The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 22, 1921, Image 2

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cAuthor of
Copyright, by Petu B. Krnc
ftynopsU. Captain t'hlncas P. Bcrafrgn
hao grown up around the clocks of Sun
"Francisco, and from mens boy on a river
teamer, risen to t ho ownership of the
steamer Maggie Since each annual In
pectlon promised to he tho lust of the old
wealhorbeaten vessel, BcragKs naturally
has some dlfllculty In securing a crew.
When the ntory opens, Ailclhert I. Olhnty,
likable, but erratic, a man whom noetxly
but ScraRRs would hire, In the skipper.
Nells Halvorson, n solemn Swede, consti
tutes the forcnnlle hands, and Hart Mc
Ouffsy, a wastrel of the Qlbncy type,
reigns In the engine room.
CHAPTER II Continued.
She did with u crock Unit shook
the rigging nnd cnusod It to rattle like
buckshots In n pun. A terrible cry
such n cry, Indeed, ns might burst
from the lips of n mother seeing her
only child run down by the Limited
hurst from poor Cnptnln Scruggs. "My
rtilpl My shlpl" he liowled. "My
dnrllng little Moggie! They've kllJed
you, they've killed you! The dirty
lubbers 1"
The succeeding wove lifted the Mng
(tie ofl' the bench, curried her In some
fifty feet further, mid deposited her
gently on the sand. She heeled over
to port a little nnd rested there ns If
alio wns very, very weary, nor could
all the threshing of her screw In re
verse hntil her off again. The surf,
dashing In under her fantall, had more
power tlinn McOuffey's engines, nnd,
foot by foot, the Maggie proceeded to
dig herself In. Mr. Glbney listened
for five minutes to the uproar thnt
rose from tho boweJs of the little
steamer before he whistled up Mr.
"Kill her. kill her." ho ordered.
"Your wheel will bite Into the sand
first thing you know, and tenr the
stem off her. You're shnkln' the old
girl to pieces."
McGufToy killed his engine, banked
his tires, and came up on deck, wiping
hln anxious face with n fearfully filthy
swent rag. At the snme time Scraggs
and Nells Ilulvorsen came crawling
aft over the deeklnnd and when they
renched the clear space around the
pilot house. Captain Scrnggs threw his
brown derby on the deck and leaped
upon It until, his rage abating ulti
mately, no power on earth In the air.
or tinder the sea. could possibly have
rehabilitated It nnd rendered It fit for
further wear, even by Cnptnln Scrnggs.
.This petulant practice of Jumping on
his hat wns a habit with Scraggs
whenever anything annoyed him par
ticularly and wns always Infallible evi
dence thnt a simple declnratlye sen
tence hnd stuck In his throat.
"Well, old whirling dervish," Mr.
Glbney denmndnl calmly when Scraggs
paused for lack of breath to continue
bis dance, "what about It? We're up
Halt Creek without n paddle; the devil
to pay and no pitch hot."
"McGuffcy's tired 1" Captain Scrnggs
"Come, come, Scrnggsy, old tnrpot,"
Mr. Glbney soothed. "This nln't no
time for flghtin'. Tlilnkln an' nctln'
U all that saves the Maggie now."
I Jut Captain Scrnggs was beyond
reason. "McGuffey's fired I McOuf
fey's fired I" be reiterated. "The dirty
rotten wharf rati Call yourself an
engineer?" he continued wltherlngly.
"As nn engineer you're n howling suc
cess at shoemnkln', you slob. I'll fix
your clock for you, my hearty. I'll
have your ticket took away from you,
an' thnt's no Chinaman's dream,
"It'B nil my fault runnln' by dead
reckonln'," the honest Glbney pro
tested. "Mac ain't to fault. The en
gine room telegraph busted nn' be got
the wrong slgnnl."
4 ".It's his business to see to It that
he'ti got nn engine room telegraph that
won't bust "
"You dog!" McOuffey roared and
sprang nt the skipper, who leaped
nimbly up the little ladder to the top
of the pilot house nnd stood prepared
to kick Mr, McOuffey In the face
should that worthy venture up after
him. "I enn't persuade you to git me
nothln' thnt I ought to have. I'm tired
workln' with Junk an' scraps nn cop
per wire and pieces o' string. I'm
through !"
