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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
KiJ) UOLU, IiLiJIlABAA, Orll- FARMERS' INSTITUTE RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 25 TO 28, 1921. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fred Maurer. Vice-Pre.ident J. W. Auld, Treasurer F. W. Cowden Geo. Attack Tom Swart C. B Steward Frank Frhbie Fraak Sutton H. H. Crowell Ed. Overing, Pre.ident Henry Gtlbam, Secretary J. H. Elliager Clarence Johnson D. C. Bell C. J. Piatt Fraak Baa Heary John.on Mas Mlier C. G. Starke HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Mrs. Fraak FrUkie, President Mr. Halbert Tfceata, Secretary Mm. Fred Maarar, Vice-Prerideat Mn, D. H. Kaley, A't.-Secretary Mn. G. W. Huauael Ml.. Mollie Ferris Mrs. Wat. Waif Mr.. W. A. Mayaard Mr. Wm. H. Taeau Mrs. Max Miier Mm Lloyd Melatyra All entries closo at 10:00 o'clock, Wednesday, October 27, 1921. All entries shall be made at the secretary's office at the State Bank, except Woman's Department. Entry fees are due at time of entry. Premium list as published will be strictly adhered to. Stock Parade Thursday and School Parade Friday. Entries may be made at any time prior to the opening of. the in stitute. Wtite for entry blank. PROGRAM Tuesday, October 25th Entry Day Tuesday Night, at 7 :30 Program by Red Cloud Schools Wednesday, 9:00 A. M High School Stock Judging Contest Wednesday, 10:00 A. M Judging Poultry Wednesday, 10:00 A. M Judging Home Economics Department Wednesday, 10:00 A. M Judging Hogs in tho following order Spqtted Poland Chinas, Poland Chinas, Duroc Jerseys, Chester Whites, Hampshires'and Pig Club Pigs. Wednesday Night, 7:30 Music and Moving Pictures On Tuberculosis and a Lecture on Tuberculosis Eradication by Dr. C. H. Hays of U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry. Presentation of Winning Stock Judging Team. Thursday, 9:00 A. M Judging Sheep, Shorthcrn Calf Club, Holstcin Calf Club, Shorthorn Cattle, Hereford Cattle, Holstcin Cattle, Angus Cattle and Red Polled Cattle. Thursday. 2:00 P. M Livestock Parade Thursday, 3:00 P. M ...Judging Horses Thursday Night, 7:30 Music, Moving Pictures, "Down the Niobrara," "Dairy Industry of Nebraska." Lecture by Ashton C. - Shnllenbcrgcr. Election of Officers. Friday, 11:00 A. M Demonstration Contest Friday, 2:00 P. M Civ'c and School Parade Friday, 3:00 P. M .". Foot Ball nme, Red Cloud vs. HORSES CLASS A. A fee of 50c for each entry. Horse Exhibit at Bailey Tie Barn. Age of horses will be computed from January l&t of year foaled. Wm. Kirkpatrick, Henry Johnson, Ralph Hunter; Supt. H. J. Grnmlich, Lincoln, Nebraska, Judge, Lot 1 Draft. 1st Stallion 2 years and over $10.00 Stallion 1 year and under 2 8.00 Mare 4 years and over 8.00 Mare 3 years and under 4 8.00 Mare 2 years and under 3 8.00 Colt 1 year and under 2 8.00 Colt under 1 year 8.00 Gelding 3 years and over 8.00 Gelding 2 years and under 3 8.00 Lot 2 Roadster and Coach same as draft. Lot 3 Jacks and Mules same as draft. Lot 4 Team of Farm Horses to be shown on haltcr$ 8.00 Team of Mules to be shown on halter 8.00 Carriage Team 8.00 Single Driver 5.00 Shetland Pony 5.00 Grand Champion Stallion Ribbon Grand Champion Mare Ribbon CATTLE CLASS IS. Cattle Exhibit at Besse Auditorium A fee of 50c for each entry. Alf. Nolan, C. B. Steward and Wat. Starke, Supt'.. H. J. Gramlicb, Liacola, Nebraska, Judge. ' The date of computing the age of cattle shall be from Septem ber 1st in all classes except Junior Classes, which shall be from Jan uary 1st. AMERICAN SHORTHORN BREEDER'S ASSOCIATION are offering four handsome ribbons for Champion Shorthorn Bull, Re serve Champion Bull, Champion Shorthorn Cow and Get of Sire. Al so $25.00 cash for the Champion Bull. In addition to the above offer the Farmer's Institute is putting up $15.00 cash for Champion Cow, and $10.00 for Reserve Champion Bull. In view of the fact that our Calf and Pig Club Members will be our future Livestook Breeders and to encourage them they will be permitted to show in the open class. Snorthorn and rolled uurnamt 1st. Bull 3 years old and over $ 5.00 Bull 2 years old and under 3 5.00 Senior Yearling bull 5.00 Junior Yearling bull 5.00 Senior bull calf -. 