The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1921, Image 3

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(Copy for This Depart mTH Supplied bf
th American Legion Newa Hcrlc.)
Lieutenant Colonel Wood Began
Fighting for His Country at Ago
of Fifteen.
One of the must remarkable war
records ever brought to light Is that
of Lieut. Col.
M u r s h a 1 1 W.
Wood, U. H. A.
(retired) of
Holsc, Idaho, who
begun lighting for
his country In
the Civil war at
the age of tlf
teen years nud,
after surviving
campaigns In the
Indian and Span
lsh - A in e r I can
wars, entered the
World wnr when seventy years old,
serving nearly three years.
Today, although seventy-live years
old, Colonel Wood is Inspector genernl
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
and is chaplain of the John Itegan
post of the American Legion,,
Idaho, which he organized and served
is Its first commander.
Colonel Wood was born June 4,
18-10. Fifteen years later he was
bearing a musket In the Civil wnr. Ha
waa twice wounded during this serv
ice. Later, he served In tho Indian
wnra as senior medical otllcer In two
txpedltions against the Cheyenne and
Sioux. In the Spanish-American wnr
he was chief surgeon of the First di
vision of tho Fifth army corps from
Its organization until Its abadonment
after the Santiago campaign.
In the World war Colonel Wood was
on active duty from June 23, 1010, un
til February 28, 1010. Ho was under
fire In all except the World wnr and
received three medals for distin
guished service.
War Organizations Approve Proposi
tion to Amalgamate All Veterans
Similar to American Body.
The amalgamation of all war vet
erans of Canada Into a Canadian
Legion to be founded on principles
similar to those of the American
Legion bus been approved by olllclnls
of the various war organizations.
More thnn 10,000 lenders In the vet
erans' associations have pledged their
support of the merger.
It has been shown thnt ono organi
zation can operate more effectively
and nt less expense than a half a
dozen organizations with a common
Interest nnd purpose. The merger
will make possible a closer co-operation
between the veterans nnd the
Canadian government, which has al
ready spent 81,000,000 In the estab
lishment of returned soldiers on laud.
A recent report shows thnt 27,000
Individual ex-service men have been
benefited by the laws, the objects of
which were soldier re-establishment
and the development of the agricul
tural resources of the dominion. Un
der the law, any ex-scrvlce man eligi
ble from a military standpoint, having
seen service overseas, mny apply for
loans up to the mnxlmum of ?7,.r00
for the following purposes: For the
purchase of land, $4,1300; for stock
and equipment, $2,000; for permanent
Improvements, $1,000. If on incum
bered land, the ex-soldier is entitled to
loans amounting to $15,000; If on free
lund, to loans amounting to $:i,000. In
the case of purchased laud the settler
must pay 10 per cent of the cost price
of tho laud as a guarantee of good
rvicuicui uuccior ucencs aiaicmcnu ;
Regarding "Fakers," and "Com
pensation Chasers."
In nn appeal for the proper care of
disabled veterans of tho World war,
Dr. Thomas W.
Salmon, medical
director of tho
National Commit
tee for Mental
Hygiene, t nk e s
occasion to decry
tho statements re
larding "fukors,"
"goldb r I c k e r s"
and "compensa
tion chasers."
"Let us not be
misled by this
loose talk nbout
fakers," says Doctor Salmon, who Is a
member of the Amerlcnn Legion IIospl
tallzatlon committee. "Of course there
are such men among thoso who upply
for relief. Hut you will find them
everywhere; In business, In colleges,
In politics and even In tho churches."
Doctor Salmon, In his plea for com
plete nnd clllclent car of tho disabled
men, answers tho nssertlon that there
nro 0,000 empty beds In tho govern
ment hospitals. Ho explains that
beds alone cannot cure tho disabled
and besides, he snys, most of the 0,000
empty beds uro needed to constitute
tho reservo that every hospital with
la active service needs.
Organization Discourages Parades
and Stunts to Attract Attention
to the Jobless Men.
In assuming responsibility for the
enre of Jobless ex-service men
throughout the
country the
American Legion,
through its na
tional unemploy-
(i ni W!al n'cni comumuc,
&J Wmm has sent out the
following mes
sages :
"To the Public
Hire the sol
dier. He may
have been rest
less at one time.
i 1 VtW u,lt lie I" steady
A- Jmn now.