"You're right you're through, be
causo you're tired 1" Scraggs shrieked
In Insane rnge. "Oct off my ship, you
maritime Impostor, or I'll tnke a pistol
to you. Overboard with you, you
grensy, nddlepated bounder I You're
rotten, understand? ltottcn! Rotten!
Rotten I"
"You owe me eight dollars nn' six
bits, Scraggs," Mr. McOuffey reminded
his owner on I inly. "Chuck down the
pondulleks an' I'll get off your ship."
Captain Scraggs was beyond reason,
so no tossed the money down to the
engineer. ""Vow git," he commanded.
Without further ndo, Mr. McOuffey
started across the deeklnnd to the
fo'custle head. Scraggs could not see
him but ho could hear him so he
pelted the engineer with potatoes, cab
bage heads nnd onions, the vegetables
descending about the honest McGuflfcy
In a verltnblo bnrrnge. Even In the
darkness several of these missiles took
Upon renewing the very apex of the
Maggie's bow, Mr. McOuffey turned
and hurled a promise Into the dark
ness: "If we ever meet ngnln,
Scraggs, I'll make Mrs. Scraggs a wld
ow. Paste that in your hut when
you get u new one."
The Maggie was resting cnslly on
the beach, with the broken water from
the Jong lazy combers surging well
up above her witter line. At most,
six feet of water uwulted the-engineer,
who stood, peering shoreward und lis
tening Intently, oblivious to the stray
missiles which whizzed past. Present
ly, from out of the fog, he heard n
grinding, metallic sound and through
it sudden rift In the fog caught a
brief glimpse of blue tlame with sparks
radiating fnlntly from It.
That settled matters for Bnrllinlo
mew McOulTey. The metallic sound
was the protest from the wheels of a
Cliff house trolley car rounding u
curve; the IJue Maine wns nn electric
manifestation due to the Intermittent
contact of her trolley with the wire,
wet with fog. McOuffey knew the
exnet position of I he Maggie now, so
ho polled a moment on bur bow; as
a wave swept past him, he leaped
overboard, scrambled ashore, made
his way up tho beach to the great
highway which flunks the shore line
between the CHIT house nnd Ingleslde,
sought a madhouse, and warmed his
Interior with four lingers of whisky
neat. Then, feeling quite content with
himself, even In his wet garments, he
boarded u city-bound trolley enr and
departctl for the wurmlh nnd hospital
ity of Scab Johnny's sailor boarding
house In Oregon street.
Cnptnln Scrnggs sat down on the
half-emptied crate of vegetables nnd
commenced to weep bitterly bulf be
cnuse of rnge nnd half because be re
garded himself a pauper. Already
he bad a vision of himself scouring
the waterfront In search of n Job.
"No use boo-hooln' over split milk,
Scraggsy." Always philosophical, the
uuthor of the owner's woe sought to
carry tho disaster off lightly. "Don't
add your salt tears to n saltier sea
until you're certain you're n total loss
an' no Insurance. I got you Into this
and I suppose It's up to me to get you
off, so I guess I'll commence opera
tions." Suiting the netlnn to tho word.
Mr. Glbney grnsped the whistle cord
and a strange, sail, sneezing, wheezy
moan resembling the expiring protest
of a lusty pig and gradually Increasing
Into n long-drawn but respectable
whistle rewarded bis efforts. For
oncu, he could afford to be prodigal
with the steam, and while It lasted
l here could Ik; no mlstnklng the fact
that here wan n steamer In dire dis
tress. The weird call for help brought
Scruggs around to a fuller realization
of the enormity of the disaster which
had overtaken him. In his agony he
forgot to curse his navigating officer
for the hitter's stubbornness In refusing
to turn back when the fog threatened.
He clutched Mr. Glbney by the right
arm, thereby Interrupting for nn In
stant the dlsmul outburst from the
Maggie's siren.
"Gib," he moaned. "I'm n ruined
man. llow'ru we ever to get the old
"Hoyre We to Get My Maaglo Off
the Beach?"
sweetheart off whole? Answer mo
that, Gib. Answer me, I say. How're
we to got my Maggie off the beach?"
Mr. Glbneyjshook himself loose from
that frantic grip- and continued his
pull on the whistle until the Maggie,
taking a fulse note, quuvered, moaned,
spat steam u minute und subsided with
whut might bo termed a nuutlcul sob.
"Now, seo what you've done?" he
bawled. "You've made mo bust tho
"Answer my question, Gib."
"We'll never get her off If you don't
quit tutert'erln' an' give me time to
think. I'll admit there ain't much of
a chance, because It's dead low water
now nn' Just us soon as the tide la at
the Mood she'll drive further up the
beach an' fall npart."
"Perhaps McOuffey will have heart
Pea Pirates
enough to telephone into the city for
a tug."
" 'Tuln't scarcely probable, Scraggsy.
You abused him vile an' threw a lot
of fodder at him."
"I wish I'd been took with paralysis
first,',' Scraggs walled bitterly. "You'd
best Jump ashore, Gib, un' 'phone In.
We're Just below the Cliff house and
you ciin run up to one o' them beach
resorts an' 'phone lu to the Red Stack
Tug Boat company."
"'Twouldn't be ethics for me, tho
registered mnster o' the Maggie, to
desert the ship, Scraggsy, old stick-In-the-mud.
What's the matter with got
tin' your own shanks wet?"
"I dnssen't, Gib. I've hnd n touch
of chills np' fever ever Hlnce I used
to run mate up the Snn Jonquln
sloughs. Hero's n nickel to drop In
the telephone slot, Gib. There's u
good follow."
"Scraggsy, you're deludln' yourself.
Show me n tugboat skipper that would
come out here on n night like this to
pick up the S. S. Maggie, two decks
an' no bottom nn loaded with garden
truck, an' I'll wag my enrs nn' look
at the back o' my neck. She ain't
worth It."
"Ain't worth It! Why, mnn, I paid
fifteen hundred bard cash dollars for
"Fourteen hundred nn' ninety-nine
dollars an' nlncty-nlnc cents too much.
They seen you comln'. However,
grant In' for the sake of nrgyment
that she's worth the tow, the next
question them towbont sklppers'll nsk
Is: 'Who's goln' to pay the bill?'
It'll be. two hundred nn' tlfty dollars
at tho lowest Mgger, nn' If you got
thnt much credit with the towbont
compnny you're some high flnuncler.
Ain't that logic?"
"I'm nfrnld," Scrnggs replied sadly,
"It Is. Still, they'd have n lien on
the Maggie "
"Steamer ahoy!" came a voice from
the beach.
"Mnn with n megnphone," Mr. Glb
ney cried. "Ahoy! Ahoy, there 1"
"Who are you un' what's the trou
ble?" Cnptnln Scraggs took It upon him
self to answer: "Amerlcnn steamer
Mr. Glbney sprang upon him tlgcr-
ishly, placed a homy, tobacco-smelling
palm neross Scruggs' mouth nnd effec
tively smothered nil further sound.
"American steamer Ynnkee Prince,"
ho bnwled like n veritable null of
Hashan, "of Roston, Hong Kong to
Frisco, with n general cargo of sandal
wood, rice nn' silk. Where're we nt?"
".Tust outside the Gate. ' Half n mile
o' the Cliff house."
"Telephone In for n tug. We're In
nice shape, restln easy, but our rud
der's gone an' the after web o the
crank shaft busted. Telephone In,
my mnn, nn' I'll make It up to you
when wo get n safe uneliornge. Who
are you?"
"Llndstrom, of the Oolden Gate Life
Saving station."
"I'll not forget you, Llndstrom. My
owners are Ynukees, but they're
"All right, I'll telephone. On my
wny '"
"God speed you," murmured Mr.
Glbney, nnd relensed his hold on Cap
tain Scrnggs, who Instantly threw his
arms nround the navigating officer's
burly neck. "I forgive you, Adolbert,"
be crooned. "I forgive you freely. By
the tall of tho Great Sacred Bull,
you're u marvel. She's an all night fog
or I'm a Chlnamnn, and If It only
stays thick enough "
"It'll hold." aibuoy retorted dogged
ly. "It's a tule fog. They nlwnys
hold. Quit huggln' mc. Your breath's
Captnln Scrnggs, hurled forcibly
bnckwnrd, bumped Into the pilot house,
but lost none of his enthusiasm.
