The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1921, Image 4

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Red Cloud, NobrnsUtv
I'PtlUrfllLD bVliltt THl'BSDAY
Wntercrt In thu Pemoline nt llrri cloud. Nob
as Hocond elans Mnttor'
A. D. MoAltTHUU, Editor uiid Owner
Advertsing Rates
Foreign, por column inch 15c
Local, 10 &. I2H
Farm Bureau Notes
Monday night, October 31st Pots
dam Township meeting nt I31uo Hill,
Tuesday noon, November 1st at 1 p.
m. Red Cloud High School. Wednes
day noon Cowlcs High School, Eckley
School at JJ p. m. .Wednesday night
BaCin Township meeting at Bohemian
Monday, November 7th noon lunch
eon Chamber" of Commerce. Monday
night, November 7th Lino Township
meeting at District No. 34, Tuesday
.November 8th at 1 p. m. Guido Kock
High School. Tuesday night Walnut
Creek Township meeting at Inavale.
Wednesday, November 9th at 1 p. m.
JHuo Hill School and at 3 p. m. Bladen
nigh School. Wednesday night Glen
wood Township meeting nt Bladen.
Webster County's Combination Sale
-will bo held at Red Cloud Saturday,
November Dth selling 13 Duroc Boars,
id Poland China Boars, 19 Duroc
Gilts and Sows, 15 Toland China Gilts
and Sows. Consigned by the follow
ing: Loghn Ohmstcde, Guido Rock,
Frank Ellinger, Red Cloud, Lorimer
Edson, Red Cloud, J. II. Kcllog, Red
Cloud, H.W. Lambrccht, Inavale, L.
Riggins,JCowIes, S. E. Johnston, Ina
Tale, J. B. Wisecarvcr, Red Cloud,
Chas. Miner, Rod Cloud, J. T. Mc
Mahon, Blue Hill, E. A. Blumenthnl,
Blue Hill, C. H: Steward, Red Cloud,
W. P. Lippincott, Red Cloud, Earl
Portincr, Guido Rock, Chas. McClurc,
Bladen, Carl Fausch, Guide Rock,
Henry R. Fausch, Guide Rock, L. R.
Mattock, Bladen, J. II. Hamilton &
Son, Guide Rock, Alex Bushcow, Blue
Hill, Spencer Vance, Guide Rock,
Means Brothers, Red Cloud, Wilbur
Reeve, Guide Rock. Farmers want
ing n boar or gilt at their own prico
should attend this sale.
County Agricultural Agent
I -
Commissioner Charles E. Lodell of
the federal farm loan board recently
spnt the, following communication to
the American Farm Bureau Federa
tion, regarding the'' advantages ex
tended to the Amcricnn farmer
through the federal farm loan system;
lie says: "A general offering of Feder
al Farm Loan Bonds is now being
made. These bonds yield five percent
and arc exempt from taxation. The
Farm Loan system is the farmers'
National Co-operative Mortgage Loan
agency. When it is considered that
farm loan bonds are safe, and that
every dollar derived from their sale
is loaned to some worthy farmer in
order that his pressing necessities
may be relieved, every farmer who
lias money to invest should buy feder
al loan bonds, thus supporting his
own system and his ow industry. At
the same time he secures for himself
u dependable investment. Do not
buy questionable and wild-cat securi
ties. Buy federal farm loan bonds.
In order that tho national policies
of the American Farm Bureau may
Ihj shaped at the national convention,
to bo held next month, to conform
with tho ideas of the individual mem
bers right down close to tho grass
roots, a plan has been put in operation
t gather the needed data. Secre
tary Coverdale of the American Farm
Bureau has asked tho secretary of
each state farm bureau to send out a
qucstionairc to each county farm bur
eau 'asking them to make suggestions
as to the policy to bo pursued by tho
national organization during 1922.
Tho natioria convention will meet at
Atlanta, Georgia, November 19-23.
In his request that this information
4m gathered from tho county farm
bureau organizations, Mr. Coverdale
says: "Tho 1922 program will be
.what the various states want, and in
' order that the policies may be proper
ly shaped, we would like very much
to receive any suggestions that you
may have to offer at this time." In
the meantime, county and township
organizations arc advised to call local
meetings to discuss these matter.".
and suggest an a body the things that
W is felt are of piimc importance.
