RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . . I H I A ) xmL ztipr 7 1 1 HafiaJavQiAaaB5aiaflaflKaMBB$aB v " -- yjyj&x&r StjSn $n?MM 4 - a"" ' " j i . "w. i Jw- fUsJ Wa ""'-y'' "iiiinBlcni swinily TtfHrFFjmzzfF.SWnTTVmrlTnT- ZASSA 'X 'W'NmT HTJ 'S,:Tf-x vfrVZJ je3. r rdrrv-yii iwr r-m Zrt& WJy&l ." ..V T ' . , 'vXt?S JL 2-I J. LI .bbbUbbbV iiu!iti Mint in ...! -. . -. jxxtrLs ,r jfjiit&s-j fil-x..tvJi.'C rir vhj:. lvpvn. LflllllrGc ffSmW t',l"K, f "oplnl utiionltlos tin Wliltf IIuum-. His wife, on y$3ibj2 Adw W capital city Is dllTorciit from other thu contrary, koch every- yfiJS-yes&S r turjt aspect uiiri In the inotliiMl and lr most lntlinatu frlumls && ,, ri2stimm "'' .i.'.v ?0 -jwA VV "lannor of tlit doings of ItH soclt'tv for any occasion and to otli- jrQ ,fi ,j (MbiM''iMlBilrllllii ' ' ' i Pi" I ' ASIII.NT.TON WnhliliiBtoii H(m1ii11v stands Hlj,'ular. This does not mean that In the ordinary Inter-i-liatiKOH of social amcnlt'los the capital i-lty Is different from other cities of the land, hut In the struc tural aspect und In the method and manner of thu doinirs of Its socletv 4 or rather mwIoiIiw w.,i.i,i., ,.(,... c". tin-iuestlonahly a city ajiart. The fact that this city Is the capital of a prrnt country and that here the chief olllclals of that country dwell, coupled with the farther fact of the presence of ,, forge freK o(lk.Ial e,ement uccounts for the sltiKulurlty of WiibhliiKtuii In Its social life. There are seven distinct social circles In the oltv of Washington. Kach circle has Its distinct place and each tnjoys Its own somewhat Isolated ac tlvltles. And yet there are times when all the circles become concentric and within the one dr cumforence the menihers of all circles mingle. Does this sound obscure? In truth it Is a very simple matter. The seven social circles of Wash' lngton are those of the administration, of congress, of the diplomats, of tho army anil navy, of the Judiciary, of the scientists and of the old resi dents. Ho it Is that all through the so-called so cial fieusou Washington witnesses nil kinds of doings which are separate one from another and which are attended only by those whe were horn or have been inducted Into the particular circum ference. Then comes perhaps some greater event and all are bidden and all go. Now why Is It that Washington Is as It Is social ly? In the llrst place It is what It Is because In this town, except for the residential set neither birth nor money can count for anything. It Is the otllce held or the attainments reached, as In the case of the scientists, which determines the po Hltlon of the man nnd bis fatally In Washington society. This Is America and e offlce and not the nmti must be accepted and honored. In Wash lngton a man may be poorer than the turkey of lob nnd may have been born in a garret, but If he has made good and the people have honored him by election to high olllce he freely can enter H certain White House which the country counts us better than any Newport or Southampton man sion. It has been Intimated that Washington society Is systematized. So It Is. It has to be. The presence of so many foreigners of high ofllclal and personal position has made precedence a prime matter in the capital city. Foreigners are great sticklers for what may be called the right of way. The ambassador of longest service must precede the ambassador of shorter service and his wlfo must precede the other ambassador's wife or there will be dire trouble. This precedence has forced system Into Wash ington's way of doing things socially. In Chicago one man and one woman at a reception can wnlk rJiead of another tnnn and another woman with out mental discomfort to themselves nnd without Injury to the feelings of the trailing couple. In Washington things are different because American office holders, or more strictly speaking, their wives, have Imbibed the precedence draught from the cups of tho foreigners. And so here the cab inet officer must wnlk ahead of the senntor, the senator ahead of the representative, and the rep resentative ahead of Thomas Jones who holds no office. All this may seem snobbish to the Inst degree, but in a way the thing Ih most excellently dem ocratic. The precedence given a man In WnshliiK ton really Is n compliment