The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1921, Image 7

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"Made Mo Well and Strong"
1 hire tak n icTtnl botUsi of TV-m-nt
and ntid It a itrrsl benefit. Ibadptlniln
rajr itomteb md bowrli, tint by tas nwiof
1'e-runa and Minslln, I am v-ll and
trout miD. 1 always keep few botUei
UttboiwuH," M. oicum Out,
11, r UNO. J, Uoxi,
MlcnoU, lows
J. JL JL f c - 1 Plg)
Y; ,P1H
iyl:,.s5y if . as
V!A. , TC - ' " .'? AVt.'t ff 'W - -MK-A&" ' TJC H- V ' ' lT-k WfT. I I m I I M ill
Britain halh laid a Tommy 'ncalh
Westminster Abbey's nave.
And France halh made her Triumph Arch
A Poilu's .sacred grave.
Now comes a Yank to Arlington
To join the nation's brave
Columbia's unknown soldier son
To join the brave in Arlington
With pomp of peace and show of war
And honor of a conqueror!
Three soldier dead, picked in the dark,
Unknown, unsung, without a mark
Genius or clod or knave,
We know their all they gave,
We know they died to save.
In Theater, Abbey and Arc,
With this to be hi all men read :
HE Spirit of Armistice Day I
Who shall Miy now what Is to he
the spirit of Armistice day?
SuroJy It Is too soon to .say. Thu
World war Is yet too close to us. The
World war Is not yet over. It will
not he over until the rawest of the
world's wounds are healed.
Only time can tell what Is to he
the spirit of Armistice day.
That Armistice day Is to he a new
American national holiday seems certain.
It will he neither a Washington's hlrthday nor n
Lincoln's hlrthday In memory of the Father and
of the Savior of the United States of America.
It will not he a Memorial day In memory of
the heroic (lend of our victorious wars.
It wllJ not ho n Fourth of July in memory of
he winning of our independence.
It will not he a Thanksgiving day devoted to
!he family reunion feast and thanksgiving to God
for His mercies and gifts.
And yet Armistice day shouhj he In n way n
combination of all of these American national
For when the World war ended In victory No
vember 11, li)18, America saved all that every
good American commemorates In the observance
of these natlonnl holidays.
Is Armistice day destined to he not only an In
ternational holiday hut the one greiit holiday of
(ill the world?
If the Washington conference on the limitation
of armaments brings about disarmament reason
able and effective disarmament the whole world,
victors and vanquished alike, may well celebrate
Armistice day.
If the Washington conference should mnko an
other great war Impossible and lead up to perma
nent, world-wide peace, all the nations of earth
will hnve to mark Armistice day as the one great
lny of all the military 4ilslory of the world.
An Internationalism that does not destroy na
tionalism has been the dream of the ages.
A world at pence, to stay at peace. . . .1
In this nutumn of 1021, In which falls the third
Anniversary of Armistice day, "tho outward and
visible sign of tho inward and spiritual grace"
which nnlmates the American breast Is trlbuto to
the heroic soldier dead In tho form of honors to
the "Unknown Dead."
Tho woild will not soon forget tho pomp and
circumstance with which Orcnt Hrltaln on tho
eecond anniversary of Armistice day laid to rest
"A British Warrior" In Westminster Abbey.
"Cnrry on!'"
Tho HtaRKerln? Ilrlton cried.
Did the line hold? '
TIiIr tomb nays
"YES!" -
Nor will It soon bo forgotten bow France lion-
ored lier heroic dead by tanking her Arc de Trl
omphe the burial place of "Un Soldat Francals"
from Verdun. ,
"Thoy slinll not pass!','
The desperate Fiuuoliimin cried.
Dili Dip boclie pH3 at Verdun?
Tills tomb tsiiyH
This year America uillrius her adherence to this
spirit of Armistice day.
The congress of the United States confers by
special acts Congressional Medals of Honor upon
the "ISrltlsh Warrior" and "Un Soldat Francals."
Atactica places these highest decorations within
tiie gift of the American people upon the tomb In
Westminster Abbey and upon the tomb beneath
the Triumph Arch. 1'iesldent Harding sends Gen.
John J. I'ershlng, the head of Iter army, to make
the bestowal and he sends an American composite
battalion of picked men as an escort worthy of
the occasion.
And Arlington, America's national cemetery
where lie historic dead, receives Its "Unknown
"Let' got"
Tho uaRcr Ynnlceu cried.
Did the Yank bo?
This tomb says "
The vision of this homo-coming of this "Un
known Yank" will forever be cherished by the
American "people.
The selection of Columbia's unknown soldier son
at Chalons, the bestowal of the Victoria Cross
and the decoration of tho Legion of Honor, his
Journey to Havre under escort of un lienor guard;
the French memorial observance at the seaport.
The cruiser Olympla's arrival at Washington
"after dark;" tho night silent transfer to the capl
tol ; the lying In state In the rotunda of that most
Impressive building In the world.