"You're a jewel," he declared. "Oh,
man, what a head! Whntever made
you think of tho Ynnkee Prince?"
"Because," Mr. Glbney answered
calmly, "there ain't no such ship, this
land of ours belli' a free republic
where princes don't go. Still, It's n
nice nume, Scraggs, old tarpot more
particular since I thought It up In a
hurry. Kb, whnt?"
"Hnlvorsen," cried Cnptnln Scrnggs.
The lono deckhand emerged from n
hole In the freight forward whither
ho had retreated to escape the vegeta
ble barrage put over by Captain
Scrnggs when McOuffey loft the ship.
"Aye, nye, sir," he boomed.
"All hnnds below to the galley 1"
Scrnggs shouted. "While we're wait
In' for this here towbont I'll brew n
scuttle o' grog to celebrate tho dis
covery o' real sen-fnrln' talent. Gib,
my dear boy, I'm proud of you. No
matter what happens, I'll never have
no other nnvlgntln' otllcer."
"Don't crow till you're out o' the
wood3," the ustute Glbney warned
In the offlco of the Red Stnck Tug
Bont company Captnln Dan Hicks,
master of the tug Aphrodite; Captnln
Jack Flaherty, master of tho Bodega,
nnd Tlcrnnn, the assistant superin
tendent on night watch, sat around
a hot little box stove engaged In that
occupation so dear to the maritime
heart, to-wlt: spinning sew yams.
The telephone rnng nnd Tlernnn an
swered. Hicks nnd Flaherty hitched
forward in their chairs to listen.
"Hello. . . . Yes, Red Stnck ottlce.
. . . Stcnmer Yunkee Prince. . , .
Whnt's that? . . . silk and rice? . . .
Half a mile below the Cliff house,
Kb? . . . Sure, I'll send u tug right
awny, Llndstrom."
Tlernnn hung up nnd faced the two
skippers. "Gentlemen," he unnounced,
"here's n chance for a little salvage
money tonight. Tho Amerlcun steam
er Yankee Prince Is ashore half u
mile below the Cliff house. She's u
big trntnp with n valuable cargo from
Hong Kong, with the rudder gone nnd
her crank shaft busted."
"It's high wnter at twelve thirty
seven," Jack Flnherty pleaded. "You'd
better send me, Tlernnn. The Bodega
has more power than the Aphrodite."
This was the truth nnd Dan Hicks
knew it, but he was not to be beaten
out of his share of the salvage by
such flimsy urgument. "Jack," he
pleaded, "don't be u hog nil the time.
The Ynnkee Prince Is nn eight thousand-ton
vessel nnd It's a two-tug Job.
Better send us both, Tlernnn, und play
safe. Chances are our competitors
have three tugs on the way right
"What a wonderful Imagination you
bnve, Dan. Eight thousand tons!
You're crnzy, man. She's thirteen
hundred net register nnd I know it be
cause I Mas In Newport News when
they launched her, and I went out with
her skipper on the trlnl trip. She's n
long, narrow-gutted craft, with en
gines aft, like n lake steamer."
"We'll piny safe," Tlernnn decided.
"Go to It both of you, nnd may the
best man win. She'll belong to you.
Jack, If she's thirteen hundred net nnd
you get your line nboard flrst. If she's
ns big us Dan says alio Is, you'll be
cqunl pnrtuers "
But he wns talking to himself.
Down the docks Illcks nnd Flnherty
were racing for the respective com
mands, each shouting to his night
wntchnmn to pipe all hnnds on deck.
Fortunately, n goodly bend of stenm
was up In each tug's boilers; becnuse
of tho fog and the liability to colli
sions nnd consequent hnsty summons,
one engineer on ench tug wns on duty.
Out through the Gate they nosed
their wny, heaving 'the lead continu
ously, mnde n wide detour nround Mile
rock nnd the Seal rocks, swung n
mile to the south of the position of
the Mnggle, nnd then enme cautiously
up the coast, whistling continuously
to ncqunlnt the Ynnkee Prince with
their presence In the neighborhood.
