The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1921, Image 8
rrl UA44 V. , S - ( w to mfp OLOPI, jqtBWKA. CUM? H FARMERS' INSTITUTE . (Continued from pno three) Mlicollaneoui Beat cottngo cheese without cream or seasoning fiO Beit homo mnde sonp HO Best home mhdc vinognr , GO NEEDLEWORK Mra. F. E. Mnurer and Mri, Lloyd Mclntyro, Supt't. Houachold Linen Best luncheon set, embroidered ? .50 Best luncheon set, trimmed with crocheted lace CO Besjt. towel, embroidered 60 Best pillow case, embroidered and nionogrnmcd CO Best fancy hoot and pillow cases . CO Best table runner GO Best centerpiece or doily with crocheted lace CO Best dresser scarf with crocheted lace CO Best colored embroidery GO Best eyelet embroidery CO Best French embroidery GO Best cross stitch '. CO Best hnrdanger ; CO 1st Best bnttenburg GO Best tntting i CO Best hemstitching ou ? Best fancy handbag .. GO Best silk crocheted article .130 Best woolen crocheted article GO Best cotton crocheted article CO 7Jost cotton or linen crocheted lace CO Best crocheted bed spread CO Best Irish crochet GO Best cotton crocheted yoke GO Best centerpiece or doily, all crocheted GO Best articles, applique GO Best silk or woolen knit article' .'.' CO Best woolen knit sweater or scarf GO Best woolen knit socks GO iicst cotton knit article- or lace CO Best knit bed Bpread GO Best lamp shade GO Garment Best child's garment CO .25 Best house dress, wash material GO .2G Best teddy bears CO. ,2G Best layette (dress, flannel petticoat, lingerie petti coat, shirt,' band, cap, sacque) GO ,2G Best made-over gnrment GO .2G Best darning CO .25 Best patched article GO .25 Made-over garments must have statement attached describing sources of old material; amount of new material used; also treat ment of old material before using. .25 .25 .2G .2G 2G ,2G .25 .25 .25 .2G .25 .25 .2G .25 .25 .25 2nd. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ARTICLES MADE BY LADIES OVER SIXTY YEARS OF AGE - Mi Mollie Ferria. Sunt. Best display of tatting or crochet 75 .BcBt piece of eyelet embroidery 75 Best piece of hardangcr 75 Best piece of drawn work 7G Best piece of battenburg 7G Best piece of tatting 7G Best crocheted article 7G BcBt knit or crocheted afghan 7G Best knit sweater 7G Best knit or crocheted lace 7G Best sample real lace , 76 nest knit scarf 7G Best knit aVticle 7G Best knit mittens 7G Best French embroidery j 76 t Best knit or crocheted slippers 75 ' Best knit or crocheted bed spread 7G Best fancy sheet and pillow cases 75 Beat niece colored embroidery 75 Bast hand made towel -. ;.. , ., .75 ,, aest inncy apron .:. .i.....i...., , - . ,.vo Best sofa pillow . Yt" '.75 Best kensington.'bag v, '...'..:....:. 75 Best cotton pa'tchworp' .quilt' .'. ;.....; .'r...:jii.,i..:.,- .75 Btist Bilk .patchwork 'nullt .... ....!....:..: 75 Best wool patchwork quflc .'. .".. ....: 76 Best log cabin quilt 75 Best hand-quilted 'cotton quilt : 75 Best rag rug, braided ..,..., , .' 75 Best rag rug,- crocheted .'. 75 lest rag rug, woven , '. 75 Bfe&t handtmade. article. by lady over 80 years old 75. BWstfahcynoedlework by lady over' 80 years old 75 Beat display of needlework by lady over 80 years old .75 .50 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .GO .25 .GO .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .50 .50 .5Q .50 .50 .60 .50 .60 .50 GIRLS' DEPARTMENT Mr. W. H. Thomas and Mra. Max Mimer. Sust'a. Girls entering in this department must be under 18 years of age. 50 RAat lffaf snr urnek ntA..Ifil M.a uu-jv vui, nuou iiiuivimi ,uu Best laundry bog 50 Best hand tag 60 West bungalow apron CO Best kitchen apron 50 Best night gown 50 Best lacc-trimmed corset cover 50 Best bloomers 50 Best white petticoat 60 Best dark petticoat ;...: ".T ;....'. 50 Best wash dress ! 