rarlflP ,NJBN?l,1iWMi!Mjiffl
Bo A 'Good Fellow.
' v.
Be A Good Fellow. '
nuy Itrond at Powell and Pope's.
Attend the Legion Dance Friday
Mrs. Hoy Cramer spent Saturday
in Hastings.
County Agent Henry Fuuseh whs
in Lincoln Monday,
Ttobt. Newton was down from Ina
valo Tuesday afternoon,
Wanted Washlng.-Mrs. Floyd Uob
orson, phone Ind. 7B K.
I. H. Wagoner was a passenger to
Hastings Monday morning.
, Leo Johnson was a passenger to
Holdregc Tuesday morning.
F. T. Hooker of (Snide Jioek was in
the city Satuiday morning.
Mrs. II. 11. Childress and children
lipent Saturday in Hastings.
Mr.. John Arncll was a passenger
to Holdregc Sunday evening.
Russell Summers of Hastings spent
Sunday hero with his mother.
Mrs. Edith F. Hope was a passen
ger to Wray, Colorado, Tuesday evening.
Lee Richmond of the Franklin Sen
tinel was in the city Monday after
Dr. It. S. Martin made a profes
sional call to Grand Island Thursday
Miss Marjories Stunkard went to
Naponcc Tuesday evening to visit relatives.
Conltllr.'s Fountain Pen for Christ
mas at Clotting's.
Roundhouse Foreman J. W. Hauck
attended a meeting of Burlington of
ficials at McCook Saturday.
Miss Mary Christian returned homo
Friday evening from Grand Island
where she spent a few days.
Mrs. Cecil Fssig arrived here Mon
day morning to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jcrnherg.
Mrs. Al Holverson returned home
Friday evening from Hastings where
she had been visiting friends.
Mrs. Chas. Eldrege arrived here
Tuesday evening to visit her sister,
Mrs. Grant Turner and family.
Mrs. Meredith Butler and baby of
Hastings wore the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. .1. K. Butler the last of the week.
Delaney Bro. shipped two cars of
hogs to Kansas City Sunday and A.
15. Crabill two ears of hogs to St. Joe.
Be A Good Fellow.
G. H. Bcek and Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Patten were in Hastings Sunday in
attendance at tho operation of Mr-.
Tho Webster County Northeast
District Sunday School Convention
will bo hold at Blue Hill, December
Mrs. W. II. McKimmcy returned
home the last of the week from Wash
ington, Kansas where the had been
visiting her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lain were pas
sengers to Lincoln Tuesday morning
after spending a few days with rela
tives and friends here.
S Sacrifice pj
Mrs. Mark McConkey and children,
Myrtle and Harold spent Saturday in
Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue
Hill was attending court in tills tity
S. B. Kizer expects to leave soon
for California where he will spend
several months.
J. A. McAithu.- ..pent Monday with
Ids sister, Mrs. S. M. Carl, at Long
Island, Kansas.
Mrs. G. R. Beck underwent an op
eration Sunday at the Mary Lanning
hospital in Hastings and is getting
along nicely at thi. writing.
B. F. Perry and Gcorgo Overing
returned home Friday evening from
Omaha where they attended a state
convention of county officials.
Bo' A Good Fellow.
George Amack and John 'Ryan at
tended a Farmers' Union meeting at
Rosemont Tuesday.
John Turner returned to Hastings
Monday after spending a 'few days
with relatives here.
W. II. Dungan, engine foreman for
tho Burlington at Denver, spent
Tuesday in the city.
J. C. Graham went to Kansas City
Wednesday morning to attend to
some business matters.
Dale Dickson departed Wednesday
evening for Lo's Angeles, California,
after spending his vacation with
his parent", Mr. ami Mrs. Hd. Dickson.
The ladies of the llaptist church will
bold an Apron Bazaar with other arti
cles both useful and pleasing also a
food sale Doe. 17th at C S. Romino's
Creim Station.
Mrs. Lester Yost arrived in the
city Monday morning after spending
several weeks at Akron, Colorado,
where her husband is working for
tho Burlington.