According to word received by tho
Nebraska Fnvm""l. iuui from nalljn
al headquarters, the iinal meeting of
the Farmers' Live Stock marketing
Committee of fifteen will bo held in
CM.'ngo October 18, at which thelie
stock r.if.rkcting plan to be submitted
to the pioducors will be perfected.
Iho full details of the report will be
vublis'iod in ordr to give produces
ample to make u thorough stutiy
of the flan before hc radifict'i."
conference which wil' be called to mcJt
i.i Chicago on November 10.
The county agricultural Extension
agent in Dnvsoii.ani the county fa. in
bureau have startcJ Hie "hot lu.ich
club'' 'den among school children of
tho county which is an excellent idi
for oilier counties tf follow. Acco'd
to the county Extension agent, it has
been thoroughly demonstrated whero
the club3 have boon in existence that
the children nrri happier, hcaltniet
and in better shnoe to carry on their
studies when a portion of their no)i
day meal consists of warm cookui
fr.ods. Children ten years of ago or
ocr arc accepted as club members,
while tho youngor children are accept
ed as associate members nml receive
their share of the lunch and carry
their share of the burden. Boys arc
enrolled the same as girls. The work
is divided among the active members
ten years or more of age, The mem
bers in their turn arc requested to
serve as cook, housekeeper and book
keeper thus giving tho childron prac
tical experience and giving thoni tbft
advantage of the social and co-opera-livo
idea, as Well as providing warm
meals between the two study periods.
Red Cross Work Expanding
Chicago, Oct. 20 Reports from the
American Red Cross Chapters in No
bruskn for the past year show a mark.
o 1 Increase over preceding years in the
total of community undertakings
which huvo boon developed. The work
in disaster rollof, nursing and health
instruction is an important part of thu
peace timo program of tho organiza
tion. That ?4,85() was con'ributed by resi
dents of the bthta through the Red
Cross for relief work in connection
with tho Puublo flood during the past
few months shows tho recognition giv
en this organization as a national ro
liof agency for emergency. During the
year thcro woro 43 disasters in the
United States resulting in the death of
8')0 persons nnd tlio Injury of 2,500. emergencies called for an ex
penditure of Sl.87l.O0O in tho llscal
year ending .luno 30th.
Red Cross relief was furnished In 17
fires; 5 Hoods; 3 explosions including
that of Wall Street; 7 tornadoes; one
storm; n building accident; 2 typhoid
epidemics; a smallpox epidemic; n
train wreck and race riot; famine suf
fercrs among the Alnslca Indians and a
grasshoppcrplngue in North Dakota.
Tho Pueblo Hood was by far tho larg
est disaster alfectlug thousands which
left ?,3rl persons Ik melets BJ
In connection with tho administra
tion of disaster relief then- was an in
creasing effectiveness uinuiitr Bed Cross
chapters in dealing with this lelief
Through Its chain of chapters linltirg
nearly every coun'y in eneli state with
national tieadquat-tors in Washington,
a net work ot communication is estab
lished through which instant relief
may be sunt to any part of the Unittd
Through its Nursing Service, Home
Hygiene, and Care of thu Sick olassip,
Nutrition Service, First Aid and Ll'o
Saving Classes, tho lied Cross has been
hulplng largo groups of people in the
rural districts as well hs tho cities to
bitter Etandauls of health and linprow
ed living conditions. There are today,
37,787 nurses enrolled in the American
Red Cross Nursing Service
Of this number, !!)( nurses are en
rolled from Nebraska. Those nurses
:uu qualified nceoidiiig to the h'gh
stiiubirdH of the Red Cross for service
in war or emergency. In Red Cros
Chapteis, 1,2(57 public- health uurios
nie employed. Thirty Chapter.-, in this
statu uio carrying on this work nnd
aie employing Il.'l Public Health Nurs
es. In addition to this phase of health
work the teaching of Homo Hygiene
and Care of the slclc has been develop
ed extensively with 434 certificates
Issued to persons completing the course
of lessons, Graduates of this course
throughout ttie country total 73,592
during tho past year Valuable health
instruction tins been given to 33,0(0
children enrolled in the 1,1 H nutrition
classes held iu various parts of thu
In tho Unitod Statos lust year, 73,432
parsons were hilled and 3,500,000 injur
ed in industrial ncoideuts. To prevent
this enormous waste of life tho Red
Cross organized 5,100 First Aid Classes
with a total of 104,000 students. This
instruction was given in industrial and
business concerns, schools, colloioi
hihI uuivcrsltlcs and foroigu and civic
groups intorosted in reducing the num
ber of fatalities, Also lGo Life Saving
Corps were iu operation this past your
with an enrollment of 11,000 members
Planning to ooutlnuo these services
during tho coming year tocxp.uid them
.uid to ruHch other communities, tbu
Bed Ciosh will CHiry on its annual Boll
Call from Armistice Day to Thanks
ulving. Contributing and sus'ainlng
muinberships ns well as the annual
dollar memberships will providn funds
to finance chapter activities In this
state and throughout thu nation.