5.00 Junior bull calf 5.00 Cow 3 years old and over 5.00 Cow 2 years old and under 5.00 Senior Yearling heifer 5.00 Junior Yearling heifer n 5.00 2nd No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 6. No. G. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. No. 33. 5.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 No. 34. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 2nd $ 3.00 No. 10. No. 11. 5.00 No. No. 12. 13. 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 No. 14. No. 15. No. 16. No. 20. No. 21. 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 Lot 3. Lot 4. Lot5. Lot 6. Lot 7. Lot 8. I f t ! i I Senior heifer calf Junior heifer calf 5.00 Graded herd, Bull over 1 year, Cow over 2 years; heifer 1 year and under 2, heifer under 1 year Get of Sire, 4 animals, either sex, any age , Produce of dam, 2 animals either sex, any acre , Calf herd, bull and 2 heifers under one year, bred by exhibitor 5.00 Champion bull Ribbon Champion cow Ribbon Lot 2. lleretorus. Angus. Galloway. Red Poll. Holstein. Jerseys. Milkine Shorthorns. All of tho above same as Shorthorns. SWINE CLASS C. Swine Exhibit at Besse Auditorium. A fee of 50c for each entry. Clarence Johnson, Len Wilraot and Geo. Amaclc Supt'.. H. J. Grasalich, Lincoln, Nebra.ka, Judge. Date for computing age of hogs ahaall bo September 1st, for Senior classes, and March 1st for Junior Classes. In view of the fact that our Calf and Pig Club Members will be our future Livestock Breeders and to encourage them, they will be permitted to ehow in the open classes. Lot 1 Poland China. 1st. Boar 2 years old and over $ 3.00 Boar 1 year and under 2 3,00 Boar G months and under 1 year 3.00 Boar under 6 months 3.00 Sow 2 years old and over 3.00 Sow 1 year and under 2 years 3.00 Sow 6 months and under 1 year 3.00 Sow under 6 months '. 3.00 Sow and Litter under 4 months 3.00 Old Herd boar and three sows farrowed before September 1, 1920 3.00 Young Herd boar and three sows farrowed on or after September 1, 1921 3.00 Get of Sire, 4 animals either sex, any age by one boar .'... 3.00 Produce of dam. 4 animals either sex, any ago out of 1 sow 3,00 Champion Boar , Ribbon Champion Sow Ribbon Lot 2, JJuroc-Jerseys, same as Jfoiana umnas. Berkshires, same as Poland Chinas, Chester White, same as Poland Chinas. Hampshires, samo as Poland (Chinas. Spotted Poland Chinas. SHEEf CLASS O. ' Sheep Exhibit in Besse Auditorium A fee of 50c for each entry. H. H. Crowell, Supt. H, J. Gramlich, Lincoln, Judge. Lot 1 Hatnp.hire.. 2nd NT. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13, No. No. 15. 16. 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Lot 3. Lot 4. Lot 5, Lot 6. I . ji No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. 1st. 2nd $ 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ram over one year $ 2.00 Ram lamb under one year 2.00 Ewe over one venr 2.00 Ewe Lamb under one year 2.00 Pen 1 Ram, 2 Ewes 2.00 Champion Ram Ribbon (Jhampion Ewe Ribbon Lot 2. Shropshires, same as Hampshires. POULTRY CLASS E. Daa Garber, Supt. F. C. Old, Lincoln, Judge There will be two premiums. 1st, $1.50 nnd 2nd, 75 cents, on the best trio of all standard varieties of poultry of old birds and trio of young birds. Trio consists of one male and two females. Entry foe, 25c per trio. Regulation coops will be furnished by the institute. Entry blanks will be mailed on application to the Sup erintendents of Poultry. No charge for blanks, leg bands and feed. Any bird showing symptoms of disease when received or during the exhibition will be removed at once. All birds will be judged according to the American Standard of perfection. 