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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1921)
'1 ' t 1 K V . I t Ft M X fc 1 i """""ft" .!.(, Wir.J-7Tr?rg-A--i.-iIiraa5f?i: ..,,,, j lV. 3s:s-wj, C Wh.j.-y - yti'R'JgJg. ta&-.'StzJS3l MK" rif" fgg 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 10. 1921 NUMBER ' 5. Fire Destroys Grain Elevator I Legion Banquet Tonight Photographs Do You Need Any This Fall? N 1 1 ow is a eood time to get tnem we are making a Special Price of 6.00 and $7.00 A DOZEN FOP A SHORT TIME ONLY. See Tin Styles in The Street Case THE CLEASON STUDIO Red Cloud as Good Valu ss ERTAINLY you want the lowest -' price on all your purchases. We are going to give you this help when making your purchases at our store. Remember our store the next time your wants are in our line. We are after your business. J.CMITCH6LL The Jeweler Grafanolas and Records cntuiniu Last I'Yiday morning about, four o'clock the alarm was given that, tlto levator belonging to lleorgo Iltivor emnp whs ui fit e. It is said by borne that Ir hiul biMMi binning for some time beforo tin nliirtn was given. Hy tlie tlniM the dcpaituient aril veil it had ul most burned to the ground, and owing to low prc&Mire of tho Hurl itigton's water tliHy wens unable to accomplish much The elevator contained over nine thousand bushels of corn, forty. six hiuidrui bushels of wheat, and sonic outs Hiid ryn. Mr Mitveruamp entries 818,000 00 insurance on the building ami contents. The origin of the file l.s u n know u Fireman Struck by Auto While Responding to Alarm .lot? Chit ,lr, mi-iiihr of the fire d'1 pai tiueiit, whs M'ilonsl. inj uvd last Saturday night while cno-um ttie sticet on l''iti Avenue in response to t ! tlie iilm hi vvhiu'i a gtveii ahoiil y : 1 5 o'clock, iieiiif? ft i nek by l'ord tommy- ear driven by Chai Ins Kloli HI'dMIU. Willi W'l gnlllg llllllll. Mr fair ivi s in the pictni mIiow wtien IIih mImiiii was yiv-ii IIh mi uiuilbitxly responded mid whs crossing ilie sliest when the muo s ruou 'itn Uelh bones of l he lower riullt let; were broken and pmtiuilcl lllroilirh I ho fit- li, lieslib h in lir h IIIshn. O vv 8 unconscious h-n lOHchfti bt those who were nexr lie Hccldent and vwis taken to Or. Martin's office where Iih Wjts upended l Drs Martin, Hnxsey and Cieiuhtcin. ami later lemoved ton routu in lh Urnee Kinuie looming house. He !- getting nloni it-well as could be expi!it-. considering the set imisucsi ot his injuries Tonight at eight o'clock tlie Arnori. can Legion will haven banquet at. the Powell & Pope Uafe, in lionor of the now members who joined this organ! zition during the drive. Gilbert Bock's team secured the most members and as a result it falls to Paul I'onlclcy and and ids co workers to pay for plates for the new members. Mr. S Hard man will be the principal speaker for tlie occasion. After "chow" tho post will meet in tho I O. O. V. hall where tho initiation will take place. Elton Pope Weds Elton Pope, son of Mr. and Min .lay Popf, sin prised his miny friends by arriving in the city with a bride I he Hint of the week. The p.i-t few mouths . had In im win king at Denver and titration. Cnlntailo but decided tlu.t the tif of a bachelor was not all loses so he j'inriieyt'd to Republic, IyiiiimiS wher tin last Friday he wed I lie lady nf his ciinlco. Miss Mut'v Alice (ioset. The yiiiiuu couple will make tlnir Inline In tills cif with the best wish 3 of their in tn v fi lends. "1 arm Clock A new Sock of Westclox Alarms BIG BENS SLEEPMETERS BABY BENS AMERICAS Starke Brothers' Holstein To Our Patrons And Friends Mr. J. F. Edwards has resigned his position with the Farmers Union to accept a position at River ton and Mr. Will McPherson, who has been connected with the Union for the past two years, will assume his duties at the store. Carl McArthur has accepted a position as second man at the Eleva tor and G. A. Kailey will handle the clerical work for both the store and elevator, with headquarters at the store. H BOOSTERS LUNCH AT ROYAL HOTEL On Monday nt noon the Red Cloud Boosters mot for lunch at the fnmousj hb'stelry of our friend, RoyvOatman,v where they were regaled in truly Royal style. The dining room was filed with the crowd and everybody enjoyed them selves to the full. Mr. Stein gave a most interesting talk on Brazil which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Rev. Fred