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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1921)
AED CLOUD, HfiUUMKA, OJKDBr : t to i. S-H? Mr. Merchant f'i SSSS5BS .it Christmas Greeting Cards THIS OFFICE is, this season, in a position to handle the Christmas gift card business that has hereto fore gone to the cities. Our stock of cards has just arrived and we will be pleased to show you the beautiful assortment of engraved, embossed, hand tint 'ed cards from some of the best gift card manufacturers in the world. The Suecessful Business Man in recent years never fails to remember his patrons at Christmas time with an appropriate card. People have become to expect it, and it is a very inexpensive way of extending ihc season's greetings, proving to the customer that his business dealings with you have been appreciated and causing hi m to remember you when he needs any thing in the line you carry. Call at our office and let us talk it over. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF SCHOOL TO BE DISMISSED FOR ARMISTICE DAY Minutes of rcgulur meeting of School Hoard held at Commercial Club rooms on November 7, 1921 at 3 o'clock p. in. All members proM'ii. except President Sherwood, Ned Grimes in the chair. , Minutes of previous meeting of October .'Ird, red and approved. The following bills were read and allowed: W. M. Welch Mfg. Co $ 2-I.M Malonc-Gcllatly Co. Sam Mountford C. L. Cotting C85.r5 04.47 1.25 2.or 5.M 117.D0 ,1.25 5.11' 3.39 1.37 j htisKifei:.,: i,kf apiniWMiiniira Ail Things Considered We Believe That M AIT LAND COAL Is as cheap if not cheaper, than any other kind of fuel. If you are not using MAITLAND try some of ours the next time you order. Piatt Frees Henry Holt & Co Houghton-Mifftcn Co. Remington Typewriter Co.... American Rook Co. Row, Peterson & Co. Ren H. Sanborn Co. I . Robbs & Merrill Co The Mar Millon Co.. ll.t5 E. G. Miller 1.00 University Publishing Co 7.34 World Rook Co 1.91 Graham Furniture Co. . 83.85 ,Red Cloud Chief. -, 4.00 C. J. Pope - 13.78 Commercial Advertiser 23.90 J. C. Mitchell. - - 3.40 John Parsons .75 On motion Roard decided to grant the schools a holiday on Armistice Day; by agreement decided not to have school Friday following Thnnks giving, also to have one week's vaca tion for the Christmas Holidays. At the request of Zeela Tossy, who recently loft school, the Secretary was instructed to return her tuition fees to the amount of $39.00. The request of School District No. 33 for an allowance of seven weeks tuition fees on account of sickness was nota11owcd. C. J. POPE, Secretary. Notice to Creditors raKrararaarasraiini irainraini In the County Court of Webster Coun ty, Nebraska. In the innt tor of the Estate of Cliur-l'-s H. Deceased Creditors of Said IMate will tako No tiiv tliHt the time limited for present. lion and filing of claims against said state is 1-Vhriiiiry 11th, 1 122, find for if payment of debts Is April lOlli. 022, tlmt I will sit mi the county court om in suiil county on the 12th day of Jnveinber, 11(21, to examine, hour and How nil o'uliiiN duly tiled which lire n h or second 'let tip n said estn'i' ml on the 13 h dm of Febiuarv, 10J2 e.'nniiii', licur, iillovv nnd Hdjut all I iinm Mini oiij-i'tiouH or general credit is dnlv IIImI I) .ted ijds 14th diiv of Octolier. 