William Thompson of Benkclman
spent the weekend here with his
father, Harry Thompson.
Miss Minnie Traut of McCook spent
Sunday in the city with lier parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Traut.
Tho Red Cloud Farmers Union
local will give a program and oyster
supper in tho I. O. 0. F. hall, Friday,
evening, December 10th. There will
also be election of officers for the
A. B. PIERCE, Pros.
Miss Zclmn Wondcrly and Mr.
Glenn Fry of Red Cloud, who are
students at the Nebraska Wesleyan
University, are assisting in ,tho drive
for a million and a third dollars for
their alma mater. This sum of money
will bo in part expended 'for some
fine now buildings including an up-to-
date gymnasium. Tho rest will
increase the permanent endowment
fund of tho institution. One of the
professors has erected on the campus
an immense thermometer wliich rises
as tho endowment increases. One
man recently gave $50,00C. The
dlvr will close at midnight, Decem
ber 21. (Bishop Homer C. jStuntz has
been a guest of Wesleyan (during the
past weekend. The students of Red
Clcud heard him in several addresses
At noon of the 16th the student bodj
will begin to enjoy thoir annual holi
day vacation. This will continue un
til January 2, 1922. ,. jj J
A. B. Crabill shipped two cars of
cattle to Kansas City Wednesday
morning an"d Connie Starke shipped a
car of hogs Tuesday morning to Kan
sas City from Lester.
FOR 8A LIS 160 acies ehoko bottom,
I mile from town, 100 (tctes cultivation,
balance pnsturc, o Highway nicely
improved. Price for quick sale 8K'0
per aero. Write, Voss ,t Van Kootcn
Long Island. Kas
(Jhus Piciiler, Manager or the Amori
o in Legion Basket. Ball team, statis
that there will be a practice game with
tho All Star team at the. High School
gymnasium Monday evening. Those
wanting to join the team should see
Engineer II. Grubb who has been
on the Hastings-Red Cloud freight
for the past several years was re
loivcd by Engineer Egan of Denver
about the middle of the week. Engi
neer Grubb took No. 4 and 11 Mitchell
who has been on this run taking the
Red Cloud- Oxford local.
Farm Loans
I am roady us always to iiiii' o iy
and nil farm loans at tho lowpst mtu
and lest option.' Absolutely no n.
ng tmd uo expeusu for inspection.
J. H. Batlry.
Grace Church Services
Fourth Sunday In Advent
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Holy Communion at 11 a. m.
No Eroning Service.
Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 Saturday.
Cheaper Farm Loans
- m i i
I am making farmiloansat lower in
terest rates with optional payment pri
vilege. No expense to you foriuspoot
ion and money Is ready as soon "as
abstract Is furnished.)? SER
It. V. Stewart, Bonded Abstracter
Tho FOLKS ft&WtflrZW
fJtaScAlnmFlilcdviitlilVcUy Girls, PumiyClowivi
Gorjcom I'lmipaCe. Ilnlllant Scenic l'.iniriinmcnt.
Always tho Blggist and lest Show Wttt ot Chicago
Copyright, 192), Western Newsr-aP" Union.
A beautiful young girl sat at an
open window gazing out upon a gar
den redolent with lilac bloom. Her
hands were clasped, her eyes Ilxed
upon the full moon sailing on la silver
state, her soul's thoughts going forth
to her lover at the other end of the
She was, Agnes Norton, and tho "per
son upon whom her heart centered
was Wade Latham, author and art
ist. Once ho had been a law reporter,
and quite Incidentally hud acquired In
formation upon which rested the vital
Issues of the great Norton will case.
The Norton family rose or fell on tho
final decision upon that noted litiga
tion. It was natural on account of this
that Agnes and Wade should meet.
It was just as natural that they
should love.
The Norton case would not come
up for a year. Wade had an offer
from a publication to Invade central
China anil bring back something new
from pen and pencil to give to the
world. Success In this effort mean:,
further, a recognition by tho Academy
of Design. It was a great commission
for a young man and Wade ambitious
ly understood Its execution.