In anticipation of the necessity for
replying to this welcome sound, Cap
tain Scraggs nnd Mr. Glbney hnd, for
the past two hours, busied themselves
getting up nnother bend of steam In
the Maggie's hollers, repairing the
whistle nnd splicing tho wires of tho
engine room telegraph. Like tho wise
men they were, however, they declined
to sound the Maggie's siren until the
tugs were quite close. Even then, Mr.
Glbney shuddered, but needs must
when the devil drives, so he pulled
the whistle cord and wns rewarded
with n weird, mournful grunt, dying
nwny Into a gnsp.
"Sounds like she has tho pip," Jack
Flaherty remarked to his mate.
"Must have tnken on some of thnt
dirty Aslntlc water," Dan Illcks solllo
qulzed, "nnd now her tubes have gone
to glory."
Immediately both tugs kicked abend
under a dead slow bell, guided by a
series of toots ns brief as Mr. Glbney
could make them, nnd presently both
tug lookouts reported breukers duad
Dan Illcks sent a mau forward to
heave the lead under the nose of the
Aphrodite, which was edging In gin
gerly toward the voice. He had a
searchlight, but lie did not attempt
to use It, knowing full well that In
such n fog It would be of no nvall.
Guided, therefore, by the bellowlngs
of Mr. Glbney, reinforced by the shrill
yips of Captain Scraggs, the tug crept
in closer und closer, nnd when It
seemed that they must be within n
hundred feet of tho surf, Dnn Illcks
trained his Lyle gun in tho direction
of Mr. Glbney's voice und shot a heav
ing line Into the fog.
Almost simultaneous with the report
of the gun enme a shriek of pnln from
Captain Scrnggs. Straight and true
the wet, heavy knotted end of the
heaving line came. In over the Mnggle's
quarter nnd struck him In the mouth.
In tho darkness he stnggered bnck
from the stinging blow, clutched wild
ly nt the ulr, slipped and rolled over
among the vegetables with the pre
cious rope clasped to his breast.
"I got It," he sputtered, "I got It,
"Snfe, O!" Mr. Glbney bnwled. "Pay
out your hawser."
They met It tit the tnffrall as It
came up out of the breukers, wet but
welcome. "Pass It nround tho main
mast, Scraggy," Mr. Glbney cautioned.
"If we make fast to tho towln bits,
tho flrst Jerk'll pull the anchor bolts
up through the deck."
When the hawser hnd been made
fast to the mainmast, tho lentberu
lungs of Mr. Glbney made due an
nouncement of the fact to tho ex
pectant Captain Hicks. "As soon aa
you feel you'vo got a grip on her," ha
yelled, "Just hold her steady so she
won't drive further up the betfcJi when
I get my anchor up. She'll come nut
like a looso tooth at the top of the
The Aphrodite forged slowly ahead,
taking In the slack of the hawser.
Twenty minutes Inter, after much
backing and swearing and heaving of
lines the Bodegn's hnwser wns also
put bonrd the Maggie. Mr. Glbney
Judged It would be snfe now to fasten
this line to the towing bits.
Suddenly Captnln Scrnggs remem
bered there was no one on duty In tho
Maggie's engine room. With n half
sob, lie slid down the grensy Indder,
iuv. s j fv.ii siw iuiiiiui: uvnjin iiiiu v.vwi-1'
niOIiPO1 btwwnllftrr In mn vlfji n cinl. V
--"".v jj -i nipt in win tt nn t--
lessness that bordered on Insanity.
When the Indicator showed eighty
pounds of steam he enme up on deck
aud discovered Mr. Glbney walking
solemnly round und round the little
capstan up forward. It was creaking
und groaning dismally. Captain
Scrnggs thrust his engine room torch
above bis head to light the scene and
gazed upon his nuvlgntlng olllcer In
blank amazement.
"What foolishness Is this. Gib?" he
demanded. "Are you clean datTy, do
In' n barn dunce nround thnt rusty
capstan, mnkln' n noise tit to frighten
the tish?"
"Not much," came the laconic re
ply. "I'm n smart man. I'm raisin'
both anchors."
"Well, nil I got to remnrk Is that It
takes a smart man to raise both an
chors when we only got one anchor
"The American Steamer Yankee Prlnco
Is Ashore Half a Mile Celow the
Cliff House."
to our blessed name. An' with thnt
anchor safe on the fo'castle heail, 1.
for one, can't see no sense In raisin'
"You tarnation Jackass!" slgheil
Glbney. "You forget who we nre.