The funeral service In compliance with United
States army regulations: A battalion of field nr
tlllery, a squadron of cavalry, a combnt regiment
of Infantry, a battalion of marines and sailors, the
Marino band.
Honorary pallbearers: Klght general otllcers of
the army and four admirals of the navy. Hotly
bearers: Five warrant olllcers of tho army and
three petty olllcers of tho navy and of the marine
corps, chosen on their war records.
Olllclal mourners: Holders of the Medal of
Honor; ono representative for each 10,000 of the
4,000,000 men who served In tho armed forces, to
he named by tho stutes of tho Union ; olllcers and
enlisted men from each arm of tho service; a
member of tho American Legion from each stnto
and territory.
The funeral procession passing nlong Pennsyl
vania avenue on Its way from the capltol to tho
Arlington Memorial' amphitheater; tho lining of
the entire route with Infantry from tho regulars
and Natlonnl Guard.
Tho reception at the Arlington Memorial am-
phltheater by the President of the United States,
heading an assemblage of the great of the world
"olllclal and private citizens a he may select ;"
the funeral oration by tho President; funeial serv
ices by army and navy chaplains; Interment In
front of the entrance of the nmplilihenter at a
spot which overlooks the city of Washington, with
Hie capltol and Washington's monument and the
Lincoln memorial In the distance.
The moving strains of the funeral march; the
roll of the drums; the mcnsiucd cadence of march
ing feet; the blowing of "Taps" by the buglers;
the volley by the tiring squad.
The Flag at half-mast throughout the nation.
The American people Implied In two minutes of
silent prayer.
This Spirit of Armistice day need alarm no lover
of peace. In thus honoring their "Unknown Dead"
America and Great I'.rltnin and France give form
and substance to their recognition of that democ
racy of service and sacrlllce which Is the founda
tion of society and the salvation of nations.
"Unknown Dead" U merely a symbol. In place
of "Unknown Dead" read "Man in the Iinnks the
common man who offered his all, did his duty and
gave his life for his country, unknown, unhonored
and unsung. No citation contains his name. No
decoration Is his. This Is the man who won the
war and It Is In his honor that the "Unknown
Dead" are Interred with the pomp and circum
stance of state display.
And the message Is quite as much to the living.
, This "Man of the Hanks" need never have reached
the llrlng line. He need never have got Into the
lighting ranks. Many a patriot who deserves well
of his country was rejected by tho recruiting
olllcer. The patriot man or woman who gave
his country the best he had shares In the honors
of Armistice day to the "Unknown Dead."
I wish to express to you and to congress and the
people of the United States the warm apprecia
tion felt throughout this country at the trlbuto
which you are paying to our unknown warrior.
Tho gift of your medal of honor to the HrltMi
comrade In arms, whose tomb In Westminster Ah.
bey stands for all our best endeavor null hardest
sacrlllce In war, Is a gesttire of friendly sympathy
and good will which we will not forget.
On Armistice day representatives of tho Hrlt
Ish empire In Washington will Join you In tlm
ceremony to be held to honor the splendid record
of your own troops. I greatly wish on that occa
slon to confer upon your unknown warrior our
highest decoration for valor tho Victoria Cross.
I also send my heartfelt good wishes to tho
great International conference which opens by
your Initiative upon that day. My ministers will,
I know, strive as wholeheartedly as yours to mnko
tho congress u sterling success. May they, In
common with yours, do all that practical states
manship can achieve to perpetuate tho comrade
ship of war In tho maintenance of peace.
ILf M. Rntt! atimtImim la tntf mam AvIiImM tfiat nkRina
la quit as Rood a remedy (or catarrh of the stomach, bowel or
nthor orcmia as It U lor cough, cold and nasal catarrh,
l'o-ru-r.a Is a xvondartully Una medicine to have In the bouse
tor everyday ltl.
Send to the Parana Company, Cotumbui, Ohio tar tn
bookltt and medical mJyIcc.
Ttlleti er liquid
Sold Ererywliere 9
imiwii jumnai
I Indlipeitanbl In trentlnjr
Influenza, Distemper. Coughs and Colds
eo prevalent among tioraea with th coming of fall and winter.
I'or nearly thirty yfare "M'OIIN'N" haa been Klveo to prevent
tlimo dlaeaaea, nn well ai to relieve and cure them. An occa
sional done "condition"." yuur home and keepn dlaeaee away.
As a rmedy for cane actually suffering, "HI'OII.N'K" la qulok
and certain. 60 cents and 11.20 per bottle at drug stores.
"Hope sprliiRM eternal." "Yes, It's
pretty hard to convince people there's
00 market for poetry."
Take Tablets Without Fear, If You
Set the Safety "Bayer
If you want the true, world-famous
Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for
over twenty-one years, you must hhIc
for "Mayor Tablets of Aspirin."
