The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 24, 1921, Image 5
I- I" )-M u ) ti i,i -- IID i IKHKMKMHHHMR AS TOLD TO US liny Hroml nt l'owell and Pope's Thursday C. C. Wilson spent Superior. in Wanted Washing. Jin,. Hoyd Hub. otson, phalli; Ind. 7S It. Kev. Nowland spent Wednesday Hastings. Mi.s Daisy Hewitt was a passenger to Hasting Monday morning. Isadoro Johnson unci Dr. Liby went to Lincoln Wednesday to spend the day. C. D. Hobinson was a passenger to York Monday morning. J. W. Itobcrtson was a passenger to St. Joe Sunday morning. Mrs. E. A. Creighton returned home Sunday evening from Lincoln. Jack Names and daughter, Mary wore passengers to Omaha Monday morning. The American Legion Post will meet at 8 o'clock Friday evening in the I. 0. 0. I- hall. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mrs. Ilarbara Pharos spent Sunday vritlt her sons, Charley and Sheridan, and their families r.t Guide Hock. vWill exchange income properly in lied Cloud for late model automobile: L. E. Tait, 1511 N. St. Lincoln. Don Fulton of Lincoln arrived in the city Sunday evening to visit his sister, Mrs. Earl Hall, and friends. Sheriff Cole of Hastings spent several hours in the city Saturday attending to some business matters. A. H. Kccney, of Denver, who had been visiting relatives at Cowlcs, de parted Sunday evening for his home. Miss Gcitrudc Adams came down from Inavalc Saturday morning to tpend a lew days with relative: and friends. Franklin Academy vs Red Cloud High School at .'5 p. m., at the Hedge field. Mrs. Cecil Barrett and baby went to York Wednesday morning to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. i Mrs. Robert Mcllride returned home Monday evening from Lincoln where she had been visiting her .son, Will. Some of the American Legion mem bers' wives arc preparing to organize a Womcns' Auxiliary of the Legion. Mrs. McDaniels departed Wednes day morning for Chicago after visit ing nt the home of Mrs. J. L. Christian. District Judge L. II. Hlackledge went to Lincoln Wednesday morning to spend Thanksgiving with his son. Uobert. ' Operator C. H. Jeffers of McCook arrived in the city Thursday morning to work third trick at the depot in the place of T. E. Blake, who resigned recently. Paul Pope went to Superior Sunday morning. He accompanied his wife and daughtct home via auto that cvcn'hg after spending the day there with relatives. Engineer George Walsh, who has been on the switch engine in the local yards for the past six weeks, rciurn cd to McCook Friday morning. Ernest Straycr relieved him. Mrs. B. W. Stewart and daughter went to Lincoln Thursday morning to spend a few days with her parents and friends. Mrs. I J. A. Creighton went to Lin coln Thursday morning to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. C. F. Gund and family. Miss Blanche Pope, who is teach ing school at Inavale, spent the week end lire with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Pope. Mr:.. Tate and children, who had been vititing her mother, Mrs. J. I.. Chttisrtipn and family, departed Sttu--day fov Holdrer;c. Mrs. Ella It. Parker departed Sat urday morning fo Leavenworth, Kan sas, where she will visit her daughter a'ftcr spending a couple of weeks hero with her son, N. B. Bush. NEBRASKA; OHEEF Woodrow Wilson Foundation The following shipped stock Sun day morning: A. 1. Crabill one car of hogs to St. Joe, Dolanoy Bros., one car of hogs to Kansas City and J. E. Yost two cars of cattle to St. .foe. 0. T. Dickenson lotnrtieil linino Sun day evening fiom MnrMiiill. Oklahoma and Junction City. K in-iis where he had been vWltuig his son mid "lunch, ter. His fou Clyde mid fuiAlly who liinl been living at Marshall, Oklahoma tifcatupanied lilm hotm1 Mrs. Itickard returned to her home at Ft. Morgan, Colorado, Thursday evening after spending a few days with relatives here. Editor W. B Smith was able to be down to his office awhile Monday and 1kj will soon lie able to be about his office once more. Mrs. Mildred Amnck departed Fri day morning for Oklahoma City, Ok lahoma, where she will spend a couple of weeks with relatives. Mrs. Alvcna Berg returned to her home at Armour Thursday after spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. Maude Rcnfro. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Wilson and chil dren returned to their home at Mc Cook Sunday evening after spending the day here with his fqther, John Wilson, and his sisterSMrs. "W. A. Kent. TIih Pi'ffroe of llniixi- will imo1 tpt Tuesday t'VtMiintf nt 7:.'u shtirp in lie I. O. O. l hall. Tlu iiMmlicrs are - quested to be prcciit n (jln-io wt'l lip initiation. An ojstor supper will b'' kcrvofl after lodu'c c'om s ami the mem bers nro invitod to biing their hits band or friend. A piogrnnt will also bo given. Cotton. Plant hcs:. The moth known us Alabama argil Incea, a serious pest of the eotton plant, Is on; of the most prolific of Insects. In the tlulf states It produces at least seven generations annually, and at the end of the fourth genera tion the progeny of one inoUi, If they nil survived, would amount to over HOO.OOO.OOO.OOO Individuals. Science Service. Miss Gladys Moede, who had been attending school at Bluo Hill for sovcral weeks, returned 'home Thurs day evening to visit her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Moede. Tho Bluo Hill schools have been closed on ac count of several cases of smallpox in that town. About twenty-five men have been cut off the Burlington payroll at this point during the past fpw days. Both cction foremen received. instructions Saturday to reduce thilr forces, this order throwing over twenty men out of work. In addition three men have been laid off on the rijvirack gang. Farm Loans I aw ready as alwayrt make any and nil far.m Iohiih at. the-riowest rate and best option, Absolutely no wait ng and no cxpAtifln for murtoetlon. .1. H. Mallcy. l-- JiZK -r fha FOLKS AT home; expect you .M...... ,. TO TFJJ- '& ALL ABOUT "OMAHA'S FUN CbrmT3A VISIT CENTRE," THE S75Grf j? ExIiilaraUngBURLESK -VAUDEVILLE Tho Art of Life. The art of life Is to keep step with the celestial orchestra that beats tho measure of our career, and gives tho cue for our exits and our entrances. Why should we willingly miss any thing, or precipitate anything, or be angry with folly, or in despair at any misadventure? In thlB world there should be none but gentle tears, and fluttering tiptoe loves. It Is a great carnival, and amongst these lights and shadows of comedy, these roses and vices of the playhouse, there Is no abiding. 0. Snntnyana In the Dial, Oiimhu, Nobr , Nov. 21 MUs Edith MoKolghnn of Hed Cloud hns just been named chairman for Webster county for tho Woodrow Wilson Foundation aceoidlng to a list of county chairmen announced t'sis week by the stat. eom. mlttee of the Foundation. She will have full ehargu of the Foundation work in t his county and will select her own county committee to assist 1 1 r. The campaign will culminate In Jut u nry in a solicitation Cor funds ui'h which to establish the Foundation Tho Woodrow Wilson Foundation has been undertaken bv a niithiiul committee of 'JCiO representative men and women, its purpose is to Imiwn a great American and to create a moth od whereby public service will be en eouraged and conspicuously recognlz d in this and future generations. From the income of the Foundation, which It is hoped will be nt least 8l,C0l),0(Ni. tho Woodrow Wilson Award will be granted from time to time in rccogui lion of distinguished public service during a stated period After the fund has linen rnicd a Board of Trustee, composed of emi nont AincrlcHiik, will bo entrusted wt'b Us petinaiient administration. Whilo tho active campaign thioiiuhnut I'm country will begin the week of Jat u ary 10, 1()2'J, subieriptioiiM will be ie eolred at any time if sent to W F. Bixtur, State Chairman for Nebraska, Omaha. Checks should be mado pay able to The Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Farm Bureau Notes ' Poultry Culling Demonstration Monday, November 28th at 2 p. in. Henry Williams in Cathcrton town ship; Tuesday, November 29th at 1:0 p. m. at It. Doughit one mile north of Eckley school; Wednesday, November 30th, at 1:30 p. m. Chris Columbia east of Guide Itock; Thursday, Decem ber 1st, nt 1:30 p. m. Geo. Andcivon north of Bladen. Everybody is invit ed to attend these demonstrations and learn how to cull your poultry. They Spoiled Our Itoad The Federal Highway Number -11 running north of Hed Cloud through Cowlcs to Blue Hill was constructed two years ago. Those of us who have traveled this road know that it was as perfect to any dirt road could be made. It was as smooth as tho best urban pavement. In no place in the wliolc '23 miles was it necessary to slow down for the slightest rut or bump. Some have called this road a dream, but wore they to use this road now, they would find their drcrr.t turned into a nightmare. Recently some engineer decreed, that the road must bo made over and they have started on tho work. Tho highway crews have been and will be employed making over ,' pevfccMv good road. The net result will be the depriving the public of th'. up of a gecd road for a period of time, and the employment of the highway erev. i .oinotliinii: utterly useless. I he fainvrs of Nebiusk.' "n ' av .kc to tho rcaliyitlion Uvit r..d building h their problem, ii'.d r the problem of .