The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 27, 1921, Image 1

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A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For S1.50
Do You Need Any This Fall?
them as
a good time to
we are maKi
Special Price of
)0 w
Sec The Styles in The Street Case
Red Cloud
YOUR purchase of a watch or a diamond,
of silver tableware or personal jewelry,
will dc mucn moi,e sausraciory lr
your choice is guided by expert
advice. "
We are always .glad to help our patrons
with suggestions: to cive them the benefit
of our years of experience.
This service costs
nothing, but adds
immeasurably to
your satisfaction.
Ask to see "1835
R. Wallace,"
Heaviest Silver ,
pii ffi i-N. Wf J
rrv . ii mms - i ai Li if
fflkr VJft Mt 1
mcW HI 1
sNfr M-fi s? 5 (CD)
- iyyi A
The Farmers Institute
Bigger and Better Than Ever
Tlio itiininl occasion of tho Institute
f ir tin- KuriiiBiH of Webster county nr
r ve I tliis week mid tlio uftuiil frtl
WftiMier witli it. The exhibits bgan
mi-iviiii; Monday evening und by Tues
day evening thn iilcs were comple
ted. Each department has its share of
fine things, anil we etui safely nuy it is
the finest and laigest exhibit of any
year, yet. Displays nro Hated from nil
thu towns in the county.
Tuesday evening a program was1 put
on by tliti public school children' at
tho Uose Auditorium it was an hour
of musical treat When tint curtain
in ose the childicn were found seated
in tiMifi of seats, iicciirdiuu to grades'
Miss Verna Hutchius. 1st grado teach
er, accniupaiiled them on tlio piano
The music of the high school orchestra
was splendid Miss ivy llardman
favored tlio audience with a violm
solo. Ail chums singing was fitst
class. In tlio educational depirtmenl
cver,one stopped, looted tind ilstonejl
to the explanation of its splendid dis
plajs mid handiwork. Mr Luuhi
IMsbie, blatc leader tor the boys and
gins' olub work, stated that the ox
nihil ot toys in tlio wood curving de
pariment was the best he find seen in
all the ten cuuutv fairs he had visited
t .is yesr hikI that thero was no bucIi of Educational Elynlcne postors which
exhibit inudo at the sUto fair. Tbt wero Pul UP th,s n"B ttUd ar0 very
itiruuvitru not-Vnt "ft Mrt lititwi In nnlMfiillii HJSl I'UCtlVCi
In he Indies department Mis. C. II.
Itobluson of Itludeii won nine pries
of lliht and second premimns. Mrs.
Lou MuMahou of iiladcn has forty en
tries in the various depart munis and
has won twelve prizes of tlrst and sec
ond premiums.
For so btuall an amount of fruit rais
ed in the country this year the canned
fruit dup.utmeut has an abundance on
OuorgH Ileil'eibower had thu only
entries of apples on display, showing
filxidiircreut kinds
In representing thu mills in this lo
cality, there aru twonty entries of Am
boy Hour and ten of lied Uloud Hour
Mrs N M. (irceu won tirst on bread
and cookies in this department.
lr.s. Dnvc Dell won first prize on tin
unusal cake, having no baking powder,
ci earn of taitar, nor soda
Iu the girl's department Mildred
Mixer hud seven entries und won live
tli si premiums; Josephine linrta won
four prizes; Helen Dudrich had time
entries and won two ilrst and one sec
ond piizo.
A noiiceablu fact from the needle
work department was that tlio largest
display of work was made nil iu one
year by Mrs. W. V. Ilogato of Dludeu
who Is past elgthy three of age. She
uiso had an entry iu the pastry depart
ment. Miss Gertrude Coon sent h collection
True Economy
In buying groceries comes through
selecting the better grades from a
store you know you can depend
We pride ourselves on our sincere desire
to have in stock at all times the best
quality food stuffs at moderate prices.
Satisfaction or your money back guarantee
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Qucensware
work, the hay ruck, airplane, ljay
stHC.kcr, tractor and threshing mach
ine is extraordinarily clever workman
ship. Then others buch as peninati
ship, history, physiology, illustrated
stories, doll houses, ootton exhibit ami
sewing display weie very noticeable.
Beatrix Floraucn h-td u wonderful
exhibit, of hind palmed cttlita, and
the bewiug display iu th- girls' depart
ment is worthy of special mention.
In one corner of the I. O. O. P. hull
you might think you had diopped into
"L'he Old Cuiiositt Shop" once more
as thero you will Und. a meat platter
of white china, 85 years old; a utensil
used for cooking heiius iu Panama now
lu the possesion of Mrs. I). K To tin
ant; a song book, wherein the notes
are made by hand, ditto I 1805, belong
lug to Fred WalkeiV great grandfath
er; alho in this same interesting col
lection is found a liible, dated 171)3 and
brought here from Canada In 1820,
along with u grant of Y acres of land
iu upper Canada in 1823. This deed Is
written In perfect English in long hand;
Mrs. M. li. Corner has a tea-kettle ex
hibited, which has been handed down
to her by her great-groat grand mother
of Switzerland that dates back'' 150
years; Mrs. D F. Tennaut displays a
book that is 110 years old; and a large
piece of pure gold mined in South
Afrloa is among the curiosltcs.
