The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1921, Image 6

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What Raindrops
Mean to Farmer
Crop Reports Indicate Difference
Few Showers Make in Human
ity's Scheme of Things.
Takes About 2,2C0 Tons of Water to the
Acre to Grow a Food Crop Process
of Evaporation Yields Chemicals
Valuable as Fertilizer.
Washington, D. C. "Ituln might ho
looked upon us the oil which lubricates
the world's economic machinery," says
a bulletin Issued from the Washing
ton, I). C, headquarters of the Na
tional (leogruphlc Hoclety In connec
tion wllh recent reports of world-wide
drought damage to crops.
"With the smallest estimated cotton
crop since 18JW," coiitltitiu.s the bulle
tin, "witlf spring wheat In poor con
dition at homo as well us In many of
the other wheat countries of the world,
with oUier Important crops below their
uvcrngo, and with drought cast as tho
villain, or at least as an accomplice,
lu each case, the difference that a few
showers make In humanity's scheme
of things Is strongly emphasized.
Depends on Rainfall.
"While everybody realizes In n gen
eral wny that the world depends on
rainfall and fertility for food, there
uro rcry few, perhaps, who even ap
proximately appreciate how compara
tively little the farmer actually does
In the great process of crop-growing.
To plt-w millions of acres furrow by
furrow, to spend millions of dollars
on fertilizers, and to reap and gather
and thresh, Is no mean task. And yet
compared with the part that nature
plays In the process, man's work
seems a very slight labor. For In
stance, It takes about 20 Inches of
rainfall to grow a food crop under our
general farming methods, which means
nbout 2,2(50 tons of water to the acre.
That seems u preposterous figure, but
tho doubter can easily demonstrate
Its correctness. Suppose tho Ameri
can former had to huul the water his
ground must have to give him a good
crop, and that the distance and freight
rate were tho same as tho nverage
railroad haul and rate In the United
States. On that basis It would cost
hlm more than $4,000 an acre to wri
ter his place.
"But not only would his water bill
be nearly half a million dollars on a
100-ucro farm, but his fertilizer hill,
ulso, would amount to a neat little
sum. It Is estimated that In the proc
ess of normal evaporation, soil wa
ter presents the rootlets of Its neigh
borhood with about fourteen pounds
of ummonla a year to the acre. Al
so, it gives them soiie .17 pounds of
potash. With sulphate of ummonla
costing only 2 cents a pound (It cost
bVi dunug the war) and a hundred
Making Bust of
- ft,
County Am-' " .
Farmer.. I: cm t
Cost y, v,ti, i
u brfh
(Prepared bjr the Umtt-i iiuu Dpiii,-t'r,!ii
tit Aurlciilluru )
Washington. There ure still many
rural homes that do not have telephones
and, ns at present economy In all lines
Is Imperative, Interest Is reviving in the
"burbed-wlre system," which was more
or less common In parts of the West
20 years ago.
In Carson county, South Dakota, tho
county agricultural agent has assisted
fanners to Install bucIi a system at an
average cost of material, per farmer
of less than $20. Carson County Is
87 miles long and very sparsely settled,
although the agricultural lands uro
JCenced. Staudard tolephono lines up-
pounds of the sulphate required to
contribute 17 pounds of ammonia, It
will be seen that the process of evap
oration gives the rootlets $1.(55 worth
of ammonia to the acre.
Automatic Fertilization.
"When the World war cut ofT Or
man supplies of potash and It soared
to $100 a ton, geologists scoured the
United States for the priceless fertil
izer wllh little success. Yet the proc
ess of evaporation generously hands
out more than half a hundredweight
to the acre, In war and peace. This
automatic fertilization Is worth an
ilillll 1 ?2..r0 an acre to tho farmer
at present juices, and would have cost
hlm $10 an acre at war prices.
"l-'rom this It will bo seen that the
$12 to $25 an acre that It costs the
average farmer to grow wheat Is a
small llgure Indeed, compared to what
he saves by having nature as his wa
ter wagon and fertilizer source."
Russ Princes
Ask U. S. Brides
Refugee Noblemen in Turkey Are
Perfectly Willing to Marry
for Money.
