The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1921, Image 8

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    MSP CLOOP, wfr-W-V &&
iiPPP Mill
m$. mni x
' ' "w ''4
MWm 1
flrVBt Christmas
riaOTksiiJ,i ill
THIS OFFICE is. this season, in a position to handle
the Christmas gift card business that has hereto
fore gone to the cities. Our stock of cards has
just arrived and we will be pleased to show you the
beautiful assortment of engraved, embossed, hand tint
ed cards from some of the best gift card manufacturers
in the world.
Thfe Successful Business Man
, in recent years never fails to remember his patrons
at Christinas time with an appropriate card. People
have become to expect it, and it is a very inexpensive
way of extending the season's greetings, proving to the
customer that his business dealings with you have been
appreciated and causing him to remember you when he
needs any thing in the line you carry.
Call at our office and let us talk it over.
All Things
We Believe That
Is as cheap if not cheaper, than any other kind
o,l fuel. IE you are not using MAITLAND try some
of ours the next time you order.
Piatt & Frees
- .
l(U liy .McL'luro Nouapapcr Syndicate.)
. f$v, HEART."
I' ,$J70:i, with the Kronch revolution
nt Its height, n flfteen-ycnr-old
Sj. "
vXr) wus married to a hanker almost
fifty and all Tails smirked. Hut Paris
would have heen ashnmed If It had
known, as historians helleve, that
Jacques Itecnmler was the father of
Jils bride, Jeanne, and married her so
hut sho might have his powerful pro
tection. Throughout his life he kept
n paternal attitude toward her.
' Mine. Recamlcr undoubtedly was one
'of'tlle most beautiful women who ever
graced Tarls. An admirer said that
t-he had a "complexion that Is a bowl
ff.nllk wherein float rose leaves." An
other tells us of her "orange-tinted
wes" and all agreed that she was "the
Juhc1 with the frozen heart."
't Vrom the welter of the revolution
AW; the reign of terror Napoleon
emerged. When he had made him
fiil secure ho looked about at tho
lijaullful women of Paris and his fan
jf'foll on Mine. Hecamlcr. lie made
fojBy love to her. Hut she refused
kiln. Napoleon, in a spiteful humor,
ruined her husband and banished her.
ThOn the two left for Italy. There
i'fluec Augustus of Prussia fell In
)oyMilh the banker's wife and want
ed thcr to become his princess. Again
Mie declined. Luc-Ion Napoleon, broth
er of the emperor, lost his head over
her. After him camo the gallant (Sen.
cral llornudotte, nnd left disappoint
td. Rcnjamln Constant, the states
man, loved her, and she made him an
Instrument of revenge against Nnpole
tin, but granted Constant nothing. Gen
eral Moreau was next, then Marat,
king of Naples. Mine, necatuler In
veigled lilin Into conspiracies against
his master, who fell not long after
ward. And tho Itecamlers went buck
to Paris, leaving Murut empty bunded.
Mme. Itecamler's salon became the
most brilliant center of the restoration.
Recnmler died ami a thousuici hint
era besieged his licntitlful widow.
When she was more than fifty she
mot the nn'v man to whom her heart
was, let iri'llfieUMit, ChtitciiuhrlniiO
the nUifoi -i ernnky, miIU iil man
ttut-eu theirs , wits,, a jilntoulo love,
for it ivmcd that ier hcait could tin:
bo i. -- mid. v.oiN She t'ide-l hi:
In his hut ibiyu and died soon after
ward. 1 i'rliupii ho really loved him,
i hi 1 11
! J
() by McCluro Newspaper Syndicate )
SOMKTIMKS we hear of the "baby
vamp" as distinguished from the
accepted hearlbreaker.. That descrip
tion Just fits Georglana, duchess of
Devonshire, born In 1737, and the sub
ject of one of the most famous pic
tures In the world. It was painted by
Thomas Gainsborough when she win
twenty-seven and hangs In the Metro
politan Museum of Art, New York.
The duchess was wed at seventeen,
and by her twentieth year had become
the reigning queen of London society.
She soon was noted for her taste In
dress nnd was one of the first Kngllsh
women who ever had the courage to
question Paris fashions, netting a few
of her own.
The leading men of the day gathered
around her, nmong them Sheridan, the
playwright, and Fox, the politician.