A year bail nearly gone by. Agnes
had not heard from her lover for near
ly three months. The will case came
up In thirty days.
She pictured lilin among great tem
ples', far extending mountain chains,
amid splendid pageants of richly
garbed mandarins only the glare and
glitter of a vast empire tilled her mind.
At that very hour the man she loved
was at the crisis of his life a lone
figure amid a lonely, lonely scene. Ho
crouched behind tho figure of an Idol
In a Chinese burial ground, pale.
Thousands of miles from civilization,
a friendless hunted fugitive, he was
lurking In this forlorn retreat, cling
ing with n natural love of life to a
mere thread of hope.
He drew further Into the shadow of
his refuge as he made out two forms
approaching. Then at a glanco he
made out friends, and spoke to them.
Both tho new comers wero Mongoli
ans. One poorly dressed advanced,
kotowed humbly to Wade, and even
kissed bis feet reverently, gratefully.
"See," be said, ailslng and waving
his companion forward as though he.
wero some supremo person "it Is the
high one of our family Kwang Lo."
Wade welcomed the lithe, erect
young man Introduced. There was a
Unlet dignity that attracted.
"I am the sacrllb e," he said simply.
"The sacrifice':" repeated Wade In
"It Is so," was the quiet reply. "It
Is you who a month since found the
mandarin at tho home of my kins
man. He was, about to ,be beheaded
for an Infringement of the law.'' It
was that or the payment oC. 1,100
Wade well remembered tho circum
stances. Sheer pity for tho unfortu
nnto family had, Indeed, Induced him
to part with nearly all his surplus
stock of money.
"Slnco then," continued Kwang Lo,
"the evil mandarins, thinking you had
money, have Imprisoned you In the
hopes of winning the bribe ransom
you could not pay. Last night my
kinsman here enabled you to escape
from Jail. They will seek you every
where. They have sent for me, the
high one of the family, to get ou be
yond peril, and because for sumo great
reason that Is not our affair you must
n tti jiMt lit) til ft 1(1111 Utiflliil II V "
IJl III (Mll IHtl 11 V IIIIKI rl.lll(l
"But I hae no means to plir-uo my
Journey fioni Bclro to Canton," sag
gesteil Wade.
"They shall be provided," quietly as
sured Kwang Lo. '
True to bis promise Kwang Lo re
appeared shortly with a two-wheeled
pushcart holding a close wicker box
top. Across this was a broad sheet
of Immboo bearing some Chinese let
ters In bright vermilion.
In an Instant Wade knew what this
meant. The royal sign manual was
alwavs written with a veriblllon pen
cil. Within that wicker covert Wade
Latham was conveyed to Belro. When
It was opened he found himself In tho
rear room of a Chinese pawnshop.
Kwang Lo had disrobed to the waist.
Encircling hlni was a band of gold,
heavy and unbroken, bearing native
characters. There was some talk be
tween him and the keeper of the shop.
Then money passed, and Kwang Lo
came forward and placed In Wade's
hand a sum equal to two hundred
American dollars.
"I have agreed to remain here the
slave of the shop keeper until I ant
redeemed," said Kwang Lo. "The
family circlet, sacred for generations
surely my family will not allow It to
pass to others at my death 1 But that
.Is naught to you. I am the sacrifice
1 glory In thus doing for the man who
saved my kinsman!"
Thnt sublime sacrifice was first In
the thoughts of Wado Latham when
he landed on American soll.As quick
ly as bo could reach his friends more
thnn the amount necessary to redeem
Kwang Lo and his family talisman
was transmitted to BeJro to make of
him a free man.
In time to act as a witness In the
great law ?,ili und to see It won for
Ueneral Norton, hntorpd and famous
thrui;u his coop Imlloun to science
nnd literature, W.i'V LntliHin gained n
still richer prl.e after all Ida perilous
adventures the hand of loyal, happy
Agnes Norton. ' a -V !rM
I Buy Your Christmas
At Reduced Prices
Hundreds of People Have Benefitted by
Our Big Reduction Sale
Why Not You?