Many Refugee Russian Women Have
Married Turks In Order to Get
Temporary Homes Still Retain
Their Politeness and Courtesy.
Constantinople. The arranging of
marriages between Uusslau princes
and well-to-do American women Is the
latest scheme advanced here by an
Ingenious Russian to get a livelihood
for workless, penniless refugees living
on American and other charity.
It Is argued that the American wom
an would, In addition to the title, make
a good business bargain, since the
exiled Russian noblemen all have
large estates which they hope to re
cover when private property Is re
stored and llolshevlk Russia Is no
Many Russians have open minds on
the marriage question. Many of the
refugee Russian women have marrrled
Turks since their arrival here. In or
der to get temporary homes. The
Russian men have followed suit. Many
of the older ones have married Greek
And Age Has Its Weddings.
"Youth has Its follies, age Its stupid
ities," said a Russian general, no long-
President Harding
her New York
3 AJ?F
to bf . expert"
sri'ui i .-t of fi.
..Hon. f f" ''
tl Inf' , tlon re
.Mill the iliu.
, yet there
toting coin
agent far
ing the cost
ng porcelain
0 k"" or In.sul " .1. which cost
nbtif per mile. ; t.hL. ,,,H Work
''at iorlly when the barbed wire
: to them - -,h a short piece of
v. Ire.
In order .iiier to reduce the cost
uomo i ..era tried pieces of rubber
cut Loin automobile Inner tubes as
Insulators. Pieces of the tubing 1ft
Inches square were wound around the
barbed wire and fastened to the post
with staples. The county agent re
ports that this Insulation Is giving
satisfaction, although, of course, the
rubber will deteriorate In time.
Tho farmers were able to obtain second-hand
phones at from $f to $'.'() each
and 00 cents bought a lightning ar
rester, bo that the total cost per furm
er was comparatively nominal.
Each farmer has his own special
Left Husband 150 Times
in 14 Years' Wedded Life
Helen Caldwell of Detroit.
Mich., left her husbnud, John,
lfiO times during their marrlol
life from 1007 to 10121, John told
Judge Harry J. Dliigeuian. Hu
asserted his wife was fond of
dancing; that, on coming homo
from work at midnight, hu would
Z 111 id her little boy sitting on tho
X front steps waiting for hlm and
X that his wife would come In In-
X ter, saying sho had been to u
X dunce, lie was given a decree.
Cattle Rustlers Busy.
Houston, Tex. The old cattle rus
tling days are coming back to south
ern Texas.
Wholesale cattle thefts here nnd In
surrounding counties have been re
ported. Deputy sheriffs armed with
search warrants visited a farm nine
miles from here. They found the
hides and heads of three calves. The
brand had been cut off.
Ulllcers say there Is a ring of
cattle thieves operating In the state.
er young, when Inviting a friend to his
The dllllculty of locating theso
American wives across the seas Is not
"tie to stump the Imaginative Russian
mind, which readily adapts Itself to
the lighter branches of commerce, and
has succeeded here with cafes, beauty
parlors, manicure and tea shops, con
cert halls and public grounds.
The first and only bathing pavilion
near here has been established at
Florin beach, on the .Marmora sea. by
a group of Georgian princesses,
through the loan of Amerlcnn Red
Cross tents.
Men Are Out of Luck.
The condition of Russian men refu
gees here Is bad, as there are few In
dustries or factories to provide work.
Recently the French government cut
off Its food rations to severul thou
sand men, though still feeding a cer
tain number of children, women and
old men.
It Is hard for them to get passports
to go to other countries. Serbia has
accepted some 20,000, but her leniency
to refugees Is finding Its limit.
Prince Golltzy, who formerly held
Immense estates near Kiev, and may
recover them, among hundreds of oth
ers, Is attempting to earn a living by
utilizing his knowledge of precious
stones of which he once had u largo
Such men often lose .their clothing
nnd baggage to rapacious landlords
who serve them In default of the pay
ment of room rent, but the Russian
aristocrats never lose their politeness
and courtesy In adversity.
They still kiss the hands of the
women, after tho manner of their
country. Often cheerful and cour
ageous In the face of poverty, they
hhare their last money with friends.