Farm Loans
I am ready us always to make any
and all fnrm loans at the lowest ratu
and best option. Absolutely no wait
ng nii'l no expunso for inspection.
.1. 11. Uullry
Chamber of Commerce Meets
The Chamber of Uommeice met Tues.
day evening and owing to Hie I'm in i
lnstltute tho attendance whs stnu'l.
Tho following business was truliMictt"'.
Tho next Business Men's Lunch will
be held on Nov. 7th. You nrc request
ed to make your reservations with the
Committee, in Charge, viz.J.C Miiche 1,
Ed Oarbcr and Dave.ICalcy.
A. D. McArthur, I. Johnson and
Harry Yost reported on the plans of
the American Jjetflon for Armistice
Day celebration.
A letter was read from Guido Rock
Community Club asking that a delega
tion attend a dinner to bo held there
on Nor. 1st nt 9 p. ro, in the interest
of Good Iloads botween Superior and
Rod Cloud. Superior will have n good
delegation and we ought to have a
good ono also. By getting together on
.this proposition much gdod plight to
be accomplished. Tell President Ham
ilton you will go so that we can notify
Guido Uoelt.
Lynn Bush, who is attending college
at Hastings, spent Sunday here with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush.
Do not fall to see the Ressler line of
dresses, suits and coats Friday nnd
Saturday, Oct. 28 29, at Hnrbarn Phar
os. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carr and chil
dren spent tho last of the week in the
city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Carr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Superior spent Sunday in this city
with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. D.
Claude Fierce returned home Thurs
day evening from Crete where he at
tended a convention of the Congrega
tional churches.
The Degree of Honor will meet next
Tuesday evening nt 7:30 in the I. O. O.
F. hall. The matnbers nrc requested
to tie prpsnnt as thero will be initiation
and a program for the good of the ord.
Tuesday afternoon the Nelson and
Red Cloud High School foot ball teams
met on the Hedge field. The visitors
won the game by a score of 13 to 0
and it was a very good game.
About thirty members of the local
American Legion Post expect to go to
Kansas City Sunday morning to at
tend the National Convention which
convenes in that city next week.. u
The fire department was called tq
the home of Mrs. J. L. Christian Sun
day morning on account of the fur
nace setting fire to the ceiling. Very
little damage was caused by the fire.
On Monday night after the I. O. O.
F. lodge closed the ladies of the Ro
bekah lodge surprised those present
by coming in with well filled baskets
and all present partook of a dainty
lunch which was served by them.
Dr. McBride, N. B. Bush, W. G.
Hamilton nnd B. F. Perry attended a
meeting of the DeMolay lodge at
Hastings Friday. A class of seventy
five hoys were taken into this order.
Gene Bush and Howard Frisbie were
the candidates from this city.
That perennial lnugh provoker
"Twin Beds" will be tho attraction at
the Besse Auditorium, Bed Cloud.
Thursday night, Nov !1. The cnmpaiix
has recently appeared in Lineo'ii
Omaha, nm Kansas City, where it w.
celvoil the highest praise.
Will Hines, Bert Anderson, A. B.
McArthur nnd Homer Lovcjoy of Ina
vale attended the funeral of Harley
Stickley at Guide Rock Sunday after
noon. Tho latter two were in the
same company with the deceased com
rade and acted ns pall bearers.