She had especial favor for these two,
and when Fox wns hard pressed In an
election she went about the London
streets soliciting votes for hhn, which
caused much talk. Tho duchess did
not seem to en re. Her beauty was n
ready persuader. One day u butcher,
bolder than the rest, offered to sell
his vote for a kiss, which she prompt
ly paid, and thereby gave rise to some
famous lines about a butcher and a
fox ami a duchess.
"I could debt my nine at her eves."
Mild one gallant Irishman, who loved I
her, with a host of others. Georglniui I
was ever the "baby vamp." and In bei
blithesome way succeeded In obtain '
Ing a large iiiensuie or political powei
which she used to benefit Fox. Sl
also wrote a iiuiiiIiit of poems, all
them hinliiu n pietty sentiment, m ,
some of tin in ni st childish In no
They prnu-a' ' 'hri slii was a "ho
vamp." bin a e j Mvcot sort of - i
SOU, WI'itlllK III. mil llif llfiiok.- ;Hn! (lux
ers ami Prime 'harming who rn
away with mnnlens. Of ouimj. ,l
did not iiit' tin maidens -ncli a
herself, wb inn n'T ib the priixv ,
The dui l. Mle van a pljir"- .
stfenm. int" 'mOi 'im-'hij ir;iN';
noM'r r.n'it! in I'lHiiiniiffi n tit '
tifiiut4 . ft ilt- fnu' of tqy ifli, urn
forty-nine IH'ov neiiber too little wn,
'lo()longr'.ftwMnd,iii-.i'j j;r kind
1;, t)iniuii. i i. i' i..iMtafVJ tt' t
play, to waiili hr pretty pranks.
n ran
M -v -k vi ir.imi
1 1
Cables Reveal Appalling Ar
menian Need Hundreds of
Thousands Starving.
General Secretary, Near Enst Relief
&&& - ApproxIiimtelyotlO
S Anifileait men and
(' women nro stand
ing loyally and he-
rolftlllx'? nt' llnln
SWA-, 'i'- ll,)sl, '" ,'"'i.
iJlfcj ' I'uiluw and the
Near I-.tist. Many
of them dining the
long winter of Iso
lation nre undergo
ing what we In
America call "hard
ship." I'.ttt these,
Charles V. Vickrcy ""' f,,,mv ltlzc-ns
in the Xear Kast,
nro Miluntei'i-3 serving with n high
pitrpove, and they jlo not recognh'.e
hardship when they meet It.
They lane had their opportunity to
withdraw with honor fiom the Held of
famine and di-MihiilMt. They have re
fused to lia, hccaiiM they know that
their depMitiire would mean denth for
(en of ilinusaiiiN of wouieu nnd chll
dren whom their efforts hnve kept
alive ami whom they 'ire determined
to sine for a (n'ttor future.
A dozen cables are on my desk from
unions centers In Armenia, Anatolia
I'illcla and Sjrln pleading pltoously
for the lhcs of hundreds of thousands
who are hotneleis: "Sixty-five thou
sand refugees Constantinople alone;"
"Itefugees Hocking Into Aleppo;"
"Twenty thousand refugees lit lsmld;"
"Our hundred thousand people at
Atexandropol will starve unless re'Iel
Is provided;" "Kefii-jeos arriving from
Caucasus escaping persecution, naked,
destitute 1 1'rgeiit need to save most
of them from death;" "Two hundred
thousand starving bi'tween Kars and
Alexandropol ! Seere winter adding
to dlstres..."
Above all towers the mute appeal of
the more than 100.000 little children,
orphaned, homeless, whom these Ainer
lean relief workers have saved and
whom we here at home must sustain
not only through the winter anil
spring, but through the summer and
autumn as well. If we do not provide,
they perish! And with them dies the
hope of a New Near Kast.
The Kasler season Is hero the sea
son that commemorates the Great Sac
rifice for mankind. America is known
as a Christian nullon. She is also the
wealthiest nation that history has over
Can wo really enjoy our wealth and
claim the name of Christian If we turn
a deaf ear to the appeal which General
Leonard Wood, In behalf or the Near
Kant I tellef, has s.enr forth broadcast
for a Lenten Sacrifice Offering to sive
these little children In P.ible Lauds?
Distinguished Names on Lenten
Sacrifice Appeal.
Major General Leonard Wood. U. .
