The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 20, 1921, Image 6

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Non.Mtalllc Mineral Largely Uteo
In Manufacture of Rubber
Among Cnnndn's more useful non
metallic mlucrnls tnle Is probnbl)
the most ndnptnblo nnd widely used,
entering Into tho finishing process of
Rome of tho most common com
Tnlc, sometimes designated sonp
utono, nhcstlnc, french clmlk, min
eral pulp, tnlclny nml venlollte, Is
found In Cape Ilrcton and InvcrnesR
counties In Nova Scotia; Frontennc
Hustings, IeedH, Lenuoc and Hen
fiow counties nnd Kenorn district In
Ontario; Ucmicc, limine nnd Megan
tic counties In Quebec, nnd In the
Leech Hlver section of tho Victoria
mining division of llrltlsh Columbia.
In color It ranges from white to
gniylsh green, while to the touch It
luts a soft and apparently greasy or
slippery feeling. It Is a nonconduc
tor of heat and electricity and Is re
M'dunt to most chemical action.
Its chief uses are n filler In the
finishing of a window blind cloth.
Talc Is largely used In tho manu
facture of rubber goods.
Resort "Bud" Advertlsea When Plr
Owner Falls to Call for
Frat Pin.
On Saturday nights at tho Bhoro ho
tel where Florence spends tho sum
mer, cottagers nnd week endcrs nn
penr on the ballroom floor for the
weekly dance. On these occasions
Florence dances with so tunny "11100
she can't remember all their names.
It wns after one of these Saturday
night dances thnt Florence found she
was wearing a fraternity pin. A
blond-hnlred boy whom she had Just
met conxed her to tnke the pin while
sitting beneath the moon. Florence
kept the pin for several days nnd
then became anxious over the owner's
failure to return for It. So she placed
the following advertisement In the lo
cal paper:
"Young man with blond hair who
gave girl fraternity pin while sitting
by the sun dial during a dance at the
hotel last Saturday night will please
call for his pin." New York Sun.
Higher Ideals.
Oswald Harrison Vlllurd, tho New
York radical, Mild tho other night at
Cootwr Union:
"Our young men. chnstcned by the
World war, have higher Ideals than
those of 11)1-1.
"A notorious war profiteer wns talk
ing to a group of young men on n
golf club veranda.
"'Look at me, the profiteer snld.
Twenty years ngd 11 poor boy, work
ing like 11 dog nnd today '
"He chewed violently 011 Ids dollnr
'"Look at mol ho repented. 'See
what I've mnde of myself.'
"The young men looked nt him
curiously nnd then one of them said:
'"Your motlve's'good, of course, but
doesn't your family object to your pos
ing as 11 horrible, example In this
Qland Causes Divorce.
The Increased prevalence of dUorce
lu proportion to the growing wealth
of the country was attributed by Dr.
Krnest K. Tucker of New York at the
annual convention of the American
Osteopathic association to n change
In function of tho pituitary body, one
of the smallest of the so-called ductless
glands, which, he said, is about the
size of a pen nnd Is hidden on the
underside of the brain.
Knlcker What Is a cellar?
Docker A brick pocket. New York
Never Judge what n woman want1
to do by the things she does.
TO seal
in the
Once you've
enjoyed the
toasted flavor
you will al
ways want it
itc msm ?
I I i ii
ir v
w J
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Bripf Items For
Busy Readers.
('lain worth $15,000 was destroyed
by the fire that razed the T. H. Hold
(.I'll III C'n.'it iiliivnlnr nt flintitniiii.
A clgai'cl Is supposed to have started
llie lire that partially destroyed the
Lutcuvlsh pantutorlum at Arapahoe.
Fire of unknown origin completely
destroyed the Moid company's elevator
located al Chapman. About 10,000
bushels of grain were consumed.
The congregation of the Church of
the Nazarene Is completing 11 new ed
ifice nt lieatrlce, ut n cost of about
Farmers In Oage county are gather
ing their corn crop, ami In some In
stances a yield of 00 bushels to the
acre Is icportctl.
Willi corn priced nt 21 cents 11 bushel
nnd wheat at 81 cents, farm products
reached their lowest range in Hamil
ton county since 101 1.