J. New land introduced tho matter of a com munity Christmas Tree in an impas sioned speech, and Mr. Haines from tho Agricultural College Extension staff gave a short but pithy talk about Officially Listed thc nPsity of farm and city co- J operation. It was decided to have tho Booster dinner in future in thc evening nbout six or six-thirty which wc believe will be a change for tho better. We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B::H. Newhouse Ked aouj Jeweler and Optometrist tibra$ka A Red Cloud, Nebraska lu-pfder is again mentioned in the latest bullet in of the llolfiteiii-KiieMaii Association of A tnei iui, which reports tho milk and tin tr fat production of cows under ollluial Mipt rvlsiou. Siarke Brothers have ono of tlndr pure bted registered Holsteins cicditwl with 10 7 lbs. ot butter in seven dajs. This' cow, Starke Knrin Hengervold Amy, is repotted as haviui made at the Hge of two years and live months, a record of .'LIS 7 lb-, or milk and 15 Sl'O lbs. of butler fat. equivalent to the above atoonnt of butter. The Champion Holstein for Nebras ka in tho Junior two year old class for seven day production is Rag Applo Knrndyko Boon Chornita. who-o to-1 cord of 1H7.6 lb-, of milk and 18 20 lbs. of butter tut, equivalent to Cfl (5 lbs. of buttor, bui'im'Sr'b ill oihcifl, neeoiding to the records of tho Holstein Kriesiun Association of America. Tills record production whh inttlu at the H B. Davis Farm, Omaha, Nebraska. Grace Church Services 2Gth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a in. Mnrtilnu Service at 1 1 a. m. Evening Service ut7::i() p. in. Confirmation Instruction at7:l.rp. m Saturday. Choir Rehearsal at 8 p. in., Saturday. Quit apoloiziiig for not going to eh tn eh. Give your conscience n ret, and get a comfortable feeling undt r your vest by attending church next Sunday. Besse Aviditorium One Night Only SUNDAY - NOV. 13th FAREWELL SHOW ALL FOR A REAP- sJY RIDE ThefF (ir filers Union RED CLOUD, NEBR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I HOLDS REGULAR MEETING Tho regular meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce wn3 held at thc rooms on Tuesday night. President Hamilton called tho meet ing to order at 8 o'clock and coiihidcr nblc woik was done. Tho committee on placing the road sign was continued, tho members promising to get tho signs placed within tho next two weeks. Considerable" interest was manifest ed in tho report of R. P. Wccsner on tho luncheon. in favor of Good Roads, nt Guido Rock, last week. Various matters, in connection, wore discussed and tho regular Road Committee were requested to meet with tho County Commissioners as soon as with reforenco to tho above. Bruce Maokey who has been em ployed by tho Burlington on a biidgo gang which was working near Napotiee hadthe misfortune last Saturday to fall several ffet striking a timber on . his stomach, suffering severe injuries J Ho was broimht to this cty on No 14 , anil placed iimlur th of llcient cue of Br. It S Mn. tin, whore he is doing t-pleudldly at this tlmej Saturday evenliiL', abint 8 o'clock, while Mr and Mia lliert Delnh wi-ih li' leading the picture h ", their re-1 d.-nceon the Kit kpitrlck farm eniut.i on fue, theoiigin f vlileh i- uiilun-wii The house an. i all I's contents weiu completely consumed No hisiinu ee was curried and th In-. wn iota . I'Vlenls upon liMi'ir.iig of their nns. fortune iminedialely Mured a publio subscription In their behalf. WITH ti Because the la'e summer and fall wi'io very dry nur C-mett-ry tuistees (hough it best not to cut tho grass too short. It Is now time to cluau it up for the winter; and It Is desired tlist possible nil who can, appear at tho cemetery Monday, Nov. 15th, at 1! p. in., wBli few Prices 50c-75c-$1.009 Plus Tax Seats on Sale ut Box Office .,... ..- .i . anuaaannu aaiaiiiiEni Tho rccrctary was directed to in- Bnythes. hIckU'h. takes, etc., for a form tho American Legion thnt their bourn work offer for uso of Club Rooms was ac- S It. K v.w Kiauk IVrrv ceptcd. E 0. Caldwoll H J. Overlap jr Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p. m. I Br. Uoxey. HE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of your business careor. Write yonr letters on Hammermill Ripple Bond, correctly printed at the Chie! office. It creates a favorable impression. ', 'II - (i I ''I