The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1921, Image 3

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Help That Aching Back!
Lame in the morning! A dull hack
ache all day long! Worn out when eve
ning corneal Tho itamo old round of
Buttering! To endure such miicry ia
both foolish and unnecessary, rind
tho cause of your trouble. Likely it'u
your kidncym nn'i that nagging hack
ache may be Nature's warning ot kidney
weakness. You may have sharp stab
bing pain, r. tlepruesntl feeling and bind
lei irregularities. Don't risk mora cri
ous kidney trouble. Help your weakened
kidneys. Doan'a Kiilnry fills have
helped thousand!!. Ask your neighbor t
A Nebraska Case
Mrs, V. A. Strain.
Ci'i'lgliioii, Nob r.,
tuiyu. "1 was feci
lug minora bio nnd
worn out utul nm
billon loft me. My
back felt an though
It were reailv to
give way. I didn't
Mit m.V proper rest
ami was all tlrod
out. Thin was
emitted by my kid
iiey.s. After UsInK
two boxen of
Donn's Kidney Pills
1 felt like a differ
ent woman."
Get Doan'a at Any Store, COc Do
. Regularity
Nujol makes you regu
lar as clockwork.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softens the
food waste. The muny
tiny muscles in the
intestines can then re
move it regularly. Ab
Tht Modern MtthoJ
efTreMins " 0!J
Bobbed. Haired Blonde Girl Gets Tired
and Decides to Go Back
to Dixie.
"Yes, snlil the serious bobbpiMinlrt'd
blonde, "I've nt Inst tiiiidu the de
cision, so with trunk packed mid some
regrets I'm pilne; buck t Dixie. When
I ciiine tip to New York I ciinie straight
from college, full of pep, enthusiasm,
modern In every way, I thought, and
confident that u great place wns wait
ing for me maybe star for lSelasco.
t'd always been told I was a born
"So I arrived In the big town, and
you know my rugged road, trying to
do something, to be Independent, mid
loving It all hall bedrooms, uninter
esting work and what not. Hut I
linve come to my senses. I know I
shall miss New York, Its theatres,
bright lights and Klftli avenue. lint I
see lite little southern country town,
with Its friendly gossip, Its 'socials'
and sewing parties, Its simplicity, nnd
I find I love It best.
"What, how did you guess? Well, I
have known him for ages and alwavs
ileclnred I wouldn't, but three years
of New York and never meeting the
men I wanted to know, for New York
Is u nianless place for most girls,
inndu me ready to go back. Yes, late
fall perhaps, and you must come
down. I'll see that you meet tho catch
of the, town." New York Sun.
Dangerous Curves.
"Does your chauffeur watch out
sharply for the curves?"
"Altogether too sharply. You should
see him rubber, whenever we pass a
welJ-formeil woman."
Many an alleged wise guy has been
declared otherwise by a Jury.
Notice this delicious
flavor when you
smoke Lucky Strike
it's scaled in by
the toasting process
hnuld be used In every home. It mikes
clothes white aa snow and never injurea
the daintiest fabric At Grocers, 5 cents.
Enslow Floral Co.
131 So. 12th : Lincoln. Neb
Government Poultry Experts
Have Produced New Breed
Possessing Fine Qualities.
Body Is Long and of Good Depth,
and Has Large Capacity for Re
productive Organs Resistant
to Weather Changes.
ll'fPiiirJ by thr I'iiI'imI Stntea Department
of AdlcUllure. )
The country will noon have a new
breed of poultry, u white lowl with
red ear lobes, that lays it white egg,
developed by the poultry experts of the
United States Department of Agricul
ture at the government experimental
farm nt ilcltsvllle, Md. Heretofore, It
is said, all breeds with red ear lobes
luie laid brown-shelled eggs. The
I ro.lcci was conceived by Harry M.
wit U8htti$efF'jpi
jii r ftMtn'- 'js.
? s"7
Lamona Males Have Abundant Length
nnd Depth.
Liniiuii, senior poultryman of the bu
reau tif animal Industry, and nt the
suggestion of the chief of that bu
reau Secretary Wallace named the
breed Lainona, for the originator.
