Wfc ' ,V wiIIHtH.'Wt 'HKBMT'tHf -WfT" IID OMWfr &Mnp 4.W W- TaNwnwA rjafiWHttac DANCE A Given By The merican Legion FRIDAY NIGHT OVEMBEK 18th CAl the Besse Auditorium OME-EN JOY YOURSELF! IIIIIIIIH MWIIIMP WWWWWWWWi III HWmm WlUWIIPWmW WWItWWMW WWWJWWWIWWI f Music By Kromalic Kids VERYBODY WELCOME! rtS3 Admission SI. 10 Spectators 2Go rffr'REDCL'OUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. UUL1HBED EVERY THURSDAY ntorcd In tno I'ostoltlcc nt Itcd Cloud, Nob ah Hocond Clans Matter' A. B MoARTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, 10 &I2JS connected with It nnd nothing to rfotra'ct feom'lthe primary objeofc of the Institute, ,hnt of encouraging our cltlrohs in the bettor ways of , earning a llvliliood, increasing the resources of the state und our general improvement as (i commonwealth. In nil fairness the Farmers Institute is certainty en titled to half the money appropriated for this purpose from the tuxes collect ed in Webster County. 1200 Acres, $8 per acre Mostly level, all fenced, good grass, several springs, best soil 200 acres timber, 480 acre relinquishment part of 1200 acrse, 1000 acres of this 1200 acre randh is choice farm land. The time to buy is when prices are at the bottom. H. L. BROWN, 2126 Grand Ave.. Pueblo. Colorado. GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work. Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter' work of all kinds'. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N iuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiii!iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Them With Y Egg and Chicken Money! Set aside your egg and chicken money and, almost before you realize it, you will have' enough to buy an equipment of beautiful "Wear-Ever, aluminum cooking utensils. Bright, light, silver-like " Wear-Ever" uten-, sils will make you aa proud of your kitchen as you are of the other rooms in your home. MAKCVtt wumiWh WCAIXVEt m jawxiwa JtroMiNVH TDACCKAOl "Wear-Ever" Aluminum Cooking- Utensils cost slightly more than ordinary utensils because theyare worth more. It paya to buy "Wear-Ever" just as it pays to buy good farming implements; " Wear-Ever" utensils arc made in one piece from hard, thick sheet aluminum without joints or seams. Cannot crack, flake or peel are pure and safe. Replace- utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" TRINE'S HARDWARE Farm Bureau Notes CONFERENCE AT LINCOLN It fell to my lot to preside over n conference at Lincoln the hitter part of thn week. In this conference was County Agent E. R. Davis ol'IIastings, Lynn Sheldon of Osceola, George Davis of St. Paul, K. C. FouU of West Point, L. I. Frisbie, Stato Club Leader, and Ed. Daniclson, Secretary of Nebraska State Hoard of Agriculture. As a re -tilt of this conference, Ne braska hoy and girls will lie given separate buildings on the Fair ground to exhibit their pigs, calves, poultry, etc. The pit? and ralf show-will come on .Monday. The 1st and 2nd prize in each class will automatically enter themselves in.o the open class, therc hy eliminating all the confusion of the paL and still a comparison will bo had of the junior show with the open class. The Stock Judging contests will be held on Saturdav. Ribbons and med uVi will be given to individual con testants and entrant'! to the winning team in addition to the prizes of last year. The rules and regulations adopted at the Lincoln meeting arc workable in the rountys and .same should be used. ACCREDITED FARM FLOCK Need The average Nebraska hen produces 70 eggs a year and consumes approximately 90 pounds of food. A hen that produces 110 eggs consumes little more food than the low produc ing hen. Low production can bo eliminated by breeding, selecting, feeding and management. What is an Accredited Flock? An accredited flock is one which meets the following requirements. 