The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 10, 1921, Image 3

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f .
I Watch Your Kidneys !
That "bad back" is probably due to
weak kidneys. It shows in a dull,
throbbing backache or sharp twinges
when stooping. You have headaches,
too, dizzy spells, a tired, nervous feel
ing and irregular kidney action. Don't
neglect it there ia danger of dropsy,
gravel or Uright'a disease! Use Doaws
Kidney Pills. Thousands have saved
themselves more serious ailments by
the timely use of Doan't. Ask your
A Nebraska Case
N, I. Cooper,
retired farmer, 311
W. 7th St., Lox
I n k t o n, Nehr.,
nays: "I had nn
attack of lumba
go that was so
severe I could
hardly get up or
down. This at
tack came on
while 1 was In
tho field and It
was all I could
do to Bet to the
i ... ..... "" Hem lur
Doan's Kidney Pills and a fow days
use cured me."
Gat Doan's at Any 3 tors, 60c Bos
For bums, cuts, I
sprains and all
skin irritations. !
Relieves dryness
of scalp. !
JBtata Strait" MU0AT"" acwYor I
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
The world's standard remedy for these
disorders will often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body Against
furthor attacks. Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the nam Gold Medal on orsry box
and accept no imitaUoa
BfVihgtktCnulne STEARNS'
Ready for Use Bettor Than Trap
Directions In 16 lannaes n I'vrrr box.
Bats, Mice, Cock nineties. Ants arid Waterbngi
aeiiroj food ami proporty and are carrier ui
Slseiun. .SOiirni' Hitttrle Vaitr turn's thrne ptu
l run from trio bulldlnu fur water and (reib air.
iiuiU II W. "Miinor hack If It falls."
U. t. UoToruuiont bujs IU
rnrnii ro RoiTivttYHMovEObri,n.rT7,i
rncuKLco s$&nwx)zi-,h??te&i
"awilhliW C,t,HIIebUaAf,Bo..CUcM, lit
Fatal to Friendship.
"Mr. WiiiIIcIkIi buuiiis to have few
intimate friends."
"It's hlri own fault."
"Why bo?"
"lie's always lipcn lending sums
rniiKlnB from $10 to ,?."0 to people who
tall; as If they would dlo of chagrin
If they owed liltn inoupy longer 1I11111
24 hours, and then proceed to make
Itn lifetime obligation." lllnnlnglintn
Age-Hern Id.
Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heals
Throat and Lunrj Inflammation.,
Tho almost constant Irritation of a
cough keeps tho delicate mucous mem
brane of the throat and lungs In a con
jested condition, which Boseheo'B Syrup
gently and quickly soothes and herds.
For this reason It hns been a favorlto
household remedy for colds, coughs,
bronchitis and especially for lung
troubles In millions of homes all over
the world for the last fifty-five years,
enabling tle patient to obtain a good
night's rest, free from coughing, with
easy expectoration In tho morning.
You can buy Boschee's Syrup wherever
medicines are sold. Advertisement
"Why nil this stuff nhout Henry
VIII?" "I dunno. We've got plenty of
newer scandals,"
tQQZ&lJP Smart or Burn, if Sore,
Vniin CVrC In-ltated, Inflamed or
IUUR LYtO Granulated,useMurJne
Hen. Soothe, Refresh. Safe for
Infant or Adult At all Druggist. Write for
Free Eye Book. Hartas Et Umtii C.. CVs.
(Copy for This Department Supplied by
th American I.fitlnn News Service )
Restaurant Cook, Harry Keynston
Jones, Famous as Author of
"Rose of No Man's Land."
From out the hustling kitchen of n
populnr summer resort restaurant near
St. Paul, Minn.,
there Issued dur
ing the vacation
season Jilting
songs and whis
tled ditties that
sounded s o
strangely famil
iar that Ameri
can Legion serv
ice men of the
World war de
cided to Investi
gate. They found
the musician to he onu Harry Keyn
Btou Jones, a llve-foot-teu Cockney,
also the restaurant couk.
Jones began his musical career as
chef of a Winnipeg grenadier regiment
during the wnr. Later he tended tho
private skillet of Gen. Sir Julian Byng
at Vlmy Hldge, and more Important
than that, he wrote "Hose of No Man's
Laud," the war song that had a long
run of popularity. A penny whistle
which he bought and played for the
prime purpose of amu&lng his kitchen
police caused his rise to music fame,
he declared.