60 Best wool dress CO Best teddy bears CO. Best porch apron or blouse nest kimona Best hemstitched towel .CO .GO .CO Best embroidered towel .. GO Best button holes GO Best tatting 50 Best crocheting . GO Best knitting . go Best embroidered centerpiece or doily GO Best patch on garment '. GO Best darn on garment GO Best stocking darn GO Best French hemming GO Best hand-painted china GO .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 '.25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .26 FOOD DEPARTMENT Best bread from Amboy flour..:. 1st $2.00 2nd $1.00 One sack of Frisbie's self-rising pancake flour or one sack of Frisbie's" breakfast food will be given to each girl entering bread made from Amboy flour. Best bread from Meybcst flour 1st $2.00 2d $1.00 Best bread from Riverton flour 1st $2.00 2nd $1.00 Best bread from Hastings flour....lst $2.00 2nd $1.50 3rd $1.00 Best bread from Red Cloud flour 1st $2.00 2nd $1.00 One sack Red Cloud Pancake flour will be given each girl enter- jn iirvatt mauc irom Jtoii uiouu Hour. 1st .50 .50 .50 50 Best six buns by girl under 18 years $ Best six buns by girl under 12 years Best butter Best angel food without frosting Best chocolate cake, any frosting 60 Best white layer cake 50 Best loaf marble cake, any frosting 50 Best yellow layer cake, any frosting, by girl under 14 years 50 Best loaf spice cake, any frosting by girl under 1-1 years 50 Best light cake by girl under 12 years 50 Best durk coke by girl under 12 years GO Best light cake by girl under 10 years GO Best dark cake by girl under 10 years 50 Beat six sugar cookies , 50 Best six hermits or rocks : 50- Bcst six pieces divinity ,50 Best six pieces butter scotch .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Bdatouu crust pic Best two crust pie Best canned peaches ... Best canned pears Bost canned blue nlums Best canned red plums ..' 50 Bc,st canned strawberries 50 Best tomato preserves 50 Best watermelon preserves 50 Best peach preserves 50 Best canned tomatoes 50 Best canned corn '. GO Best canned beets 50 Best canned beans 50 Scst canned peas '. 50 est cucumber pickles 50 Best mixed picklo 50 Spat tomato catsup , 50 opt, corn salad 50 Best beet salad . .60 Best dried vegetables, any sort mv .,?50 2nd. & ."25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 or. Mil .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ,2G .25 .25 .'25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 CLASS L EDUCATIONAL Mits Stella Ducker, Superintendent. READ THESE RULES CAREFULLY All entries and articles must bo received not later than October 24th. Kxh'bit pnee will be assigned by the department superintendent. 1 oaiiit. no au.tiih or iiunes accepted after tho closing hour, 0:00 1. Al.. October 24th. Each Hctioui exhibit article should be labeled carefully on the back with tin; name and address in full of pupil, school and county. tio school, grade, club or individual should make moo than one entry lor the' same premium or enter any article for more than ono prem ium. 'Hie grade to which the pupil belongs must be shown and will be considered making awards. All exhibits to occupy wall space should be mounted on card board 22x28 inches, with long dimensions of the cardboard to be ex hibited in a vertical position. If any exhibit be too large for one card, use n larger card with size the multiple either in length or breadth or both dimensions of the regular 22x28 inch cardboard. Prizes for collective exhibits in each of tho several classes will be awarded according to the number of points scored by each compet itor. First prizes shall count 6 points, second ns 4. The school or the city of the county whose" winnings total tho greatest number of points will be-the winner in each class. Exhibits should consist of work done in the year, . In order to have sufficient space to place articles for which pre miums are offered, ONI.. AUI'kI.KS MENTIONED IN PREMIUM LIST WILL HE (JIVEN A PLACE 1 N TUE EXHIBIT. ENTRIES. Entries ay ind'"tdunls otner than teavshcrs, superintendents, or those in charge of uxn.bits lor schools, are limited to persons under iweiilYMjnu .veins of age. n is not necessary that such exhibitors be enrolled in any school at the tune of exhibiting, PREMIUMS. One article ran cuntR-lc lor omv om nrizat nml nnlv nn nnfru shall liu nliimeii n a a.ntot1 exhibitor in each class. io eaen numm-i there must be two or more different exhibitor u uuii.