50 on Feathers and 50 on Egg Laying. Let 2 Capon. A lit. 2nd Trio of Capons, any breed , , $ 1.60 $ 0.75 Lot 3 Duck., Gee.e, Turkey. Best pair, any breed - 1.E0 0.75 Lot 4 Bantam, Rabbit. Pete Entered Free. FARM PRODUCTS CLASS F. P. H. Stewart, Lincoln, Judga Frank Friable and Ben Pegg, Supts. All products must have been grown by the exhibitor in the sea- son, 1921. Lot I Corn. 1st. No. 1. Best 10 cars of yellow corn $ 1.00 No. 2. Best 10 cars of white corn 1.00 No. 3. Best 10 ears of red or bloody butcher corn.. 1.00 No. 4. Best 10 ears of calico corn 1.00 No. 5. Best 10 cars of any color 1.00 No. 6. Best collection of corn 1.00 No. 7. Best 10 ears yellow corn raised by boy under 1G years old 1.00 No. 8. Best 10 cars white corn raised by boy under 16 years old 1.00 4 Bust 10 ears sweet corn 1.00 .50 Best 10 cars nop corn 1.00 .50 Best peck of wheat 1.00 Beat peck of oats 1.00 Best peck of rye ; 1.00 Best peck kaffir corn 1.00 Best peck cane seed 1.00 Best peck of millet seed .' 1.00 Host peck of Early Ohio potatoes 1.00 Best peck of any other variety 1.00 Best peck of sweet potatoes 1.00 2nd $ 0.50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 2G. No. 27. No. 28. Best 12 onions Best 12 tabic beets ... Best six parsnips Best six carrots , Best 3 mangel beets Best Citron , Best Watermelon No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 30. 37. .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 Best two pumpkins 50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 S Best squashes Best Cnshaws Best 1 gallon beans Best plate apples ... Ben Davis Delicious Gano Grimes Golden 50 Greenings 50 No. 38. No. 39. No. No No. 40. 4i; 42. Northern Pippins .. Wealthy Wolf River Spy 30 .50 .50 .50 Wine Sap, etc 50 l.uu No. 43. No. 44. No. 45. No. 48. No. 49. No. 50. .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 or. .tall .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .60 .50 .50 M Best collection of tame grosses Best bale of wild hay 1.00 Best bale of alfalfa hay 1.00 Best sample of not less than three I'Jzi cuttings or alfalfa l.uu .&u No. 46. Best peck of alfalfa seed 1.00 .50 No. 47. Best sample of sedan grass hay 1.00 .50 Best peck of sedan grass seed 1.00 .50 Beat peck of white sweet clover seed 1.00 .50 Best neck of yellow sweet clover seed. 1.00 .50 WEBSTER COUNTY JUNIOR PROJECTS CLASS G. Exhibit at Besse Auditorium Barn. Entry fee free. Henry R. Fau.cli, Couaty Agcat, Supt. H. J. Gramlich, Liacola, Judge. SHORTHORN CALF CLUB. Ribbons and prize money furnished by the American Shorthorn Breeder's Association. 1st $7.50 2nd $5.50 3rd. $3.50 4th. $1.50 HOLSTEIN CALF CLUB. M. W. Laurit.oxr, Liacola, Judge. Ribbons and prize money furnished by tho Webster County Hol stein Breeder's Association. 1st. $6.00 2rid. $5.00 3rd. $3.00 4th. $1.50 NEBRASKA FARMER PRIZE. The Nebraska Farmer of Lincoln, offers a free trip to Boy's and Girl's Club Week next June, to the Champion Calf Club Member in Webster County. In making this award the following basis of awards arc to be considered: Individuality of Calf .". 40 Points Economy of Gain and Growth 20 Points Record and Report : 20 Points Club Activities 20 Points To the Calf Club Member for the best written report of the Calf Project 1st. $3.00 2nd. $2.00. Reports must be in by November 5th. STATE CHAMPION CALF CLUB MEMBER. Armour's Farm Bureau will award $75.00 on a free trip to the International Livestock Show at Chicago, in the fall of 1921. PIG CLUB. Ribbons and prize money awarded by Farmer's Institute and Swine Breeders. Duroc Jer.ey Boara 1st $5.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Gilts J 1st $5.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Litter Four pigs, either sex $5.00 Poland Cklaa Boars 1st $5.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Gilts 1st $5.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00 Litter Four pigs, either sex $5.00 EXTRA PIGS . The Duroc Bulletin of Dei Moinei, Iowa, are offering Duroc Jersey Pigs: 1. Duroc Boars. 