Tn France he wns transferred to the
ofllcers' mess. There Lieutenant Col
onel Mcllne, who later wrote "In Finn
tiers Fields," heard the penny whis
tling, and the two became 'friends.
Some time afterward they together
turned out the words and miifelc of
the No Man's Land song.
Jones, wounded at Cambral, was In
valided back to Canada. After his
discharge from the hospital ho began
rt sightseeing tour of the stntes, de
pending upon his cooking nhlllty for
rendy employment. Ho now has a
6ong with a New York publisher which
he hopes t,o put forth soon.
Dr. Arthur Davis Dean, Veteran of the
World War and Educator of
Wide Experience.
Dr. Arthur Davis Dean, recently
chosen by the government ns school
superintendent ol
all America's war
disabled, Is I1I111
elf n veteran of
the World war ns
well as nn edu
cator of wide ex
perience and n
specialist In voca
tional training.
During the wnr.
Dr. Dean, n mnjor
tn tho sanitary
corps, worked on
the physical and niimiu ic.iuoi.iiin. ...
of the sick and wounded as they were
returned to the United States In al
most all the large government hos
pitals of the country. With nine
years' experience In vocational educa
tion work- In New York state, he served
ns head of the division of vocational
schools In the state department of ed
ucation from 1003 to 1017, when he be
came professor of vocational education
In Teachers college, Columbia univer
sity, lie directed the New York state
prison survey in 11)10 and Investigated
the possibilities of Industrial and agri
cultural education In Porto HIco for
the Insular government.
Dr. Dcnn wns born Sept. 15, 1S72,
at Cambridge, Mass., and was educated
at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology. He Is n member of Columbia
university post of the American Legion.
Ernect Mastros, Second In Swlmmlnfl
Race; Wounded Buddies Winner
and Third In Sprint.
Tho throng of spectators who
watched the finish of nn exciting sprint
during n swim
ming meet In Mad
ison Square Gar
den, New York,
recently, vigorous
ly npplnuded the
efforts of Ernest
Mastros, a little
chap who brought
up In second
plnce. Their en
' li u s I n s in was
Heightened when
the race had fin
ished and they saw Mastros ns he was
climbing out of the big tnnk. Tie
had lost his left arm, serving with the
American forces In France, nnd he
all hut won tho event by tho solo
power of his good right nnd his abun
dance of gamoncss.
However, the winner of tho race,
William Mclntyro, also wns wounded
in France, the surprised crowd learned
later, as was Harold E. Taylor, who
finished a closo third In tho samo
match. The trio of wounded wnr vet
orans are members of the Metropoli
tan Life post of tho American Legion,
formed of men nnd women employees
of the life insurance company who
served during the World war.
r(3.r.VA2 K. tKVK j
rr 'wwr Tnr rr wr 1
Sturgli, South Dakota Legislator, Is
Author of Measures In tho In
terests of Americanism.
Tho first mnn on the Job In the
morning, ho further surprised legisla
tive circles by
never missing a
single roll call
during the time
the legislature
was In session.
He was n chap
lain In the army,
he explained, In
which well-known
organization a
man was either
on the dot ' or
ahead of It or
he wasn't I
Carroll D. Kraklnc, preacher-legls-lator
of Sturglu, b. D has can led
what he learned In his country's serv
ice with him, the electorate of his
state say. He left after 15 years of
Presbyterian ministry on leave of ab
sence to serve as chaplain of tho
Eighteenth Battalion daring the World
war, seeing 14 months' service. Af
ter the armistice, while stationed at
Camp Merritt, N. J., he met all trans
ports at the docks and ministered to
wounded men being returned to Amer
ican hospitals. In appreciation of his
work the men presented him a Jeweled
In the legislature, Mr. Ersklne was
author of a hill to lncure proper ob
servance of Armistice day, and of nn
other requiring all school teachers to
take an oath of loyalty to the Consti
tution. He Is n member of the Amer
ican Legion In Sturgls, and state chair
man of the boy scouts, lie was bom
In Blnghiitnton, N Y., mid educated
at Lake Forest college, Illinois.
