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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1921)
BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF !"iiilM"WMWWMOWBaMMMWWWMWMIMWWWMM H. m t i- ; -4 -fr 1 . ( t t I 1 i i H '&.' B - WSHHMMWHHKKH M AS TOLD TO US h M K K H H W M H S! K H H H K H H Kilt nnd drink Uafo. lit PciiM'll ,fe tf I" Opt 8 Isadore Johnson spent Hastings, Sunday in Frank Starr Aurora. spent Thursday In Mrs. Androw Saludcn spent Thurs day in Hastings. Henry Kconcy of Cowles the city Tuesday. was in Mrs. J. A. Hurden spent day in Hastings. Wedncs- lSuddy, Kail lti xml .lulu Tlio Amurl can Legion till- month. Mibs Margaret Dickson went Kansas City Tuesday morning. to Dr. C. D. Lciby was a passenger to Lincoln Monday morning. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Red Cloud nnd Nelson will play foot ball here next Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Homer Hancy went to YoiTc Monday morning to visit relatives and friends. . Mr. and Miv. Joe Crow of Kcpubli con City spent the weekend with relatives here. v Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hauck returned home Friday after spending a few days in Omaha. V. W. Cowdcn went .to Ticnton Tuesday morning to attend to some business matters. Ux-Shi vice Moil, 1. MX) CCO Comrades Invito You to .loin TUB AMBUICAN LISGION this iinntli Mrs. Ida Cummings went o Lin coln Tuesday morning to attend the Kcbckah Grand lodge. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wulkcr, Mrs. Hcckwith nnd Mrs. I. 0. Walker spent Thursday in Hastings. 4 Ait Nelson went to . Benkelman Tuesday evening to do some plumbing woik for 13. V. Stevens. Mrs. John Arnell nnd -baby went to Fremont Tuesday morning to visit her mother and friend. Claude Pierce went to Crete Mon day to attend a state conference of the- Congiegational churches. ; Mrs. George VnnCnmp and daugli ter of Lincoln are visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Damorell. A. T. Walker and V. II. Thomas went to Eldorado, Kanas Tuesday to attend to some business matter. Mrs. R. V. Nicholson and baby de parted Sunday-for St. James, Minne sota where she will visit hr parent". Mrs. Elizabeth Foe returned home Monday evening from Hastings where she had been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Butler and baby of Hastings spent Sunday hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler. Mrs. Helen Gamell, of Arapahoe, went to Hastings Friday morning after spending a few , days with friends here. Mrs. Chas. Etherton returned homo Thursday morning after spending a week with relatives at Orleans and Republican City. J". W. Manley and son returned home Monday evening via auto from Rod Oak, Iowa where they had been visiting relatives. Mr. and Al Slaby and son, Fred re turned homo Mondny afternoon from Oawker City, Kansas where they spent a few days. W. A. Maynnrd returned homo Tuesday evening from Kansas City where ho had been attending, to some business mailers. The American Legion nH meet Friday evening nt 3 o'clock in tho I. 0 Q. F. hall and the members are urged to he present. Yha FfllK AT dome lxpect you ilia ioteul'cm ALLAnour "OMAHA'S FUH &, yTjW VISIT CEI1TRE," THE SS&n5 IT Exhilarating BURLESK and VAUDEVILLE SuiteAlinv'PiUcJnithlV ll)Mlrl, PiumvClimni (jorfjiKma i uulnnSo, I.r.lWtiut .Scenic niiiroumei)t. MATINEE DAJI.Y, 2:15; EVNGS. 6:20 . CVERVDODV COSfil AOK AMYDODY Alwyys ttj Cljtjflst ami test Show Wost ol Chlcaco v$?X wMl&Sl p tf "f v J&M& Helen Saxe and Kathlyn Tracey with fllO .G!plwm'R K5or lailOffl fftSfrlV5!. "Twml J Beds, which will be torium one night only, Thursday, vember 3rd. ltuy ltroHil at Powell and Pope's Mrs. C. 1). Crone loturncd to her home at Yoik Monday morning after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Peterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of Superior wcie in the city Thumlay evening witnessing the Girl at the Auditorium. Bohemian William Thompson ictuined to Benkelman Tuesday morning after .spending a few days here with his father, Harry Thompson. The Fannuis Institute piumiuin list appears elspwltpio In this pnper and owning to l.iulc of space we left oi t part of the school pioiniuitis Mr?. Prather of Houston, Texas,, went to Denver Thursday morning after spending a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. L 0. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith returned to thoiv homo at Wymore inuay. morning after spending n fow days with Row and Mf. W. II. Cope-. Dr. "Warrick T' o Specialist y 111 meet Ejc, Bar. Noie anl Tlnoat pattpnts and those needing jrlas'sc at Dc Dnmfrell'i offleo TiKsdny, Oct 2j llunr.2 t 0 Mrs. Chns. Starr and children re turned to their home at Yuma, Colo rado, Saturday evening after visiting Iter parent-?, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cor bctt. Harold Tumure departed Sunday evening for his home .at Portland, Oregon after spending a few dayj hero with his uncle F. G. Turnure and family. Mrs. Vernon Zeiss and children re turned to their homo at Trumbull Friday morning after'spending a fow days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sutton. Miss Hattie Christian returned Saturday from Tarkio, Mo., after a fow days with her sister, Mrs. Wade Tato and family, who accom panied