John T. Mcintosh, former postmaster
of Sidney, has been appointed deputy
Internal revenue collector for the dis
trict of western Nebraska, with head
quarters at Sidney.
rarlotlc and civic societies of Frt
mol.t XVIII tnln with M.n 1 1 l.rn.w.1 J
- ,, ;,', i ti -""" ""
of the Central Lumir union In a' i g
demonstration on Armistice day. A big,
parade Is planned
Harvesting of the largest potato crop
....... ..-,...... i- .1 i , .
i?ri, n, -? , ,"m "I0 l,!,,C,,,m
has begun. 'I he yield will bring thous-
amis of dollars to farmers who are ,,,. .
llltll 1'rflll-liril ,lVilllult l.llf ni. ...I... n, uu I
" " ' ""' '" '"""-ling
it few acres as a "side line."
The IJurllngton railroad has an
nounced thnt early next spring work
Is almost certain to begin on the con
struction of tho proposed line front
Thedford to O'Neill, connecting up the
Sioux City and Hillings lines.
If railroad passenger rates do not
drop to li'j cents before spring, the
Standard cliuu'.iMiquu system of Lin
coln will buy thirty-two light ntito
mobllo to transport Its talent from
town to town, according to C. O. Bruce,
The Intermnuntiiln Kallway Light
and Power company of Seottsbluff will
Install 1-10 additional street lights In
ScottsblufT, thus ending a deadlock of
months' duration. The city refused to
pay its light bill and the company re
fused to put In the needed lamps.
Carl M. Lange of Ilartlngton, snld
to have been the Nebraska's most dec
orated soldier In the late war, lias
been selected by William llltchle, Jr..
stnto commander of the American
Legion, to represent the state nt the
burial services of an unknown soldier.
killed In France, to be held In Arling
ton on Armistice day.
For the first time in 20 years corn
is selling on tho Lexington market for
17 cents a bushel. Farmers nm now
at a loss to know what to do with the
corn, as It will not pny expenses of
harvesting It. Some my they will husk
Just enough to burn, others say they
will leave It In tho field.
Marketing of farm products by nlr
plano will bo attempted near Scotts-
mini miring tlm coming summer by
Henry Toncray, aviator, who drew a
fiipm tmrii, f i.i i,.. , Ti ;
lServ a Tor .,y nt t,,e1Irecc"t
v ryt " -r" 5 L''"'..
word from Toncray. now in the south.
Tho flyer had one plane, destroyed nt
Scoltsbluff by n cyclone shortly before
the drawing, but hn-? secured another.
He plans a landing field on part of his
100 government acres. "
Nebraska has 8 per cent more stock
hogs on hand this year than last, to
consume the cheap corn crop, accord
ing to n bulletin Issued by Secretary
' The SbntsXt ri , I"
derived Or. nor nnnr ft,..,. .. " . " " '
- - - I -- - ... ...V. 0Ul
chiefly hogs.
North Platte valley water t.sors rt.
proved tho project for a huge reser- ".. " , .. ,0 "w "K tI,l 7m ,,C
voir and dim with .....iiinru ....: J" u vo1 .,h,,,,H." 'J'"Hr wage has been
nlnnt. to I... m..u ...! ..m '":"..
vi'twilllllVH nt. 1 iin-i iim- ',
Wyo., nt a cost of more than $2,000,000.
Tho vote was Olfi for and 77 against;
only 1,1100 wero eligible to vote. The
worlc Is expected to develop Irrigation
of tho northwest Nebraska country
with a water supply Independent of
the Pathfinder dam mid also a power
to farm and factories.
A Community club nt Franklin, u
being organized by the young women
of tho city who hone to raise siiflldoni-
funds to erect a cuminunlty
Letting or contracts for tho now
?.r),000,000 state capltol at Lincoln will
not he done until spr'ng, although It
niitl ueen planned to do some prelim
inary work along tills line before next
yenr, according to State i:nIneer
Oeorgo E. Johnson, secretary of tho
capltol commission. Failure of Archi
tect (loodhuo of New York to i?ot tlm
detailed plans and speclllcallons lu
tlmo is tho cause of tho delay, snvs
Town Marshal J.lenrv MnssIiu'Pr of
Arapahoe, has mailed to State Sheriff
Ous Dyers a counterfeit $.r gold piece,
which was part of a box of Si i.Thi in
$20, $10 and $5 denominations dug up
mora recently in the course of exca
vating n basement. Ho khvm Hint i.i.
timers believe the counterfeiting was
done by two strangers, who in tim
early eighties, one In a photograph gal
lery and the other lu n lowolrv sim-o.
and who left five niynths later after
vlllngo suspicions hnd been iiiroctfii
against them. Tho coins nre of lend.
with a perfect outside gild that would
to this day tool n layman,
Tho Nebraska Women's Educational
club will hold its iiunuul meeting In
Omaha, November 0-11, Two hundred
delegates nre expected.