Declares He Is a Perfect Gentleman
and That His Calling Is Honor.
ablo and Useful.
Piiidapest. Tho hangman of Hun
gary has risen to Indignant defense of
his calling and denounced those who
cast slurs upon It. He was prompted
by sneering references mado In tho
Hungarian national assembly. Friends
of former Kmperor Charles and the
antl-IIapsburgs are always quarreling
there, and In some cases have shouted
at one another, "The hangman Is your
Michael Hall, tho ofllclal hangman,
has resented such slurs.
"My vocation," he writes to the
president of the national assembly, "Is
ns honorable and useful as that of
Judges, lawyers, ministers or kings.
Why should the old superstition hold
in modern times that tho hangman's
profession is disgraceful, abominable
and loathsome? My friends are all
perfect gentlemen and any member of
parliament can consider It only tlat
tery when ho Is called my friend."
ring, so (hero Is no expense for n
central. It Is posslblo with a system
like this to connect various parts of
tho farm or distant barns with the
house, or the tenant house with the
farm home, at a very low cost. While
such a system leaves much to be de
sired In the way of service, it meets
an emergency and can be mil(jt. t0
answer, pending the coming 0f times
when conditions will warrant a mora
expensive and more satisfactory svs
torn. '
Dogs Rout Tobacco Pests
Marietta, Pa. Martin S. Stall n
tobacco grower, who resides on u f,'irm
several miles east of this place has
two dogs, ono a spaniel and the other
a fox terrier, which ho has trained to
hunt worms from his tobacco. .'rom
the time they enter the patch until
they leave they uro busy with their
noses, hiillllng nnd smelling tobacco
bugs from the leaves. They take the
worms from the leaves without dam
aging the plants, nnd as a result the
tobacco on the Stoll farm Is among thu
tlnest In the country, being almost free
from worm holes.
ZTowfl of AH Kintb Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
The D. A. It. of Niirlli Plntli. urn.
ir ':-..:!::: --
the only remaining evidence of Fort
Mcpherson, which was located twenty
tulles east of that city, enclosing it
with an Iron fence. This marker lies
near the roadway, no pne pays atten
tion to It and were It removed, the lint
ostigo or the old fort would dlsnp
. ,. , , . . .'
lSi r :: Ti .:: ,' r; ::
county, Fort McPherson nlnviwl mi lm
portant part, for the cavalry stationed
there guarded the wayfarers on the
old California trail nnd protected the
rarienes or tho early day cattlemen.
v., ... ,.... ." . .V.
hi .iii:i'iii i ii i iinr rii iTiutiiuir i n
surveyors, turned oir tho water untmlv
from the windmill when they stopped
to get n drink.
Armistice day will be observed as n
.11.1 c. ......... .. ' .,.
nollday at Sc-olCHhluir. t., Chnml or of
Commerce ceasing business and ur-
ng the program over to the American
Legion. Plans include a parade In the
morning, followed by n solemn service
.' ' "."": '" l,,u ""enioon
netween the local high school and
Kidney, and u banquet In the evening,
followed by n program.
Nebraska Is ill nronnrod fnr n ron.
oral rail strike at the present time, of-
fMHID nr I in I lew.,!.. ..1 1 - ...
---.. . nv- KliiLillll Lllil Illlll'l 111 I'lllll
been laid In, dealers and consumers
hnvlng depended on freight reductions
In the near future. The same applies
io loon nun provisions. Live stock can
... ----- ....,... ...,
o Z. ,.r.VSR!: A L r10'.' rt.'i
to Immense stocks of corn and alfalfa
stilt on the farms.
An out-of-the-ordlnnry community
sale has been staged nt Columbus.
As n menns of stimulating Interest
i,. ..' , . ' '"" uLr "'
cltj, scattering envelopes containing1
tickets for th Anim-i...... i ...... .....
i.iuui. juupii Aiiuorson, now over the
tlckets for the American Legion Armi
stlco day nlhletlc carnlvnl. One day
was called "Ford" day and prizes were
awarded tho owner of the tllvver com
ing the longest distance, bringing the
oldest couple, and other unique Ideas.