her homo to visit her mother Mrs. J. L. Christian. THE HAZEL McOWEN STOCK COMPANY l 1 1 ii- i - ' ' ir i ' " " ' " " ii i i Actts. including the Hazel McOwen Jazz Orchestra. The above company will play Red Cloud every other Friday, beginning October 2 1 st, and will offer an entirely new program at each return. Don't fail to see the opening play which will make you a regular fan. That powerful comedy drama "LITTLE PEGGY G'MOORE" In Four Brilliant Acts. The prices have been arranged sq you can bring the whole family along. One mght (My Curt0in ot &30 ' today, Oct. 21st . . at the Besse Audi- No- ftl it DuHlrico Mi'Ki'iliiin anlved in the city Tuvhiy to visit i datives. Mrs. J. V. Hauck and Mrs. S. G. Peterson speqt Saturday in Hasting". Mr and Mis. Downey of Moulder, Cotor.ido arrived in the city Tuesdny to visit iclatlvis. Mis. Uiainlich, wifo of Prof. Giant licb of tho State Univetstty, will judge the Heme Economics Dopattiiietit tit the ruimeis Institute next week. The Degree of Honor met Tuesday evening ami a large number of mem bjts wcro present. After lodge closed the fouittt li vision nerved refresh- month Clifford Douglas arrived in tho city Sunday evening to lChuinc his posi tion at the Hatfield restaurant after spending the summer at Forest City, Missouri. j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilson re- turned, to their homo at Denver Sat urday evening after spending a week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Turnure. Mr. hnd Mrs. Chas. DickeiMm and daughter, Mrs. Dolly Shcppard", do parted thia morning for Marshal, Oklahoma where they will vKH thcjir son and brother, Clyde Dicker-on and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Black of Boul der, Colorado arrived in the city Sun day morning to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kalcy. They are enrouto to Chicago whore they expect to spend" the winter. Tuesday afternoon tho Webster County Farmers Union branch met in this city and reelected T. B. Wagon er President and J. M. Ryan Secre tary. Dan Garber was elected a dele gate to attend tho state convention. Lutheran Church Notes 0. It. Heinitz, Pastor Regular services arc held every (list and third Sunday In tho month In tho Adventlst church, Corner of 3rd Ave. and Walnut St Alf Harris spent Saturday in Hastings. Grant Friday. Turner was in Hastings, Mrs. Clara Sherer and Mrs. Andrew Snladcn .'.pent Saturday in Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith spent the weekend with his parents at Den ver. Mrs. Mamie Wascomb and children of Guide Hock spent the weekend here with friends. W. A. Mnynard accompanied flic stock shipment from hero to Kaiibns City, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell and son of Franklin were in the city Mon day afternoon. Ernest Campbell went to Grand Is land Saturday morning to spend n couple of weeks. Mrs. Mary Summers went to Lin coln Monday morning to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. C. 1). Itobinson and daughters, Mrs. Oliver Powell and .Miss Lucille .spent Friday in Hastings. Miss Kbba Gregeren, the operator aU the Commercial Advertiser office, spent the weekend with her parents at Mindon. T. D. Iticlinnlson returned homo the of the week from San Francisco, .California where he had been visiting hi? brother. A. H. Crabill shipped two cars of hogs to Kansas City Sunday. Dc laney Bios, also shipped u car of hogs to this imukct. Mr. and Mrs. Karl McKadden and children of Clay Center spent Sunday hero with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Hughes. C. C. McConkfiv vpliirripil to Grand IsIa,,(1 Saturday morning after visit- ing his d ng his daughter, Mrs. W. R. Lipptn- cott and family. Mr. and Mrs. L'nrl Hall auloed to Bird City, Kansas, Saturday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall. Miss Mary Christian, Mr. Joe Top It am and Mrs. Frank Lc o returned home Friday cvctdng ftom Columbus wheio they attended the W. C. T. U. Convention. Friday afternoon the Red Cloud foot ball team was defeated by a tcorc of ;!3 to 0 by Chester. While going to Chester in a Ford car the driver lost control and Earl Robertson was thrown thru tho windshield, his face was cut up considerable nnd several stitches wore taken to close the in juries. In the first three minutes of tho game James Minor had tho mis fortune to break his ankle and if these accidents had not occurred no doubt the game would have been dif ferent. T A . i aste Opening of Gir&le- Si&ck Presenting nothing but the best and latest releases at popular prices. High class Vaudeville Specialties will be introduced between the American Legion FRIDAY NIGHT OCT. 21st Admission $1.10 D N C BESSE AUDITORIUM 3)11 rwfflifffawssaaaiasKciwiig We Nlggerhead D Routt County Lump We sell for wny we sen el pi F 9 3 C Dr.ES.V. Nicholse'm DENTIST Red Cloud Nebraska is a ma e tobacco quality We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chester field arc of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Ligectt & Myers Tobacco Co. Chesterfield CIGARETTES ' of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended MUSIC BY KRO MATIC KIDS Spectators 20c 3J 3) Sell t-4 Plait land D cash that's cneaper. k4 TC 3 C THE HUGHES m Y Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS iM JH IB i of It V