"To Municipal
ities Start now
j) u b 1 1 c works
which you may
have nhinnod to
lut ofT until next spring."
"To the Soldier Don't flout around
--tie yourself down to n community
nd stick to your Job when you get
The Legion's unemployment com
mittee's survey revealed that about
W)0.000 veterans of the World wnr
trere out of work nnd many of thut
number In actual need of food and
belter. In its appeal to the 11,000
Legion posts to assist In giving relief
to the needy ex-service men the com
nittec discouraged charity soup
kitchens and bread lines. "Our bud
lies must have food and shelter with
Kit degrading their manhood or our
KMintry," tho committee declared.
I'nrndes and "stunts" to nttract at
tuition to the unemployed are discour
aged by the Legion. The employment
committees of the local posts are
asked to bring the needs of the ex
eervlca men 'directly to the attention
of the employers nnd demand prefer
ence for America's defenders. The
emplojer must be convinced that tho
restlessness noticeable among some
service men nt the close of the war
has disappeared.
In Hoston a parnde of Jobless ex
Bervlce men was bended by Frnnk
lireonfull, u New England doughboy,
wealing four decorations for bruvery
In France.
Lcglonnulres with incomes have
been asked to adopt an unemployed
buddy and take care of him until ha
llnds a Job.
Editor of Nebraska Veteran's Paper
Draws Women's Decision at De
partment Convention.
Glenn II. Coffey, editor of the Mid
Western Veteran of Lincoln, Neb., wat
a l J u (1 g e d the
"homeliest man"
at tho convention
of the Nebraska
LVpi'4'tnient o t
the Amerlcnn
Legion, but his
photograph repro
duced berewlfLi
raises tb question
of what Is meant
by the homeliest
The candidates
for the "honor"
were lined up on the stage of the con
vention hall nt Fremont, nnd live
women decided their fate, based on
the uproarious applause that greeted
each of the contestants as he arose.
The second honors went to Lum Doyle,
stnto boxing commissioner of Ne
braska. "I am deeply sensible of the unique
honor conferred upon me by the con
vention," Mr. Coffey snld. "Some of
the other contestants could hardly bo
classed as mntlnee Idols, but I feel
thnt I was elected entirely upon my
Manhattan Post of Legion Condemns
Action of Navy Department In
Releasing 200,000 Members.
Thnt the security of the United
Slates Is endangered by the rclcnse
by the Navy department of nearly
200,000 members of the naval reserve
forae, Is tho opinion of members of
Mnnhnttnn nnvul post, Amerlcnn
Legion, New York, who hnve adopted
a resolution terming tho dropping of
the reservists ns "breaking the back
of tho reserves."
The Manhattan post Is composed of
former navy enlisted men ,nnd offi
cers. The post hns made n enreful
study of nnvul affairs and has main
tained n policy favoring complete
naval preparedness.
The resolution points out that with
out the maintenance of a complete
navnl reservo force, the government1,
lacks sufficient trained men to man
the ships nnd stations of the navy
In time of wnr.
Causs of Mirth.
When the young mistress of the
house entered tho kitchen she carried
herself with great dignity. She had,
Incredible as it might seem, come to
call the coolc to account,
"Ilrldget," she snld, "I must Insist
you hnve less company In the kitchen
evenings, Lnst night I wns kept awoke
by tho uproarious laughter of one of
your women friends."
"Yes, main, I know," Bridget admit
ted cheerfully, "hut she couldn't help
It. I wns telling her how you tried
to make cake yestcrdny morning."
American Legion Weekly,
$ J& Wi
. LJl .
1'" . '-iip" " - "
Transporting the 100-Inch Mirror
(Prepared by the National Orographic So
clrty. Washington, D. C ) f,
Man takes many trips on the face
of the globe; It might be well for lilni
to soar beyond the clouds to observe
the time table and routes of the
(.pherrs and note the relation of his
earth to the celestial scheme of things'.
When n mighty storm sweeps over
I e ocean, when a great war devas
tates a continent, when a ICatmal
blows off Iter head, when an earth
quake destroys a populous city, men
Ftand overwhelmed and awed at the
Hut how little and Insignificant nro
Ftich forces, measured by the majestic
might of the earth ns It sweeps on
Its course around the sun!
An eminent phsycist has estimated
that the power developed by u million
.Niagaras In n million years would not
equal the energy expended by the
earth In a single second us It circles
round tho sun.