1. All liens that show (a) marked inferior egg production (b) a lack of breed characteristics (c) disease (d) inferior size; culled before November 1st. 2. A flock of 50 producing birds, standard bred within the breed and variety. a. An average production of 85 eggs the first yenr; 100 eggs average the following year. 4. Mnlos used in breeding shall conform to the breed characteristic and have egg production blood lines representing not less than 125 eggs. 5. Hens shall be fed for egg pro duction. G. Management of the flock shall he r.uch as to promote the most en vironment. Object To increase economic poul try production through the- formation of accredited flocks of known pcr- lormance. Method Jf you are intcirstcd in having vour f-lcfek accredited,, write for blanks., II EN UY R. FAUSCII Cojnty Agricultural. Agent. ifE BUSHES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors ,, WE CLEAN MATS Dr.R.IV.Mcholson DENTIST Rtit Cloud Nebraska RIM) ILOl'D WANTS AT THE PUHLIC CHIP. The HIaden Fair Association is socking to the attempt of lied Cloud to mooch $1,000 of the $2,000 levy for county fair purposes. Under the law, ?2,000 is the portion the ntuin ty commissioners .shall pay over to the county agricultural society. It is paid for the purpose of paying agricultural premiums and permanent improvements for "such fair, and for no oilier purpose." That the law was intended solely for county fair pur poses, is nppatcnt in the reading of it, but Red Cloud, in promoting the Farmers' Institute, has called upon the county board or supervisors to divide the pot and as will be seen elsewhere, the county board ha3 so ordered. The Webster County Fair officials are resisting the order and have taken the matter up with the attorney general. On its face, it would appear by reading the law, that there is intended, no such distribution of county funds for any such purpose as tho 31,000 given to the Farmers' Institute Association. That organiza tion has at its back a source of free contributions by the state, indepen dent of a cash donation from tho county something the county fair does not enjoy and it would seem that Red Cloud is seeking to lug home a major portion of the bacon levied against tho taxpayers of the county, for "agricultural fair purposes." Rlue Hill Leader. In justice to tho County Com miss,. loners und tlio officers of the Farmers Institute wh feci that tho statement thar "Rod Cloud wnnts to moocli HOOO" should not go unchallenged' The law contemplated thn appropriation of this 32,(K0 for the encouragemeut of ngrl oulture, Hvo stock breeding, batter poultry und tho Improvement and ad. vancement of tho various industries constituting the resources of thn htatc. Any fntr minded mu must concede that the Fur in orb' institute is for tills purposo specifically und exclusively. It not only conforms in every partiou hir to the things contemplated by the law in milking Uik uppiopriation, but no admission fee is dunged, making it possible- for everyone, with out eX pi'iise, to enjoy its rdncntlomil iidvun. tages tlioiti mo no doll uiolth, fukiis, buiichu numbs ir hnnibutgcr stands What Other State? It is not dllllcult to surmise that thn most luring oppoi untitles arc at sou e other place in home other state, across the mountains, in western Canada, in tho Oulf Coast section, or down ninny the Mexican border. In the place, tho publicity put out by these interests dheellv concerned in the development of such tctnotu sections Is skillfully prepared and calculated to appeal to the hopeful imagination of every indi vidual. And it does, and in doing so, has the eiled of emphasizing in the miiidd of tho leader tho obstacles which ho (Micouuteibiuhlsdailyiounds in tho conduct of his own business. Tho beautiful colors of tho lalnbou and tLo mythical hug of gold cannot bo wholly ignoied. The haze of (list ani'o sortens tlio view, but always, ro gardless of tho place, as one diaws near to the actual scene and underfill; os to uoik out surccss theie are found t he obstacles which attend the uaj of industrial folks on tho eaith. It does not matter ivheie. Anyone who as sumes responsibilities llnds those in evitable obstacles tobcoveioome. Yet, it is doubtful if any man familiar witli Nebraska conditions having a know ledge of the resources which the state affords will Und uuy section anywhere presenting us fow of theso obstacles as this dependable btate of Nebraska. One need not hope to obtain anymore for his investment when all .things uro cons dered soil fertility, climate, pro. duction, schools, markctB, variety of adaptable crops, and last, but not least, neighbors in any other state or