnt; nnd hnvo n charge account and every tiling, can't I?" Give Him a Chance. Queen Gnbby You keep mo awukt nil night talking In your sleep. King Well, you had better glvo me a chance to talk u little during the day. Children cease crying for the moon sometimes beforo they nre big enough to want the earth.