to the people who elected him to office or who elected the man who nppolnted him to office. Here Is where the democ racy of Washington society comes in despite Its precedence and some seeming fol-de-rols. Speaking of democracy In America, who Is the first lady of the land? She has been a working newspaper woman and an American housewife In small city. The administration circle proper comprises the President nnd his wlfo nnd the cnblnct officers and their wives und families. Then ten cabinet officers rank In tho order in which tho departments which they represent were formed. Tho list runs thus: state, trensury, war, justice, postofflce, navy, in terior, agriculture, commcrco nnd labor. Tho social nctlvltlefi of the cabinet part of tho tdmlnlstrntlon circle nro confined almost entirely to smnll dinners given during tho wlnWr months, i'liey begin with tho secretary of stnto and his tvlfo ns hosts nnd contlnuo nt tho rate of ono each week untn concluded nt the homo of tho secretary of labor. Each affair Is given In honor of tho President and his wife nnd n few additional guests'. More often thun not these guests aro selected from out of town. These, with rnro exceptions, nro tho only func tions that tho President uttends outside of tho White House. His wife, on the contrary, goes every where. That Is, she goes to her most intimate friends for any occasion and to oth ers with whom she Is not so closely associated for spe cial events. In truth the social head of this nation is the wife of the President and not the President him self. Although one hears much more about the large society affairs which take place at the White House, they ire few in number compared with the smaller affairs. The wlfo of the President, know ing all the various circles, wants to do Ik r to each and In order to cultl- vnte acquaintance In a familiar way gives a series of muslcales, teas and small receptions, some times In the afternoon and again in the evening. Luncheon at the White House is usually an In formal affair to which the President Invites guests, frequently without much previous notice.. The In vited are more often than not out-of-town friends who have come to Washington for a few days and have business at the White House. It Is only occasionally that the White House luncheon be comes what the society editor calls a function. It would lie difficult to estimate the extent of the entertaining which is done .In n year at the White House through the small and Informal and semi Informal affairs. The probabilities are that every day when the President and his wife aro at homo In Washington guests partake of the hospitality of the historic house. This sort of entertainment without doubt Is the most effective. It enables both hosts and guests to become better acquainted. It becomes possible for one to say "Tho President and his wife know me." Instead' of "I know tho President and his wife." Great State Functions. In snylng a word for the small and Intimate affairs there Is no Intention to minimize the Im portance of the great state functions which In their way amalgamate for the time being the various circles which form Washington society. One Is able to determine to some extent what these huge assemblies accomplish from the fact that from two thousand to three thousand persons attend each of them. To be sure, there Is more or less crowding when they are Indoor alTalrs, but It Is amnzlng how well they are handled by the Presi dent's army and navy. aids. It has been the cuMom to hold four great recep tions encli season. Tho first is In honor of the diplomatic corps, the .second for the judiciary, the third for congress nnd tho Inst for tho army and navy. They take place soon after the Christ ians holidays and are given two weeks npart. Each administration chooses the day of the week on which they shall bo given. Thursday for some reason seems to have been tho favorite day. May Is the month for White House gnrden par ties. These iffalrs are also the special province of the mistress of the mnnslon, for the Invitations are sent out In her name. However, the President always Is present and receives with his wife. It Is perhaps needless to say that the parties are lurgo ones, for there Is no reason to lenvo out anyone who Is