1921. (eil.) a. I) UANNEY, A true copy County Judge. I ; . war 1 .: I 012$ lit tio2"Wl- . . m vr ' "SI w m m t j I y .W Hi ('. r . J Jf ' .-', o row tooacco oiL. 1 JLJL If'aCX r: ss yrtettf - telxz 1 TVRXlS'frstlOXtLSTICW You can't beat a Camel, because you can't beat the tobacco tliat goes into Camels. That's why Camels are the choice of men who know and love fine tobacco. They know what m?1 Camels so smooth) so fragrant and mellow-mild. They'll tell you that the expert Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos makes a ciga rette smoke you can't equal no matter what you pay. But it doesn't take an expert to tell Camel quality. You'll spot it the very first puff. Try Camels yourself. R. J. n.DYNOI.nS Tobacco Co. w'WIhton.Saleta,H.C, . COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (Ry County Superintendent) If the teachers will cut. out the following data and stick in their note books, it will save n lot of worry and trouble. One-Day Teachers' Examinations Saturday, December 3, 1921; Satur day January 21, 1922; Saturday April 15, 1922. Two-Day Teachers' Examination Friday and Saturday May 20 and 27; Friday and Saturday, June 30 and July 1, 1922; Friday and Saturday August 4 and 5, 1922. One-Day Program A. M. Algebra, Geom., Arith., Reading, Civics, Agri., Ortho graphy, Drawing, Penman ship, Eng, Comp. P. M. Rotany, Music, Gram., Hist., Geog., Theory and Art, Physi ology, Mental Arithmetic, 1;. K. Life Subjects A. M. Trig., Eng. and Amcr. Lit., Gen. Hist., Zool. P. M. Physics, Psychology, Rhetoric, Phys, Geo., Geology. Two-Day Program 1st day A. M. Algebra, Civics, Arith., Penmanship. 1st day P. M. Rotany, Agriculture, Orthography, Drawing, Reading. 2nd day A. M. Geom., Theory and Art, Grammar, Physiology, English Composition. 2nd day P. M. Music, Gcorgraphy, Mental, Arith., Hist., R. K. Life Subjects 1st day A. M. Trig., Chcm. 1st day P. M. Eng., and Amcr. Lit., Gen. Hist. Zool. 2nd day A. M. Physics, Psychology. 2nd day P. M. Rhet., Geology, Physi cal Geography. Counties still short of teachers are Arthur (11), Ranner (7), Dawes (10), Garden (10), Hitchcock (8), Holt (C), Thayer (C), Thomas "(7), Valley (3). So far I have been given no author ity to grant permits and I doubt that I will be given authority as long as I have any qualified teachers free. Any one wishing a place in any of these counties should write to the county superintendent of the county to see if there is any place -for them and if they can he granted an emer gency in that county. At the .State Fair Eckley received a prize of 75c; District 2G 75c; Dis trict 40, 25c. At the Farmers' Institute Guide Rock received ?1.25; Rluc Hill, $1.25; Inavale, $20.00; Red Cloud, ?6.00; District 3, 50c; District 10, 25c; Dis trict 9, 40c; District 20, $3.25; Dis trict 33, $1.50; District 80, 15c; Dis trict 27, $10.50; District 39, 2pc; District 85, $10.00; District 38, 20c; District 40, $5.75; District 90, 50c; District 30, 50c. The Rlatlen Fair premiums have not been sent in yet. At the annual exhibit at the Court Houfc: District 80, Milton Lutz received a book for the, best toy cut out with a jack-knife. District 20, Adolph Sidlow for the bet prtper cutting, a book; Rnchacl Rifklrs for the best sewing, a book; A'h'o Zajic for the best sowing (2nd), a hook; Frank Havel for the be.le map, 1st, a book; Alex Strobl for map, (2nd) a book; District 41 Lucille