This Stors Is Making Lower Prices
Than Any Concern in This Country
The Crowds in Our Store During The
Past Week Have Proven This Claim.
i Cewdei
I vmssee
a Mm m 1 f& K
In H m 1 fa K
eWi BfMT oISfMF i A 1
"grrarnTBiTMgM7T TTTTriPBirrrgraiiiiiiiiiMi 'iHMiiiMiwii m
"Always Reliable"
MiMs' uoiSuJhA 'lsuo-i anion,!
,iij 30 .uijpi iiinpuu oin "o wojij
ah) Hlflll 'l J" '"Huh mil -10J "osimrt
uii .lsotp H p-ioo.u ii) opiim .liiioil
0.111 p)joh:i 'II U'ds o) oiqis piiipiA
ipuj isii oin .1" HUWP '"U M-lno-iti)
SX.l M TiUlsllO.) MStlllKlllll novo
jo 4'")r'Sy oiuos -)iiuiii. sohsud jima"
u .Cpjui pun 'suosjod KiiiAU a'jjud
jo .Ciuo.uj . A'P'o Bjmno pun '-MS
JO OAU A'q A'piO UA0U! OJll IUOI) jo
puoAos SuiJiMdiltisip Xippliu .won ojh
soSimSuiii osoqi m'.i upuojuun "I S"
SD3llll8mi UUJPUI JO A)JB.!0.P u ipns
uooq ojoiu suq ijajjouiv ! o.intiwotf
osDenQum BumeiuuA
Salt and Gasoline.
Gasoline used In combination with
salt Is a ,'ood dry cleaner; salt absorbs
the iilllness of the gasoline, as well
as cuttlnt,' Into the badly soiled places,
nip the doth first In the gasoline and
then take up a little salt before rub
bing garments.
Juvenile Humor.
The noem under analysis was Ten
nyson's" "The lirnok" and the pupils
were asked to write a sentence con
taining th words "coot" and "hern."
One small pupil turned In this one:
"A little girt I know had an awful
coot doll, but It wasn't hern."
Easy to Discover.
"What Is spacer' asks a headline
In a dally paper. If tho writer would
only take the trouble to sit between
two stout women In a crowded street
car he would perhaps stop asking such
silly questions. Lmlon Punch.
m m 1
Happens That Way Sometimes.
The man who sat on his woodpile
nnd told a funny story, expecting tho
wood to spilt," remarked the Observer
of Events and Things, "evidently did
not strike n responsive cord." Yonk
ers Statesman.
All Things Considered
We Believe That '
Is as cheap if not chicaner, than anv other kind 1
o fuel. If you are not using MAITLAND try some
of ours the next time you order.
Pta.it & Precs
Euuxifr m au run
Two Nuisances.
"Is there anything worse than to
hoar a business man on the links
eternally talking shop?" an exchango
asks. There Is, brotherto hear n
business man In tho shop eternally
talking golf. Hoston Transcript.
Doing Boston.
Tourist Krom Chicago to Wife as
They Stand In Front of Public Library
You look at the outside. Helen, nnd
I'll lust glanco at the Inside and we'll
bo through In n JUfy. Boston Tran
script. Prevent a DlacX Eye.
When a child has hud a fall or re
eelved a blow which Is'llkely to cause,
a bind: eye, the best lomedy Is to but
ter the parts for two or three Inches
around the eye every few minutes for
an, hour. , , ,
The Glad Christmas Time
Will Soon Be Here!
A visit to our store will make your Christmas
shopping easy. Our stock of Holiday Goods
is bigger and better than ever before. We have
a very complete line of books, games,
stationery, toys, dolls, fancy goods,
Xmas booklets and post cards.
For Your Xmas Candies
We now have a Candy Maker and can furnish
you pure, delicious home made candies at the
same price you pay for the cheap factory made
" A GOOD FELLOW! Contribute lo w.e fund
or the Guimunity Christmas Tree. Make your contribution to
a member of the finance committee of drop in one of the boxesi