1 RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF VUMMMUt y m 'A '""-,; J. i J H SJ M K W ASrOLO TO US lluy Hroid nt Powell und Popo's f' y K a w '. K W 8 S M $ lit an Iruiu t'Htf .1 Pn , If P Mr. S.ltnrdman spent Friday Nelson. ! J. S. j Thomas spent Friday Hasting In in Missndna Wallace spent Saturday in Hashes. Ilari Hayward was visiting friends in thod'ty Monday. Alfaladcn returned homo Friday evenifc from Lincoln. can Hndy, Fall In mid Join Tho Amorl I'lfion Uil- month. FrJ Fuller of Cowlcs was in the cityjaturday morning. Flthcr Fitzgerald was passenger to Suprior Sunday morning. Iirl Carpenter of Guide llock was in he pity Friday afternoon. x. aim! Mrs. Ben Copley spent Sun da wiph friends at Riverton. B. Wagoner was a passenger to Cotral City Tuesday morning. Tin- Ui'ssU'i- 1 1 1 . iT ilri'ssos, suit1' mid (.as wlillid Ihiu Oc. -" anil -! at U.irtKUa PlniK'H iMis. Carl Lynch of Hazclton spent the first of tho week with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson. Mrs. May Summers returned home Thursday evening from Lincoln where she spent a few days. Nx-Servicc Men, 1,000,000 Comrades Invito You to Join TUE AMERICAN LEGION this month. Newt Siebcrt, who has been working at Oberlin, Kansas, returned to this city Tuesday morning. Koundhousp Foreman J. W. lltuick and Headmaster Phil Traut attended a meeting of Burlington officials at McCook Saturday. You 71 Mr. and Mrs. John Arnell and baby returned homo Sunday morning after spending a few days with her par ents at Fremont. Mrs. IOlizabcth Foe departed Satur day morning for Long Beach, Cali fornia where she intends to spend the winter with friends. Tho State Fire Warden will soon visit this city and it would bo a good plan if the merchants would clean the trash out of their cellars. i Yost and Robertson shipped a car of cattle to Omaha Tuesday morning and A. B. Crabill one car of hogs to Will Schenk returned to tlda city tho last of tho week ' after spending i Kansas City Wednesday. a few weeks m Denver. Bert Clark returned to his home at B. W. Stewart went to Ft. Collins, McCook Sunday evening after work- Colorado Monday evening to to some business matters attend Jl. Vt Shaffer of Seward was visit- inr fripnds in the city Monday. JLu uthcran services every first and tiird Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Sanborn of Ina- .lc spent Sunday with friends in tho iy. Judge Blacklcdgc and Court Re porter Johnson arc holding district court at Alma this week. Mrs. Frank Hughes and children spent a few days the last of the week with relatives in Hastings. Mrs. J. T. Saladen went to Guido Rock Friday morning for a short vis it with relatives and friends. Joe Hewitt and family autocd to Republican City Sunday morning and spent the day with his brother. John McGuire of Bird City, Kansas visiting friends in the city this reck. D. C. Henderson returned from Dcn- er Tuesday morning where he spent a Tow days., Mr. and Wents of a I ifV nftrninir. Mrs. Damon are the par' baby girl born Snturday norning. Mrs. C. F. Evans departed Tuesday Evening for her homo at Long Beach, California. I fF. Wi Cowdcn went to Kansas City JlCpnday morning to attend to some j business matters. sWrrft Linn departed Sunday even ing for ' Black Hills where he 'will spend a ftjv days. Miss Christine Caldwell, who is teaching school near Franklin, spent the weekend here with her mother. Mrs. J. W. Auld and children re turned homo Sunday morning from Denver where they spent a few days. LOST A dark gray double shawl with fringed ends Saturday night. Finder return same to Vern Dickenson. ing in tho local yards here for a few days in John Arncll's place. Howard Kalcy, who is attending tho state university at Lincoln, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Kaley. I. D. Richardson and family depart ed Monday morning for San Francis co, California where they intend mak ing their home in the future. Two trains of stock consisting of seventy eight cars passed thru hero Sunday morning enroutc to the St. .Too and Kansas City markets. Mr. and Mrs. Owens and children went to Pawnee Wednesday after vis iting at tho home of his brother-in-law, Joe McCallum and family. ror go 8 en &uV&40o7 til l!5MlWu Bik li taMHk KHHlw mm heap Mni Y mewnere Lm 99 OU'LL find nothing here but the good quality that it pays you to buy in clothes. If it's simply a cheap price you're after you wont find it here. If you want the best quality you can get for your money; if you want real economy-there isn't a better store to come to than this. Copyright 1921 Hart Scliaftncr & Marx SUITS Hart Schaffner & Marx $35 to $47.50 Other Makes, Latest Styles $25 to $40 While autoing to Guide Rock Fri day evening, Carl Oglevic run over a coyote and a possum. Carl expects to have the coyote hide tanned. Mrs. Hazei, McPheters and Hally Summers spent Friday friends in Hastings. Mlss with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, resid ing in Garfield township, are the par ents of a baby girl bora Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bogcnricf and children of Northbranch, Kansas spent Sunday in the city with her sister, Mrs. Guy Gillette. Mrs. C. F. Evans went to Guide Rock Sunday morning to spend a few days with relatives before returning- to her home at Long Beach, Cantor nia. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Williams depart ed Tuesday morning for their home at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, after spending a few days with friends here. OVERCOATS New line Fall and Winter Overcoats $20 to $45 HATS STETSON (Dress) $6.50 MALLORY " fS.OO ODD BRANDS (Dress) $3.00 CAPS. Fall and Winter. $1.50 to 53.50 Sweaters Ksfc$7-$ 1 0.50 BSTU $8.50-$ 1 5 Cotton Coat Sweaters $2.25 to $5.00 W. G. Hamilton Clothing Company Dan Garber returned home Friday evening from Hastings where he spent a couple of days attending to business matters. Mr. and Mrs. George Havcrcamp went to Kansas City Monday evening to spend n few days. Mr. S. Hardman attended a Dean ery meeting of the Episcopal church at McCook Tuesday. fhn FfllK? AT "OME CXPECT YOU Hit: rUU0 TO TEU. -EM ALL ABOUT "OMAHA'S FUN 0rieiij7& VISIT CENTRE," THE dS?25feff ,T' Exhilarating BURLESK and VAUDEVILLE S'afi,-Alt. ry-Fili'i' v.ii'iPr :' . C rU. I wn C!mmt Cnr, 11-a l , , I'-illL.. ic.mo 15m ri.iuwrt. r.:AriNv:ji iw.y. 2--.5 liVNG a-.zo rrvr' ;t. - : a ; anvooov For Hint new dress, Milt or coat you aro planning on you will find a good Rclcotion to choose from in tho Kcssler lino on display Friday nnd Snturd.iv, Oct. 29 29 at Itnrbarn Pharos. Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Fountain and children returned to this city Sunday morning from Atwood, Tvansns where he had been working- for several weeks. TliRt wonderfully succcsbfull and de lightfully funny ply. "Twin Beds" hns been .ccured for one nlRlit, Thurs day, Nov. 3. for tho Hesse Auditorium, Ked Cloud. Itlssild to be drawing packed houses everywhere People want to laugh and "Twin ISeds" has no cqtml in that rcspe"t. Lutheran Church Notes O. It. Ilf.iMTZ. Pastor Hegnlnr services aro held every first and third Sunday m Ihe month in tho Advcntist ohuruh. Corner of 3rd Ave. and Walnut St The fifth annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross for Nebraska will be carried out in every county commencing Armistice Day, Novem ber 21th. "On Plunder's Field Grow", Lest We Fort ttiu Puppies . (Delaney Bros, and A. B. Crabill each shipped a car of hogs to Kansas City Sunday. Harlcy White and John Cf'Brien accompanied the stock to its destination. November 7 to 12 is Home Town Paper Week. If you are in arrears for the papers you read you can make the editors smile by paying your subscription. Mrs. J. A. Burden left for Long Beach, California Tuesday evening where she intends to spend several months with her daughter, Mrs. Nate Illingsworth and family. Mrs. Venia Brnmel and baby re turned to their home at Omaha the last of the week after spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Henderson. Fridnv afternoon a fine drill was held by tho scholars of the Washing- j Mrs. D. L. Williams, of Oklahoma ton and Lincoln schools. Two bun- City, Oklahoma, who had been visit- drcd and forty-six pupils left the ing hi California arrived in the city Lincoln building in two minutes and Saturday morning to visit Dr. and fifteen seconds and at the Washing- Mrs. R. P. Iloxcy and other friends, ton building two hundred fifty pupils Mr. Williams arrived in the city Sat- marched out in one minute and fifteen urday evening to accompany her seconds. ' home. American Legion FRIDAY NIGHT OCT. 28th Admission $1.10 J MUSIC BY KRO MATIC KIDS Spectators 25c BESSE AUDITORIUM EisraffjaaaBseBssiaasECiBs y,.TT,ivAWfffngyTror,TigBOTi BESSE AUDITORIUM HI HIIWlll Hill II !! !! HI IHIilM IMII lIIIM 111" i MBBMMBMMnMWinwMMffaHWiMiiriMrrrTTn-MriiiBitiirTi,7i"nr-- r . im TT-rrr r rnn'Tff Ttiirr,TnrrT One Big Gala. Night THURSDAY, NOV. 3 Special Engagement the Worlds famous Farce Comedy An Absolutely Guaranteed Attraction A LAUGH! A Every Minute One of Joy WITH DAINTY HELEN SAXE And Entire New York Cast Foot Car Special Scenery All Special Furniture Including The Famous Twin Beds O O O O MM This feThe life!) UBf f tw Tfj fc iMwroft j'l'WTrTTrrjvwii - ri.i'T"1'iTTyTr3iTrt-ttT'rTTt wjw"!'bu vmmrrri. WfaMtIh r u jff tJ Coming Direct To Red Cloud From The Brandeis Theatre Omaha TSie Kind You Like! imrTTwrjvywi.iMt'nwniin'qMlwnifrim Mw."wrtV I MuwmiWii Li Y R A ;fl&fcgj2ffl68&S3aB2aw.ra wmwiiwihw &SA TS M W SELL p"r isssa 'AB2LY&& PRBCB& 75e, $1.00, $1 5 YOURS ' lllWT-iiHrTT-'Tilfnta !CTf'riBrysWPiTTTF:gTT1 rvs7y!a2SrJXSS3jS!i. nTWi W3I2& .U.-" - - -HE i Bfng: EliJ.tiM'.nKffz.