The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1921, Image 6

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600,000 Vets of
War Are Jobless
Survey by American Legion
Shows Desperate Plight of
Men Who Went to Front.
Former Service Men Dattling Harder
Now and Under Greater Odds
Than They Fought In the
Trenches In France.
, ladlannpolls. Ilctwcen COO.000 nml
TOO.OOO eieruns of the World war are
out of employment and struggling for
existence, nccordlng to u survey com
pleted by the Amerlcnu Legion.
Jinny of these men, the survey dis
closes, are fighting harder now and
wider greater odds perhaps tlinn "they
fought In' the trenches.
The survey was conducted through
the 11,(M)0 posts or the Legion.
Pennsylvania alone reported 150,000
ex-servlco men out of worlc. The
New York Legion .department esti
mated 100,000 veterans Jobless In the
stole, and Illinois and Massachusetts
reported respectively H!i.000 and .'50,000
ex-service men out of work.
Ocorgln was the only Mate that re
ported Improvement In the unem
ployed situation. "Unemployment not
general enough to require aid from
Legion," was the report from that
Mnte. Iown reported that the Indus
tries In that state were showing signs
of life, although n serious condition
this winter was anticipated.
Situation la Decperate.
The report from I'ennsylvanla do
scribed conditions as deplorable and
the state of Washington advised ex
Ifcervlce men not to go to that state
jantll conditions Improved. Michigan's
unemployed war veterans were said
to number .10,000. hut Industrial con
ditions were reported na "better tlinn
two months ago."
Commenting on the sltuntlon which
tons come out of the business dopres
irton, the Amcrlcnn Legion Weekly
"Figure nlnne, however, do not tell
the plight of American unemployed
veternns, for the grenter part of these
jobless ex-soldlers and ex-snllors are
not only out of worlc, hut are engnged
At this moment In a struggle for ex
istence with their lincks to the wall
f circumstances. They nre for the
most part men who hno been econom
ically on the defensive pver since they
left their country's service. Mnny nre
men who found their old Jobs gone
when they took olT their uniforms, and
no other Jobs to be hnd. Those who
uticceedcd In discovering some work
ofter being discharged from tho army
or navy found they were pitted In re
morseless competition against men
who hnd not been In the service.
Mnny employers dealt with them by
the rule of Mast Idred. first tired.
Hard Winter Ahead.
"If they were lucky enough to hnve
savings from before the war nwaltlng
them when they were discharged,
thoe savings have long since dlsnp
penred. They found themselves with
out funds enrly In the period of In
dustrial depression which sot In while
tills country wns getting bnck to n
peace-time basis. Workers who hnd
been employed jdondlly nt high wages
during the war were able to coast Into
the depression period living on their
snvlngs. but for many months unem
ployed ex-servl"e men have been, per,
force, little more than Industrial scav
engers, compelled to seek odds and
ends of work desperately to meet their
ulmplest necessities. The more for
tunate hmo been largely dependent
upon relatives and kindly friends.
Those lacking these have been roam
ing from city to city, restlessly seeking
work. Many of them have wives and
New. Guardian of
3fa2BBBBBBSr'feL ifBBBBBa Hi
BBHlVve vi'- fm&i V,
OiJsBBsBJisissllBliSr" " ME. , w
BBBBHBBHsBBViBn'KBBBHBBVAb'Vfe'lV l At BfMv -.'ifk ft
BBBBBBBBiiBBatEfigjaitMBM i.3R .WWl: f VJPx2HfqmB.'i. '; - Ctf- .tmVl,'i
mmmmmmmmmmKmMmmmmimmmm '
Old Hoy Is the new wutch dog of the White House, who has recently ar
rlred to keep Laddie Boy company, He ,1s llvo mouths old and wns given to
Mrs. Ilurdlng by & friend In Washington,
children, fnthcrn hnd mothers, depend
ent upon them for support.
"Now that business depression has
become Intensified and the ranks of
the unemployed swelled by the addi
tion of millions of men who hnd been
holding Jobs until u few mouths or
even weeks ago, the lot of the long
unemployed veteran In such that com
passlnnnto Americans need not look to
Hussln, to Hungary and tho other
Tomb of Dante
taV Iwik JtLtRjai bK"'" i4 v";
KMfMKMmihiiMih-lAhtr V ton pa iiS&lv-B5wiHr
f JaMJij3AiwBMMPlKBMM!'j
JsK3rsBIPI?IliwflBSlKsK??5!S nRaVLLHI
The six hundredth anniversary of the death of Dante coming this year,
thousands of tourists uro visiting the beautiful gothlc tomb of tho Italian poet
In Veronn.
Plan Big Fight
Against Cancer
American Society for Control of
Cancer Announces a "Na
tional Cancer Week."
Informative Literature Will Be Carried
to Every Corner of the Country
Causes 10 Out of 100 Deaths
Among Those Over Forty.