country than surround him who dwells In Nebraska. rtThore Is no other state that will tu-rve ths purposes of aNcbraskan like Nebraska. It is well tiot to loso sight of the value of the first-hand know ledge of the resources and responsive ness of the soil combined with the climate, a knowledge of the business methods and the social tendencies of the people, Thc-o have an actual and Important bearing on one's success. It is rather significant how frequently tlio disappointments arise when one undertakes to do business or work out success In sections where one does not have a reliable familiarity with a the practices and tendencies of the folks or of the vaiious conditions that relate V one's line of endeavor The lure Is always there at first but somehow it o en fades fioni the vision of him who lacks tho necessary information to enable him to make his investments ami direct his elTorts wisely. It should nor be understood that sue c''s fortunes, achievement, distinct ion, and all the long list of desirable realization cannot be obtained far from the home thiesltold, but it is well not to lose sight of tho fact that these are all attainable in Mio region adjo ent to the old homo. Tho most valu able possession is knowledge, whether applied in business or profession Knowledge of natutal conditions, of ie sources, of climatic tendencies, of crop possibilities, is the chief asset in the inventory of most men Theto aro possibilities beyond the dreams of men in Nebraska. There are successes for untold numbers The state's resources aro In tlio process of development, in the initial stage.. To him who knows Nebraska there is no other place that favorably compares. This is his land of promise. Foresight u & rm -iis '. ,jr-.r ? r ,- 5ft ; I Mil k W.. 1 1 hs H' Him ItytlWrCll u. l I I' ' . . A V i, !l 1 Yi('i i' h . A my-t-ff i: r-U TTff LScXIk i"v. .,; .JH V- V. ARMnrjir .. ywiUftiimrtnuri in ii I " ' " .vv-n lihlrn., fr Don't Scold fche Children for wearing holes in their stockings at play. Romping play is good for them let them romp. But put stockings on them that are "wear insured". Put them in - Armor Plate Hosiery which is made of the best and strongest yarns obtainable knit to chape and sizp exactly -and dyed with Harms-Not Dyc(whichabsolutelydocs t not rot, burn or weaken the yarn;. You'll buy Armor Plate stockings again and again because und wash. in service they keep their shape and color, fit snug and ' 'near like armor nlatc". And they're "perfect in weave, wear L fake home a pair or two of these excellent hose today.' irbara Phares REDLCL0UD, NEBRASKA ui- WWVrtTIAVrtW.V.VJVVJVAVV.ViVVVW"W,JVVVWW 5 i Are You Buying Dependable COAL? That is The Kind We Sell Malone Gellatly Co. $ uJV.v-vv-v..v.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.vftr,l WWAW.1 M rs. Ed. Amack AmacK (x Amac I. T. Amack k UNDERTAKING VftVVVVVA"A".VVJ-.V.V.NV BOTH PHONES I. T, AMACK- RED CLOUD, NEB PHONE IND. 76M Lutheran Church Notes Regular services arc held every first and third Sunday In the month In the Adventist church, Corner of 3rd Ave. und Walnut St Friday, Nov. 18th, at 7:30 p. in., Rev Carter, colored missionary, will speak on tho work the Lutheran church is do ing among tlio colored people of our country. Suuday the Lord's Supper will bo ad ministered. Confessional service at 10:!1Q n. m. Preaching nt 11 a. in. The public is cordially invited to at tend these services. O. It. LIeinitz, Pastor Grace Church Services Sunday Next Before Advent Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Servics with Sermon Rev J. M. Hates at 11 a, m. No Evening Service. Come and welcome by FALL STOCK NOW HERE My Fall and Winter stock of PLUSH and FUR ROBES have arrived, and include some handsome patterns. yw Also am still doing expert auto top, and harness repairing. Fogel Bldg. Cloud J i Oi BUTLER Nebraska Low Newspaper Prices ' The Evening State Journal has ueen leduocd to'S3.C0 a year or 8 t.GO with Suuday. The Morning Journal $4 a year or 85 with Sunday. This makes tho Journal the, highest uowspnpor bargain in Nebraska. Ws do Job Printing DH a i COAL We Sell Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump We sell for cash that's why we sell, cheaper. FARMERS' ELEVATOR Dd HH k WW i 3 i A ' .. 51 n i