t WyfiV 'It oiw 1 I I 7 W ' u 1 1 - r y " I tf Wiui.. Illtloiloiil So, Jlty i'lllOOllI .- -. .-:l.-: j Cist.' -2ir ,-Tgarr 4 gtr:""- Xsv Swr.'iSr-a VOLUME 49 wmummmrwaveuAiMnKmti9yimfriwfjwaKayrrt!9tmrnmvmuk nwnaw V.' l Are You Buying Dependable ef$i That fo 9 O ' .& lJEjiz Ct is The. Kind We Sell t. j jMaone - Gell&tly Co. Egcc3tiaiPTOi!iJaransiTi'ga;!a Gifts That Reflect a Personal Interesl And Care of Selection no matter how small the cost will convey the good wishes as you would have them conveyed Such Gifts Can Be Easily Selected it you will allow youriiclf a few minutes time in our store snaxxrinsKxijruterKBtjuXMmauc&TUs.ai XUIWmMULtlIN!l! UWCJ!il9$NtlMI!tlltSKKn B'l "Kt'iHiD -BE PSSAGTiCAL The young man in love often goes into raptures about "the blue of the sea in her eyes and ihe golden haze of autumn in her hair," but remember this, young man SHE'LL EAT just the same as any other healthy girl. Therefore, get down to practical affairs. Save your money, deposit it in a good reliable bank dike ours and get ready to own a home for you and the girl and to provide the three square meals a day that you will both need as long as you live. You know when poverty comes in at the door, love sometimes flies out at the window. TEE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance. Pmidcut Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Floiancc, Caihitr Capital ant Surplus $35,00000 g JiepoU Guaiantetd by lite Ihpoiiton tltiaranly J'unU of the Halt 0 A'tbrnilit S eo:ani:in-warif:Tr.H:iniiivc;:in;iHm!ifjnm;iimtfmtcwjt!iti!t Ht:(niiUfirmHTwni;!rtHnuH3.miir1TjrTR:i!T;.tnifiHrimi"'aTniT)m(tHr!tHontiitmfnm5flm;Hr,r;ajiRi,HUHB3(mi4nrtimu GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. Wc build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N The Chief extends to its many patrons and subscribers the son's tfrnntinffd. Wo. wi.h vm, .nil Mnrrv Phrtmnc' nA. ,Jr oason s areotings. We wish , sincerely hope the incoming year -will bring you much happi ncss and prosperity. tfryrejptiimmjtfjnap&ijfcaocis3wcicigao r. a r yraarjira.xgniJtgstnjmirxgaKJaKriL.'y cttuatcusnxiiasusutTsssK!BSaauRa TOG MMKKM I -rrr you all a Merry Christmas and ". : gM. t.njliJ.triiyA xg-Ti fsj 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 22 1921 American Legion Post 238 Elects Officers On Wi(lucsiliiy own ihh: the lota' , Aini'i'liMii Lffiion I'ust Ih'IiI nti Inttr (.'stitiK inpntiiik' in tin- Conmiurcinl Club , rooms wlilfh w ill bt their liuHtliium t- or-, for tin- i'omiI.ik ypar. All tlio m m I buri of the Post are entitled to Uio rjKih oi mo t'luu roonn lor lUo tu suiiiK yum Claiu Pope, on bcliulf of Powell Pope, presented the lit-uion Hint boiuili ful ple.tuuMif the Colllvinii nt Kumo after uhlcli II S. Toe mnde (he speeeh of neeeptiiiKV for the Post. 1 'l'he Adjutant ws also instnteten to p iruliuou a new sllU AinerleRii thiff. A eominittee of three was, appointed t iniil: arrnnKciiicDts for , holding tin indoor eiirnival in the near future,? Tlio followini; were to elected ofllaem for the ensuing year: Coiiiiimiiilur, Dr. R. S. Martin. ice Commander. 0. it Peek. Adju'mit, A. P. MeAnhtir. l'maiiee OiHeer, IUrry Yot. $ Si'i(jeantHt Arm-, I'.iul PolnloU. Chaplain, Chhrlo.s Piuhlur. i Color Ueareis, t'lipster Jlohei tV'H'J Prt Anderson fa .