Ohmstcd for penmanship, (1st),, a book; Marie Pichler, (2nd), a book. District 40 Gertrude Room for paper cutting (2nd), a book. District 33 best card of water color by school, a book; best bookldls by school, a book. District 39 best card of maps of America, a book. There will be prizes from the Rla den County Fair hut they have not boon scat in as yet. The Nebraska Tuberculosis As sociation offers $3.00 for the best Health Toster made Iy each of the eight grades and suggests the follow ing subjects: 1. The Modern Health Crusader (one or more of the eleven health chores). 2. Tuberculosis Prevention. 3. Christmas Health Seals. 4. Homo and Community Hygiene. 5. The Public Health Nurse. The size should be 22 by 28 or smaller. They may be in pencil, pen, color, or cut out work, baiTing adver tisements. They must he plainly marked on the face of the poster, lower right or left hand corner with the nam6, age, and grade of the mak er and teacher's name. Contest clossos Fcburary 1st 1922. Even if you fail this will he good practice. American Education week is Decem ber 4th to December 10th. Study Center will meet in Red Cloud and Guldo Rock November 19. "11 meets in the morning in Guide Rock and at 2 P. M. in Red Cloud. This might be a good chance if any one elso in the community would like to tnko University work nt homo. Tho subject being taken this torm is his tory. If you are interested come to tho next meeting. Delaney Rrso,, shipped a car of hoirs and A. R. Crabill two cars of GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. Wo will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens, now. .GRANT CHRISTY Shop first door north of Holland Hotel. Res. phone 72N FARMERS' INSTITUTE ELECT OFFICERS FOR NEXT. YEAR Tho following, which ns will be noted, comprise practically the return to olfice of the old officials of the Farmers' Institute, is tho personnel who will be at the helm of the 1922 sossion: President E. J. Overing, Jr. j Vice President Fred Mnurcr. Secretary Henry Gilliam. ' Treasurer J. W. Auld. Directors C. W. Johnson; C. J. Piatt; Dan Garbor; C. G. Starke; Alf Nolan; F. W. Cowdcn; Geo. Amack: ' Ralph Hunter; C. R. Stewart; F. S. Frisbio; W. C. Starke; Geo. Hcffel bower; Lcn Wilmot; II. II. Crowcll and Henry Fausch. Left State in Officers' Car Lincoln, NVI), Nov. 8 While two state di'i'iifle- hunted tliu owner of n uiniiiisliliit! hHII In Scott hbl tiff. Neb , ubniit lu o'elouk lust iiiirht, tho niiin thoy wen huikinc '"r -slipped out of tile Iidiijm witli his lioo.e, leaped inlo the officer-,' on-p irked 111 tho s,treiit, im I e-u-ip d iii'rnss ih- state line Into iVjouiiti., in-iMnliin.' to tuluirraphiu ml vieo, to the oi i leu of Slito Slu-rlff (Jus ll.d-ia LutUj The man Inter was jir rtH'fii lu v l.f.uinii, Uycis was inform ed. I lie two oilioi'ih, Oliver llfdu'i U'l.i John .lu-ie-, wore seizing tho eiuhili Mill of me day when the in-in kiivo tliiiin i Im slip, llycrh said. WoiM ileum! Attention Ex-Service Men Tlii' tji ..o in Nebraska has awarded u -tiii ii. V.H ii .-.i iv lie to all war eUiuuh whu served hi the world war, oy way ot nppieeiation ot heir niKi'lfisli . udiltei', winch 'n many (...-i-.- unit' i huidship, dis i.'iiuciu, inconvenience, financial loss, liroiu'ii health and many other forms of samllce. 