Veterans, to Receive Treatment, Must
Comply With the Conditions
An outline of the procedure for cx
scrvlcc men to obtain dental treatment
has been prepnrcd by the national
bervlce division of tho American 1,0
glon. Dental treatment will bo furnished
by the bureau of war risk Insur
ance to veterans of the World war
under the following conditions:
1. Where u person has been award
ed compensation for dental disability.
'J. When such treatment Is neces
sary for the cure of a condition which
resulted from military service and Is
the reason for which compensation
hns been awarded.
8. In emergency cases which are
Immediately necessary for the relief
of conditions endangering the life of
tho patient or causing great pain.
Claimants who have not been award
ed dental disability, but feel they
should have such due to military
service, should Immediately Hie claim
In tho regular manner; whereupon
they will receive an order from the
district medical supervisor to report
to the neurest dental examiner for ex
amination and such emergency treat
ment as may be required. Approval
of the dental exnmlner's report must
I be mhde by the bureau of wnr risk
To receive tho benefits of the dental
laws, claimants must pursue their case
through tho regular channels, as bills
contracted outside of the authority of
the bureau of war risk Insurance will
not be paid, except where Milllclent
evidence Is produced that tl:i case was
emergency or that the claimant was
Ignorant of his rights to dental treat
American Legion Searching for James
E. Adle, Shell.Schock Victim
Disappeared In February.
Refusing to helWwe thnt her son Is
dead, although she read recently a
new s p a p 0 r ac- ,.
count of the bur
ial In Minnesota
of n soldier who
bore marks of
Identification Iden
tical with those of
her son, Mrs.
Mnrgaret Adle,
Lowell, Mass., has
nppcaled to the
American Legion
for help in her
untiring senrth.
Tho hoy sought Is Jnmea 15. Adle.
n wounded service mnn of tho World
war who dlsoppenred on February 27
last while on his way from Lowell to
Roston, Mass., where he was to re
ceive n government examination. The
former soldier was suffering from a
severe attack of shell shock nt the
With her husband's death slnco the
war, the mother Is in straightened
circumstances. Her son's government
compensation checks have been arriv
ing monthly during his nbsenco, she
declnres, but they cannot be cashed
without his signature
To Roosevelt's Memory.
A bronze tnblet dedicated to the
memory of the Into Col. Theodore
Roosevelt recently was presented the
American Legion of Kings County,
New York, by the United Spnnlsh War
Veterans. The tablet was composed of
metals taken from tho Ill-fated Malno,
tho Olympln, Dewey's flagship; the
Orpgon, which made the trip from San
Francisco in time to aid In tho destruc
tion of Cervera's fleet at Santiago and
the old battleships New York and
T Lesson T
my iu: v 11 kitua'il,u, i. ,
T iiflior of KiikIIsIi llllilu III thu Moody
Hiblp It'MltUle of CliluiKO )
t'iprli!lit. 1921. Western NrHapnpir Union
m:sson Tr.xT-Arts 21 1-:;.
(KM)i:x TKXT-lliTi'lii ilo 1 i'trrlM?
m i If. to )ni aluuVH n uniHolenoo oiil
of offense low. ml Uoil ntul mnn. Acts
Ki:ri:moxcK m a t 1: 11 1 a i,- l.uko
ir i-w.
I'lll.MAItY TOPIC Why Paul Was Not
Jt'NIOIt TOl'lC-Tho Secret nf Paul's
Mi'fcriMo lofori Ilntu.ui Governor.
Paul's IX'feliHU Hrfnro IVllx.
1. Paul AccuseJ (vv. Ml)
Tertulliw, perhaps- a Roman barris
ter, formally made the accusation ac
fording tn Roman law. lie began with
Mattery, lie gave Felix the fullest
praNe when he ami nil the people
knew that he Hod; for Felix wit one
of the worst governors destitute of
morals- and Justice, lie brought a four
fold charge against Paul:
I. "A pestilent fellow" (v. 5). Tills
would indicate a fellow utterly base
ami (-orriipt u plague.
- An Inciter of rebellion, a mover of
sedition (v. fi). This they hoped
vinitd bring him Into conllict with the
Unninti power.
.'I. That he was the ringleader of u
-eel it sfhlsinntlcnl party a heieiie
(v. .-).
I. That he had profaned the temple
(v. (i).
