RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF TOE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud. Nobrnsktv PUUL1M1EJ) EVEItt THURSDAY Untcrrd In tlio I'ontolllcc at Kid ( loud, Nub an Hccond Clnns Mnttcr A. B.MoARTllUR, Editor mid Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, por column Inch 15c Xocivl, 10 & 12 Farm Bureau Notes HIGH SCHOOL STOCK .1UIK2ING CONTEST The Stock Judging Contest held nl tlio Farmers' Institute where six of the seven High Schools competed. A class of Duroc gills and a claps of Poland Kills with oral reasons on 1ho Poland gilln. A class of short horn heifers and a class of Hereford cows with oral reasons on the Ucic ford cows. A class of marcs were placed hy the contestants. Red Cloud was first, score of 15G5; Kcklcy 2nd score 1517; Rluc Hill -third score M72; Guide Rod: fourth -score 1138; Cowlca fifth score 1259 and Iimvalo Cth score 1210. George Grccnhalgh of Ecklcy School was high man, score, G31 ; Robert Overing of Red Cloud High . .School second, scoro 557 and Raymond .JDcnton, CowIob High School third, Jrscore CM. Logan Ohinslcilii of Guide Rock was high nirtn in horses, Geo. Grcen lmlgh of Ecklcy high man in hogs and Robert Overing of Red Cloud was high -mnn in cattle. PIG CLUD-WINNERS Duroc Roars 1st Chr.s. Miner; ""2nd Chas. Minor and 3rd Logan Ohnistedc. Duroc Litter 1st Oscar rilOft. Poland Cliina Boars 1st Eugene White; 2nd Spencer Vance; 3rd Earl Portiner. Poland China Gilts 1st 4nd 2nd Eugene White; 3rd Albert '"Vance. Poland Litter 1st Eugene "White. Rest Showman 1st Oscar Lea: 2nd Lormicr "Edson and 3rd Marion Steward. CALF CLUH WINNERS Holstcin Calf Club Heifer 1st Paul Gurney. Shorthorn Calf Club 1st Amelia Steward; 2nd Marion Steward; 3rd Everett Johnston; 4th Eugene White and 5th Henrietta Steward. Demonstration Contest 1st Short horn Calf Club; 2nd Holstcin Calf Club. . HENRY R. FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. GOOD ROAD DINNER AT GUIDE ROCK ON TUESDAY On Tuesday a number of Red Cloud, Guide Rock, and Superior, enthusiasts met at tliu invitation of the Guide Rock Community Club at the hotel in that city, to fiivt discuis an excellent meal, and then the possibility of a real road between Red Cloud and Superior. There were about seventy five pre sent and a very delightful time was spent in discussion of this most im portant subject. As a result of getting together of these three communities and pulling together from now on, a lot of good work will bo shown in the next few -months, we believe. Some of Nucholls county's com onissioners were at the meeting, but Webster county commissioners were, According to local Secretary Hnrd iiun, conspicuous by their absence. "Is it a guilty conscience that makes 41iki nvrtM 4 tin cm rrof li ahim rvc iilinft MlVVt UIU11I VllflU UkllUllllJ IVIIVIU 4hey are invited, or just an utter in- difference to public opinion?" asks Ir. Hardman, 1WE FARMERS' INSTITUTE PREMIUM AWARDS jMOAIE ECONMICS DEPARTMENT NEEDLE