Mrs FruiH'lH May Uonchin, nped 81
years, who has been ill for scvera'
months passed away Monday evening
at the home of her dntighter, Mrs
Grant, residing eat of town. She is
survived by two sons and four daugh
ters. The funeral sorvicea wero held
Wednesday afternoon from tho Breth
ren ohurch, In Garfield township Kov,
Nonh Wagoner iu chnrgc. fntermout
was made beside her husband in tho
Mat tin cemetery.
Grace. Church Services
23rd Sunday After Trinity
Sunday School at 10 a. in.
Morning Service at 11 a. m.
Confirmation Instruction at I p
Evening Sprvico at 7:,10 p. in.
All are weloomo to botli our Services
an 1 Instruction Class.
..--v.,. I . ..-..i.. J
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
A long train of automobiles from
Red Cloud filed into Esbon Wednesday
filled with boosters for their Farmers
Institute which talios place in that city
from Oct. 23th to 28th. Their Farmers
Institute is similar to the Farm, School
and Home Festival in Jewell county.
It is run on thu same high plnne mor
ally und intellectually grafters and
fakirs being eliminated Na'.urnlly it
has come to tie tho biggest annuul
event in Wobster Conniy.-Esbon Tim-
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Webster Coun
ty, Nebrnskn
In the Master of the Estute of Ras
mus Jensen Deceased.
Creditors of Said Estate will take
Notice, that the time limited for pre
sentation and filing of claims against
said estate is February 4, 1022, and for
thu payment of debts is April 8th, 1022,
that I will sit at the county courtroom
In said county on the 5th day of Nov
ember 1021, to examine, hear nnd allow
all claims duly filed which are a first
or second lien upon said estate, and on
the Gth day of February 1922 to exo
mine, hear, allow and adjust all claims
and objections of geneiul creditors
duly filed.
Dated this 8th day of October 1021
(Seal) A D. RANNBY
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska
Iu the matter of the I-Xtutu of Char
lC'. R. Besse Deceased.
Creditors of Said Itate will tal(o No
ticu that tho time limbed for present,
ition and filing of claims against said
ostute is February 11th, 1022, and for
the payment of debt- is April lOtli,
1022, that I will .it m the county couit
morn iu said county on the 12th day of
November, li'21, to examine, hear and
allow all claims duly tiled which are n
first or second lien upon said estaic,
and on the Ulth day of February, 1922,
to examine, hear, allow and adjust all
claims and objections of general credit
ors duly filed,
Dated this Hth day of October, 1021.
(Seal.) A. D UANNEY,
A true copy. County Judge.
Cheaper Farm Loans
I am making farm loans at lower in
terest rates with optional payment pri
vilege. No expense to you for inspect
ion nnd money is ready as soon as
abstract is furnished. HEB
B W Stowart, Bonded Abstracter.
Red Cloud
E. S. Gourbcr
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and
(Work Guarontnod)
Electrical Goods of all Kinds
Will Wire Your House And
Furnish You with Fixtures
Wc state it as our honest belief
seir.f , .'hat. the tobaccos, used in Chester- (1
field arc , of finer quality (arid
hence of better taste) than in any
other cigarette at the price.
Liecctt & Myers Tobacco Co.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos -blended
Are You Buying Dependable
That is The Kin We Sell
Malone - Gellatly Co.
Ed. Amack
My Fall and Winter stock oC PLUSH and FUR ROBES
have arrived, and include some handsome patterns.
Also am still doing expert auto lop and harness repairing.
Bldg. Sn r lUILO Nebraska
Niggerhead Naitland
Routt County Lump
We sell for cash that's
why we sell cheaper.
The Ross Family.
Thu roso family Im-liutes most of
our best rrults, as tho apple,
cherry, plum, pear, almond, poach,
nectarine, aprU-ot,- strawberry, rasp,
berry and similar fruits.
I. T. Amack
oc Amac
Jud Tunklnn.
.liid TuulcliH sajs .o long as build
ing Is so expensive ho wishes car
.punters wouldn't ihrow so many nnlla
around to ho eairh-d off In his nuto
mobile tlrcH.