-i.iuu iiniipeui.oii. Where there is no competition, unc-huil will lu .am. Notice Jtciui bpuciai Kuies For Class "L" on this Page. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1. 2. ;t. 4. G. (!. 7. 8. !. 10. 11. 12. i::. 14. Jo. 1C. LOT 1 SEWING. 1st Apion, fancy $ .50 Centerpiece or Dolly GO Doii, oM:.-vi 50 lleiiMitciiiii, specimen, of 50 Napkin C:i.e .. 50 Pillow L.'im-. iiiii ( f.. .50 LOl 2 CUOCllE'UNG. . Camisole : $ .50 tap, won. 50 dinar 50 (..roi'iiei. on ncjnftiiu'liud scallops 50 Dnser in an Fillo. On bnMi iurt.i .... Ill lllll n luc On puiiiw ease .... One j.ud or more Lace No. 17. No.18. No. iy. ? No. No. No. No. Nil. No. No. 20. 21. 22. 20. No. 27. No. 28. ,No. 2J. .No. no. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. Ne. 35. No. 30. No. 37. No. 38. No. 3". No. 40. No. 41 No. 42. No. 43. No. 44. No. 4n. No. 4(i. No. 4V. Lunch Cloth Yoke CorM-i Cover ." Night gown LOl 3 KNITTING - Best Scarf $ Best Shawl - Beat Pair Mittens $ Slipper .". SliChs i Moi'hlllKb best fwuuli i LOl. 4 lAi'UNG Collar .., $ HaiMikerehief . . ." '. Laci , one atd or niuie on towel ;. oke LOl b bOKA PILLOWS Crocheted Cro.vs hutch . Embroidered With cotton floss $ With silk floss i. Outline -,..Vii..U-.A....;.. LOT. 6 ILLUSTRATED BOOKLETS UiMt Unuklet on Any farm animal inp.c : $ Any laim crop lop.e , Any i-eiigiapny topic V'OOK II, , ... .. --.................... lianiinuig Nebraska Sewing ;. ; 50 ? .00 .50 .50 .GO .00 .50 1st .1)0 .50 .50 .GO .50 .50 .00 .50 .50 ,.50 .50 .50 .60 .60 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 2nd $ .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ? .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 $ .25 .25 .26 .25 .25 2nd. .25 $ .50 .50 .1)0 .50 .50 .50 $ No. No. No. No. Nn. 48 4!). GO. !l. 52. LOT 7 PENMANSHIP A RURAL SCHOOLS - .' Urndcs (iraiiunnr . . lnierniHliui.e I rniiiir ll'i'.li 1 i-hi.i.: liiht Collective E.xhiuu B TOWN AND VILLAGE SCHOOLS Grades $ t No. 53. No. 54. No. 55. No. GO. No. hi. Note (irammar luit tin. diato .. Pi ili'in v lliKH J-cmooi .... Bei Collective firanunui' ... Intern uint- Piiiu.iiy h mi 1 In I -CITY SCHOOLS Grade HiKh :hooi .50 .50 .00 .50 .50 .50 .60 .50 .00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 ..25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .2G .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ,.25 .25 .25 Post U i.ll.V. I'.Ml O (. A. 1 um.i:in i) exiim t will uoniisL of one line of oval." one line of " aim pun" movi menus to illustiate movement exer, one set small letters, onu set capitals, one set figures from one to ten. inclusive, one quotation of not les3 than four lines nnd not more than ten lines. No entry will be considered unless it contains the grade. . LOT 8 MAPS No. 58. Colored Map of Continent $ .50 $ .25 No. 59; Colored man of Nebraska showinc count ies, cities, rivers and principal railroads.., No. GO. Product map of Nebraska , No. 61. Product map of the United States , No. 62. Soil map of Nebraska INDUSTRIAL ART LOT 9 WOODWORK No. 63. Bird House $ .GO $ Collection No. 64. By City School $ .50 $ jno. no. iiy uurai school No. 66. By Town School No. 67. Exhibit by one pupil No. 68. Fly Trap .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 1st .50 .50 No. fiO. Kitchen -nit box No. 70. Kitchen ..ol No. 71. Ktufo and fork box '. GO Model of No. 72. Aeroplane' ,....., $ .50 No. 73. Barn ;:..;. 50 No. 74. .Farm gutu 50 No. . 