WORK .2Bcst Luncheon Set, Embroidered 1st, , ltfrsV'Chas. Trautman, .50c Best Luncheon jSct Trimmed With Crocheted Lace 1st, Mrs. Ralph -Chaplin, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. E. Mc Mahon, Bladen, .25c JJcst Embroidered Towel--lst, Miss Helen Rciher, .50c Host Pillow Cases, Embroidered and Monogramed 1st, Mrs. M. L. Put man, Inavalc, .50c; 2nd, Dora Rrink man, .25c , r Rest Fancy Sheet and Pillow Cases 1st, Mrs. M. R. Corner, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Ralph Chaplin, .25c Rest Table Runner 1st; Mrs. W, II. McClintock, .50c;..2nd. Mrs. M I.. Putman, .25c .I'C.Cfinii''ieco ' Holly with Cro- dieted Lace lht, Mrs. O. C. Legctt.. .50.: 2nd, Mr.-?. John Cumming5..25.! Ucfit Drcor Scarf, Crocheted Lace 1st, Mri. Harry Dodriclc, ,50c, 2nd, Mr.?. M. L. Putman, Inavalc, ,25c Rest Colored Embroidery 1st, Miss Helen Reiher, .50c; 2nd, Dora Rrinkman, ,25c Rest Eyelet Embroidery 1st, Mrs. M. L. Putman, .COc; 2nd, Dora Rrinkman, ,25c Rest Pi each Embroidery 1st, Mrs. Lou Rwakoy, ,G0c; 2nd, Mrs, M, L. J'utmnn, Inavale, ,25c Rest Punch Work 1st, Mrs. Lou ilreakcy, .f?c Rest Cross Stitch 1st, Mrs. Stetson, .50c; 2nd, Miss Helen Rciher, .25c Rest Tatting 1st, Mrs. W. II. Mc- Clinlock, .50c; 2nd, Nettie Frr.ncif Rest Hemstitching 1st, Mrs. Lou II. .25c McMahon, ,50c; 2nd, Dora Brink man, ,25c Rest Fancy Hand Rag 1st, Mr. Stetson, .50c Rest Woolen Crocheted Article 1st, Mrs. Clins. Crago, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Dave Hell, .25c Rest Cotton Crocheted Article 1st, Mrs. M. H. Putman, Inavalc, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Stetson, .25c Rest Cotton or Linen Crocheted Lace , 1st, Mrs. Harry Dedrick, .COc; , unci, Mrs. Kims. Truuttnun, ."Joe Rest Cotton Crocheted Yoke 1st, Mrs. M. H. Putman, Inavale, .50c; :ni, Mr. JCnipn uiapnn, .c Rest Center Piece or Doily, all Cro- chctc.l-lsl, Mrs. Harry Dedrick, ' .jjOc; 2nd, Mrs. John Cummings, .25c j Rest CoUon Knit Article or Lace-ls,, Mrs. J D. Taylor, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. John I' ox, ..5c ; i , pi -ii r 1 1. Ar ,J Rot Child's Garment 1st, Mrs. W. II. McClintock, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Chas. Crago, .25c Rest House Drcfs Wash Material 1A Mis. A,.r.a Wright. .50c Rest M"ado Over Garment 1st, Mrs. J. D. Taylor, Rlr.den, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. F. Fulton, Blnden, .25c j Rest Darning 1st, Mrs. F. Fulton, ' Rladcn, .50c I Rest Patched Article 1st, Mrs. F.j Fulton, Bladen, .50c CANNED FRUIT and VEGETABLES ; Rest Canned Pears 1st, Mrs. Ren ' Pegg, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. II. Rob-! inton, Rladcn, .25c Rest Canned Peaches 1st, Mrs. Lou McMahon, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. II. Robinson, Rladcn, .25c Rest Canned Apples 1st, Mrs. C. H. Robinson, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Lou McMahon, Rladcn ,25c Rest Canned Apricots 1st, Mrs. Etta Gurney, Jr., ,5c; 2nd, Mrs. Lou