eligible. The White House grounds are spacious and benutlful and no finer sotting could ho found. There nro ns a rule four garden pnrtles, ono a weel: until tho series ends. In enso of rainy weather the party must be given In the Whlto House, much to tho disappointment of everybody. Tho affair then becomes more like ono of tho winter receptions. There Is, however, a marked difference In tho receiving lino. Wherens only ho President nnd his wlfo receive at the summor partis, tho wives of tho vice president nnd cabinet officers nro in tho line nt their left at tho winter receptions. Everyone living In tho capital city wants to bo Invited to n Whlto House garden par ty, but It Is thu old residential group who from time Immemorial havo considered tho garden fetes at "tho President's house" ns their special festal privilege. Entertaining the Diplomatics Corps. An administration clrclo affair which has de veloped Into ono of tho most Importnnt during the Benson Is tho luncheon to tho diplomatic corps nt which tho secretary of state Is host. At one tfme tho secretary of stnto held tho luncheon In his home, but tho expnnslon of tho foreign corps bus mndo a prlvato houso Imposslblo as n banquet linll and bo tho Pan-American Union building, of which Washington Justly Is proud, Is used ouch New z-Azrc&?rumu7rj32Z2&icr&- Year's day for the entertainment following the holiday reception at the White House. The President nlso entertains the diplomats at a dinner, but only the ambassadors and ministers are Invited. The state dining room of the execu tive mansion Is not spacious enough to Includo the entire secretarial corps. Other state dinners given by the President nnd his wife are in honor of tho speaker of the house of representatives and tho vice president and their wives. Still nn outlier dinner includes the members of the su preme bench nnd their wives. Politics nnd Society Mixed. If thero( Is one set of people In Washington which has an unbreakable entertaining habit It Is the diplomatic corps. This Is as It should be. for diplomatic relations are maintained more or less through social relations. Anything or nothing Is an exciise for something to be given by diplomats. It tuny be the coming of a new ambassador, min ister, secretary or attache. Then ngaln It may be the departuro of some one of their number. A prospective wedding. within the diplomatic circle Is sufficient reason for u score of social functions before the event takes place. There Is also a clrclo within the diplomatic circle. The South and Central American countries are a group by themselves, which forms the Pan-American Union. One of the most beautiful buildings bv some It Is considered the most beautiful has been erected for the uses, lioth official and social, of the Union. Just ns the members of the diplomatic corps bring something from all parts of the world, so the members of house and senate bring something from every state In the I'lilon.' In some ways the latter are the most Important part of tiie life here nnd one Is made aware of It in mnnv of the soclnl affolrs given for them, especially by the members of the diplomatic corps. Politics and society are Inextricably mixed up nnd yet there Is hiothod throughout. One of the first things for the wife of a newcomer In the diplomatic circle Is to find out who the members of congress nro In the foreign relations committees nnd then to cnll on the wives of both house und sennte members. That opens up n series of calls for the senators and representatives wives. One Is sure to see n largo amount of entertaining nmong the diplomats for members of congress nnd their wives. Other Great Circles. The nrmy nnd navy generally are classed as ono circle, whereas they really are two distinct entl ties. In Washington, however, they get together more thnn In other cities. Tho circle here Is n largo one, despite the fact that there aro many departures. There aro always others to fill va cancies. And so It Is that the circle keeps going round with hops, balls, luncheons, dinners and bridge. Tho members of tho sister branches of the government servlco know how to have a good time and to muke things move In the capital. Most peoplo outside of Washington mny not roallzo what a considerable part of tho population Is mudo up of the (scientists' circle. There nro men working In every kind of science In tho gov ernment servlco. With their families they form a good-slaed colony. Tho official domicile of tho scientists Is tho Cosmos club, part of whlph was Dolly Madison's old home. There Is no question about tho Importance and Interest which this particular set adds to the social life of tho national capltnl. Ono word about the old residential set which loves to stylo Itself tho "envo dwellers." There aro not so innny of them for, as ono frequently hears, everybody In Washington comes from some where else. Tho renl envo dweller was "born and ralsed'y here. However, there are In tho residen tial circle somo outsiders who have spent most of their lives wltfilu tho shadow of thu capital, LEGION MAN UP FOR MAYOR Henry H. Curran Wins Nomination In New York City, With Comrade Pressing Close Second. Two service men of the World wnr Were ainone the four candidates who sought their par ty's nomination for mayor of New Vork r e e entl y. One of them. Hen ry II. Cumin, won nut In the contest, with an ex-serlce comrade. !'. II, In(iunrdlu a close second. Mr. Cumin, nt present president of the horoimh of Muiiliallan, taking In what is, common ly known as New York city, left off a thriving law practice to enter the army lie entered the ilrt officers training camp at Plattsburg In 15)17, was commissioned a major and served oerscns as commander of the Three Hundred and Second engineers. Seventy-Seventh tlMsimi. Following his discharge in April. HMD, he organized tho Three Handled ami Sertmid engin eers post of the Atuerlciul Legion and was prominent in the work of that or ganization until lie actively entered politics, when, as he was holding an elective office and trying for another, he was unable to hold any Legion of fice because of the service organiza tion's ruling. F. II. l.ntliianlln, president of tho New York board of aldermen, a major In the air ervlce during the war, on his defeat pledged his full support to Mr. Cumin. John Purroy Mltdiel, former mayor of New York, entered the ulr service shortly after his de feat for re-election In 1)117 and like wise became a major In the nlr serv ice. In which capacity he met his death. ATHLETICS HIS STRONG WORK Harry Maloney, American Legion Post Commander, Leads Team to Vic tory In Big Games. The old "setting up" exercises of the army, Imcntcd primarily, Miev alleged. for the doubtful n m u s e m e n t of Bleepy bucks but which h a p p 11 y spread by War de partment order to Include the majors and colonels, did nothing to wreck the constitution or disposition of Harry W. Ma loney, once the World war assls- nut director of athletics at Lelaud Stanford Cnlverslty, Palo Alta, Cal. A veteran of the Hoer war, during which be served with tho English, Mnlpney kept In condition during the dnys of the A. E. F. Leading off tho training of varsity athletes nt Stan ford, be became director of athletics nt Camp Fremont, Cal. Later he went to France ns supervisor of the athletic entertainment of the Eighth Infantry, nnd when tho big Inter-ullled games were held In the Pershing stadium, Paris, In the spring of 1010, he wns In chnrge of the American team which swept everything before it. Maloney Is commander of Fremont post, tho American Legion. GOT TEN HITS IN TEN SHOTS Holder of World's Record in Gun. Pointing, W. S. Wilson Retires From the Navy. With sixteen years of service In tho United Stntes navy and the world's record In gun pointing to his credit, William S. Wilson, West field, Mass., has retired from a life of thrills and travel to thnt of a front porch citizen. "Now I'll hnve a chance to get acquainted with ' mt') my family," WIl- nun w i u i u i ii American Legion headquarters when his final honorable discbarge was In his hands. He Is the father of four children, Including twins. Tho sailor made two trips around the world before the World war. Dur ing It he wns on tho first United Stntes sub chaser to cross the Atlan tic. Ho spent the winter of 1017-18 In the waters off the Azores, nnd Inter was detailed as adjutant to nrgnnlze a nnval unit nt Columbia university, Now York. Ho established his gun pointing record In 1003 by getting ten hits In ten shots In seventeen sec onds at battle range. On