The new fowl possesses character
istics of great merit. It has sulllcient
size to fit the demands of the great
number of consumers who want a bird
weighing four to six pounds. Tho
body Is long and of good depth, giv
ing a large amount of the highly de
sirable breast meat, and at the same
time large capacity for the reproduc
tive organs. '
The I.amona fowl Is larger than the
Leghorn, approaching in size fowls of
the American class. It Is white, which
Is most desirable from the market men's
viewpoint. It has a comb and wat
tles of medium size which are not eas
ily frosted, thereby checking develop
ment of egg production. It Is well
feathered, which makes It resistant to
sudden changes In temperature.
Foundations of New Breed.
The project resulting in the creation
of the new Lamona was started In
101", when the idea was conceived of
omblning three varieties of fowls to
produce a Jirced haying the shape and
he market (imilltlos of the Dorking,
vlth a yellow skin, white plumage,
md four toes, and laying u white egg.
A. low-stationed, close-feathered White
Plymouth Itock male was mated to
i Sllver-Orny Dorking female; and a
Single-Comb White Leghorn male, hav
ing n rather small, low comb, was
mated to a Silver-Gray Dorking fe
male. The second yenr the offspring of
these crosses were mated separately,
the females being trap-nested, and
only the high producers of the largest
nnd whitest eggs were used for breed
ers. Only males from high-producing
females have been used nt any time.
The third year the results of the
crosses of the second yenr were mated,
and In addition, cure was taken to
select white specimens with yellow
skins having only four toes. Since
then It has been a tusk of careful se
lection mid breeding.
The new breed Is not yet ready for
Introduction, and no specimens or eggs
will be sold until the characteristics
sought have been more llnnly llxed.
It Is as well or better developed than
were several of the breeds and va
rieties when they were Introduced by
their breeders, but the specialists of
tho department believe that It Is not
'V?'. u -o, & . . ?.L.t
.4- ii'T:
?' r?r
Hens Have Long, Broad Bodies, With
Plenty of Room .'or Reproductive Or
gans. sulllcient to have n few specimens that
utensil ru up to tho Ideal. They want
the charncterlstles so well llxed that
the fowls wiU produce a high percent
age of progeny of the Ideal type.
When sulllcient stock of such birds
has been obtained specimens will be
sent to state agricultural colleges nnd
experiment stations to test their adapt
ability to duTercnt sections und conditions.
vx& ' &
J?' 1
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r-m.) jtTT.
fcWTSf.ivt. v fcKvOfWi
Type of Elevator Should Fit Lo
cal Conditions.
Excellent System for One Section Will
Not Always Work Out Successfully
in Another Comparative
Study of Plans.
(l'repnteil by tho Unltel .States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
In co-operative grain marketing It Is
more essential that the system be
suited to conditions and practical need
than It Is Hint the system Itself has
been successfully applied In other
Ileitis, This has been brought out in
an Investigation conducted by special
ists of the bureau of markets, United
States Department of Agriculture, a
report of which has Just been pub
lished In department bulletin 1)117, "Co
operative d'nilii Marketing." One can
not carry his Investigations of co-operative
grain marketing far, says tho
bulletin, without realizing that what
may be an excellent method for one
section uml for a particular condition
will not always work out successfully
In other sections or when applied to
other conditions. The bulletin makes
a compiiratlve study of methods In the
United States and Canada.
In the I'nlleu Stales the most com
mon type of farmers' gialn elevators
Is owned and controlled by n hotly of
stockholders In the immediate sur
rounding community, anil the elevator
Is operated as a separate unit Inde
pendently of any similar elevator.
In Canada the line-house type of
farmers' elevator prevails and Is highly
successful. The lIne-hous( type con
sists of a number of elevators con
trolled by one centrnl olllce In a large
uinrketlng center. Two such com
panies In Canada own and operate
over !0(l country elevators In the three
great wheat-gtyiwlng province.?.