Mc- , Million, .25c Rest Blue Plums 1st, Mi". E. II. Loseke, Inavalc, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Clco. Griffith, ,25c Best Red Plums lht, Mrs. Lou Mc Mahon, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Robt. Rciher, .25c Best Cherries 1st, Mrs. Frank Fish, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Lou Mc Mahon, Rladcn, .2oc Rest Rlackbcrries 1st, Mrs. Robt. Rciher, ,50c; 2nd. Mrs. Lou Mc Mahon, Rladcn, .25c Rest Rhubarb 1st. Mr. Frank Fish, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Dora Rrinkman, .25c Rest M'omnlocs 1 , Mr-. Frank Fish, Rladcn, .5Cc; 2nd. Mrs. Robt. Reiher. .25c Re-1 Corn lt. "Sin. l!-n Peprjf, .30c; 2nd. M. E.( Hurwrker, .25c Rot String Roans 1st, Mrs. M. E. Hunsickor. .50c; 2nd. Mrs. J. P Ret, .25c Ret Carrots 2nd, Miv. Lou Mc Mahon, Rladcn, .25c Rest Peas 1st, Mrs. Frank Fish, .50c Rest Canned Pumpkin 1st, Miv. M. L. Hunsicker, .50c JELLY Rest Apple Jelly 1st, Mrs. Lou Mc Mahon, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Ren Pegg, .25c Reht Plum Jelly 1st, Mrs, Lou jIc Mnhon, Rladcn, .50c Rest Grape Jelly 1st, Mrs. Wise Carver, .50c Rest Blackberry Jelly 1st, Mrs. Wisecarvcr, .50c PRESERVES Rest Peach Preserves 1st, Mrs. C. II. Robinson, Bladen, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. McMahon, Bladen, .25c Rest Pear Prcservcs 1st, Mrs. Etta Gurney, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. H. Robin son, Bladen, .25c I Best Applo Preserves 1st, Mrs. Lou McM,nhon, Bladen, .50c Best Strawberry Preserves 1st, Mrs. O. E. Lcggctt, .50c Best Cherry Preserves 1st, Mrs. Robt. Reiher, .50c Beat Watermelon Preserves 1st, Mamie Wilson, Inavale, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Ben Pcgg, .25c Best Tomatoes Preserves 1st, Mrs. C. H. Robinson, Bladen, .50c; 2nd, Mrs". Geo. Rnmcy, .25c Best Jam 1st, Mrs. Ben Pegg, .50c PICKLES AND RELISHES Rest Peach Pickles 1st, Mrs. C. H. Robinson, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Frank Fish, Rladcn, .25c Rest Pear Pickles 1st, Mrs. Ren Pegg, ,50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. H. Robin- Rest Watermelon Pickles 1st, Mrs. Lou McMahon, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. C. II. Robinson. Bladen. .25c Hoi Cuouinlipr Plokloslsl. Mrs. clco. Griffeth, ,50c; 2nd, Mrs. Frank Fish. Blndon. .25c Best Dill Pickles 1st, Mrs. Etta Gurnoy, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Frod Mau er, .25c Best Beet Ridden 1st, Mrs. Frank Fish, Blndon, .R0c; 2nd, Dora, Brink man, ,25c Bent Chow Chow lf.1, Mrs. Claro Wolfe," .fiOc; 2nd, Mrs. Ben Pcgff. .25c Rout Gran Tomato Plcklo lit, Mr. Lou McMahon, Blndon, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Dave Dell, .25c Rest Mixed Pickles 1st, Mrs. Robt. Rciher, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. J. Lnmboro, .25c ' Rest Tomato Catsup 1st, Dora Rrinkman, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. Ren! Pcgg, .25 c CANNED SOUPS Rest Canned Soup 1st, Mrs. O. 