Army, Is head or a nation-wide com
mittee making nn appeal for a lenton
sacrifice offering' f-r the relief of the
starving Christian populations of the
Near Kast, In beliiit the Near Kast
Ite!lef, 1 Madison avenue. New York
Among those who Join General Wood
In asking support uf the work of tho
Near Kast Itelief ti.-e; Andiew V. Mel
Ion, of Pittsburgh, secretary of the
treasury ; ex-Presld.-nt William II Tuft ;
Frank A. Mtuisej ; W. W. Atlerbury of
the Pennsylvania Railroad ; Pros'
dent John Grler Illbben. of Prince
ton Inlveislty; Ir. AL-xIs Car
rel, of the Rockefeller Institute; Mrs.
Carrie Champmiin Catt, the suffrage
leader: Mrs. Corlnne Roosevelt Robin
son, hlMor of the lute President Roose
velt ; Newcomb Curlton, president of
the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany; John C. Shaffer, owner of tho
Chicago Post and other newspapers;
Dr. Henry van Dyke; Miss 11. l
II. Rled; Miss Klizabeth Marbury;
Samuel Gompers and Warren S. Stone,
labor leaders; John G.' Mltburn and
Moorileld Storey, of tho American Rar
Association; Mary Cvnrdcu; David
Relasco; Mrs. Medlll McCormlck;
Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, president of
the General Federation of Women's
Clubs; Mrs. George. Mnynnrd Minor,
head of tho I). A. R.; Miss Anna A.
Gordon, head of tho W. C. T. U.; Mrs.
Percy V. Pennybncker, of tho League
Of Women Voters; Mrs. Philip North
Moore, president of tho National Coun
cil of Women ; Mls Alice Stone Rlnck
well ; Mrs. Georgo Horace Lorlmor, of
Philadelphia; Mrs. Mary Roberts Rlne
hart. the well known novelist; Rupert
Hughes and Kmetwin Hough, authors;
.Sen.. tor Reed S'lmot. of Utah; Gover
nor Jt-ltii M Parker, of Louisiana; Dr.
Frank M. McMui of Teachers' Col-
lire. New York City: William C.
Po'.bs or Indlii.apolls; J. Thomson
Wlll'ng, the artist, Mrs. Cleveland II.
ii-MiK't ; mi;, iienry Jlorgenthau: Mm
.. i. . . -...' . ' "
&.-.. .. $
r-Ka' ;.;:
Hi M
I'afi'OJ Ruiey; Rlnh'op-elect Wil
- Vv ",jv" " ev iorK; -urs,
W--KAVWtji: Mrs. William Nash
v"& f Montgomery,' Aln.; Arthur
vtkVi-i .Tptin S. Drum, flan Francis
' ItiilK ParlMiid,r.abri lender
.; ' - ll , 1
By DORA NUTE. , fe
9 1 pr(rsKspw?
w vjcvjo 'vkvc vitvacvioMcocvaiT'
, 1921, li .McCliiti' Nennpnitcr (-ymUcato.
As t-lic worked around the room tho
imrM! remonstrated with Piggy.
"Why don't you try to like the bas
ket weaving so you can sit out on
the veranda In the shatl. Piggy?"
Iiggj snt in his usual solitary
grandeur, with his closed, and
murium cd In a tired voice:
"Rave on, little one, rave on. You
bring bad. I'oitd mommies of Nancy,
me father's good "old goal, after she
had made a meal on 'his red flannel
.."AVell, j ou. had butter be fixed up
for visitors this ui'ternoon. I&h'cnrd
the superintendent telling someone on
the phone how to reach here, and they
had been asking for you."
"YouWe olf again. And who would
be (.'ailing on me? If your muscles
were developed the way your Imag
ination Is, you would be meeting this
Iiere Carpentler Instead of Dempsey."
Just then the superintendent's voice
sounded in the 'hull. is Mr. M.
ready to receive a visitor, nurse?"
Piggy sat with closed eyes; none of
that bunch could pull any of this
horse-play on him. He knew they
were all waiting Tor his downfall. Al
though u brave soldier with a citation
to his credit, Piggy's best friends nt
the .Memorial Home had to admit that
the .superintendent's order that Piggy
could not Join the others on the
veranda was Just after his last sar
castle description of the art of basket
weaving, aceomlmnlod by a Hood of
vituperation for the doctors wlm had
allowed him to live when both legs
were taken off.
In answer to the nurse's question,
"Aren't you going to speak to your
visitor?" he vouchsafed it characteris
tic grunt, and lifting his eyelids, n
trifle, noted thl' visitor wore black and
carried a bulky article draped In a
turkey tablecloth. As the nurse
withdrew the visitor drew off the
tablecloth from tho parcel and the
room was Immediately flooded with n
canary's Joyous song, Interspersed
with trills of delight at this release
from the dark wrapping.
Piggy's eyes snapped open and his
mnulh automatically puckered Into the
old calling whistle which he had
tnught Maggie thai summer when he
broke his leg and had to sit out on the
old pla..a with no company but his
little lame neighbor and her canary.
Only now, he remembered bitterly,
Instead of a game leg that would be
all right shortly, he was minus two
perfectly good legs, and what good
was ii teamster without legs, even If
ho kept his tongue well oiled and In
action? As his scowl gathered, his
visitor s euteil to lose complete use of
her voice. So It fell on Piggy to open
the conv isatlon.
"Well, do my eyes deceive me? It's
little Maggie."
"It's mo." came the shy reply, "and
"Sure, and
grown lo be,
a big woman you've
too. And how's the
The glii'fhrggled to speak, but the
big sob uhlu'i rose cheeked her.
Flnull.N -he explained that the moth
er wii- gone, and, of course, she
couldn't Impo to keep the children to
gether: the hnd to go to live with
Iter sister Nora.
"And now she says that Damiy Is
a nuisance; that his singing wakes
the baby. It's that shrill. And never
n window can you open without hint
getting a chill, and she's sick of him,
nnd he's got to go. So I brought him
out to .oii. I thought maybe you
could take care of him."
The old spirit of battle surged Into
Piggy's breast. If that woman, with
her bitter old tongue, thought she
could put him out Into the cold, the
bird he had trained to trill nnd call,
sho had another guess coming. Care
ful questioning brought out the fact
that she would he glad to be rid of
the crippled sister, too. As for the
boys, they only came homo for meals
and to sleep. Piggy gave the matter
n few moment' careful consideration,
nnd then he gue his ultimatum.
"What you nre needing Is a homo
of your own. Take now that tene
ment down by the gushouse. It's u
fine, sunny place to raise a flock of
cannrles, and the old mother left mo
the furnishings of the 'old home, and
they're packed In Hogan's barn.
There would be plenty of room for
the liois to grow up, and with my
pension and the bit we could get rais
ing cannrles you need a man to
watch the expenses nnd teach them
to slugwo could make out fine."
When the overjoyed but still be
wildered girl hnd departed, Piggy sent
for the .superintendent and explained:
"I've got me a Job. Tin leaving.'
Tho superintendent and the romnn
tic nurse Immediately Joined hands
nnd danced around the silent figure
with closed eyes, to the tune of "Pig
gy's got a Job, Piggy's got a Job. ho,
Band Carries Its Own Shell,
One band at Pacllle Grove. Oil.,
gives concerts In n shell which they
carry awa, with them, mijs Popular
Mechanics. Tlu shell Is mounted on
a condemned fire truck and moves
about from place to place between Pa
cific Grove and the bench nearby, for
use In concerts at dlnv enl plno
The Hr-fll l!" i'
a u t'
' '.!( W- v. .
'V ' '.'iTStt
' JC VJt MS W l VM Ji VK K VJC Vi7 MJn
'(), 102t, ly ItcL'luro New-paper Syndicate,
"Nannie, child, remember the cour
tesy always due new neighbors '
"Not when they nre rank trespassers!
Just look at your pansy-bed, Mtimsy,
darling nnd then at our new neigh
bor actunlly petting the brute of a
raider I" ,
Hefore gentle .Mrs. Murcy could
frame further remonstrance Nancy
darted out thu garden gate. "I'll
teach him he cannot add Insult to
Injury," she flung back over her
..At any other time, Nancy would
have admlreil the new bungalow.
Now she saw only the offending
canine, nnd the man, whose Indiffer
ence to her approach udded the match
to her smouldering wrath.
"That beast deserves the whip in.
stead of a caress I" she flared. "lie
has a whole skin this Instant simply
because1 Mumsy Darling's middle
name is Forbearance. And that,
mind you, ufter he had ruined the
pride of her garden Heartsease Cor
ner, she delighted to call It 1"
Nancy waited dramatically.
Instead of the anticipated apology
camo a tiintullzlng drawl: "Really,
did Rob Roy do all that?"
Nancy caught her breath. "Oh I"
"Couldn't you see him do It?"