In comparing the two systems, tho
bulletin states that the line-house op
eration of the farmers' elevators would
seem to offer the greatest advantage
la those states where crops are some
what uncertain or where the crop year
Is of short duration, and under which
conditions It may be necessary to closo
the elevators for certain periods each
year. It Is possible under the line
house method of operating elevators
to economize In accounting nnd to
standardize In construction and in the
machinery used.
Favoring single-unit elevators Is n
degree of community pride which usu
ally centers nrotind these organiza
tions tpilte Independent of the serv
ices rendered. In many sections there
Is u prejudice ngnlnst centralized au
thority which Is not easily overcome.
Klevators In the Middle West section
of the United States were established
primarily to solve marketing prob
lems of locnl character.
Weather So Unfavorable That Estl.
mate on Aurjtir.t 1 Showed Drop of
61,079,000 Bushels.
(I'rrpnrctl by the Unlteil States Department
of Agriculture.)
Although the potato acreage Is esti
mated by the bureau of markets and
crop estimates, United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, to be 8,072,000
or 1.(1 per cent grenter than last yenr,
Grading and Packing Potatoes for
the weather during July was so un
favorable that the estimated yield on
August 1 showed a drop of 01,070,000
bushels from the Indicated yield on
July 1. The figures for yield were
placed at .'11 r,fl 18,000 bushels, as coin
pared with .128,'108.000 for 1020 and a
live-year average of ,'171,2S:i,000. Prices
rellected the change In condition. On
July 1(1 the nverage of ten lending
markets was ?!! to 5-1.75 per barrel
for Virginia Eastern Shore Cobblers
and $1.25 to $2.15 per 100 pounds for
Kansas Early Olilos. By August 12
Virginia Eastern Shoro Cobblers had
advanced frm $1.75 to $5.50, while
Kansas Early Ohlos were selling at
$2.'I0 to $11.25; Idnho Jturnls were mov
ing at $11.50 to $:i.C0 per 100 pounds.
When Weather Is Cold and Fowls Aro
Just Beginning to Lay, Feed
Them Liberally.
Do not fall to feed your hens n good
variety of feed and In liberal quan
tities when the weather Is cold and
they aro Just commencing to produce
eggs. Heavy jgg production requires
correspondingly heavy feeding.
Your little one will love the "fruity"
taste of "Calllonila I'll Syrup" even If
constipated, bilious, Irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teaspoonful never
fulls to cleanse the liver and bowels.
In ii few hours you can see for your
self how thoroughly It works all the
sour bile, and undigested food tail of
the bowels and tm have a well, play
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu
ine "California Tig Syrup," which has
directions for babies ami children of
ull ages printed on bottle. Mother I
You must say "CnHfoinla" or you may
get an Imitation tig syrup. Advertise
ment. Tree's Winter Plans.
The cattilpa tree has a way all Its
own In getting ready for winter, says
the American Forestry Magazine. It
places three leaves In a whorl and
then at a little distance above there Is
another whorl so placet! that the leaves
will cover the spaces between the
leaves below. In winter we cannot
see these leaves but the leaf scars
show where they were atitl the buds
Just above add certainty to their loca
tion. If we 11ml a tree with the buds
arranged In this way m the vigorous
shoots we may be assured It Is one of
the two species of cutulpii.
Cutlcura Soothes Itching Scalp
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and Itching with Cutlcura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cutlcura Soap and hot water. Make
them your everyday toilet preparations
and have u clear skin ami soft, white
hands. Advertisement.
Meet Enough.
"They sny a man's heart Is reached
through his stomach."
"Then I suppose a girl should be cro
quettlsh." Louisville Courier-Journal.
No ugly, grimy strenks on tho
clothes when Bed Cross Ball Blue Is
used, (lootl bluing gets good results.
All grocers carry It 5c. Advertisement
Natives of Java collect bird's nests
made of senweed for soup.
Mystery Cake
Can you name it ?
Here is another new Royal Cake, so delicious and appetizing that
we have been unable to give it a name that does justice to its
unusual qualities. It can be made just right only with Royal
Baking Powder. Will you make it and name it?
$500 for tKBest Names
For the name selected as best,
we will pay $250. For the sec
ond, third, fourth, and fifth
choice, we will pay $100, $75,
$50, and $25 respectively.