Tho Fnlrbury Commercial elub ia
getting behind the proposed statu
league. lMans for entering a local
team are being favored,
One-half a city block on South
Fourth street ut Albion, was destroyed
by lire with a damaged estimated at
about $i!.",000. About half of the loss
was covered by Insurance.
Farmers are hauling their wheal to
Itritndon, 20 miles south of lllg.sprlng
011 the Ilurllngtoii, because the eleva
tors at Itlgspi'lng were shut down on
account of a grain car shortage.
The Community club of Lindsay will
hold a series of monthly meeting fol-
I lowed by a luncheon. The first meet
ing will be hold November 1. Out-of-town
speakers or other entertainment
will be provided.
Professing (Jeorge II. Aller, dlerctor
of music at Donne conservatory, Is or
ganizing and (hilling it Inrge body of
singers (o lake part in the big song
fest convention to be held In Omiihu
early next spring,
The American Legion post In con
junction with 11 committee from the
Crete Commercial club will celebrate
Armistice day, November 11. (lover
nnr McKelvIe will deliver the address
of the day. A big barbacuo will bo
one of the special features.
The new state reformatory nt Lincoln
would be full to capacity and the pen
itentiary could not take care of tho
'""" " W HOIIl ill
balance, If all those now held In county
jaiis uiiuer penitentlnry sentence wero
lllk0ll to.Llncoln, according to Warden
.,,.... ", tlm , ,';.
Many Hamilton county farmers aro
""hm"k wwii men- corn mis tan
l,ull,,l" ",,p " Rt niitl turning
, thp livestock. More can be realized
In (hIs mum t, , , u '
. ... ' rft - "J mini
"hogging down" their corn tills full
it for sale on ii I7.ii.nt mnrl.-..i
State veterinarians nre Investlgatlne
the disease which has caused the loss
of several score of cattle In Cheyenno
county. It. S. Scott, county agent, says
the disease can not be caused by corn
stalks as a number of the dead auimuls
did not have access lo them.
John Uuttorflold, farmer living sev
eral miles southwest of Franklin, sus
tained a broken arm nnd possible In
ternal Injuries when the windmill plat
form on which he was working gavo
way, precipitating him to the ground
.'10 feet below..
Suit brought ngnlnst twenty-two
prominent wealthy Oniaha-ns, for S2.r0.-
000 by Ilerly A. Felver, Nonpartisan
league organizer in Merrick county la
1018, chnrglng a conspiracy against his
well being was dismissed in fedcYnl
court at Lincoln by Judge A. W. Wood-
Dr. Wilfred II. Osgood, assistant cur
ntor of mammalogy and ornithology
of the Field Museum of Natural His
tory in comtiany with Col. Dale Kinii
stead of Oak Park, III., and their staffs
are now at Wood Lake. Tho pnrty
will bo under the guldanco of Grant
Welker. The expedition hopes to ob
tain specimens of wild game, fowls,
rodents, reptiles, etc., for tho Field
museum. The party will stay out on
the lakes for ,'JO to -10 days.