New York. Tho Amcrlcnn Society
for the Control of Cnncer. which, since
Its organization fn 10KI. has been
fighting cancer with facts, sent out
from Its headquarters, 23 West For-ty-llfth
street, New York, unnounces
an unusual feature of Its already re
markable campaign.
This Is it "National Cancer week,"
which will begin October 80 and end
November 5.
The purpose of tho effort, the most
comprehensive and Important In the
society's career, Is Intended to carry
facts concerning cnncer to as mnny
persons In the United Stntes and Can
ndu as can be reached through tho
piofcsslomil and lay press, by lec
tures and by the sprend of Informntlve
literature. The work will bo carried
on by the foremost physicians mid
surgeons In the country who special
ize In tho control of this drend dis
ease; by state and city health olllcers
and by tho public-spirited citizens,
who have given much of their time and
the White House
stricken nntlons of Europe for.humnn
Buffering to touch their heartstrings.
"The plight of unemployed veternns
Is sorlous enough today, llut winter
Is Just around tho comer. Open-air
work will soon cense. The linrvests
which hnve provided temporary work
for many will soon he gathered. Park
benches and "doorwnys will uoou be
untenable at night.
"This Is the situation that faces
the American Legion and the Ameri
can people today. Scarcely having
finished the campaign to relleo tho
hardships of the physically disabled
veterans of the World war, the Ameri
can Legion Is now realizing that It
faces another campaign of equal mng
nltude to save Its comrades who havd
become economic casualties."
in Verona, Italy
considerable of their money to the
Will Spread Message.
The society's organization Is on ex
ceptionally elllclcnt one, and the mes
sage or the "Cnncer week" will be car
rled to the remotest corners of the
country. It Includes regional direc
tors, stnto chairmen nnd local commit
tees, all working under the direction
of Dr Chnrlcs A. Powers, president.
Assisting Doctor Powers nre such men
of note as Dr. Robert Abbe, one of the
foremost authorities on cancer In
America; Dr. James Kwlng, patholo
gist of Cornell university; Dr. G. E.
Armstrong of Montreal, noted Canadi
an surgerfn; Dr. Joseph C. Woodgood
of Johns Hopkins university, Unltl
more; Dr. William J. Mayo of Ilochcs
ter, Minn. ; Dr. Clement Cleveland, for
many years head of the Woman's hos
pital In Now York: Dr. Francis Car
ter Wood, director of the Crocker
inncer research laboratory, Columbia
university, nnd bend of the board of
scientists, nnd mnny other prominent
specialists. f
Since Its Inception the society has
maintained thnt nccurate information
concerning cnncer Is the best mentis
known to lower tho mortality of this
disease. It was believed, nnd It hns
since been proved, thnt n large num
ber of cases can bo cured If taken In
hand early, and Its efforts hnvo been
directed toward urging persons to seek
competent ndvlce the Instant they rec
ognize nny of tho symptoms made
plnln by the society's campaign of ed
ucation. In this policy the society nt
first met uutugonlsm from thnt ele
ment which considered cnncer a dis
grace nnd which believed tho less Bald
about It the better.
Decrease In Deaths.
Those Interested in this educational
movement uro extremely encouraged
by the fact that during tho Inst three
years deaths from cnncer hnve, for
the first time In twu decades, shown
a slight decrease. It does not claim
that all this decrenso Is due to Its
enmpalgn, hut It heltavcs that Its cam
paign hns had somothlng to do with
it, and Intends to push Its work In tho
future oven more vlsjorously than In
tho past.
Some Idea of the lavages of cancer
mny be had from the fact that It
causes ten out of every hundred
deaths In this country where the vic
tims nro mote than Tor:y years old;
that about 83,000 diaths a year are
recorded, and that tbir mortality among
women Is considerably greater than
among men. Womet. are exceptional
ly susceptible to this disease, hut It Is
gratifying to know that If the symp
toms are early recognized a great ma
jority of cases maj be cured. He
cause people are better Informed, early
diagnoses are more ommoit now than
In the past, and, moivovor, thouipthndi
of treatment, which nw Include indium
and the X-ray, are hrromliig nioreltud
more efllclent anil ef'ectlve.
During "National Cancer week"
there will he lectuivs In many cities
by the foremost anthnrllles on can
cer, the distribution of literature nt
these lectures; nctldtles by the de
partments of hfiiltii throughout the
country nnd by the medical societies,
and the publication of numerous arti
cles In the medical aid luy press.
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Sugar beets In the Gibbon section
nre yielding from ten to fifteen tons an
acre. The dumps here were opened
the first of the week.