Anyone may enter the contest,
but only one name from each
person will be considered.
All names must be received by
December 15th, 1921. In case of
tics, the full amount of the prize
will be given to each tying con
testant. Do not send your cake.
Simply send the name you sug
gest, with your own name and
address, to the
153 William Street, New York
Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer."
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not gelling genuine Aspirin prescribed by
physicians over 2 1 years and proved safe by mtlions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions.
Unruly tin boves of 12 tablet Hot ties of 21 nnd 100 All drupgiBtn.
Ajplrlt) ( tlie trailr mrk of Ilijvr Mnimfucture of Uonotcvlktrltlcitrr of Htllcjllcmold
Record Rainfall In Panama,
When 2.17 Inches of rain fell In three
minutes at I'orto Hello, Panama, during
the night of November 20, 11111, It was
the heaviest rainfall ever recorded.
This rainfall exceeded by 100 per cent
the rate measured at Ciulta tie Antes.
Itoiimanla, In Julv, ISS'.I, heretofore
held to be the world's record, says
B. C. Kadcl, of the United Stales
wcatlu'r bureau.
So great was the Panama rainfall
that all the conditions under which It
was measured were carefully examined.
In order that there might be no tpies
t Inn as to the accuracy of the record.
It was found that the circumstances
corroborated the testimony of the re
cording Instruments.
When It Is remembered that In the
United States, 0.25 Inch of rain In
live minutes Is considered excessive,
the magnitude of the I'orto Bello down
pour can he Imagined.
The Surprise Party.
Knlcker IMtl your wife come home
Backer Not to herself.
All lending colleges of pharmacy In
England have women teachers on their
Adage Has Been Twisted.
There haw been various explana
tions of the phrase. "Nine tailors maki
a man," but the second word Is a cor
ruption of tellers. A "teller" wns In
ancient days a stroke of the "passing
boll" of the parish church. Tlireu
tellers gave notice of the death of h
child, six of ii woman and nine of u
man. When the parishioners would
count the maximum number of
strokes, their natural remark would
be "Nine (idlers make a man."
Conserving Wheat.
An odd suggestion was recently
made as to conserving wheat. It Is
proposed to crush 'or rough grind
wheat, then soften with supcr-liealetl
steam and compress In hard blocks
and store until wanted, when a sim
ple crushing process would lit It for
Hour manufacture. Indianapolis Newu.
"Have you a careful driver?"
"Very. None of the accidents ho
has been In have been his fault."
About some men the only regiihtr
thing Is their Irregularity.
Don't borrow trouble borrow cash,
How to make it
Use level measurements for all materials
cup thortentng
cunt mizar
Grated rind of M orance
1 I'US and 1 yolk
2'cupt flour
4 leaipooni Hoyal Daltlne Powder
1 cup milk
1H squarci (IM on.) of
untweetcned chocolate (melted)
) teaspoon aalt
Cream thortenlng. Add lugar and grated otinfte tlnd. AdJ
beaten egg yolk. Sift together flout (alt and Roval Dating
1'owder and add alternately with the millet lastly fold In one
beaten egg white. Divide hatter Into two part. To one part add
the chocolate, rut hy tableipoonfult, alternating darK and light
batter. Into three gteatcd layer cake pins. Bake In moderate
oven 20 minutes.
3 taVilespoona melted butter 2 tableinoons orange Juice
3 cupt conlectloncr'a sugar 1 egg white
irowdered sugar may be used but 3 squares (3 or.)
does not make as smooth i ing) unsweetened chocolate
Grated rind of j orange and pulp of 1 orange
rut butter, sugar, orange Juice and rind Into bowl. Cut pulp
from orange, tcmovino skin and seeds, and add. Beat all together
until smooth. Fold In beaten egg white. Spread this icing on
layer used for top of cake. While Icing Is soft, sprinkle with
unsweetened chocolate shaved In fine pieces with sharp knife
(use ii square). To remaining Icing add 2 14 squares unsweetened
chocolate which has been melted. Spread this) thickly between
layers and on side of cake.