Tho Lengue of Women Voters of Lin
coln Is heading n movement that they
liopo to make statewide in scope. lie
Moving that the American represent
atives In the conference called to dis
cuss reduction of ariuaments nre anx
ious to know what the neonlo of tlm
J United States desire accomplished, tho
uuiieti mates tiesire accomplished, tho
leiWie has set aside the week of No-
vembor (Ml for the study and discus-
slon of llio question b.v various orean
Izatlons, the object being to ndvlso
those representatives of tin conclu
sions reached. In Lincoln Hie week
will end with a mass meeting at which
either Dr. Charles F. Sked or Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Catt will bo tho
I. W. W. agitation lias caused a wavo
.-rrsSr STJSSi
l-atloi, have threatened to strike -
or discontent among diggers in tho
1 ,L """T mV 0f ? '''
without board is Increased. Dissatis
"" u" ' .b" .. "H.. ,,,,!'1 I'.csm,i i,y
faction also has b.'l'll cvnroml liv
' nn" ,,0IU'"' or '''" lUsIlil.
county oiiicmis a.tled by villagers re
cently raided an 1. W. W. camp on tho
outskirts of town and drove several
score of members from this vicinity
Last night this place was flooded wltii
I. W. W. literature urging workers to
demnnd higher wa,'os. Growers de
clare they now are paying the limit for
An Improved road from Seottsbluff
to Alliance and another from Scotts
bluff to tho Wyoming Goshen llolo
county are being sought by committees
of Seottsbluff citizens. They also linvo
itsked tho state to gravel the highway
linking Goring and Scott.sblufT.
Com shucking is on in the south
pnrt of the state. The yield south of
Fnlrbury is reported from 15 to 25
bushels; north of Fnlrbury from 20 to
30 bushels. Along the Hlue river bot
tom the yield Is said to be from 20
to fiO bushels. Tho -quality is poor In
most fields caused by a lack of mois
ture. The Chamber of Commerce at lieat
rlce has voted ?2.r)0 to st.pport a poultry
show to held nt thnt place soon.
When his wife toid him their two
smalt boys wero trapped in a blazing
bnrn, Oliver Gardner, farmer living
near Franklin, fainted,-and the boys
were burned to dentil) The blazo
probably was caused by the little
boys, aged .' and -1, respectively,
who It Is said had been playing with
matches In tho hayloft. One body was
burned beyond recognition; that of tho
elder was scarcely charred. One
horse, it cow and 700 bushels of wiiont
were destroyed.
(Cipy for Thl Dpirtmrm Supplied by
111 American I.k1oti New Srrvlrti,)
John L. Plana, Officer 4944, New York
Police Force, Well Deserves
His Medals.
Saving lives Is almost a spcclnltv
with ofllcer 4044 of the New York
police force, for
mer private nnd
top sergeant of
the Three Hun
dred and Twelfth
Infantry, A. E. F.,
now a member of
the General La
fayette Poll co
p o s t, American
Legion, In New
York City. Patrol
man Piazza, John
L., wears the Dis
tinguished Service Cross.
It wns In the Argotinc in October,
1018, near Grand Pre. Piazztt, advan
cing wltii hiu platoon, saw a badly
wounded ofllcer laying alone In No
Man's Land, ubaudoncd when his lines
fell back to te-form. On his stomnch,
Piazza crawled out to the spot, slung
the wounded man over his shoulder
and standing erect, carried him to safe
ty with the shells whistling and ex
ploding. Discharged from the nrmy, Patrol
man Piazza resumed ids heat In the
fnr reaches of the borough of the
Ilronx. It wasn't long nftor thnt when
he dashed up Into n burning building,
rescued nn Invalid woman and car
ried her to tho street. Shortly after
that lie stopped a runaway horse and
saved a group of women nnd children
from Injury. Ofllcer 4014 Is twenty
nine years old, married and the father
of a son.
Former Train Dispatcher Did Good
Service for Uncle Sam An En-
thuslastle Legion Man.
Sixty-two yenrs young he wns, II. E.
Lnmb, Worthlngton, Minn., told the
recruiting officers
during the war.
So they enlisted
him and sent him
to a chilly berth
In faraway Si
beria. He weath
ered nine months
of It to make It a
good bargain.
Mr. Lamb was
living a life of re
1 1 r e m e n t on n
farm- near ..Worth
lngton when America eiueieu toe war.
He hnd been a train dispatcher and ho
thought his services would be valu
able. The nrmy thought so, too, nnd
enlisted him. It was In the nature of
a celebration of his sixty-second birth
day. Itcturnlug from service, Mr. Lamb
Interested himself In the activities of
his younger comrades. Ho hns never
missed a stnte or national convention
of the American Legion, and with his
wife, who Is a member of tho Wom
en's Auxiliary, he drove 200 miles to
attend the last one nt Winona, Minn.