1st History of the Duroc. 2nd, Handy Herd Register. 2. Duroc Sow. 1st. History of the Duroc. 2nd. Handy Herd Register. 3. Best Fat Duroc (Sow or Barrow). ' 1st. Prize Hogology. The Swine World of Des Moines, Iowa, are offering on Poland Chinas: 1. Poland China Boar. lat. Hogology. 2nd. Hand Herd Register. 2. Poland China Gilt. ; - "''''' lat. Hogology. 2nd. Handy Herd Register. 3. Best Fat Poland China. 1st. Hogology. SPECIAL Tho St. Joseph Stock Yards Company offers to the Champion Pig Club Member in Webster County a free trip to Boys' and Girls' Club week in Lincoln, June, 1921, Basis of awards: Individuality .'. 40 Points Economy of Gain and Growth 20 Points Record and Report 20 Points Club Activities 20 Points STATE CHAMPION PIG CLUB MEMBER Armour's Farm Bureau will award $76.00 to be used on a free trip to the International Livestock Show at Chicago, in the fall of l&Zl. SHOWING CONTEST The Swino World of Deo Moines, Iowa, offer to the Pig Club Members in a Showing Contest. First: Bronze Medal. Second: Red Silk Ribbon. Third: White Silk Ribbon. HIGH SCHOOL STOCK JUDGING CONTEST Each High School in Webster County is allowed to enter a Team in this Contest. Team consists of three members. Highest scoring team will bo awarded $25.00, same to bo held and used to pay rail road fare of team to Lincoln next spring to compete in tho Stato High School Stock Judging Contest. Each Contestant will place 2 classes of hogq, 2 classes of cattle and one class of horses, 4 animals in a class. Oral reasons to be giv en on ono class of hogs and one clas3 of cattle. Written reasons on tho horses. 10 minutes will bo allowed for placing and 2 minutes for reasons. Placings and reasons will count 100 points each. Making n total score of 800 points. utgnest scoring individual $5.00 3.00 2.QQ L .25 i it V '!?,-! Socond Highest Scorincr Third Highest Scoring DEMONSTRATION CONTEST Each Club is allowed to enter a Demonstration Team. 1st $5.00 2nd $2.50 HOME ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Mr.. Fraak Fri.bie, Pretideat Mr. Fred Maurer, Vice-Pre.ldeat Beat punch work 50 Mr.. & W. Hummel Mr.. Wta. Wolfa Mr. Was. H. Thona Mr.. Lloyd Melatyra Mr. Halbert Tkema, Secretary Mr. D, H. Kaley, Aai't. Secretary Mr. Max Miser Mi. Mellle Ferri Mr. W. A. Mayaard Mr. Howard GramUch, Lincoln, Judge. Entries in this department close at 6:00 P. M. Tuesday, Oct 25. 1921, except baking, which may be entered until 12 noon on Wednes day, Oct 26. No entries may be removed until 4:00 P. M. Friday. Oct. 28. " No entry fees in this department. Rule for Entries: All articles must bo made by exhibitor. Any article having received first premium at Farmer's Institute) heretofore, cannot be entered for a premium. Any article entered in a display cannot bo entered for a single premium also. Articles entered for premiums may be sold by exhibitors, but tho officers of tho Instituto will neither make sales nor collect money. Articles sold cannot bo removed from hall until close of Institute. , All articles entered for premiums must bo finished. Each bread exhibitor can enter but ono brand of flour. No person can enter more than one article in any ono class. In case there is but a single entry in a class the judge shall decide wiieincr or not me article is worthy 01 a prize. Tho prize given will bo first or second, depending upon the merits of the articles exhibited. A prize of $5.00 will bo paid to the lady making the largest number of entries, including entries in the ladies' department and the poultry department. DISCRETIONARY AND LOAN DEPARTMENT The Institute wishes to have a loan exhibit of nrticlcs, cither old or rare or unusual in any way. Special care will be taken of theso articles, and we hope to have a large display. If you have any needlework or cooking exhibits which would bo of interest, but which would not bo entered in any of tho following department classes, they will be entered in the Discretionary Depart ment