10. Lcggctt, .50c MISCELLANEOUS Rest Cottage Cheese 1st, Mrs. C. II. Robinson, Rladcn, .50c; 2nd, Mrs. R. L. Hunsicker, .25c Rest Homo Made Soap 1st, Mrs. A. A. Cooper, Inavalc, .50c; 2nd, Mnmie Wilson, Inuvnlc, ,25c DISCRETIONARY ,t Orantre Marmalade 1st. Artie i)icicrsoii, Inavalc, .50c FOOD DEPARTMENT ' , Rest Rread, Amboy Flour 1st, Mrs. N. M. Green, two .sacks Amboy fonr. 2n . Ml Ella ril1n0Vi one i .lck 'Ainn0 Hour. j j,rpn, jivorton piour M, Mrs. A A n,ickonlaf f, two R!lclcs Kivcr. lol flour. 2nd Mr8, Ermn um, mveHm floHp , j,, Mpybest iri0Ur 2nd, Mrs. M. C. Minter, one sack Mevbcst f. ,. Rest Lebanon Flour 1st. Mrs. C. II. Miner, two sacks Leiianon flour; j 2nd, Mrs. J. E. Rctz, one 'sack Lcba-! I Best llrcmt Red Cloud Flour-lst.! Mrs. L. Shermnn, two sacks of Red Cloud flour; 2nd, Mrs. D. M. Gar ber. one sack of Red Cloud flour. Rest Rrnad Hastings Flour 1st, Mrs. E. J. Emmerton, two sacks Hast ings flour; 2nd, Mrs. Dave Bel', one nck llastine flour, IV st Graham or Whole Wheat Rrc.i.l 1st, Mrs. N. M. Green, .50c; 2nd Mrs. J. E. Rctz, ,25c Root Vlobton Ilrown"urciul 1st, Dora Rrinkman, .50c Rp-t Raking Powder Nut Bread 1.4f. Dora Rrinkman. .50c REST BUTTER best Butter 1st, Mrs. A. J. Tophain, 52.00; 2nd, Mrs. R. L. Hunsicker. $1 Q0 CAKES ; Meat Anglo Food 1st, Mrr. Etta Gur-, Ell.. H...I M.... H.lit t,vlmr I IJI'.V, "'Uli 1111, .Ml. llUUk, ItvllKi. .25c Most White Cake 1st, Mrs. J. Top ham, ,50c; 2nd, Mr. Will Roberts, .25c Rest Yellow Cake W. Mrs. ' Dave Roll, .nOc: 2nd, Mr-,. C. II. Robinson. Bladen, .25c Rot Chocolate Cnke 1st, Mrs. Will Roberts, .50c; 2nd, Dora Rrinkman .25c Rest Loaf o n i. i -n. Pl,t Hnd Painted China 1st, Ilea Spice Cako-lst, . Dot wlM.,im. Kn t,.. .1 cn.. n.l At.. T T lil'iUMIiim, .un:, -uu, inin. . Goble, ,25c Rpl Fruit Cake 1st, Mrs. Lou Mc- j Mahon, Bladen, .50c '. Rpt Gimrer Bread 1st, Jlra, Pora Brnkman, .50e rnOKIES i l'-t Ph' i" 'iH-cr Cookies 1st, Mr?, N. M. Oiron, .."iOc; 2nd, Mr. R. C. . SrhuH?', .25c l t Rollod Oali Cookies 1st, Mr. Dora Fr'mkman ."Op: 2nd, Mr?. Bon I'Pjrr, .UOC . WmI Gingrr Cooklos-lst, Mv. Wl- I1TP", ..-ur: ami iirv. v . 11. - iion, .25c Rpl lTormlU ov Rork"- 1st, Mi-f. Louise Krlchum. .50-: 2nd. Mr- .1 r T.. (if- Cha Gurnpv Jr. !.ip PIES Beft Fruit l'lo-lst, Miv-. F. A. Vanop .50c; 2nd, Dora Rrinkman, .25o Rest Pumpkin Pip-M. Mr?. J. A Tophain, .50c; 2nd, Mr.. J. Lj.ip born, .25c Rest Mince Pie 1st, Mrs. Emma Mcintosh, .50c Rest Any One Crust Pie 1st, Dora Rrinkman, 2nd, Mrs. L. Sherman .25c ARTICLES MADE RY LADIES OVER 60 YEARS OFAGE Best Display of Tatting or Crochet Lnmbrecht, Inavalc, .Is 1st, Mrs. Geo. Pope, .75c; 2nd, Mrs. C. Lambrecht, Inavalc, .50c Rest Eyelet Embroidery 1st, Mrs. J. Topham ,75c Best Tatting 1st, Mrs. W. E. Thorne, ,75c; 2nd, Mrs. Ella Markam .50c Best Crocheted Article 1st, Mrs. M. A. Murphy, .75; 2nd, Mrs. C. Lam brecht, Innvalc, ,50c Best Knit or Crocheted Lace 1st, Mrs. E. L. Haller, .75c; 2nd, Mrs. Mary Able, .50c Best Sample Real Lace 1st Mrs. Elln Morkam, .75c ' Best Knit Mittens 1st, Mrs. W. W. Hognte, Bladen, .75c Best French Embroidery 1st, Mrs. W. W. Hognte, Bladen, .75c; 2nd, Mrs. J. Topham, .50c Best Knit Bed Spread 1st, Mrs. Ed. McClure, .75c; 2nd, Mrs. Clark Stevens, .50c Rest Fancy Sheet and Pillow Cases-- 1st, Mrs. M. E. Simpson, .75c; 2nd, M. M. Hognte, Bladen, ,50c Best Hand Made Towel 1st, Mrs. Mary Able, .75c Rest Center Piocc 1st, Mrs. Geo. Pop; 2nd, Mrs. W. W. Hogate, Blndon, .50c lfct Cotton Patch Work Quill 1st, Mrs. S. E. Johnson, .7Bc Real , Silk ' Patch' Work Quilt-lit, Mrs. Ed. McClure, .s5c Rest Hand Made Article by Lady Over 80 Years 1st, Mrs. W. W. Hognte, Rladcn, .75c; 2nd, Mrs. R. Steuardt, .GOc Post Fancy Needle Work by Lady Over 80 Year.- l.-t, Mrs. W. W. Hognte, Rluden, .75c Rest Display of Neddie Work by Lady Over 80 Years, 1st, Mrs. W. Hoj'atc, Bladen, .75c Rest Colored Embroidery 1st, W. W. Hognte, Rladcn, .75c GIRLS' DEPARTMENT NEEDLE WORK Rest Dust Cap Wash Material- Mildred Mizer, .50c Rest Laundry Rag 1st, Rachel Ruck les, .50c;' 2nd, Wilma, Havel, ,25c Rcst Rtuiirnlow Apron 1st, Lois Wright. Me I Rest K1I1 i 11 Apron--1st, Lcona ' Rt-enkcy, .fide; 2nd, Riichcl Ruckle . .25c ic,i Lace Trimmed Corbet Cover in .Mildred Muer, .50c Best lUoomerH lt, Elizubolh Mizer, .50c; 2nd, 1). Etto Corner, .p5c lle-t White Petticont-lst, DEttc Cornq,f Wc Iot Wash Drees 1st, Naomi Corner, -00c Tw oreh Anron 1st. Elizabeth Mlsser, .50c; 2nd, Margaret Robert?. -25c Rct Kimonn 1st, Elf a Taylor, Rla- UcL Honist.chmg-lst, Ruth Drake. 50c; 2nd, Esther White, .25c Best Embroidered Towel 1st, Mnr jorie Clabaugh, Guide Rock. .50c Best Buttonholes 1st, Elvn Tnyor, Bladen, .50c; 2nd, Rachel Ruckles, .25c Rest Tatting 1st, DEttc Corner, .50c Rest Crochcting-lst, Josephine Rarta ' -GOc ' Gc -'"' Naomi Comer, ,25c nest Knitting 1st, Helen Schultz, ,r)0c Rest Porch Bloue 1st, Elizabeth j Muter-, .50c; 2nd, Delte Corner, .25c J Rest Limrh !Sel -ll, Josephine Bar-' "c I Bot i'ancy Apron 1ft, i.ulah Estop, Guide Rock, .B0c; 2nd, Ruth Stick- ley. tiute kock, .zdc R"t ivnti -ml tenter Piece o Doily 1st, Vtririina Caldwell, .'0c I Ilo'-t Stocking Darn 1st, Mildicd I M'P,, .50c Rp-t Pa'ch on Garment 1st, Mildred Mker, Mc 2nd, Wilma. Havel, .25- I'.e Kn-nch Hemming 1st, Mildred I Muor, ,50c Rest Display of Crochuting 1st Jo-ephme Cloud, ,50c Rest Doll 1st. Helen Schultz .'i0c; 2nd, Ethel Houchin, .25c I "' A '"'"""i ."" Best Sofa Pillow JsS Elvn Tnlor I lllnrfnti. .Kiln FOOD DEPARTMENT Ret Pread Mijbe'-t I'lour 1st, Jc bephine Pnrto. $2.00 Beat Bread Hn-t.F Flour 1st, Lu- dle Funk, -2.00; J;nd, lona , Funk $i.r,o Bst Rrer.d Rod C'otid- Floui' 1st H''in Didrick. S2.00 Best Bun.- bv G -1 under IS year' lt,t. Johephine Rarta, .50c; 2nd. ' Tlnlm. llr,li-lr.l or ioc rj(,sL (;boloato Cnke-lst, Irma Pcgg c ; l?