There the Legion gathering mnde hlra
a vice commander of the state de
partment. Now ho is planning to drive
an me way to the national conven
tion at Kntisas City this fall.
State President of Oregon Women's
Auxiliary Plans to Oust Women
Who Do Not Need Work.
A movement to oust from employ
ment nil married women who ore not
forced by neces
sity to work has
been started by
Mrs. W. A. Elvers,
Portland, Ore., re-
w. iim'M s,nte president of
the Oregon de
partment of 'tho
Women's Auxil
iary, tho Ameri
can Legion.
Mrs. Elvers
monks from first
hand Information. As trained nurse and
more recently ns superintendent of tho
Emergency liospltnl In Portland, sho
hns been doing u big man's work for
yearsbut her husband has been an
invalid for years.
"Women got started In men's work
during the war, when It wns necessary
nnd Inudubtd," Mrs. Elvers declared.
"They are keeping It up now. Those
who have husbands supporting them
have no right to keep needy men out
of employment. They are willing to
work for less, too. They aro breaking
up our homes, all because tlioy want
extra pin money. It must stop, and
It's going to in Oregon, at least."
" , R-r-revenge.
Indignant Arlzonlun (to busy boot
legger) Hey, I've Just been bitten by
t rattler. Gimme a quart of your
cheapest stuff,
Busy 11 Hotter take somo of the
high-priced stuff, pnrdncr.
L A. Not on your life. Tills Is foi
the rattler, American Legion Wpokly.
Vt w:
J.t, M (
Washington State Newspaper Pair
are Members of the Ex-Service
Men's Organizations.
The time honored tradition of
violent feeling supposed to exist be
tween the nver
ago hard-boiled
city editor and
the average soft
boiled reporter
suffers a relapse
Irr the strange
case of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles
llonvln iiiiMillior.S
V LfMK .i.A ttost. the Amerl-
rnti'Ioii. and
v l.M tfr.i...ia nltv.
lllnry, lu Seattle, Wnsh.
Ilefore the war Heavls was a city
editor nnd Dora Denne, a Pacific
coast woman newspaper writer, was
one of his cub reporters. When Heavls
went to war with the 41st Division
cavalry, Miss Dora became city editor.
Returning nfter the tinnlstlce, the
ex-clty editor sought to regain the
editorial reins by mnrrying Miss
Deane. Finding Hint ns Mrs. Heavls
she was the nianngltig editor while
he became a cub, Heavls forsook the
game and becntne Associated Press
correspondent In Senttle.
"She was pretty good ns a cub re
porter," Heavls snys. "Hut as manag
ing editor, she Is n wonder." Mrs.
Heavls continues ns Dorn Deano of
the Seattle Dally Times.
Ellas Wesley and Sixteen Washington
Buddies Also Control Town of
White Swan.
Where Ids fathers once tried to resist
the civilization of the white mnn, Ellas
Wesley, fullblood
Yakima Indian,
commander of nn
American Legion
post, nnd sixteen
of his Yakima
"buddies" n o w
control the pros
perous town of
White S w a n.
More thnn half
of-tlic post's mem
bers are fullblood
Indians. Wesley, the commander, is
the vlllnge meat cutter. The remain
der of the Indians, nil members of
the Commercial club, aro engaged In
business In the town. All nre graduates
of a government school and are better
educated than the average American.
Because he was a meat cutter, when
Wesley enlisted In the United States
navy they mnde him ship's cook on the
U. S. S. Western Chief. In the mem
bership of Hie post there Is n Medal
of Honor, a Mednllle Mllltalre, a Croix
de Guerro and a 7ictor:a cross.
Kansas Editor Recently Received Dis
tinguished Service Cross for
Valor In Action.
A newspaper editor who left off 1am-
bastlne the Gerninns in his columns
nnd went to lam
bast them In per
son Is John II.
O'Connor of tho
Wlnfleld (Kan.)
t Courier, who re
c e n 1 1 y received
the Distinguished
Service Cross for
exceptional vulor
In action.
The "grand old
man" of the One
iinrty-seventli infantry
regiment during Its service In France,
Editor O'Connor ably commanded n
battalion during the henvlest fighting
and won the highest rank of lieuten
ant colonel. In September, 1018, In
Montrcbcnu Wood he received a note
penciled on the back of on old en
velope, telling him he wns the highest
ofllcer left In tho regiment. Forthwith
ho assumed command of bis own unit,
added on all other troops In the wood,
organized a brigade front, beat off two
Heche attacks nnd directed tho ad
vance on Excrmont.