The overseas unit of Telegraph llat
tnllon -108, made up largely of Ne
braska men will hold Its second nn
nual reunion In Omaha, November -1-5.
II. J. Mooney, Omaha Is local man
ager. This will bring about ICO dele
gates to tho city.
a grand Jury will h0 called nt Lin
coln to Investigate alleged Irregular
ities In the administration of coopera
tions in this city nnd sales of stock by
which, It Is estimated, the people have
lost from l.r),000,000 to $20,000,000.
The campaign looking to raising
money to Hnance the International
Aero congress to be held In Omaha,
November :5-r Is progressing rapid! v.
Work on the Hying Held In the north
part of the city Is about completed.
A five-gallon Juir of com wiii,ii.-v imc
been found on William Jennings-'
Rrynn's farm east of Lincoln T-',.ri !
Stnnsbury, Rrynn's tenant, has report
ed the find and delivered the whisky to
Sheriff Ira Miller.
Pnrlotle nnd civic societies of Fre
mont will Join with the local branch
of the Central Labor union In n big
demonstration on Armistice day. A big
parade Is planned.
John T. Mcintosh, former postmaster
of Sidney, has been nppolnted deputy
Internal revenue collector for tho dis
trict of western Nebraska, with head
quarters at Sidney.
New low Prices on old rnm l.nvn
eer. made In all parts of north Ni-!
brnskn. ( ...-.,., .. , '
of old shelled corn nt 22 to 211 cents
per bushels.
About November 1 two companies of
tho Sixth Infantry will he ndded to the
army strength at Fort Crook, the gov
ernment post Jus south of Omaliu.
Tho Chamber of Commerce at Rent
rice has voted $2.10 to support a poultry
show to held nt thnt place soon.
The Nebraska cement plant at Su
perior resumed operations after a two
months' shutdown.
Flro of unknown origin completely
destroyed the I lord company's elevator
located at Chapman. About 10.000
bushels of grain were consumed.
No COI'll is helm? '.nriioil ni-mnnl Kn.
perlor nnd grain men testify that little
is being marketed at 17 cents to 25
cents. Karmers hnve taken greater
than usual Interest In hog feeding and '
are holding the crop for this purpose. I
The Rurllngton railroad has an-
nounced mat early next spring work
lm nlitiilef fiti4nlti Iwwttn tlw ..... '
Is nlnmst certain to begin on the con
structlon of the proposed line from
Thedford to O'Neill, connecting up the
Sioux City and Hillings lines. "
An address by A. ,T. Weaver of Falls
City, president of the recent constitu
tional convention ami u concert by
Murle Rnppold, prima donna of the
Aiotrnpoiiinn (.rand opera company
- "i" ! . . i . i . .. , i
nticncil Ilenver f'llv'u turn- nnill t m-liiin
--- -..,, ,
sum io oe ine nnesi nuiKiing or its Kino,
In southwestern Nebraska. Local bust
ness men and farmers hold 'all the
stock In the structure which has n seat
ing capacity of 1,000. A sales pavilion
was erected In connection with It.
Ruslness men several weeks ago In
vited Woodrow Wilson to make an ad
dress at the opening, but he was nn
ablo to accept
.erd of thorough.,,., fcattle r Vpe. InHmhuS ow 'L s' at
d of seven days In July, 1I.H). caused ,,u. Kl,ar ,., V"; J " " ," ,
wlh! "tnno' V ,,8i 'I'" f"r,,y"i? '"T' ! Kvan" " "nulem The . i
rtKis-ssas. iot, xs 7XX:;!on
answer of Assistant Attorney (ieneral i ,J,LH "ost ""?7 8V, :Mn,i.,.ii .
a S Reed to the suit brought by tl..l,"Sn
Frank Harmon of Leavenworth,
Kun administrator for the estate of
I.oyal Harmon, r, was awarded Judge
ment of $:$,(0f) In federal court at Lin
coln against Nemaha county. The suit
was for $2.-,000 for the death of Loyal
Harmon, son of Rurch Harmon of Au
burn, who was drowned near that placo
May 21, 11)20. Rurch Harmon, his wife
and son, were driving to Auburn fol
-: ill ,', ZZ nr
lowing a cloudburst ami their machine
age dlteh which was out of Its banks.