and will ho awarded premiums according to the decision of tho judge. FOOD DEPARTMENT Mr.. W. A. Mayn&rd nnd Mr.. Wm. Wolfe, Supt'.. Bread. One loaf. Bread should be baked in individual pans, about 4x5 xlO inches in size. It should be 24 hours old when judged. Best bread from Amboy flour 1st 2 sacks White Loaf flour Best bread from Amboy flour 2nd 1 snek White Loaf flour One sack of Frisbie's Self-Rising flour or ono sack Frisblo's Breakfast food will be given to each lady or girl entering bread from Amboy flour. Best bread from Rivcrton flour 1st 2 sacks Rivcrton flour Best bread from Rivcrton flour 2nd 1 sack Rivcrton flour Best bread from Mcybcst flour 1st 2 sacks Mcybest flour Best bread from Mcybest flour 2nd I sack Mcybest flour Best bread from Lebanon flour 1st 2 sacks Lebanon flour Best bread from Lebanon flour 2nd 1 sack Lebanon flour Best bread from Red Cloud flour 1st 2 sacks Red Cloud flour Best bread from Red Cloud flour 2nd 1 sack Red Cloud flour One sack Red Cloud pancage flour will bo given each lady mak ing an entry of bread made from Red Cloud flour. Best bread from Hastings flour 1st 2 sacks Hastings flour Best bread from Hastings flour. 2nd 1 sack Hastings flour 1st 2nd. $ .25 .25 .25 Best graham or whole wheat bread $ .50 Best Boston brown bread 50 Best baking powder nut bread 50 Butter Butter should be wrapped, preferably in parchment paper. The ideal is a one pound, rectangular print, as this sort cuts and packs to the best advantage. Dirt in butter disqualifies it. Best butter :. $ 2.00 $ 1.00 Cake Cakes should not be brought on a plate, as the curved surface spoils the shape of the cake. Best angel food, without frosting $ .50 Best white cake, any frosting 50 Best yellow cake, any frosting ., 60 Best chocolate cake, any frosting 50 Best loaf spice cake, any frosting 50 Best fruit cake 50 Best gingerbread 50 Cookie. Six on a plate Best plain sugar cookies 50 Best rolled oats cookies 50 Best ginger cookies f. 50 Best hermits or rocks 50 net Pies should be baked in a perforated pan or removed from the pan in which baked and placed on a china plate. Best fruit pie 50 Best pumpkin pie 50 Best mince pie 60 Best any one crust pie 50 CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Mr. G. W. Hummel, Supt. 1st Best canned pears $ .60 $ Best canned peaches 50 Best canned apples 50 Best canned apricots 50 Best canned blue plums ' .60 Best canned red plums 50 Best canned yellow plums 50 Best canned cherries 60 Best canned, blackberries 60 Best canned raspberries 50 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Best canned gooseberries Best canned strawberries Best canned rhubarb Best canned tomatoes Best canned beets .... Best canned corn e eaaeeaaa .50 .50 ,50 .60 .60 .60 Best canned string beans 60 Best canned asparagus 50 Best canned carrots 50 Best canned peas 50 Best canned pumpkin 50 Jelly J, Pint Best apple jelly 50 Best crabapple jelly 50 Best plum jelly 50 Best grape jelly 50 Best blackberry jelly 50 Best raspberry jelly .-v?-. 50 9 Pre.erve. 1 Pint 1st Best peach preserves 50 Best pear preserves 50 Best apple preserves 50 Best strawberry preserves 50 Best gooseberry preserves 50 Best cherry preserves 50 Best raspberry preserves 50 Best blackberry preserves 50 Best watermelon preserves 50 Best tomato preserves 60 Best jam 50 Pickle and Relbhei 1 Quart Beat peach pickles 50 Best pear pickles 50 Best apple pickles 50 uesc watermelon picKies ou Best cucumber pickles 50 Best dill pickles 50 Bcut beet pickles 50 Best stuffed peppers 50 Best chow-chow 50 Best green tomato pickle - 50 Best mixed pickles 50 Best tomato catsup 50 Canned Meat Best canned chicken 50 Best canned beef 50 Best canned pork . '.50 Beat canned soups 50 2nd. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 2nd. .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25- .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 ,25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 I 1 1 1 l I I