The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 03, 1921, Image 8

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Mr. Merchant
THIS OFFICE is, this season, in a position to handle
the Christmas gift card business thathas hereto
fore gone to the cities. Our stock of cards has
just arrived and we will be pleased to show you the
beautiful assortment of engraved, embossed, hand tint-
ed cards from some of the best gift card manufacturers
' iti the world.
The Successful Business Man
in recent years never fails to remember his patrons
r at Christmas time with an appropriate card. People
have become to expect it, and it is a very inexpensive
way of extending the season's greetings, proving to the
'customer that his business dealings with you have been
appreciated and causing him to remember you when he
feed's any thing in the line you carry.
f x Call at our office and let us talk it over.
ni luF'J nil claims uuiy uieu w
tj 1.1 ii lit.. .a
All Things Considered
We Believe That
Is as cheap if not cheaper, than any other kind
of fuel. If you are not using MAITLAND try some
of ours the next time you order.
Piatt cfr Frees
If your printed matter comes from
the 'Chief you know it is 'right'
f 17
firlnco Albert is
cold in toppy red
-biis, tidy red tin.
t liandsomo poitnii
al half pound tin
humidors and in tho
pound crystal class
humidor with
tponca moistmier
' top.
Copyright 1021
Tobacco Co". '
W, Hi I I
w i unit i
i i,m .
Get the joy that's due you!
We print it right here that if you don't know the
"feel" and the friendship of a joy'us jimmy pipe
GO GET ONE ! And get some Prince Albert and
bang a howdy-do on the big smoke-gong!
For Prince Albert's quality flavor coolness
fragrance is in a class of its own ! You never tasted
such tobacco ! Why figure out what it alone means
to your tongue and temper when we tell you that
Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive
patented process fixes that!
Prince Albert is a revelation in a makin's cigarette!
My, but how that delightful flavor makes a dent!
And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince
Albert rolls easy and stays put because it is crimped
cut. And, say oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe !
Do it right now!
Kansas Pickups
Miss Volnui Carr spent Sunday
Misses Roba nnd Zulu Ingram.
The Rout Linnignti family arc now
living on the T. S Spurrier farm.
Mrs. Tliolma KeUdaii spent Tuesday
with her mother, Mrs, Hoht, Liuinlgnti
Kenneth Ahhott of Martinsville,
Indiana came in Sunday night for nil
extended visit with his brother. Marl
Mrs. Door, asUtorof Mis. Jermlna
Peterson, Is huio vlMtlng relatives
Her home is In Montana.
Newell Meriitt and family of Luban
a'i and Hoy to Lull and family of
13boii won- Sunday visitors at the
Eirl Abbott home
Mrs. Jermiua Peterson fof Smith
Renter returned to her home 'Monday
n'tcr ii week's visit with relatives in
the Pawnee neighborhood.
T S Spurrier has purchased proper
ty in Lebanon and moved to that place
last week. Mr. Spurrier has been n
resident of Lagan township for forty
eight yeais. He will be missed ou the
farm however wo wish htm good luck
and contentment in town.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska
In tho Matter of the Estate of Ras
mus Jensen Deceased.
Ci editors of Bald Estate will talco
Notice, that the time limited for pre.
sentation and flllnc of claims ntrainst
j Bnld estate is February 4, 1922, and for
tuo payment 01 ueois is April oin,iuzz,
, that I will alt at the county court room
in said county on the 0th day of Nov.
hear and allow
hlcli arc a first
estate, and on
1022 to exa
mine, hear, allow and adjust allclnlms
and objections of genet al creditors
duly (Hod.
Dated tills 8th day of October 1021
(Seal) A D. KANNEY
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Wobstor Coun'
ty, Nebraska
In the mutter of the Estate of Char
,les II. Uesso Deceased.
Creditors of Said Estate will tako No
tice that tho time limited for present
atlon and filing of claims against said
estate is February 11th, 1022, and for
the payment of debts is April 10th,
1022, that I will sit at the county court
room in said county on tho 12th day of
November, 1021 , to examine, hear and
allow nil claims duly tiled which are n
first or second lien upon said estate
and on tho l.ltli day of February, 1922,
to examine, hear, allow and adjust nil
claims and objections of general credit
ors duly filed,
Dnteil this 11th day of October, 19:1
(Seal.) A. D. RANNEY,
A true copy County Judge.