Work has been resumed on the con
struction of the Medical Arts building,
In Omaha. The building will be 17
stories high and will cost about $1,000,
00. A special election at Itandolph re
sulted In favorable action on a $03,000
bond Issue by the city. The bonds will
be used to pay the present debt of the
Former Senator James Brady of Al
bion was arrested at Lindsay on it
charge of driving an automobile with
out a license number.
. A boy's band with .'10 members hns
been organized. The band will hold
concerts weekly and he the olllchtl
hand for the Sidney Chamber of Com
merce. The oldest son of Minimis Buhl, liv
ing four miles south of Lindsay, shot
a golden eagle. The bird weighed 11
pounds and Its spread of wings from
tip to tip Is SI Inches,
The Grand Island Aero company
and E. Snyder and O. E. Wazee of
Hastings have announced plans for an
aviation meet at Hastings October 20
to 22. Twelve aviators vlll partici
pate. William Illchle, jr., of Omaha wns
elected department commander by the
Nebraska American Legislation at the j loans from the funds of the war
closing session of the annual conven-1 finance corporation Is pouring Into the
Hon which was held In Kremont. j olllce of Carl Weil, of Lincoln, vice,
Over the protests of property own-1 president of the corporation, Mr. Well
ers, the board of commissioner of j announced. Hundreds of letters ask
Sharpy county decided to go ahead Ing advice and Information renrdln
with the paving of the boulevard from .
the Sharpy county Hue two miles to
the Baldwin Grove road.
A check for $1,0:1:1 was received by
Earl Smith near Ord for the cream
produced by ten Ilolsteln cows during
the past year. Besides the check
calves were raised on the fcklmmed
milk nnd sixty head of pigs were pro
vided with some milk.
The International Aero congress to
be held In Omaha, November ;i-3 Is
going to bring not less than 10.000 vis
itors to the city it Is said. Scores of
ships and hundreds of airmen are ex
pected to be here for the meet.. The
new dying field In the north part of the
city Is being prepared for the reception
of the ships.
Plans are under way for the organ
ization of tho Northwest Nebraska Ag
ricultural Loan association at Valen
tine. This association will be formed
to facilitate obtaining funds from the
war finance corporation under the
plans made known during the recent
visit of Eugene Meyer, Jr., managing
Apple trees loaded with blossoms on
October 1, despite several frosts In
September, Is a natural freak noted
on the ranch of John Plessell, north
of O'Neill. The large orchard Is In
full bloom nnd the blossoms are abund
ant nnd hnrdy. This Is believed by
local horticulturists to be the farthest
point north at which the phenomenon
hns been observed this late In the year.
The young twigs and branches on the
trees also contain numerous buds.
Herman Harris suffered ugly wounds
on the left arm and on the leg when a
shotgun exploded in his hands while
hunting, south of Hastings. His com
panions Frank and Glenn Stlner, stop
ped the flow of blood with a tourniquet
nnd rushed him to the hospital In a car,
probably saving his life. Harris put n
heavily loaded shell into Stlners' gun,
which was nn old model and light.
When he pulled the trigger, the breech
flew off and the upper part of tho
barrel was torn aw.iy.
In ft! counties from whfch State
Superintendent Matzen has received
reports, the total net shortage of
teachers October 1, was 111 as com-,000,
pnred with 47H for the entire state
at the time of the Inst reports under
date of September 12. Mr. Matzen
comments that this Indicates n mnrked
improvement In the situation. Lie -
onsed teachers from neighboring stntes
hnve come In nnd nre filling the vnenn-
ties. They can do-so without tnklng
examinations. Thirteen counties re -
ported a surplus, aggregating IIS while
i 'otners mm just onoiigii to supply
thelr own needs.
Inspector Dan Parry of Chadron,
probably saved the life of Joseph Her
ger, switchman, when lie pulled the
latter away from tho tracks after a
train had cut .off his foot which had
been caught In it switch joint.
Eugene Meyer, head of the War
Flnnnce committee of the government,
in Omaha recently, asserted that plans
are being matured by which money will
be loaned lit a low rate of Interest to the
farmers of the count ty, to aid them In
carrying on their activities. Mr. Meyer
asserts that $100,000,000 has been nr
ranged for through banks, to go to
fnrmers of the west and northwest.
The aiinual meeting of the Nebraska
State Teachers' association will be held
j In Omaha November 0-11. Five thous -
nnd teachers ami educators are ex-
: pccieii,
Federal Judge Woodrough has signed Beatrice was called. Most of tho fur
a decree authorizing tho public sale ' nlshlngs wero saved. Tho loss will ho
! of all the property of the bankrupt
company in tuo nun ut sciiiiyier.vanicii
at several bundled thousand dollars,
The company was thrown Into bank
ruptcy more than n month ago on
petition of Carl Modesltt.'ono of the
stockholders. Tho Peters Trust com
pany nnd William 'J, Coad are receivers.
Arapahce hns let the contract to
construct sanitary sewers In District
No. 2.