(,st whitn Ij!iy01. Cake 1st, Helen i .n.P. r. n t j f M h, Cake Is-t, Mildred Mizer, .50c Rest Light Cake by Girl Under 12 1st. FrnncU Moans, .50c 1st, Hp'on Barrows, .50c Rest Sui-ir- Ponklps ':-t. DEtto Cor ner '(' ""1' M.l liodgn. .2."ic Rest C.miipd Pearlies-- 1 st, 0th Grade -Domctic Sconce Class, .50c; 2nd, Ruth Overing, ,25c Best Canned Pears 1st, 9th Grade Domestic Science Class, ,50c Best Canned Tomatoes 1st, Ruth Overing, .50c; 2nd, 9th, Grade Domestic Science Class, .25c Best Cucumbc Pickles 1st, Agatha Hunerlack, .50c Best Dried Vegetables 1st, Mildred and Eliznbcth Mizer, .50c Best Pickled Peaches 1st, Domestic Science Class, 9th Grade, .50c Best Salad Tomatoes 1st, Ruth Overing, ,50c The premium of $5, awarded for largest number of entries in Home Economics Department, was won by Mrs. Lou N. McMahon, of Blnden, who entered 40 articles. LIVE STOCK SECTION The Mth annual agricultural and livestock show of the Red Cloud Farmer' Institute was MHTChfully concluded with a parade of the prize winninir hordes and cattle on Thurs day afternoon, October 27th. The marked improvement in the 1021 meet iK.s 0f Wrbstor eouitv's two loading live Bt(n-k -how, the Bunion fair and the Red Cloud intilulo nud aioicul tural .show, both in tiie quantity and quality of the exhibits, registers the progress that has been made in the development of the improved live stock Interests of the county. The irrvnt succi'- of the two fair hold in tho county this year N largely due to th untirfn1' effoit" of. County Aponl FausH'b co-'iyL-ra!ni' with the mnnag iutf JTfeer of both otgnidgalioni and (Coiillniud on page eight) III afc PlnV Mrs. St ZSSi Wg$C2 JT ) U ' M M AK 'MUIUKI'I ATP m B A. lK t j Don't Sco!d $ WSgL I the Children ' w for wearing holes in their stockings at play. Romping play is good for them let them romp. But put stockings on them that are "wear insured". Put them in Armor Plate m n 1 ti H which is made of the best and strongest yarns obtainable knit to shape and size exactly and dyed with Harms-Not Dye (which absolutelydocs not rot, burn or weaken the yarn). You'll buy Armor Plate stockings again and again because in service they keep their shape and color, fit snug and "wear like armor plate". And they're "perfect in weave, wear and wash." Take home a uair or two of these excellent hose today. Barbara Phares RED.CLOUD, NEBRASKA V5 . VV.VWVV.V.VV.VV.V.NNVNV.VV.V.V.V.V.VV.V.V.V.V.V.VV.Vl Are You Buying Dependable 1 'OAL? That is The I Malone Gellatly Co. WAV AVrf'AV.V.V.VAVV.VAVAVAV.V.V.VAVAV.V.VAW.VA'i Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack i J Amack & Amack I UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES I. T. AMACK-PHONE tvrtfljvwsvwAvur.vv,AMw FALL STOCK NOW HERE My Fall and Winter stock of PLUSH and FUR ROBES have arrived, and include some handsome patterns. 1 Also am still doing expert Fogel Bldg. J. 0. BUTLER DQ COAL We Niggerhead Maitland And Routt County Lump a "4 We sell for why we 3" tkJS FARMERS' osiery Kind We Sell J rAv 1 RED CLOUD, NEB IND. 76M auto top and harness repairing:1 .H.I.VJ Red Cloud -Nebraska ' Hi! r i Sell D cash that's sell cheaper. 3 ELEVATOR j It: f k 4 x j