-iifieant Pirlng Squad, Kvjirett stroup Injured at Republican City John Hajes. and four other men, members of a hiidueKati; working near Ueptibllcan City, had a ery nariow cieapo fiom deatli when the ear left the right of way houth of thnt eity Wedue-day afternoon Hayes, however was the only mem ber of the party injured, ho being tht own under the wheels of the ear and bad y cuislied. He was immediately removed to tl 0 Alma Hospital, wlieie Di.s Buftlett and Keir did what operations weie necessaiy. He i at piesent rusting as welt a eould lie expected. Mr Uuyui home is at lied ''loud, No biaska - -Alum Ilecoul Many Hear Sacred Cantata 1 lie Snciod Cantata, ''J'li? Anc'llo C'lu ir," sutitj by the Community Ctmr u, Sunday evening, in the M. D. einiicli was given to a uiipnci'y house, with many standing and some turmd uw.iv from the door. People came from Cowhs, Illnden and Inavale to hear this Hist nunibtr on the week's ntogriun of Christmas HOtivitUs Tiie uiiiiiu was beautiful and iiplitt iug, hs is always a service ot song. '1 be hpeclal solo part-, were unusually Hue; the oiehostrul ueeoinpitnimeut was vuiy uotieeable lluoughout the whole even ing, and the pianoist, Jessie I'rablll, was 111 bei bet. Mrs. t'. H. Ilughefe. dli color, spent many hours practising tlio Chorus for this gioat musical suc cess, and should fuel amply nn.rid for tlio gieat amount of praUo given it The seeret of Christinas joy is not Sit getting but in giving, not so umoh to those who have, as to thoto who need. Ited Cloud music lovers biuely gave the peoplo a treat in tills great can tutu and it met their need appropi lately. Christmas should bo a time whun the whole being is tilled v.ith holy aspiia tions and sineeio deslrt.fi t honor Chi ist by making the anniversary of Hii birth deeply bignlHeant to those with whom wu associate. The most impiessive song of all, to the writer's mind, was, "Alary s Mang er Song" Mary's heart was touched with the Holy Spirit, and her lips mov ed with thanksgiving and sweet grati- udb to Clod for his great gift. Hear I tlio aniiels singing, "lllory to God in tho highest and on earth peiico, good j will toward men", His was tho only birth ever celebrated by an angel choir Tho echoes of that song still ring clear and sweot over many lands and the joy that ghuMcued the shop herds' hearts Is experienced by all who4 k' "" welcome into their 0n rU d lives, who rejoice in tho culobrntlon of Ills birthday anrilvers ury because of their association with Elm, In His work of redumption, j-'f Tri3ieJ!l"Jg",'ryri3g2fir:j:..!; . CIIACK CIIUIICII NOTKS I'hrMma..-. Day Hen ire Sunday Sch-ol at 10 a. m. Holy Communion tmd Mormon .it 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Choir vehcnrsal Saturday at 8 p. 111. At the 11 o'clock sor'ico the follow ing music will bo sung: Processional "Shout The Clad Tidings" 1 Kurlo Eleison CJ. J. Klvey. I Glorirv Tibl -Aiwn. llyntu "ChviBtiann Awake." Sermon. Offcrto.'y Anthem "We llavo Scon His Star." Offertory Sentence W. B. Gilbert. Sursiini Corda J. Camlilgc. Sancttis J. Camidgo. Communion Hymn "Bread Of The Wd-ld." Gloria in E::t--clai Old Chant. Nunc 'Dimittis P,..Laugdon. Uocosglonal "Ilaik The Herald." The public are cordially invited. CL13VER CHFU.STMAS PA11TV The Btninc, Ladies' Club held a' very clover Chrtalmas party in tho Odd Fellow hall tn Tuesday cven'ng. ' They had a real Christmas tree and also the Madonna and cradle. The