II. Paul's Defense (vv. 10 21).
In this defense note:
1. Paul's frankness ntnl courtesy (v.
10). Flattery Is entirely wanting, lie
.'hes recognition of the fact that Felix
hud lieeii ru'er of this people long
enough to lie able to Judge Justly, as
i he habits ami ways of the Jews won
I iitntl in i- to him; and then, in u dlgnl
lli'il maimer, assumes that Felix will
tender a JiM decision based upon the
facts of the ease.
2. The charge of sedition denied (vv.
11. 12). He tlatly and scornfully de
nied this charge, showing Its utter
fulsltj, since the time was too short.
Iieim: hut twelve days since lie went to
lenisaleia, ami half of that time had
lii'cn spent im a prisoner of the Ro
mans. His conduct while there dis
proved It he disputed with no man In
the temple; neither did he ma) e any
attempt to Incite the people In the city
nor In the synagogue.
II. The charge of heresy (v. 11 111)
This charge he met by a concession
iinl a denial. He admitted that he was
of the "Way" which they called hcro.v
but clearly showed that It was In
keeping with the Hebrew religion: (1)
he worshiped the sumo (lod (. II);
(2) he fully believed In the same
Scriptures- (v. 1 1) ; (.'I) he hail the same
hope of a coming reiirreetinii of the
dead (v. 1."). lie dtcliu'cil that he
made us Hie principle of life a con
science void of offense before !od and
I. The charge of '-aciilege, or profa
nation of the temple (vv. 17-21). This
'barge he leluted by showing (1) that
he had come all the way from Chccc
(v. 17) to worship at the feast; (2)
that he had not come up empty-hand
ed. but had brought nlms for his na
Mon (v. 17); (.'() that there were not
competent witnesses present to tesilfj
as to his behavior In the temp'e (v.
1!) ; by challenging his enemies to
testify as to his conduct In the council
(v. 20).
III. Paul Before Felix the Second
Tithe (vv. 22-27).
This is a sort of a sequel to Iho.
trial. Wicked as Felix was, Paul's
milliner somewhat won his favor,
though he did not rehiise him. Ills
sentence was Indulgent Imprlvnimeiit.
which kept him free from his enemies
while under Roman protection. Pcliv
sent lor Paul that he might hear of
Christ trom him. Paul behaved him
self aright before these sinners In high
life. He reasoned of righteousness,
sclf-coutiol and Judgment to come, be
fore Felix and his sinful wife, with
such power that Felix was terrllled
and declared that he would hear Paul
further ut a convenient lime. This was
a most lllmsy excuse for not changing
Ids life and granting Justice to Paul.
He was so in bondage to sin that he
was unwilling to change. Also he
hoped that by delaying matters ho
would receive n bribe.
. The Lord Chanueth Not.
And I will come near to you to Judg
ment ; I will bo u bwlft witness against
false .swearers, and against those that
oppress Iho hireling In his wages, the
widow and tho fatherless, and that
turn aside tho stranger from his right,
nnd fear not me, salth the Lord of
Hosts. For I nm tho Lord; 1 chango
not. Malachl !i:5, G.
A mnln purpose of worship on enrth
on tho part of Christians, who bellevo
that they have to prepare for the sight
of (Sod In Judgment, Is that It Is n
preparation. Worship Is nn education
for tho Incvitnblo future. II. P.
Who Shall Enter.
Not ovcry ono that snlth unto mo,
Lord, Lord, shall enter Into the king
dom of henven ; but he thnt dncth tho
will of my Father which is in heaven.
-Matthew 8:21.
Children's Laughter
' - '
s ..
v f ft '
' I
. . -
Mrs. Jnnsscn's experience of
Millston, Wis. " I wnnt to rjivo you
mcuicinc. vu uru lunu ui cimaren,
were marneu i ienreu i wouiu noi novo
Sllill w
re married 1 feared I would not have any. 1 began taking Lydia E. Pink-
n's Vegetnblo Compound, and i t strengthened me sol now hnveanice,
jng, ''enlthy bnby girl. I suffered very littlo nt childbirth, and I give all
credit to your medicine, nnd shall always recommend it highly. Mrs.
niun h
II. II. Janssi;n, Millston, Wis.
Mrs. Held of Marinette, Wis., ndds Iter testimonial for Lvdl E.