And yet so perfect Is tho mecbnnlsm
thnt, Hying nround Its axis at an
rquntoriul speed of more than
1,000 miles nn hour, nnd around Its
orbit ut more thnn 1,100 'miles n min
ute, nil the mundane lulluences of
which astronomers know could not
change the length of Its day as much
us a second In 100,000 years.
Hut as soon as one looks out Into
space with the eye of the astronomer,
there comes the discovery that In till
Us seeming greatness the earth Is so
small that even a telescope 10,000
times us powerful ns the strongest In
strument now in existence would not
reveal it to an astronomer on any
lixed star.
Compnred with the sun, our planet's
liislgnllicnnce becomes evident. More
than 1,:KK),OOI) spheres like ours would
he needed to make a bulk equal to
that of a single sun.
Herschel's Picture of Solar System.
I'oihups our most graphic picture of
the solar system is given by Herschel.
Imagine u circular Held two and a half
miles In diameter; place a library
globe two feet In diameter In the very
center, S2 feet nway put a mustard
seed. The globe will- represent the
sun nnd the mustard seed Mercury.
At n distance of 142 feet place a
pea. and another ut 215 feet. These
will represent Venus nnd tho earth,
both as to size and distance. A
rather large plnbead at a distance of
127 feet will speak for Mars, and a
fair-sized tangerine a quarter of a
mile dlMant will stand for Jupiter. A
small lemon at twotlfths of a mile
will play the role of Saturn n largo
cherry tree three-fourths of a mile will
answer for Uranus, and a fair-sized
plum at the very edge of the Held
will proclaim Neptune.
Whether studied as the bend of the
planetary family to which the enrth
belongs, or whether ns nn average
member of the great household of suns
that dwell In the distant skies, Old
Sol bus ninny thrills for the student.
To the Inhabitants of the enrth the
fact that he shines Is the most impor
tant physlcnl consideration In life.
From him we derive warmth, light
nnd power; without lilm the oceans
and even the nlr Itself would freeze;
nnd, of course, under such conditions,
life would be Impossible.
While the stnrs appear to ns about
as much like the sun ns the fireflies
of n summer night, yet the patient In
vestigations of nsironomcrs show not
only thnt the sun Is a star, but thnt
It Is by no moans either the largest or
brightest of tho celestial family. As
sured that It 1h n Ptnr and knowing
that the next nearest one Is 1500,000
times ns far nway, astronomers ad
dressed) themselves to tho tusk of
learning about the other stars by
studying our own. They found that
there are somo like It, giving out tho
snme kind of light, though most of
them send us, through the spectrum,
messages that tell quite different
All In a Vast Migration.
When we consider the solar system
with Its great sun, Its eight planets
nnd their 27 moons, nnd Its 800 aster
oids as occupying nn nrea whoso di
ameter Is nenrly 0,000,000,000 miles
(some 0,000,000 times us far as from
New York to Chlcngo), It Is amazing
to think thnt thero mny bo millions of
other solar systems as Inrge or larger
thnn our own, comparatively close to
us as star distances go, though so ro
mote that their planets could not be
seen by tho astronomers of the earth,
From Pasadena to Mt. Wilson.
even with telescopes ns much mens
powerful than the biggest oncw now In
use us the bitter are stronger than the
naked pji".
So careful nn astronomer ns Agnes
M. Clarke tells us that n skiff In
n vast, unfiirrowed ocean could not
be more utterly alone than Is our solar
system in Its little corner of the uni
verse. She continues:
"Yet the sun Is no Isolated body. To
each Individual of the unnumbered
stars strewing the llrmameiit, down to
the faintest speck of light, ... It (
stands In some kind of relationship."'
Spectroscopic studies nnd sky ob
servation alike tell us that our sun
and his family are nil headed In n
great migration ncross the sky to
ward a point between the constella
tlons of Hercules and Lyra.
Tho speed with which we nre trav
eling In that direction Is 12 miles n
second. The velocity of an nrtlllery
shell Is uround .'1,000 feet a second;
that of the sun Is OU.OOO feet. An
artillery shell with the velocity of tho
solar system through space would, ac
cording to Klppax, penetrate n sheet
of steel four city blocks thick.
Is our great family Journey through
spueo along u straight road, or Is It
i evolving around some greater body,
even us the earth revolves around the
miii and the moon around the earth?