Lurch Harmon, the father, now has
n suit for !?2r,,0()0 K 4t ,
county district court. He seeks to col
led damages for the shock nnd Injuries
to himself.
' "iiu-nMiiiM oi iii io u permiuient
' ! ' ' -".!-' will.
une-iourtu or tho tola
tho last census, Is engaged In learning
or imparting the same. A canvass of
the schools completed here shows that
n total of Kcnrnoyltos attend
-school, being an Increase of -KS-'l pupils
.""", "emg ai
. .
IlllirV llllllli. mill In lit- U, i.t.i.
iii..... ,.r .i
- ! r nil ir ill I II
....,.-..1 ui hu; sinie nepartnient of
llnnnce. The biggest Item for tho
quarter Is salaries and wages, which
i t s d 1 78 f or hi, Z?,"'
,S, iV Sm! I! in 2S m, d S
I traveling excuses iimotiii I t i u
0502:1 clihLH "m,),lllt ,,) ?.
TheThnver emmtv fnir
amount to ?,.",S-t.fi2. The noxt.lurir.
imie daughter of Mr. Mi-. 'iwi,...
Wilson of Hebron on whom a piece of
ilamlng stick fell dining the fireworks
exhibition at the fvlr, has become ser
ious and that there will possibly be
me necessity or skin grafting on thu
. .
. Ikl'itimt eV .,. ..l.fl.l
, them for any expense or .i....,,...
i no nuto tourist camp ground nt
North Platte, maintained by the cham-
. -. '"-'
..,-. ui v-iiiiiiui-rve. iins neen isoseii
T" t0'n, "- " IclMdgnt
oer of commerce, has boon (.i,w..,i
parked at the grounds durliiL' tin. vi.i
son, which opened April 15, wns -I.DS.".
The cost of maintaining the camp dur
ing the season wns about 1,000.
Tho new state reformatory at Lincoln
woum no tun to capacity and the pen-
Itentlary could not take care of the
r "ll- '" "ll-
would be full to capacity and the pen
balance, If all those now held In county
Jails under penitentiary sentence were
uiKcn to Lincoln, nccording to Wnrden
Fenton of the state penitentiary.
Many Hamilton county farmers nro
"hogging down" their corn this fall
building their fences tight nnd turning
in the livestock. More can be realized
In this manner, they say, than by husk
ing It for sale on a 17-cont market.
Lincoln county lins been n niecca for
chicken hunters from nil parts of tho
state, but they have so overrun farms
and ranches and hnve been so careless
with matches and in their shooting
that the farmers and ranchmen have
declared war against them.
A special election has been cnlled
for October 20 by tho Sidney district
school hoard to vote on the proposition
oi issuing refunding bonds to tho
amount of $00,000 to take up the out
standing registered warrants of the
The new St. Pnul High school build
Ing was dedicated before a crowd of
over 700 residents of Howard county.
The program consisted of open house
all day while school was In session,
with music and speeches In the even
ing. Reward of $2,000 for the dead body
of any bandit who holds up a bank or
commits burglary on a bank, will be
otTorod by the Cass County Rankers'
association, says H. A. Outhman, of
Munlock, retiring piesident.
Orvllle Donk, ten, son of fieorgft
Poult, Fremont, Is missing from his
home. He failed to report nt the
school nnd no trace has been found of
Zto CvoSS'
locate the joungMer.
hlm. Searching parties have failed to
An nlrplnne carrying nn auto chasls
and propelled by two slx-cyllnder
motors is being contracted by F. L.
Long, an automobile mechanic nt Ran
dolph. Ho says thu idea Is all his
That they may lie bettor prepared
for walking their bents, an order has
gone out to Omaha policeman to havo
their feet manicured once n week.
Platte county has voted $100,000
bonds for the completion of the new
court house now under construction.