Mr. O'Connor nttended the first cnu
cus of tho American Legion In Paris
In 1010 and was one of the newspaper
men who drew the resolution giving
the Legion Its name.
Thousands of Victims Have Recovered,
According to Data Collected by
American Legion.
The symphony of droning mowers,
cultivators nnd threshers Is a specific
cure for shellshock. Of the thousands of
World war veterans who turned to ag
riculture ot the termination of hos
tilities, virtually nil hnvo recovered
from the effects of shellshock. Tills is
shown by n recent survey which Is be
ing studied by the national organiza
tion of the American Legion, The re
port HkewIseJndlcntes thnt shellshock
victims who settled In the cities have
not yet regained their health.
Tlie experiment of sending shell
shock cases to tho farms was tried
with success In Cnmtda, where more
than 25,000 soldiers have tnken farm.
under the soldiers' re-cstnbllshment
act. The government hns loaned more
than $110,000,000 to these men, and
their first year's crop was valued at
cnroxlnintely $14,000,000. Today the
average soldler-fnrmer, tho survey con
cludes, Is enjoying ruddy health and
sound finances.
a isr ,... mi
7' .. jtAv . f4 fs. mi
Mrs. Taylor Sickness Ended
by Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound
Roxbury, Mass. "I suffered contfn
aally with backache and was often dc-
Eponuciu, imu ui&oy
spells nnd at my
mommy penoas i&
was almost impos
sible to keep around
at my wort:, oinco
my last baby camo
two years ago my
back has been worso
and no position I
could cot in would
reltovo it, and doc
tor's medicino did
i notholnme.Afriond
recommended Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veg
etable Compound nnd I havo found great
relief oince using it. My back is much
better and I can sleep well. I keep
house and havo tho caro of fivo children,
so my work is very trying and I am very
thankful I have found tho Compound
such a help. I recommend it to my
x'riends and if you wish to uso this letter
I am very clad to help any woman suf
fering as I was until I used Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Maude E. Taylok, G St. James
Place, Roxbury, Mass.
Backache is ono of tho most commoa
symptoms of a displacementor derange
ment of tho female system. No woman
should make tho mistake of trying to
overcome it by heroic endurance, but
Erofit by Mrs. Taylor 'sexperienco and try
If you arc troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,,
indigestion, insomnia; painful "pas
sage of urine, you will find relief irt
The world's. standard remedy for lddney,..
liver, bladder and uric add troubles and
National Remedy of Holland since 1696V
Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for tlie nama Cold Medal on Tery box
and accept no imitation
npv hark Uflthnit, nu.aHnn
I (Hunt's Sjlvi- a,M Snanl fall In
the treatment of Itch. Eczema,
Ringworm, leuerorotnerncn-
ment at our risk Snldby all reliable diuurttta.
A. II. Richards Medicine Co Sherman. Texaa
Always reflect that, of course, somo
of tlie services pcrformeil for you aro
not so well done as you could do
Keep Clean
Internal cleanliness
means health.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softens the
food waste. The many
tiny muscles in the in
testines can then easily
remove it regularly. Ab-solutclyharmless-tryit.
Tht Modern Method
Iused for baby's clothci, will keep them
..., ami annwvwhlte until worn out.
I Try It and see foryourgelf. AimxenSe.
RamoTnDanarnlt-HtnptllalrFaw -Dt
Reitores Color and I
Saaulr to Cray and Faded UiM
ntwni Ctie-n. W ka. fatf hogu. W. T.
HINDERCORN3 nmora Onma, Cat
Ioujo. etc, itopa all pain, enturas comfort to tlia
rrrt. make nalklne ear. 16u. hy mall or at Dnur.
SUto. Utaeox Chemical Wora,rtcJiujrao,li.Y.
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
Sotp 25c, Ointment 25 mJ 50c, Talcaa25c.
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(K.ibtrauu Kodak Co.)
Dept. K. 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb.
Enslow Floral Co.
131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Nc'b.
DATPNTQ Wotaon E. Coloman.
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