'I hose certificates, which are bcauti unly cngiuvui, wgned by the gov ernor, and scaled with the state seal, have Ijlci received by A. 'R. Mc Artliur, Adjutant of the local Ameri can Legion I'osl, and the following name'd e.-.soldiers may hccuie theirs by calling at the Chief office or send wi. tor liiem. None will be mailed to any men in the county, but those who have moved away may have theirs sent to them. Uc Cloud l.o. i. irrelMm I.' ti .J Sniilh . V 1 1 1 C. J 'egg C.wiion C. Ranncy 'i homns E. Ryan t - (J'iii Fco ' kfutt Stroup li.ii-i.d L. Ludlow Kuoert A. Dieakcy Edward .T. Hanson Donald Law Tom A. IMSay .Tamps R. Kicker John I J. V. Dean Cecil Cummings Thorpe Davis Sehuy.rr V. Hayes John i:. Smith hail R. Saladen Ivf4ii A. Camp Kdwaid A. StelTen Hubert L. Rlackledge Donnhl Henton Kill nh Tiimhlcj'Oii . David Wittwer .)H(k II. Reed Win am W. Holmes . Zenith McCtill Phil S. Wh.rvvood f!i'f!'t R. Rock ! -,.'.( M. Hdley Alwv Turner Am- Hilt-jn f ii. til! HrjjtQIl , . -u M. liehrcr Will i; 8l-cmv. Dwi'uht Kiynivfcy ' Vnv PnlntJky' F nt amtl?i i. ,'.', c. t h-Huly A. -J tv V-.', p.;rrelso'n Jti. -t.h f?r,rtt . Loam M.- WRMiftn- -Ct rtff !iV oeh Hn- T l?ieVer(yi ort C Ari(!irdH Cliarh A. WUfirins Robct L. llupulcker tiiv . Fountain V .'iirner ' .1 " ii T irnYian ' ' Mft'v n S '5oTNr 1 1 i T.-iclcunn n '. i ' Tliorvfl Jen en Paul W. McDowell C. M. Sherwood deoige I. ngstlom hu.. o (.,. .umanville 1' iain Kicnai'ds Will . Hunt Thomas J. Mackcy Matiuii II. Funk Lloyd L. i' ltgeiald Lai lull Ailes Grover C. Newman Lestvr L. Yost Julius S. Anderson Floyd Picvost Geuige Ovcileesc John .M. 'Rarton Einil J. Polnicky Clias. L. Sherer Albeit W. Austin Cannon .1. Thompson Finest Newiiouse Carl F. Jrrnberg Grover Caiey Simon J. Hutl'er George R. Smith Stephen R. Harrington. James W. Gilbert William J. Vipond David J. Dolph Forcnt A. Mountford Millard Fentress Joseph Jelinck Edward It llrinkman Hart 1!. I'.arker Jame.-. A. Ley Wmler K. Henncy Paul S WhUe-. Max RusiiH.e Elton I'npo William Hodgson Fred Eubanks Riloy T. Hayes Vern E. Rutler George A. Mabson Kenneth Cacdcr John Kuros Joe N. Law Albeit Snderlin Rcrt O. Wilson Robert Nicholson Gene C. Derr Howard S. Foe Harry Yost Clair C. Pope Clifford Pope Ernest L. Wiggins Russel R. Jones Joe C. Perry Albert D. Evans Howard L. Simpson Inavale George A. Jensen Lawrence Innos Elmer E. Fotty HnroM E. Fey Earl E. Harvey Robert G. Stratton Andrew E. Watson William R. Dunn Arthur H. Arnold Charles 1 eadnhrand Walter Kaminsky Robert Keller Lawrence E. Ruby Chancy D. Saunders Roy C. Rutledgo Ivan D. Rlankcnbakcr, Paul A. Pitney James Adams Grover A. Strickland William Schncibcr Otho Ellison William E. Darton 'Ren jam in Lambrecht , Harold R. Rci-g Homer Y. Lovejoy Chas. E. Arnold Monroe Ronkel Roy L. Shigley Frank A. King. Tho Margin of Safety Is represented by 'tho iinionnt of liisiiianue you mirry Don't, lull yourself into a fmicled -ffuiiiy. Reemiso fire bus never touehod you It doe-n't folbw'tli .t jion'ro inimuno Tomorrow -no today, if you have Mine ntnl you better llnd tlmo is une to tho oil! ( and wu'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or inuiehiindlsu. -LATER MAY RE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL Reilsxble Insurance Dr.W.M.Mc Bride OSNTIST OVHU STATI3 HANK 4 ' . id ii - Tl A s li ) M'ttf hogs to Kans'aa'City 'rSun'dayKm6rrilng Raymond 'E. Koontz ' Red-Cloud Nobjraslccs . , ..w