H ember 1021. to examine,
the Gth day of February
Buy a pipe
and some P. A.
Farmers Institute Closes
One of the many pleasing features
of tho Instltuto was the Live Stock
Parade last Thursday afternoon Th
band headul the procession and the
exhibitors followed lending their pilau ;
linr-cfl, mules and oittle. This wonder-1
ed exhibition excited groat admiration ,
and has an advertising value that can
hardly be estimated.
'A' lie elos'ng pingiam of the Farmers
institute iihhi Thursday evening was
the lies' if the whole session
Tli- Krotnatic Kids furnished the
musk! The plctme, "Hittingthu (Huh
Sp it"," wns w(indrfiil It showed the
beauties of nature in the White mount
ains ci Ni'W Hampshire.
Rev Ilaidmau so plous"d the audi
enoe with his violin selection that he
was'twlco brought bach for additional
numbers by euthusiiistla encore,
Mrs Fiiink Hughes sang a beautiful
solo and was applauded until she was
compelled to reappear In response she
sang "When You And I Were Young,
Maggie" which brought bade fond
fond memories to the. older members
of the audience in a manner nothing
else could have done.
13. J Ovorlng lutroduccd the speaker
of the evening, Hou A. C. Shalleti-
berger of Alma. Ho spoke on "Agti
culture" lie has been engaged In the
llvo stock business for several yeats
and has somethlug in common with
every farmer in Nebraska. After see
ing the scenic panorama of Now damn
shire, he elaborated at length on the
beauty of our own Republican Valley.
We always have to have some one far
away tell us of tho beauty of our own
surroundings to which we are ofton
Agriculture is the most permanent
profession. It assuredly takes brains
to run a farm successfully nowadays
It Is a distinct advantage of living in
this great agricultural state of Nebras
ku rather than having to live uuder
the environment of the mining camps
or lumber region.
Our llvo stock is famous over two
continents. Nebraska's resources are
The Community Chorus gave two
splendid selections, concluding the
The school and civic parade on Fri
day was hendered on account of the
r.iln. Many country schools failing to
cuter on that account and several mer
chants declined to enter floats The
Red Cloud Schools came first in tho
procession, from kindergarten to High
School in various costumes; about ten
country schools entered; iollowiiig the
rural schools camu tho baud, iloats and
decorated cars us advertisements of
different business establishments of
tlie city.
Tho American Legion float was the
most beautiful of all, bearing on a
truck ten graves, covered with popples,
and the white crosses at their head,
with tho Legion insignia on ouo side
and completely surrounding the truck
was wound bunting aud a sign with the
inscription, "In 'Inlander's Field the
P ipples Grow," "Lest We Forget".
Smith Bros Garage was next in Hi 0
with ii Ford very prettily decor
ated; Weosner's car was piottily de
corated with of corn and pump
kins, and giving a general exhibit of
their more; Karl Hall's car was very
protty, a robe of white, covered with
pink chysauthemums; the doors of the
car, bore tho name "Bulck" made in"
flowers aud little Winifred II.ill, dre&s
ed in pink and white, sitting in tho
back seat threw Hulek advertising to
t'le crowd; Grice & Grimes had u de
corated car representing their Jonteol
department and had many colored
streamers of this color running ovtr
the car from a Jonteel postor ou to ;
Olevle's garage was represented next;
Uuruard Harden was on hand with a
clever display of an "Exlde" battery;
Ciwden & Kaley Clothinc Co,, brought
up tho roar with a prettily he-decked
cir in autumn coloring.
No prizes were given tho Iloats but
tho first four bchools were rewarded:
Inavalc, lst-5i!0, (iarfleld 2nd -Sin,
Dlbt. 27, 3rd-3l0, Highland 4th ?5.
The Judges were: Mrs. 13. A. Crelgh
tin, D. C, Henderson and Mr. Spohu of
Dr.R. V. NiGholson
Red Cloud
The Margin of Safety
Is represented by the amount of
insuranco you carry.
Don't lull yourself Into a fancied
Because lire has never touched you
it doesn't follow that you'rolmiuuuo
Tomorrow -no today, if you have
time and you better find time
come to thooflloo and wo'll wrlto
a policy on your houso, furniture,
store or morchandiso,
.Reusable Insurance
Institute Awards
the livestock and business interests of
tho county. The superlative merit of
the (hdiit-; promises still preator im
pi'ivoinc l !! tile fiiluro A list of ihu
awaide nude by Prof. II. .) (iiumlicll,
head of Up Animal Husbandry depart
ment 01 the University if Nebraska.