In the farm products department
thero were sevoral remarkable entries,
such us enormous stock beets, mam
mouth sweet potatoes, a snake cucum
ber that mousurcd 47 lnchos In length,
raised by Mrs. II. W. Lambrecht of
Inavale. Mel Sherman had the prize
watermelon, and Ralph Christian the
prize pumpkin.
Iu the Live Stock department judg
ing by the High School teams, from
Hlue Hill, Cowlcs, Ecklcy, Guide Uock,
Iuavalo and Red Cloud oamo off Wed
nesday morning.
tThero were about sixty entries In
the poultry department of tlio finest
specimens ever exhibited anywhere.
II, J. Oramliuh in judging this depart
ment explained to those present his
manner of selecting the best entries,
what constituted a disqualification or
Wednesday evening's ontcrtulumeut
at the Auditorium varied greatly from
Tuesday night's program
The Kromattc Kids orchestra fur
nished most of the music.
E. J. Ovorlng was master of.cercmon
tea introducing the speakers of the
The U. S Department of Agriculture
sent tuo picture, "Out of the Shadows'
tor this occasion and it brought a sil
ent but forceful mossagc to every spec
tator It dealt with government In
spection of Tuberculosis cattle and
how even people caught this dreaded
disease from the milk consumed from
diseased cows. In the story connected
with the practical experiments, it
showed where the young daughter of
tlio fanner was nearly dead from this
disease, imbltiod with the consumption
of milk from her favorite cow.
When the cattle having this disease
are sent to the market nud tlio puck
log houses receive them, hero the meat
is inspected before it is sent out as
food. Thus we are savod again to
health. It is preventable und not
hereditary as most people have always
believed. If your cattle are not dis
eased maybe your neighbor's arc, so
work for the tuberculosis test in your
county to help other farmers to help
themselves, as "health is wealth" wo
Webster county was one of the tirst
in the state to become interostod in
this accredited test. 8285,000 has been
apprporiated In Nebraska for forward
ing this work.
Dr. Hayes of the U. S. Itureau of
Animal Husbandry, Dr. Woodringt
our Stato Votinarian, and Dr. Spencer
of ;tho Omaha Stock Exchange all
gavo instructive talks. Mrs. Laird
Potter sang a pleasing solo and Mrs
George Kailoy gave sevoral readings In
a pleasant manner.
County Agont Fausch Introduced tlio
High School judging team, Eugene
White, Cecil Means, Robert Overlng.
Wo are all very proud of these capable
boys and hope they get to roturn to
thoStuto Fair next year.
Another plcturo was shown, "Hoalth
for Hous " ThN btouL'ht to notice the
I portable hoc house self feeders, self
Have Letter Heads on Hammermill Ripple Bond
defect in the vailous breeds, and rwatereis, the weekly clean up and
moiiihlr spraying or the colony lioiibo,
etc. Thu hot: should attract more at
tention as it has always been the
mortgage lifter In all farm affairs.
Mr. Old. of tho State University,
spoke briefly on poultry. Ho said the
Nebraska lieu is laying about half as
many egus as sho should, He is autli-
neltv on nnnltrv hnslnpKi In tinv lint
ivnnlil mill nng ono wlshiiKr to Interview htm
. ...... j .,.,,. .
show in the nmr (l H0 nL U,Q poultry cxmuit in
iiih r aimers' union bioro nuiiuiug.
gnvo information of great valuo to
those interested in poultry raising, He
also judged the cattle, hogs and horses,
Thero were 103 entries of hog-, all
of which made it remarkable showing
Tho exhibits of flue Holsteins entered
by Starke Bros., and the Horefords
from the Miner-Noland farm
do credit to any stoclc
Thero were twenty-four entries of
horses and mules, all of which were
Bplondld animals.
Tanlirht tho beautiful laconic picture
picture. "Down tho Niobrara," will be
shown and you cannot ufford to miss
arm Clocks
A new slock of Westclox Alarms
We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right
scd aoud Jeweler' and Optometrist '
IP- !
;-.niimSW v v wsSm y
I .0 In i!r!lBS:'-
w 7 ( lTitt&m-
i II I v II ill' inilT kr
I I III r VMk- f?v
Cr is EASY to wash PYREX
( Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease
proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip,
craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new.
PYREX is the original the first transparent oven
ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use.
PYREX is mode in shapes nnd sizes for
every practical baking purpose. It is a saver
mi i.u.c, iuci unu laisnwasning nruagcry.
We do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. Wo will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work, Lot us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco.