RED CLOUD, JfBBAJHtA, OHDOT .... ,:-h oiKri s I irir IIIC reliant Li.'.itin1 vJj'I'itl Christmas Greeting Cards n TiIIIS OFFICE is, this season, in a position to handle Iff the Christmas gift card business that has hereto- Vlli fnn dnnn In Ihn mliivc Our fifnnk nf r.nrrl Vina I '4 A w v ,w .w ... w t.awi. i kvuw v. w.m ml . . .. .j V "n just arrived and we will be pleased to show you the beautiful assortment oC engraved, embossed, hand tint ed cards from some of the best gift card manufacturers in the world. The Successful Business Man in recent vears never fails to remember his natrons at Christinas time with an appropriate card. People IwA I have become to expect it, and it is a very inexpensive li way of extending the season's greetings, proving to the customer that his business dealings with you have been appreciated and causing him to remember you when he needs any thing in the line you carry. Call at our office and let us talk it over. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF EEL tuv. ,lu V ii I J Pi'i ' rr I imrafflaim All Things Considered We Believe That MA IT LAND COAL Is as cheap if not cheaper, than any other kind fl o fuel. If you are not using MAITLAND try some 01 ours the next time you order. Piatt & Frees WHMKni Ovor 8,000,000 bushels of grain tiro in volviul In the '2,814 grower contracts to cured in Nebraska todutc by the U. S. drain Growers, Inc., according to tin (illlolai iimimuict'tiictit by the statu oi uawzer. Tins ropiesentHiiti acrcnguuf .'191,110. According to the iinnounco in nt this in one third of tne nutiibfr of bunliHls to be secured before the ini lion u I sales depui ttnunt will take steps lo establish tuitnitiiil elevator facilities and a sales agency in the zone lncltul Inu NubriisUti. fjocal lenders tire hope rul Unit the tiucHss try '25,000,000 buihel math will t.e twichcd boon iiftur the first of the year Out) of i he features of the wecls' campaign was the securing of HO grow ei contracts tiear viead, tlie former home of C. II. Giistnfson, president of tin U S Grain Growers. O. D. Jttil Ins, solicitor, .Working In the immuri. ate vicinity of the former Uiistafson home, scoured seven contracts without, a miss in three houis last Monday morning. Dxei'llent results wore scoured by solicitors in other putts of the state, according to .1. A. Ctawford, assistant slate otganizer. Win. Kurt of Tobias, working at Waco secured I) grower contracts dm lug the six-day puiiod and iiict eased his nggreKiito to '2.72, glv lug him u btife lead over the oilier soli, cit'ir.s. Walthill cotitlnues lo lead the other coopuitillvu elevators in the num ber of Individual contracts with 110. A recapit million frcm national head quaiteis shows that the U. S. (iialtt Growers has a total tnumboiuhip of 18, iiiu, which is an Increase for the past week of 171!). The tiiiinberof elevatois slgtied now stands at f70 an increase ot .'!2 for the week. Illinois holds the lead Willi .V2S1 and North Daliotu se uoud with 4,500. Nebraska ranks all easy third with Oklahoma fourth with over 1.70J While tiie membership campaign did not open in Iowa until this week, A. 1j. Mlddletou's ciew of solicitors, school ed last week at Nevada, scored their Hi st victory when a contract with the en.ipeiatlve elevator at Nevada was signed Wednesday night as a ollaux t the thiee day meeting. Mr. Middle ton will be usststed in the campaign by T A. Hougiis, former president of the L'urmei.V Union in Iowa THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud Nebraska m!IM IL T&Jf ill If JM $ O ONE BRAN ONE QUALIT One Size Pack All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette CAMEL. Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality. Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it's possible to make a cigarette. Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high, exclusive standard. You can always .depend on the same mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. And remember this! Camels come in one size package only -20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest saving in production and packing. This saving goes straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price. Here's another. We put no useless frills on the Camel package. No "extra wrappers!" Nothing just for show! Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And their added cost must go onto the price or come out of the quality. 'One thing, and only. one, is responsible for Camels great and growing popularity -that is CAMEL QUALITY. ML R.J.REYNOLDSTODACCOCOWliton-Salcm,N.C. '" . i F ie a.-. ni WESTINUMELIGHT Now York World Lauds Ne braska and Its Metropolis for Landing Air Classic. Onuilin, Nob. Omiilm mid Nebraska linvo been placed on tho miii as "wldu nwnke." Tlio Now Yorft World placed them there Immediately nfu-r the Om nhu Aero club hud obtained the Pulitzer Trophy race us the funturu event of tJio air congross to be held in Oinabii November ;i, -1 mid fi. This is wlm t the eastern newspaper hud to say : "The lim nir riue for the Pulitzer trophy the world's most Important prlzo forspeed in (ho upper realms will be llown this .veariit Omaha. "Announcement to This ofToct was made by Unrl W. Porter, president of the Oninhii Aero club, In the wide nwnke Nebraska city. Omaha gained for herself quite a victory in obtaining the Pulitzer Trophy race." OUR MARY CANNOT ATTEND; SENDS REGRETS TO PORTER. Little Mary Piekford iant.s to at tend the Oinaha air congress but she can't. For early in Nm ember--n . meet will be held on the .'I, -I and 5ih Mary will be en her way to Kiiropu with Doug. Expressing her regiet, Mary says in a letter to Earl W. Porter, nr.cslilom of tho Omaha Aero club: "I shall be In Europe at the time as we nro planning to go immediately upon completion of Mr. Fairbanks production of the "Vir ginian." " I do so appreciate the Invitation and my memories or