75. Original toys, such an bouts, hay stacker, . auto, wavon, kiddie car, otc GO No. 76. Paper rack 50 Piece nf Furniture 77. Less than two feet in oiameter , $ .50 78. More than two feet in diameter ,. .50 7i). Seed Tester r. 50 80; Self-feeder for rhiekens 50 81. Self-feeuer for hog.-, (capacity 4 hogs) 50 82. Tabourette . 50 83. Towel Rack 50 . LOT 10 FREE HAND CUTTING A RURAL SCHOOLS Primary 84. Free hand alphabet $ .50 85. Illustrated story 50 86. Illustration of tho days of week 50 Intermediate No. 87. Advertising poster, such as school enter tainment, solo of garden products, auc tion farm solo $ .50 No. 88. Illustrated story 50 No. 80. Illustration of community activities, such us threshing, harvest time, ctd 50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 2nd. .2G ,25 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. iNo. No. .25 .25 .26 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Mr. Farmer Do You Realize? That the only protection you have against the greedy, avaricious trusts and big monopolies of this country, which feed on the efforts of the producer, is by standing firmly together in self defense. The big corporations all co-operate In price manipulation, securing your produce for just as little money as possible, and charging you the maximum for goods you are required t purchase. The Farmers Union is the Remedy And there' is nothing quite so obnoxious in the eyes of the monopoly as a body of FARMERS FIRMLY CO OPERATING in the interest of LEGITIMATE PRICES. 1 All Sorts Of Unscrupulous Tactics Are Resorted To in order to discourage such organizations. They will pay big prices for one kind of produce for a short time, in" order to "freeze out" their competitors in certain local itiesand to evade laws which have been enacted to protect you from such methods THEY HAVE MEN BUY FOR THEM who term themselves "Independent Dealers." Stand By Your Union I Where you know you arc working for your own interests and not feeding up the trust so it can take hold on you in a new place. n il The Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A (WOP PLACE TO TltADR Red Cloud, Neb. WMfflRranraaWOT Children's School Wear Week School starts September 5th. While lots of mothers have anticipated the dress needs for their little ones, many have been delayed by one cause, ;pr another in making their purchases,. yhile scores of other needs will be discovered when preparing the children for sclidotf. j School Dresses T Our Showing in Pretty School Dresses "in the .. .; .,. , - 7 READY TO WEAR-- ., ... Jn Sizes From 4 tp,20 Yeiw at Prices That Will Satisfy The Most Exacting " SWEATERS Nothing is more serviceable for cool mornings for child ren than a good sweater. Before buying come in and look. Ginghams Hose If you prefer to make In buying hose you the dresses we have a want the .best you can nice line of gingham, get for the money. I linen, poplin or wool have selected my stock in most all of the of hose with care both wanted colors. as to texture and price. Agent for Home Journal Patterns BARBARA PHARES The Women's Store RED CLOUD NEBRASKA r onTOffllMIMMlMM PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES TnwoHers Cheques protect tho tourist by affording it hiu'u form in which to curry tundh. Tlii'Kii cheques, whiisli uro isuud in tlnnoiiiliin. tionw of SI I). $'10, Sr0, unci $100, funiihh u reiuly identification of t he holder and aro payahlu up. on couiiter.Rijjnaturc Tliuy r accepted throughout tho world by baults, hotclt., trans porliition companies nnd IhihIiioah Iiouhuh. Itcforo taking an cxtemlod trip lot our of fleers explain in detail tho adv-mUges of currying , theso cheques when travelling. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Caihie DtpotUi uuarantteil by (M JJtpotttori uitaranty tuntioftht Stat of Ktbraika vwmwmmmmmmmmmamm UffliuiUi udwbwb jHwffH ) in j ulfflOHifflBlliSftlBaHffWtt See The Line of Christmas Cards at The Chief Office. y v I A n x 1. u v-',j.rs7)tty w " w -. .