The astronomer tells us frankly that
If the sun lias an orbit Its curve us yet
defies detection.
Star Cluster In Hercules.
A fulnt iden of the stupendous num
ber of stars that dot the sky and the
staggering distance that separate them
from our enrth may lie obtained from
a fuzzy little speck of light In the con
stellation of Hercules. It is visible
to the unaided eye only on the clear
est nights; but train n high-powered
telescope on it and you will see one
of the finest star clusters in all the
Ilitehcy's photograph of tills cluster,
taken with the big 00-Inch Mount Wil
son reflector, discloses that It Is made
up of more than fiO.OOO stars, very
many of them ns big nnd as bright as
our own sun. How far away they are
cannot be snld, for they lire too re
mote for measurement with the finest
instruments yet devised. It Is cer
tain, however, that they are ut lenst
so distant that the light coming to the
earth from them this year may have
started on Its hurtling Journey through
space about the time of Joshua's con
quest of Jericho.
A glance to another spot In th
llrmament will afford a weak sugges
tion of the tremendous nge of the uni
verse. Tho central star of the sword
of Orion nppenrs to tho naked eye as
merely n dim little fellow that might
be passed without a thought. Hut
a telescope discloses It as the most
magnificent nebula In tho heavens. Its
diameter Is thought to bo 20,000,000
times greater than that of our sun.
Whe'n the sweet singer of Israel
sang thnt "the benvens declnre the
glory of Cod nnd the llrmnment shew
eth Ills Handiwork," he hud never
seen more than fi.OOO stnrs. With tho
latest Mount Wilson reflector .100,000,
000 write themselves upon the photo
graphic plate.
Settling His Doubts.
A Boston man of discriminating
taste, dining nt his fnvorlto entlng
plnce, ordered fricassee chicken, took
one look nt It and cnllcd the waiter:
"When does a chicken become a
fowl here?"
The obliging waiter scowled hard
before finding his answer: "When it
is a rooster, snh . . . It's a matter
of sex."
Hut tho patron did not seem con.
vlnced, and tho stewurd wns sum
moned. Again tho polite Inquiry:
"When does a chicken become n fowl,
M ?'
"Never, sir, In this restnurnntl"
enme back the steward; and the guest
went pleasantly on with his men!.
Pittsburgh Sun.
Did Look Dad.
"Oh, yes, wo nre engaged to bo mnr
tied next spring; but I fenr she has
not thnt utter confidence in me that
comes with perfect love."
'"Why so?"
"Well, when n fellow look's back nnd
sees her testing the dinmond In her
engagement ring on tho window puno
don't you think ho has good cause to
feel a bit dubious?"
Encli pnekago of "Diamond Dyes" con
tains directions so dimple that nny woninu
can dye or tint failed, shabby skirts,
dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stock
ings, hangings, draperies, everything like
new. Hay "Dinmond Dyes" no other
kind then perfect home dyeing is guaran
teed, even if you have never dyed before.
Tell your druggist whether the material
you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether
it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia
mond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or
run. So easy to use. advert ibcmuit.
The .Voice of Experience.
"Dnd, I'm thinking seriously of get
ting married." "Seriously? Don't He
to me, son." Wayside Tales.
Cuttcura Soothes Baby Rashes
That Itch and burn with hot baths
of Cutlcurn Soap followed by gentlo
nnolntlngs of Cutlcurn Ointment.
Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe
cially If n little of the fragrant Cutl
curn Talcum Is dusted on nt the fin
ish. 2oc cuch everywhere. Adver
tisement. It Is fato that makes a heavy
weight champion of one man, a punch
ing bag of another.
v wriiiin
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets Bottles of 24 and 100 All druggists.
Aplrln U Um tridt mark of llnjcr Muiufaclurt of UnootMtletclilMtvr of BtUeUtoaU
College Girls Hastily Become Prim
When Their Favorite Professor
Hove in Sight.
The girl might hnve been born In
Oreenwlch village. She wore her hair
bobbed, tortoise sbell-rlmnied glasses,
a loose Jersey dress, green enrrlngs
which dangled from her ears and she
smoked u cigarette In nn Imitation
Judo cigarette holder. Not to over
look long green beads made of wood.
Her companion wus u little less true
to type. They were conspicuously nt
luncheon In u chop suey restaurant.
Suddenly n tall, rather distinguished
looking man entered the tea room. The
girl, who faced the door, gasped,
"Good Lord, Dolly, there's Professor
1 Lay oil quMc."
Instantly the earrings were Jerked
out of the girl's ears, her cigarette
was thrown to the floor and hastily
stepped on, the cigarette holder was
tucked Into her bag and she rubbed
her napkin briskly over her lips.
The professor sat down ut the op
posite tublc nnd never once glanced
nt the two girls. Milwaukee Journal.
Like Cure Like.
Ted What did you do to cheer hltn
jp when be told you his troubles?
Ned I told him mine.
There Is nothing slow nbout some
fellows until you want them to pay
.nick n loan.
The Key to Success Is Work
There Is no Substitute for It!
In order to dolour best work, you must bo
healthy. You must sleep soundly at night, your
nerves must be strong, steady and under perfect
If you are. accustomed to drinking tea or
cofTce with your meals or between meals, you
may be loading yourself with a very great handi
cap. Your nervous system may be stimulated
beyond what is natural for you.
For tea and coffee contain thein and caffeine.
These are drugs as any doctor can tell you.
They are known to irritate the nervous system
by their action and to cause resUessness and
insomnia, which prevent the proper recuperation
of the vital forces.
If you want to be at your best, capable of
doing the very best work that lies in you, why
not stop drinking tea and coffee? Drink Postum,
the rich, satisfying beverage made from scienti
fically roasted cereals.
Postum contains absolutely no drugs of
any kind, but in flavor tastes much like rich
coffee. It helps nerve and brain structure by
letting you get sound re3tful sleep.
Postum comes in two forma: Instant Postum (in tins)
made Inbiamly in tho cup by the addition of boiling water.
Postum Coroul (In pacltagtis of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to niako the drink while the moid is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes.
Ask your grocer for Postum. Sold everywhere.
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
A il-: t. M
Health is Most Important to You
Lincoln, Ncbr. "At ono timo I
becamo very mfeerablo with weakness
from which women BtifTor. I suffered
nil tho timo. Ono of my neighbors
urged mo to tnko Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription because it had cured her
of similar symptoms, so I decided to
try it. Tho first bottlo mndo mo fool so
trtltnn Iwittnp T trwts fnlt. innm rt.i.l Faj.1
. ..i..a uvi., jl wwn .uua .null,, huu iti;i
'Favorite Prescription' saved mo from
Uic operating tnblo nnd tho sur
rcoii'b knilo. Two years afterward
when tho turn oi lifo commenced, I
took tho ' Prescription' again with tho
result thnt I came through strong nnd
healthy nnd nm still maintaining wonder
ful health." Mrs. M.irtha Straycr,
218 So. llUh St.
Send lOo to Dr. Pierre's, Buffalo,
N. Y., for trial pkg. Prescription tablet.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-1021.
Most of work's wear nnd tear on
mini comes from his going to It all
frazzled out by his play.
Solomon couldn't hnve had 700
wives If his subjects hadn't thought
that- was all right.
African Tribes Use Poisoned Arrow
Which Inflict Death That Is
The most effective weapon of the
Masai and Audorobo Is the arrow
which they poison with the Accan
thern schlmperl, n small tree, accord
ing to u National Geographic society
bulletin. They boll the leaves nnd
brunches until the mixture becomes
thick nnd pitch-Hko In appearance, and
place It on sheets of bark which they
hide high on the brunches of trees
nway from children, until It Is needed.
When nn anlinul Is shot with nn arrow
clipped In the poison, It dies almost Im
mediately. The natives cut out tho
tlesh uround the wound us soon ns pos
sible and throw It nwny. The remain
der Is oaten nud the blood Is drank.
This love of blood ns tin nrtlclo of food
Is common among many African tribes,
several of them going so far us to
bleed their cattle and drink the blood
hot or mix It with their porridge.
"I suppose you marry a lot of elop
ing couples, stpilre. Quite a source of
Income, eh?"
"Yes; I git ?! for marryln, each
couple an' they come In such darned
baste I alius lino 'em $10 moro for
speedln'." Uoston Transcript,
Hut why Is u mini supposed to saw
wood when he says nothing?
- . - -z - ar. . zr - a
j pt..rjifiri !'... wrftirt tM-Myy
, ?