In tho liorso department tho nv.'.'irds
I wi'rp n follows: IJ. I2. Hunter, lna-
vnlc, 1h1 nnd 2nd utallion over 2 years
old; i.inil "trunnion ,,dlinn nnd lit
on K1!"'. iid pony. AT Nolan, Ited
('ii'd I' i'-mc A yiMM old and over.
I' red ' . owe, I, Umde Mark 2nd nuiro
over 1 v'lfs old, 1st iroldini: over .'I
t-3is. ! t and 2nd on farm to'ims. .
llaiold hovle 1st mn m Jl years and un
der ! lit mule unilor I year;, 2nd
mulo !) rtnj under 4; 1st team of nudes.
James MrTavtlnnd, Mm Cloud, lat under 1 year. Mat. Doylo 2nd
gelding U yr. and over. Howard Ham-,
ilton, Guide Hock, 2nd colt under I yr.
Frank Seihert, Inavalo, 2nd mule un
der 1 year. Kd Crary, Guido Uock,'
1st mare !? years and under 4. Other
exhihilors were Harry Topham, Fred
Arnold and Jacob Kieg.
Shorthorn Division
Sam Johnston, Inavalo. 1st hull over
3 years, 2nd senior yearling heifer.
Henry Fnusch, Guide Hock, 1st hull
2 yr. nod over; grand chumpion hull;
1r.t cow 2 yr. and under JJ; grand
champion cow; 1st junior heifer calf;'
1st graded herd. .
Johnston & Aidd, Guide Hock, 1st'
senior bull calf; 2nd cow over 3 yr.;
2nd cow 2 yr. and under 3; 1st get of
sire; reserve champion bull.
J. M. Steward & Son, Red Cloud,
1st junior yearling bull; 2nd senior
bull calf; 1st junior bull calf; 1st cow
over 3 yr.; 1st senior yearling heifer;
2nd senior heifer calf; 2nd junior hcif-'
cr calf; 2nd graded herd; 1st produce
of dam; 1st calf herd.
Marion Steward 2nd junior year
ling heifer.
Amelia Steward 1st junior yearling
Henrietta Steward, 1st senior heif
er calf.
Hereford Division
Alf Nolan, 1st bull over 3 yr.; 1st
and 2nd junior bull calf; 2nd cow over
o yrs.; 2nd cow over 2 yrs. and under
; 1st senior heifer calf; 1st produce
of dam; reserve champion bull.
Hobt. Kinlcy, Bladen, 1st junior
yearling bull; 1st cow over 3 years;
1st junior heifer calf; grand champion
hull; grand champion cow.
Gilbert Reed, 1st cow 2 yrs. and un
der 3; 1st senior yearling heifer.
Holstein Division
Starke Bros., 1st and champion bull;
1st and 2nd cow over 3 yrs.; champion
cow; 1st and 2nd senior yearling
Joe Gurney, Inavalc, 1st junior
yearling heifer.
Robert Ovcring, Red Cloud, 1st on
Guernsey heifer.
In Spotted Poland Chinas Lea Wil
mot & Sons, Inavalc, were the only
exhibitors, and were awarded all the
prizes offered on their exhibit.
C. J. McCallum wns the only ex
hibitor of Chester Whites and was
awarded prizes on his exhibit.
Joe Gurney, Inavalc, was the only
exhibitor of Hampshircs and received
all prizes.
Poland China Division
J. M. Steward & Son, 1st hoar over
2 years; 1st sow over 2 years; 1st sow
over 1 year and under 2; 1st sow and
litter; champion sow.
Willis Means, 1st boar I year and
under 2; champion boar.
Henry Fauscli, Guide Hock, 2nd
hoar 1 year and under 2: 2nd sow over
2 yrs.; 2nd sow 1 yr. and under 2; 1st
sow under G mo.; 2nd young herd.
W. F. Lippincntt, 2nd boar 0 mo.
and under 1 yr.; 2nd boar under 0 mo.
Geo. Amnrk, 1st boar G mo. and un
der' 1 yr.
by use of
Travellers Cheques protect tho tourist by
affording a safe form in which to carry funds.
Those cholines, which are ihsued in denomina
tions of 310, S'JO, .11), and S100, furnish a ready
identification of tho holder and aro payablo up
on counter-signature, They are accepted
throughout the world by banks, hotels, trans
porintlon jompanles and business houses.
lleforo taking an extended trip lot our officers
explain in detail the advantages of carrying
theso cheques whon travelling.
Edward Flounce, Prctident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Ch5e
Dipoht't QuarantHd by thi VtpoiUori Guaranty Fund of th$ Stal of A'ifcroiia
J. W. Jnrboe, 1st boar under 6 mo.;
1st and 2nd sow (5 inos. and under 1 yr.
2nd sow nnd litter; 1st young herd;
l;t get of Mrc.
Kugeno White 1st sow under (3 mo.;
1st product1 of dam.
(!eo. Vance, 2nd produce of dam.
Other 'exhibitor wore Miner Kent,
Marion Steward, K. A. Portcnicr, Geo.
(Jreonlinlgh, J. W Crow, Henry Fish
el, Albert Vance.
Duroc Jei.sey Division
Johnston & Atild, 1st hoar over 2
years; 1st hoar 0 mos. and under 1 yr.
1st pow over 2 yrs.; 1st and 2nd sow
6 mo. and under 1 yr.; 1st sow under
(5 mo.; 1st aged herd; 1st young herd;
2nd get of sire; 2nd produce of dam;
champion hoar.
13. A. 'Illumehthal, Blue Hill, 2nd
boar over 2 yr.; 2nd sow over 2 yr.;
2nd aged herd.
Sam Johnston, Inavalc, 1st boar 1
yr. and under 2; 2nd sow 1 yr. and un
der 2.
Henry Lambrccht, Innvalc, 2nd boar
1 yr. and under 2.
M. II. Ilunsicker, 2nd boar 6 mos.
and under 1 year.
J. T. McMahon, Blue Hill, 1st boar
under 6 mo.
D. Spohn, 2nd boar under 6 mo.; 2d
young herd; 1st get of sire; 1st pro
duce of dam.
J. D. Lovcjoy, 1st sow 1 year and
under 2; champion sow.
Oscar Lea, 2nd sow under 6 mos.
Chas. Miner, 1st sow and litter.
Other exhibitors were W. M. Ko
minsky, Reid Dickerson, Herb. Lam
brccht, Logan Ohmstede, Lorimer Ed
son, C. H. Steward.
The Johnston & Auld special for
the best sow pig out of a dam pur
chased in their 1921 bred sow sale
was awarded to Oscar Lea.
In tho Shorthorn Calf Club special
offered by the American Shorthorn
Breeders' Association, Chicago, Ame
lia Steward won first, Marion Steward
2nd, Everett Johnston 3rd and Eugene
White 4th.
Dead Letter List
The following list of unclaimed let
ters will bo sent to the Dead Letter
Department if not called for by Nov
1G, 1021:
Chas. Edgertou, Chas. Hiitsnn, Lest
er P.ummer,
H C. LETSON, Postmaster
I wish to thank the Red Cloud, Fire
Department for the prompt servjee
that they rendered Friday morning at
tho (Ire at which time they saved my
residence and outbuildings from burn
ing. N. M. Hayes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Huntsingcr
have leasod the dining room of the
Cliff Hotel, and will be open for busi
ness Friday. Mrs. Uuntslnger is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Day of
this city, and she is well known to
many n Ns son Mr. Huntsingcr is an
experienced chef, nnd he will make n
special effort to please Good home
cooked food sorved in an attractive
way at a modointe price. They will
also feature a special chicken dinner
each Sunday Nelson Gazette.
Guid Conceit o' Hlmsel'.
Mother was telling her caller how
frlii- had sent one of her six-year-old
hoy's bright remarks to a newspaper
nnd received a dollar for It, when the
little fellow entered the room. Over
hearing her, he wild : "Mother, If you'll
Just listen to all I say nnd send It to
tho paper you'll make enough to sup
port the whole family." Boston
Proves Wisdom of Heplod.
The many prove tho wisdom of
Ilcslod, who says that thq rond to
wickedness Is smooth and very short,
and there Is no need of perspiring;
hut beforu virtue the Immortal gods
have placed the sweat of labor, and
lung and steep Is the way thltlicr, -and
rugged at first; but when you havo
reached the top, then, however djfll
cult, It becomes easy. Pinto.
i' i
Rod Cloud
..- iW
' ' rr)"U ,!,- ..- . . j9u
the national joy smoke
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