discharge he was chief torpedo man In the fleet naval reserve. Equally Truo. "Tho rapidly Increasing divorce rate," remarked the wit, "Indicates that America Is Indeed becoming tho land of the free." "Yes," replied his prosnlc friend, "hut tho continued mnr rlngo rate suggests that It Is still tho home of tho brave." Aniorlcan Legion Weekly. Ice Water Proved an Aid. By distributing Ice water freo to nil comers at the county fair In El lleno, Krin.. tho local post of tho American Legion attracted a largo crowd nnd wns enabled to assist sorvlco men in getting Victory Medals und in un tangling their government compensa tion claims. SAVED FROM THE OPERATING TABLE ., W!1?1. .Chccr' Iowa "I nm very thankful for tho advice Dr. Picrco bo willingly gave mo, and wish to my that 1 did Justus advised. I am now in tho beat of health and enn truthfully say I do believe Dr. Pierce's medicines saved me a very serious operation. Tho doctors said I would have to be operated or 1 would never regain mv health, but, I decided to give Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Golden Mcdirnl Dis covery a trial, and they siirclv have dono wonders for mo. My mother think these medicines can't be equalled any where and so do I. Dr. Pierce's medicines havu to my knowledge, been used for at least 15 or 111 years by different members of our family, both male nnd female, nnd we can't speak too highly of them."-Mrs. Elsie L. Orrick. Obtnin Dr. Pierce's Family Remedies in tablets or liquid from your druggist; or write Dr. Pierce. Pros. Invalids' Hotel in Uufmlo, N. ., for free medical advice. !P3 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM rUmoTilnriru(T-S!orilllrKlltoH Kettnrei Color Ana Bcautr to Gray anil Faded IUU wt. nncif i ivai i-rurirmi. HImC''t-hom.,H.T. HINDERCORNS nMm m. tut- louw. to. itnpi all mln. rniurrn comfort to tha 'Fh "V.1"" 'lnr rr. 14 br mall or at Drue Clita. llltcozCticmlMl WurL9.1'ulttaucu.H. X, Broomed up !. At all KTOtm. Pleating-Embroidery Buttons, Duttonhotai, Hemitilohing, SctUoltf, Beading, and Pennant. StnJ for Catahga 1120 Walnut Street, Dept F, Kansas City, Mo. lE.rmi0 FURNACES and BOILERS . OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1200DoustaaSt. Omaha, Nab. PATENTS nation K.Coleman 1'atent Lawyer, Waanloglon II. C. Aavlrnand book f rM Bates reasonable. llUbosl references. Ueiteerrloes KREMOLA imkEfcte (Irmilnr llurltnkln (ilcm-H IHrrol I'rorn I'ur tory .l.l:j. HHoctiM bUUik. Aitonln Wiititvil. quullo-Annun Co.. I)pk 20, (llovcravlllc, N. Y Nebraska Directory Enslow Floral Co. 131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Neb. Our Iluilnrs In We Tear c-..,.'K:m u' n,ul Sr" '" I'Iwm RTANKAHU AUTO PARTS COMPANY Purta for All Muke uf Cure Coll,, wrlto or phone: you'll receive prompt Srrvlce. Hluhcst prices paid for old cari. 2021 O Street Uncoln, Nebrnnkn Dividends te, Ji'or Information and circulars write. OCCIDENTAL BLDG.4L0AH ASSN. 3ZZ S. lolb Slrctt. Omshs. Nab. 6 We Pay Postage One Way Reliable Cleaners mWj.iAurr 1322 N Jeaners Lincoln, Neb. Lv9 Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles ana Dairy Supplies: Bgar Cases and Chicken Coops: BOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1 309 Jones St. 1 1 W. Third St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY Wabash Pad Cum Cftlln p Cam ufthlla uaii . .. wvw ......w JWM worKinanorse. ask your dealer, or send us$l SO lor sample, postpaid, HARPHAM BROS. CO. Mlri., Lincoln, Nebr. KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Eastman Kodak Ou.) Dept K, 1217 O St Lincoln, Neb. I il.p sjajj BB MaVaMaLL-.L2wi -SOlfc- S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O Street a Lincoln. Neb. Hall's Hardware EXPERT FURNACE WORKERS New and Used HOTEL RANGE OUTFITS 1517 0 Sired . Lincoln. Neb. Scream market For best results sell your cream to our nearest local representative or ship us direct. Write for tags and prices. BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. Dept A, . Lincoln, Nebr. OtSTRIOUTOn jmt 5JU,- raiimi SERVICE ? Wkat You Want BATTEtX' WhenYouWantll Electric Starter Specialists Distributors of Presto-Lite Batterias RANDALL & NOLL Phono B4 136 117.21 S. 1Kb SI. LINCOLN. NEI. WT N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 44..192lT i 'I I