Stato veterinarians nro Investigating
tho disease which has caused the loss
of several score of cattle In Cheyenne
county. R. S. Scott, county agent, says
the disease can not be cimikimI Iiv mm.
stalks as u number of the dead anlmal3
did not bine access to them
A serious epidemic of hog cholera
throughout the state, an outbreak of
antluax near Omnhn, and a peeular
disease that has killed thirty cattle
near Sidney, ure receiving the ntten
t.... ti... . i. ...... . ...
tlon of Stuto Veterlnnrlan F. R. Wood-
ring; .The veterinarian reports cholera
In every county In the state with losses
of 00 per cent In some counties.
Omaha- bank clearings for the first
nine months of 1021 were $1,17.I,0U),
:J70. Only 17 cities In the United
Stntes hud bigger clearings.
..wiiu i nun- .iiiii- Miner iiMTJ. ill'
mv.vrwl lw ii...i.w,. c.. .. 1 ..........
orth Plnttc valley water users op-
,. ...,.. ,,,v i'iiji-.i .in ii jiiii: i ran
voir nnd dam with auxiliary power
plant, to be constructed at Guernsey,
Wyo., at a cost of more than $2,000,000,
The vote was 1)15 for and 77 against;
only 1,:)0 were eligible to vote. Tl'
work Is expected to develop Irrigation
of the northwest Nebraska countr
with a water supply Independent o
the Pathfinder dam and also u powoi
to farm and factories.
Followed Advice oi Her
Druggist's Wife and "ook
Lydia E. Pinkharis
Vegetable Compouil
Chicago, III.-"! was in bcHth a
female trouble nnd inflainmatil and
BTnnr.jmiiHtniiiinad 'ui oo out
nono of them tl mo
any cood. Tlv all
said i would hio to
havo an opertion.
told mo to take I dia
E. Pinkham's Vqe
tablo ComiMjundind
1 took 22 4otosr
never missing abac
timo I was perfffly
, well. I liavo noor
had occasion to take it again as I Ive
been so well. I havo a six room nt
and do nil my work. My two sisbs
are taking tho Compound upon my rt
ommendation end you may publish ry
letter. It i3 tho gospel truth and I wl
wiite to any one who wants a pcrsonl
letter. "-Mrs. E. II. Haydock. . G
St. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago lllinoi.
Because Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcg
table ComDound saved Mrs. Haydoc
from an ojwration wo cannot claim tha
all operations may bo avoided by it,
but many women have escaped opel
ations by the timely use of this old f asb
ioned root nnd herb medicine.
ntg us. Pitorr.
irritant for
etc. Healind
and antiseptic
State Street Newferk
Kids Spurn Gifts of Pennies
Once upon u time children would1
be glad to get a penny or two a day
from their parents. Today, as any
nio'her will tell you. nothing less
than a nickel measures up to their
standards of dally needs. It Is usually
C cents.
"Aw wodiiya want?" exclaimed lit
tle Johnny the other day when his
mother forgot herself nnd offered hlm
2 cents. "How da ya spect a feller
to get anything for n eoupla cents?
The cheapest Ice-cream cone in Cheap
Joe's Is a nickel, an' I can't go to thu
movies for lessen .11 cents. An', any
way, ain't dad makln' more money
than he uster?" New York Sun.
"Bayer" Introduced Aspirin to the.
Physicians Over 21
Years Ago.
To get quick relief follow cnrefully
the safe and proper directions In each
unbroken package of "Mayer Tablets of
Aspirin." This package Is plainly
stamped with the safety "P.nyer Cross."
The "P.a.xer Cross" means the gen
uine, world-famous Aspirin .prescribed
by physicians for over twenty-one-years.
Since When?
Mrs. Iienharn He has been dis
appointed in love.
Menhnni How long bus he been
Cobalt, one of the rarest minerals,.
Is chlelly used In coloring glass unit
' 3 CENTS Jt
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
BU,lng,h.C,num STEARNS
Ready for Uso Battel Than Traps
IllreclluDs In 15 language in every Lm,
JUti, Mice, Oookroaclms, Aiu nnd Wuterbuei
1;nlruj fyl and properly and art) carrion oi
Jlieiii. Mftirnt' 'trle 1'atf fmi' Uire pjiu
to run from tlio SnlUInu tor water and uJLtiolu "Monof back If It faila."
U. N. Uorerumaut bnja It.
skvw All
9m: '
h ci!Lu-T.eP II 1
m m