itockwell Field tell tin; Just what I shall miss for I know how royally the Airmen can en tertain and what true hospitality la tholr's." During the war Mary was n great menu of the soldiers and t-ppnt much of her time a Itockwell Hying Held. THE NEW FLYING FIELD. Which is Doing Scientifically Prepared In the Northern Part of Omaha. The accompaning picture is an 1 1 tcrestlng view of the new aero Held on North 21th Street where the races and vnrlous exhibitions will start and llnlsh during the Aero Congress in Oniaha, November 3 to fi. The light colored squares are corn Holds which will he eliminated and the ground scientifically prepared before the meeting. The huge. trees shown In upper left hand corner were pulled by the roots by giant tractors. This picture was taken from t tthino high above the Held. PLAN TO HAVE LEGION HEADS VIEW HUGE AIR SPECTACLE. There are golm to be hundreds of members and celebrities at the Amer ican Legion convention In Kansas City October 31 and the Omaha Aero club is arranging to have 'em come on to Omaha for the big air meet November 3, -1 and fi. A Kansas City delegation recently flew to Omaha to co-operate with the air club in boosting the Om aha event at the Kansas City eon- vent Ion. MEXICANS WILL SEND ENVOY MAY BE PRES. OBREGON. If you come to the Omaha air meet November 3,1 and ,", you'll see repre sentatives of the Mexican government maybe President Obrcgon or De La Iluertn. Earl Klpllnger, just back from ex tending the olllcial invitation of the Omaha Aero club to the Mexican gov ernment at Mexico City, brought with Iilm assurance of a representation hero. Notice Having secured tho sorvioos of Wm. M. Hurges, thn scavenger who fao suc cessfully cleared up tho filthy vaults of the city a few years ago, he will pro ceed at once to remove all nuisance and breeding places of disease, be prc pared when he comes. All cess pools considered dangerous and unsanitary will bo filled up. Price 75o por barrel, Wi cubio feet, or 3.1 gallons. City how er connections will bo made at reason able prico, Henry Cook, City lloilth Physician The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of instil ance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied Security. Hocau&e lire has never touched you itdoeii't follow that you'ro immune Tomorrow no today, If you have time and you bolter Had time cotuo to tho oHleu and we'll writo a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise, LATER MAY HE TOO LATfe C. TEE.L R.eilivble Insurance Muuiiiiagra Mr. Farmer Do You Realize? That the only protection you have against the greedy, avaricious trusts and big monopolies of this country, which feed on the efforts of the producer, is by standing firmly together in self defense. The big corporations all co-operate in price manipulation, securing your produce for just as little money as possible, and charging you the maximum for goods you arc required t purchase. y The Farmers Union is the Remedy And there is nothing quite so obnoxious in the eyes of the monopoly as a body of FARMERS FIRMLY CO OPERATING in the interest of LEGITIMATE PRICES. AH Sorts Of Unscrupulous Tactics Are Resorted To i in order to discourage such organizations. They will pay big prices for one kind of produce for a short time, in order to "freeze out" their competitors in certain local ities and to evade laws which have been enacted tt protect you from such methods THEY HAVE MEN BUY FOR THEM who term themselves "Independent Dealers." Stand By Your Union Where you know you are working for your own interests and notofeeding up the trust so it can take hold on you in a new place. nspffl wn m I FJl J. F. Edwards, Mgr. .1 f.noi) i-L.u ; To n:Ar Red Cioud, Neb. JMIZTDEOIIM HXUi WWrt-ftWtw (fa P 1'PiB . Don't Scold the Children for wearing holes in their stockings at play. Romping play is good for them let them romp. But put stockings on them that are "wear insured". Put them in Armor Plate Hosiery which is made of the best and Strongest yarns obtainable knit to shape and size exactly and dyed with Harms-Not Dye (which absolutely docs not rot, burn or weaken the yarn). You'll buy Armor Plate stockings again and again because in t enrice they keep their shape and color, fit snug and "wear like armor plate". And they're "perfect In weave, wear and wash." Take home a pair or two of these excellent hose today. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA m VS cm PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES TriivellurN Cheques protect tho tourist by nffoiilliif,' h fiiiru foim in which to carry funds. TliPHeulD'Ciiieh, which sire Issued in ileuomliiii xtionn of SHI, Z'lo. M), mill $100, furnlhh n ready iiliMitifitiiition of Hit: liohlur mid uro pnyulile up. on couuter.sijimtiiU) Tlmy mo necopled throiiKhoiit Hih world by bniihs, hotels, trims portHtinu so in pn nles mid buBino'-s houses, lleforo tHUiiip mi extended trip lot our officers explain In detail the ndviutHKCB of currying tlu'so cheques- whon travelling THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK P.I......I ITIn..n PrV.Mn, Pnil Plnttfl M..1. C r l?l so l. B Drpotiti (luaruiitttd by tht Jitpotltort (iiaranty Fund of the Stat of Xtbratka TOkllMIMimUlilMIIIIIMIiilMIIWIIKIWUTO Alfalfa Came Alfnlfn 1h n Jintlv been cultivated In foro tho tlino of Inrds Introduced It lea until soino tlino 1800, when it yus "fornlif. Ulnei then most extensively croo In tho United From Anla. iwf Asia, but 1ms Kumnu since uo- 'hrlsl. Tho Spnn- Into South Amcr hetweQii 1850 and brought to Call It has become, thq cultivated forago Stntos. For a Church Supper. When tailing out food In dishes or tins to church dinners and suppers or to your neighbors, try writing your namo on n pleco of adheslvo plaster and stick It onto tho dish or tin, nnd you will find that you. will hnvo no Wro trouble- In losing your dishes, as It will not bo wnslicflPftTr'cnsIly, i A R