Do you s'posc the steamer Yankee
Prince can lay on the beach all night
with both anchors out, an' then be got
ready to tow off In three shakes of 11
lamb's tall? It takes noise to get up
two anchors so I'm mnkln' nil tile
noise I can. Got any steam?"
"nighty pounds," Scraggs confessed.
Having 1'or the moment forgotten his
Identity, he wns confused In the pies
ence of tho superior Intelligence of his
navlgutlng otllcer.
"ltun aft, then, Scrnggs, nn turn
that cargo winch over to beat the
band until I teJl you to stop. With
the drum runnln' free she'll mnke noise
enough for n winch three times her
size, but you might give the necosMiry
yells to make It more llfel!;e."
Cuptaln Scrnggs tied to the winch.
At the end of live minutes, Mr. tillmcy
nppeured and bitile him desist. Then,
turning his Improvised megnphone sen
ward he ndddressed tin imnglnury
mute: "Mr. Thompson, have you got
your port anchor up?"
Scrnggs took the cue Immediately.
"All clenr forward, sir," he piped.
"Send tho bosun for'd nn' henve tho
lead. Mr. Thompson."
"Very well, sir."
Here Tho Squarehead, who had been
enjoying the unique situation Immense
ly, decided to tnke a bund. Presently,
In sing-song cadence, he was reporting
the depth of water alongside.
Do Hicks and Flaherty col
loct? Watch for next wcak's
Joko Was on Whistler.
Whistler, the grent American artist,
was dining with Sir Henry Irving.
Two of his earliest pictures were 011
the wall and he remarked Jokingly ut
the beginning of dinner that ho could
study them from tho point of view
of his riper yenrs. Though ho spoke
with a smile, ho did Indeed look nt
them a great deal. Suddenly ho ex
clnlmed. "Irving, look whnt you've
done!" "Whnt?" nsked Irving. "Why,
theso pictures, both of them, nro up
side down, nnd you've never noticed
It even." "Well," snld Irving, "surely
I can be excused. It's taken the man
who painted them over an hour to dis
cover It."
Another One Heard From.
The Dlrmlnghnm Age-IIcrnld rcpiirl
that nn Alnbamu man has 11 cano ti
match every suit. We have n cane, ton
Arkansas Gazette.
Chick that Cold and
Qtt Rid f that Couoh.
It Is dsrgoroua to let them run
A tome ItXSHTB OI uirocv uvt
nmiivo icuuu .
upon iw uxwi
OUS mora"
For burns, cuts,
sprains and all
skin irritations.
Relieves dryness
of scalp.
Siatc Street New York
New Mefcfeod
Nujol is a lubricant,
not a laxative.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujoi softens the
food waste.. -The many
tiny muscles in the
intestines can then re
move it regularly. Ab
solutely harmless-try it.
An Cverclcjht.
".Ma. doi'Mi't the Lord care for goor
"Or course, Willie."
"Then It's funny. He hardly ever
makes good boj.s strong enough to lick
bad boy-i." lioston Transcript.
Your little ono will love the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even If
constipated, bilious, Irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A tenspoonful never
fulls to cleunso tho liver nnd bowels.
In a few hours you can see for your
self how thoroughly It works all the
sour bile, nnd undigested food out of
the bowels and you have a well, play
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know u ten
Kpoonful today saves n sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine "California Fig Syrup," which has
directions for babies and children of
all uges printed on bottle. Mother I
You must say "California" or you may
get nn Imitation iig syrup.- Advertise
ment. There Is the temperament that
would rather bo beaten than com
promise. Baby's llltlo dresses will Just simply
dazzle If Ited Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try it and see for your
self. At all good grocers. Advertise
ment. That man who could take It or save
It alono now leaves It alone without
Have You a Cough ?
How's Your Blood ?
Here's How to Get Rid of tho
Cough and Rebuild the Body
Waterloo, Iowa "I can highly
recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. I have taken it ns a blood
tonio, also for dccp-scatcd couglw and
colds and it was very beneficial. It
builds up tho wholo system in a good
healthy condition amd makes for rich
puro blood." W. M. May, 913
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