The amused smile faded from the
boyish lips. "Not very well, Miss
Spitfire. I cannot see you now."
Nuney caught her breath sharply.
"Oh!" she gasped In swift contrition,
"how rude how cruel you must think
"Not at all" he was bulling again.
"You didn't know."
There was a moment's strained si
lence. Then the true Nancy, warm
hearted and impulstvo, advanced to
the veranda .steps,
"We are your nearest neighbors,
Mumsy Darling, Teddy Roy and"
with roguish emphasis "Miss Spitfire.
Teddy Roy Is lots of fun and Mumsy
Darling bakes the most delicious
mocha cake every Saturday. Mem-m-m
today is Friday you wont huve
long to wait. About -1 tomorrow be
prepared to receive Teddy Roy with
a generous helping of said mocha cake.
A little pence offering for my rude
Introduction," she concluded with her
Irresistible laugh.
"I say, but It's jolly good or you,"
his earnestness thrilled Nancy. Draw
ing u small whistle from his pockel
he blew two short blasts. Almost
Instantly, It seemed, a smiling little
Jap glided from the bungalow. "Here,
Mr. Ray."
"Yetsu," ordered his master, "cut
the very choicest of those roses Mr.
Jack says are such beauties." He
turned again to Nancy: "Yetsu Is u
flower magician. It's characteristic of
his race I learned when we toured the
Orient. I hnd my sight then, and the
memories I stored up nre like luminous
bits of fairyland In the present dark
She Infused an added bllthcsomcncss
Into her own voice. "Ronton nnd Now
York comprise my itinerary to dale,
but I often make dream Journeys to
far distant lands always In cherry
blossom time to Japan."
Ills sensitive fingers traced the vel
vety petals until convinced of their
worthiness. "A little peace offering
for Itob Roy's rude Introduction."
Nuney laughed merrily at his clever
Then, us she stepped nearer to take
the roses, she felt a sudden tightening
of her throat.
lie looked even younger thun from
the walk senrcely nineteen. And
what at first sight she had dubbed a
"sissy" wave covered u deep scar
extending across his forehead.
Fearing her silent pity might be
misconstrued, Nancy hastened to say
enthusiastically: "Such perfect speci
mens or the Queen of Flowers!"
"You are too good!" His buoyancy
matched her own. "When Brother
Jack comes out tbiuorrow I'll get him
to coacli me In my new role n most
grateful neighbor."
Wonderful, days followed; wouderful
for Nancy for the blind boy and for
the man whom sorrow anil responsi
bility had made cruelly old beiond
his yeurs.
It was his first glimpse of Nancy
that restored John Kenlston's most
cherished Ideals. The memory of It
transformed his dally olTlce grind as
If by magic. Kven the factory's glani
dynamos .sounded rhythmical.
Hut though time sped on golden In
stead of leaden wings, John waxed 1m
And then, jn the purple dusk of a
tare autumn day, John sought Nancy.
"Ray made me blissfully huppy to
day," he began boyishly. "lie said la
had told you of the accident, and yon
understood my mental torture. Got
knows the machine, not I, was at fan I.
Kven so, the youngster's very dice,
fulness seemed u reproach, until
fate sent us among you mid yours.
He took both Nancy's hands. "Tli-1
dear little miracle woman. I knew .;
was no longer forced, that I might once
ngulu think of love i.ini happlucs-.
Hs vtileo became n enreas. "Tell tne
Nan, sweetheart, hac I dream"
aright? Can 1 i i tt.iv that wi.e
i e ' ll il l a, 'tin Ills Olfcl.i.
,s x i ii ri'iul nt ieigi
1 ll;'
ni'i il i. na.e made Xai
if i !ui. 'i ! iiwakeued In.
. h I.
itt.s i
ok iii
f hoi 1'Hir so titously she eon
not Apeak, but John read Ills unst
fri her rnuik. nHoi'Ing-.eyes. ,tj.jj,,
pxs By
1 1 j " JUST GUESS j
gg 9 By ARIA E- CUTTING. dx
, 1921, by McClUro New-paper Syndicate.
"There! That settles his hush!"
With a look that startled an Inno
cent student in a front seat, Miss
Mason, teacher at District School No.
7, crushed n letter In her hand and
cast It Into the waste basket.
"Karl 1 Aie those examples all done?"
"Nope." i
"Then get to work."