Plnkiiuin'sVejrctablo Compound. Slio says:
Marinette, Wis. "I was in a nervous condition and very irrcgulnr. My
doctor ndvised nn operation. My husband brought me ono of your booklets
and asked mo to try Lydia K. Pinkliutn's Vegetable Compound. It overcame
my weakness so that 1 now have n healthy baby girl after having been mar
ried nine years. 1 am glad to recommend your medicine, nnd you mny uao my
letter ns a testimonial." Mrs. II. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St, Marinette, Wis.
There are mnny, many such homcB that wero once childless, and are now
blessed with healthy, happy children necauso Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vegetable
Compound has restored tho mother to n strong and healthy condition, as it
nets as a nntural restorativo for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu
larities, displacements, weakness nnd nervousness.
Women everywhere should remember thnt most of tho commoner ailments
of women aro not tho surgicnl ones they are not caused by serious displace
menta or growths, although the symptoms may be the snme, and that is why
so mnny apparently serious ailments rendily yield to Lydin E. Plnkham'a
Vcgetablo Compound, ns it nets as n nntural restorative. It can be takes
with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles.
Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering nnd has boon unable
to securo relief nnd is regretfully looking forwnrd to n childless old age, ask
her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetnblo Compound , ns it has brought health
and happiness into so many homes onco darkened by illness and despair.
Lydia E, Plnlclinm's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments
Pcculinr to AVomon " will lie sontto you free, upon rcquost,WrIt
toPho Lydia 2. Pinlcham Medicino Co., Lynn, Massachusetts.
This book contains valuable information.
What to Take for
Disordered Stomach
Take a Rood dose
Modern Speed,
Still Buck Man. I tell you I'm the
fastest guy on record. Mirny a lime
I've outrun a bullet for four miles and
got nway from It clean.
Clvvlo Again Call that speed?
Shucks I I can turn out th' Mectrlc
light and be In bed before the room
Is dark." American Legion Weekly.
Fictions of Finance.
"Nobody attempts to sell a farmer
gold bricks or green goods any more."
"What's the use?" Inquired Farmer
Corntossel. "They can work faster
am safer with oll4 stock literature."
Children's handkerchiefs often look
hopeless when they come to the hum
dry. Wash with cood sonp, rlnso In
water blued with Bed Cross Ball Blue.
Ilo Every time I Kiss you It tends
to make mo n better man.
She Ooh, you angel I
Jr z&'
Never say "Aspirin" vithout saying "Bayer."
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 21 years and proved safe by millions foi
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper direction.
flandT tin btws of 12 Uhlft bottles of 'it end 100 All .lruk.r",
.-.- , tk tndm surk ml Uuv Uusheun at UaKMUcl4iU M.nfllMl
a Pleasing Sound
Altoons, Pa. "I am writ
ing to tell you what Lydia EL
Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Com
pound has dono for me. W
find six children die almost at
birth. From one hour to nine
tocn days is all they har
lived. Before my next oni
was bom 1 took a dozen bot
tles of your Vegetable Com
pound, and I can any that it Is
the greatest medicine on
earth, for this baby is now
four months old, and a
healthier baby you would not
want I am sending you
picture of her. Everybody
says 'Thnt is a very healthy
looking baby. ' You have my
consent to show theao few
lines to anybody." Mrs.
C. W. Benz, 131 3rd Avenue,
Altoonn, Pa.
interest to childless wives.
a word of praiae for your wonderful
unu lur n consiacrnoie timo alter wa
any. i oegan taxing L.yula E. 1'inlt-
of Carter's little liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness,
Dizzincsci.Sick Headache. Upset Stomach and for Sallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin. Thru end the mhtry of ContVpaiion.
&SZ?,4Zen?&SC Sll Pai5Sm.II Do,;Sill Price
A Good Question.
She had the money and he a small
Job. He wished to get murrled very
badly, but she was rather undecided
One nlnht us they snt talking ubou,
thu future, he having coaxed her lutt
a halfway engagement, he said.
"And we'll be very careful and not
run Into debt and huve trouble ua the
Slssons did. We'll always pay cuah
won't we, dear?"
A suspicious look camo on to her
face. Quickly she put forth tho que
tlon. "Whoso cash?"
Her Defense Perfect
Jane, after having plucked a boa
quel of roses, was reprimanded bo
erely by her dad, who Hiild: "Didn't
I tell you not to pick uny of these
flowers without Jcnvc-7"
"Yes, daddy," replied tho youngster
"but all these had leaves,"
Don't think that a man looks th
right way every time his head U