-oir.p sinecure u I it. coin or Washington. However, no mnirie ialaid to our County Highway Commissioner, Geo. II. Ovcring, as he is compelled to do this on account of the rigid inspection of the highcr ups. HENHY It. FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. Keepers of Libraries. Those who read iiian books are like the eaters of hashish. They live In a drratn. The .subtle poison that penetrates their brain render.s Iheiii In sensible to the real world and makes them the prey of terrible or delightful phantoms. Books are tho opium of the Occident. They devour us. A day Is comlug on which we shall all lie keep ers of libraries, and that will lie the cud. Anatole France. Get Away This Winter Get away from business and household responsi bilities, care and worry. Get out into the glorious semi-tropical atmosphere of California, where health, rest, comfort and delightful outdoor acti 4 vities await you-amidst the flowers and orange blossoms beside the blue Pacific. Twill do you a world of good! If your neighbor has been there, ask him he knows. Be sure to moke the most of the trip, however, and sec Denver, Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak, Pueblo, the Royal Gorge, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, and the Feather River Canyon, through the Sierra Nevada Range-in daylight. For the accomodation and convenience of Burling ton patrons, main-line train 3 carries a through sleeper daily, direct to San Francisco-connecting service from Salt Lake City via the short line to Los Angeles. A delightful-easy, care-free trip takes a little longer but, but it costs no more and is "The Route Beyond Compare it Vou Have The ' Time to Spare." Reduced-rate round-trip tickets are now on sale daily to California long limits, liberal stop-over privileges go one way' and .return via an entirely different route. Deducting the cost of remaining at home and con sidering the price of things generally, you'll be surprised how reasonable the trip can be made-especially when you contemplate what this will mean to you and remember that a life which isn't pleasantly spent isn't well spent. Think it over! i ' m.NMMHON.1. y Bettor lot sne make your reservation wellin advance. N. B. BUSH Ticket Agent .yrsraTO? Cheaper Farm Loans iii I am making farm loans at lower in terest rates with optional payment pri vilege No expense to you for inspect ion and money Is ready as aoou aa abstract is furnished, SEE It. W Stewart, Bonded Abstracter Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST (leu f. Fry of Bod Cloud today pal tlcipaietl Ui the beautiful academic ctMvinwny of senior recognition tit No- ! braska Wesleynn I'niversity wheiu lie is a member of the junior class. The juniors foi nied a line thru which the university procession passed. They wot e ogas and caps of the university colors, jollow and brown anl held aloft pennants of tho same colors to make an arch. Tho event was witness ed by a large audience in the Wesleynn auditorium. The orator of the day was Hubeeb Skelrik, a senior. Mr. Skeink is a Syrian who plans to return iih a missionary to his native laud. 11 o spoke with eloquent mastery of the English language. Nebraska Wesley an Mows Bureau, Nov 18th. OVER HTATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska. Ho Shock Absorber. Many a man gets a pretty bad fall from being thrown on bin own r source.- Cartoons Magazine.!:nwm.rcMTOn:mm PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Travellers Cheques protect the tourist liy affording a sure fotni in which to carry funds. These cheques, which are issued in ileiioinina tioiiH of SH, 820, SliO, and Slot), furnish a ready identification of tho holder and are payable up on coiiiitcr-slgnaturo They urn accepted throughout the world by banks, hotels, trans portation sompaules nu'd business Rouses. Before taking an extended trip lot our officers explain in detail the ndvxutuges of carrying tbeso cheques when travelling. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cathie Depoiiii Guarantied by the Dtpoiitori Guaranty Fund of the Statu of Ktbratla mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yesr Garber's Is The Place! NO CREDIT Is given me, for CLEANING your battery terminals, GREASING them putting in NEW BOLTS, and above all, for WASHING your battery with amonia BECAUSE you don't know I do these things Well I do. With me it isn't simply a case of charge your battery' and throw it back in your car, but -with eyry battery, that, comes .ihtp1 my,, shop, I follow the above procedure: . t. kv . ittcrepsfs ,thc fife .oj ? battery just 'about wo percent. ' .,.' That's why I gqt practically all of the battery business. BURDEN ' aw1 True Economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you ,know you can depend upon. We pride ourselves on our sincere desire to have in stock at all times the best quality food stuffs at moderate prices. Satisfaction or yur money back guarantee J P. A. Wullferandt m nt m 1 I 6 m n K I h To Buy Wall Pnpir, p,m , i A F' Jm'! i l I i I. v !' i u.aII . fltai!eAtiYL-v.I7ii!..i, iiiiii Giiritrant I' ;u t ' .1 M ATI; IT, ,. .. . r f r H.T-ir-'V'"1 M "V Tho r: r.iJt Crc i :.w . .iJniSiJimvatn.?.-mx3Ji.M .i. 4.uuk.iii l&'illCTr.. 'Mt.n n'lK), ijiiuj. .MLHJt -.rtrc.wiurt.t,!.ilWi'IWTMIUWIm.MTSW BtfUO!UttautF9