The "Hajer Cross" Is stamped on
each tablet and appears on each pack
age for your protection against Imita
tions. Advertisement.
Ice Cream Soda for Two, Please.
He (thoughtfully) Don't you like
Hint sort of person who says tho
riKht word at the rlnlit time?
She (coyly) Yes, especially when
I'm dry ami thirsty.
French Dogs Killed In War.
Some Interesting llpires are Riven
m the newspaper Le .lournal on the
reduction of the canine population In
France durlni tho war. It was esti
mated there er :i,8.ri.V'-n 1ors In
France In 1DM, while In li)l!0 the num
ber had diminished to 2,fl."i7,:(80 of
which G7.r),000 ore pets, l,0S2,:J8l) watch
doKS. Of 1,11)7.010 which disappeared
the majority were killed by projectiles,
while employed as message benrer3
with the French nrmy. It Is noted
that while the numbers decreased tho
standard of leading breeds In France
In no way Buffered.
Who Got the Penny?
It was little Dorothy's first time to
Mtend Sunday school. Ileforc leaving
the house her father gave her n penny
uiid said:
"Now, Dorothy, you must give your
penny to Jesus."
When the Sunday school teacher
passed the collection envelope sbe fol
lowed the example of the other chil
dren and deposited her lM'imy. On her
return home her father asked:
"Dorothy, did you give your penny
to Jesus?"
"No, sir," she replied. "Mr. Jetus
was not there, so I gave It to Mrs.
Jesus." Knnsns City Star.
"Did you tell your wife you had a
new typewriter?"
"I did. I told her I bnd n new type
writing machine to write a machine,
mind you, and I made It doggono ex
plicit I" Richmond Times-Dispatch.
Erich pneknga of "Dinmontl Dyes" co
tninfl dirrctinnn no simple any woman cma
dye or tint her worn, shabby drotita,
skirts, wniM, coats, stockinga, mventera,
covering, draperies, haneincB. everything,
even if ulie has never dycrl before. Buy
"Diamond Djes" no other kind then per
fect home dyeing In sure because Diamond
Dyps nrc pimninteed not to upot, fade,
streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether
the material you wish to dye is wool o
silk, or whether it is linen, cotton ta
mixed goods--advertisement.
. . - i
Response Was Pat.
The church buildings of Jcffcrson
vllle are nearly all close to each other
In one precinct, known as the "church
precinct." Two of the churches In
this precinct occupy opposite corners
at one titreet Intersection. Services
are held at the same hours, and tha
passerby can often hear two congre
gations singing simultaneously. Tha
other dny this Is what happened:
From the open doors and windows
of one church Heated out the strains:
"Will there bo any stars In mj
Like an echo thero came from tha
other church to the grinning outsider,
this response:
"No, not one; no, not one." Indiaa
anolls News.
His Title Clear.
A Pennsylvania lawyer wns onea
arguing a case on behalf of a Hun
garian and had displayed great knowl
edge of Hungary and Its people.
"Come, come," said the judge nt last,
"you know you cannot make yourself
out to be a Hungarian."
"I'erhnps not," snld the lawyer, "bn
I have made n great deal of raonq
out of Hungarians In my time."
"In that case," suggested the Judgn
"suppose we call you u Hungarian bj
Touching Bottom.
"What Is Heatham's credit ratkigT
"So low be can't even get a battery
charged." Wayside Tales.
Why should you follow
a crooked path ?
Often a cowpath haa been allowed to become
a village street, and as the village expanded,
tradition has made the winding way an expres
sion of a cow's wilL
Habit is always forging chains to enslave us,
80 that what has been found bearable by tho
fathers is accepted by the sons.
Who cannot recall the coffee-pot Mother put
on the stove early in the morning, warning us
not to let it boil over?
As children, we were not permitted to drink
tea or coffee, because it would stunt our growth
or make ua nervous and irritable. When older,
however, we craved a hot drink with meals, and
custom gave us our tea or coffee.
Finally upon tha instructions of the doctor,
Mother gave up her tea and coffee. But that
meant nothing in our young lives. Our vitality
was then stTong enough to throw off any ill effects.
But our time came, and we learned by ex
perience that we could not drink tea or coffee.
When we had it for breakfast it put our nerves
on edge. When we drank it at tho evening meal,
we tossed about in wakefulness most of the night.
And then we found Postum, a pure cereal
beverage, free from the harmful drug, caffeine, in
teaandcoflee. We liked the rich, satisfying flavor
of Postum and also the better health which re
sulted. And, too, we were surprised to find how
many of our neighbors had made the same dis
coveryhad learned the value of "health first,"
Postum comes In two forms: Instant Postum (In tins)
mads Instantly In the cup by the addition of boiling watar.
Postum Coreul (in packages of larger bulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while themeal Is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by ail grocers,
Postum for Health
There's a Reason"