Shirley felt a pang of lemorse Im
mediately alter her last words. Ten-year-old
Karl looked tit her In amaze
ment; then there flashed In his eyes
a hurl expression. In another Instant
Karfwas puzzling over his examples.
"Golly! Why should she get mad at
nioV 1 didn't do anything. Let's sec.
If Rover drove li!0 cows to pasture
and l-fl were lost Oh I I can't I
guess "
At that moment the recess bell
rang. Waiting outside by the door
stood a great shepherd dog.
"Hello, old girl," cried Karl, as the
dog rau to greet him. "Re good now
and come with inc."
Karl went back Into the room, the
dog following at his heels.
"Miss Mason," began Karl, feeling
ruther uncomfortable, "this Is my new
dog. Uncle Is coining home soon and
he sent me her. Isn't she a beauty?"
Shirley said nothing for a moment.
"Shu is ery pretty. What's her
"Just guess," replied Karl.
"Oh Is It Rover? Trixle?'
"Why, Just Guess."
Puzzled, yet greatly amused, Karl
went out, Guess following, giving no
cue to Shirley us to what her name
"Say, Guess, you'll help me, won't
you? We've got to help out Miss Ma
son. Oh, I loo her. Don't you?"
For answer Guess licked her play
mate's hand.
Long after school hours were over
that afternoon, Kail strolled past the
"What's the matter?" he thought.
"The door's open!"
He went In, Guess following. Kvery
thlng wns In readiness for the mor
row's -work.
"Well, Guess, she's gone and left thu
door unlocked. Guess we'd better go,
eh, Guess? I'm glad Uncle's conic
home. Why, Guess!"
The dog had tipped over the waste
basket In her frolic Out tumbicd
the rumbled paper.
"Gee! It's from Uncle!" he yelled.
"He said he had a girl. Now, Guess,
keep still and I'll read it to you."
'"Dearest Shirley 1 will see you
soon. I will hae a big surprise for
you. 1 want to Introduce you to a
dear llttlo lady a great companion to
me. She'll probablj see you before' I
get there, as she's coming flrst. Wind's
her mime? Just Guess, dear. Wltli
love, Rodney.' '
"Well, I'll go home and see Untie
Rodney now, and ask lilm If he's met
our schoolteacher. Why couldn't he
have let me know about this?"
Down the pathway he met Uncle
Rodney, who looked rather anxious.
"Have you seen .Mason, Karl?'
"No, not since school closed."
"I don't think mi."
Rodney Mured at Karl. Karl stared
nt Rodney.
"Well, I'll go back and help find her.
Isn't she home?"
Nothing more was said until they
reached the schoolhouse. Suddenly
Guess came Into the room, whining.
Sho ran first to Rodney, then to Earl,
and then to the door, several times
"Weil follow Guess," commanded
Out to the woodshed by the school
house they went. The great door was
locked. They heard a cry Inside. Guess
harked,. Karl and Rodney seized the
lock and opened the door. Seated on
the Hoop was a very angry, tearful,
dlsheveljled young lady.
".Mr. Porter!"
"Miss Mason Shirley I"
"Don't call me Shirley! What are
you here for? And after writing such
a letter?" cried she. "Just' guess
what .bur nnino Is, What do you sup
pose I cure 'dear llttlu ludy'-f-my, but
this Is very serious!" she ended with
fine sarcasm.
Rodney stood amnzed for an instant;
then he broke Into a great laugh.
"Well, well! So that's It, Is It? For
give me, Shirley, I'm sorry you mis
uniloi stood."
lio turned, grasped Guess by her
collar, and said:
"This Is the little lady 1 meant. Now,
I told you her name In my letter. She's
aiiMous to know you. ,ou sec. 1
knew you liked a great shepherd like
her. m I sent her up to bt ,t compan
ion for you and for Karl. She now
belongs to Karl. And 1 nm Karl's
"()',' dear! Now I see eeryrhlng
Gu'i'ns Is her name. 1 tl dn't iiudcr
stand'lt that way." .And Shirley hurst
Into ICurs.
"Woll, I'm going out. Come, Guess."
cried Karl. And only Guetls laard
A few minutes latur. an Impatient
Carl M'okt'ij through a crack In the
door nnd cilod :
Tin going home. Uncle Rodney. Uul
I'd like to nk Miss Muon who saved
her tonight?" '
'Just Guess,-" came a hupp,v, I'eml
' '.fc . M' t,J.' ,i-.i ,,
: -TV