hall was tastefully decorated in Poinrcttas and belL and tlic long, table was trimmed with civet P.in-I Sottas and red candles. An excellent B pr -gram was lcr.dcrcd, the fiivt be ing the singing of "Silent Night," by the quartet composed of Misses Rachel Cowdcn, Lydia Traut and Ituby Koon and Mrs. Clara Walker. Mrs. Geo. Kailey gave the "Christmas Story" in her usual excellent manner and Miss YOla Swartz gave a fine Christmas reading. Miss Ruby Koon sang a vecal solo, wiuic tnc quartet gave two other .'elections. Prick ice cream, angel food cake and ch.colatc waa sened and a fine time imparted by all present. MORE FUNDS NEEDED rOK COMMUNITY TKEE At the meeting of tho committetw for Uio Community Chriatniai troo festival lait evening, ft was found" that thoy wore running .hoit of funds and everybody is asked to give freely. It was vctcd that any money lemaining after tho expense of this occasion are paid will be turned er to tho local Rod Cross, to be used for the needy in this vicinity. The plans are perfectly e.mpletcd and 'there is no question hut that the affair will be a grand success. TO TIIEIrSEUVICK MEN A. B. McArthurTndjutant of Post 238, American Legion, stato3 that he has several stato certificates belong ing to tho p-Kcrvico men of Red wiouu ami iiiiivaiu sum uwy iu u- quested to call immediately and get theirs, at his effico or the same aro liable to "go west" soon. To My Patrons All those who owe mo for work douo ate lequeated to see mo at oneu and settle thtdr aecnunts. All aecouiits not paid by January 1, 102- will be giv en to my attorney for colleotion as I cxpuet to lcawi the city at thnt time. C.T. DICKENSON. Engineer Cottingham arrived here from McCoolc Sunday morning to re lieve Engineer Grubb on No. A and 11 engineer Grubb having laid off for a couplo of weeks to accompany his wifo to Rochester Minnesota for hnedicnl treatment. Miss Gladys Kcaglo departed Sat urday evening for Phoenix, Arizona. whetro Hho will spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Hudson. bhe was tcnuorc , aa p "y mo her last Wednesday e ye ing at which time tho operators at tho Inde pendent and fjincoln Central offices vqre tho invited guests. .-:: '.m -ui -j.. ;:-ri,::'-aas-etjfi?ggjji r- -? j- gramimrn-nmifjummnmiwmi MiwLira-iwEnroroiiagpragtityrafmfawi: One of Each $2.75 While the present slock lasts I am offering I wo bargains. A guaranteed watch with unbreakable crystal A guaranteed alarm clock - - $ 1 ,40 These are both special values at the prices. Also a very few guaranteed eight day alarm clocks at the right price. We Make 'Quality' Right BM. Newhouse . I AV J Cloud Jeweler and SEE US FIRST f 1H Jla : FOR ' ror - ' - - - - - ab . 1 Candy and Nuts I i: . . - . Farmers' Union I iiiiimmin Him iiiiii hi m i iiiiiiMiinwaiiiirPin'WTirnnigmrrTrinTwnrrwinrnrfirM I i fl FALL STOCK NOW HERE My Fall and Winter stock havo arrived, and include Also am still doing expert Fogel Bldg. J. . SflAiVW,V.V.V.V.V.VV.V.VAVAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VV.ll,US : Mrs. Ed. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES I. T, AMACK - PWJWVWWfttJWe .yi. wr ssr -tt .oat. - NUMBER 51. - - - - - Then the PriceJRight Optometrist Nebraska of PLUSH and FUR ROBES some handsome patterns. auto top and harness repairing. BUTLEi Red Cloud Nebraska I. T. Amack REDCLOUD, NEB 'Pi iONE IND, 76M