A few fnrmers In Gnge county hnve
begun withering corn, which Is yielding
well. The season Is about two weeks
earlier than Inst year, and n consider
able amount of the grain is now In
Bhape to be gathered.
Chins nnd Thomns Frahm of Hast
ings have deeded their residence, val
ued nt .flll,000, with all furnishings, to
Sunnyshle, a home for old people con
ducted under the sponsorship of tho
Hastings Woman's club.
The body of Edgar M. Doty found
In n gravel pit one and a half miles
west of Grant where he was killed by
a cave In of loose earth. He left town
late In the evening for it load of gravel
nnd was not missed until the next
The 12,000,000 chickens In Nebraska
produced .l.'.OOO.OOO worth of eggs this
past year, according to estimates mado
by the state department of agriculture.
In nddlton to the egg income, tho
chickens furnished .$18,000,000 worth
of delicious meat, which brought tho
total up to ?3:i,()00,()00.
i'iie Columbus chamber of commerco
has ofllcially endorsed the campaign
of the American Legion to build it per
manent home and has planned to co
operate In tho slllcltlng of the neces
sary funds. The Legion expects to
erect u building large enough to caro
for all comrades which may need help
because of dlsabllty.
A resolution tending to discourage
the holding' of Sunday funerals in
Beatrice was passed by the ministerial
association at a nieetlii;,' held here.
An ordinance supporting this move
ment was recently presented to tho
city commissioners, but was turned
A sternly stream of atmllcntlons for
making loans, under tho new svsloni
come In every day
Miss Gretchen Willlnms, 17, high
school girl and daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Williams, of Fremont, was
chosen the most beautiful girl In tho
city and featured In the "Beauty and
the Beast" picture taken during tho
American Legion convention. Glen
Coffey, editor of he Mid-West Veteran,
Lincoln, wns elected as the homeliest
and shared the picture with her.
Theodore M. Osterman of Central
City, veteran Nebraska legislator and
minority leader In the last session of
the legislature, will probably he a can
didate for governor on the democratic
ticket. Osterman wns visited by a del
egation of four democrntes nnd asked
to make the race. Hep. Henry Bock of
David City, wio was associated with
Mr. Osterman in the last legislative,
sesslni, was one of the delegation,
which called on tho Central City uinn.
October 1 was the apple day of tho
W. W. Winchester farm, two miles
south of Gibbon. The five-acre or
chard was sold out before noon, net
ting $2,230 to the owner. Mr. Win
chester has a unique way of selling
his apple crop. Each year the sale Is
October 1. No apples are sold until
thnt dny nnd the price Is within the
reach of all. This year the price was
3c a pound, which was much below tho
market. Speculators and dealers are
not solicited. The sales are made-to
nctual consumers.
A number of people In the vicinity
of Wnymore have reported that .their
fruit trees, mostly cherries, are In
bloom. For weeks there wns n period
of hot, dry weather and the trees re
duced their energies to a low ebb.
This was followed by good rains and
more warm weather which started tho
trees to growing again ni.d many of
them developed bloom. The blossoms
will be killed by tho frost In a short
time and the trees will bloom again
next spring, nurserymen say.
The state treasury during September
spent $220,000 more than It took In.
The total expenditures fids month
t were $SS0,000, a big drop over tho
expenditures of July, totnlllni: S 1.073.-
nnd August totalling $l,:i90,000.
The present system of having leg
islative appropriations come duo
months, in advance of the tnxpaylng
i period is leaving a big deficit of ap
1 proximately $1,300,000 in the general
fund which must be met by drawing
j on tho hnll Insurance nnd temporary
(school fund, which has a balance of
about $1,000,000. This money will bo
; refunded to those funds upon the re-
celpt of the tnx money which will he-
ein pouring In In n short time.
The Elks of Scottsbluff have started
a drive for funds to begin the erection
of it home to cost approximately $100,
Bobbers tunneled, unmolested,
through the brick wnll of the vault In
the First National bank at Gresham,
ransacked about fifty safe deposit
boxes and escaped with about $.r.000
in war savings stamps, liberty bonds
and cash, Tho money vault was not
tampered with. Entrance was imlnod
to the bank by menus of a pass key, j
olllclals said. Private papers lu tho
deposit boxes were scattered nbout tho
floor hut not destroyed.
The Methodist church nt Adams was
tuactlcallv destroved hv lire. It stnrt-
Jod In the coal room In tho basement,
presumably from Fpontnucnus com-
Ibuston. The fire department from
about $10,000, partially covered liy In-
, surance.
The first number of the free lecturo
course was presented at Uimdlllu to n
packed house. The lecturo course was
paid by tho free will subscription of
tho business men and others interested
in tho community and no admission Is
charged at the door.
Even a sick child loves tho "fruity",
taste of "California I-ijj Syrup." If tho
little tongue is conted, or If your child
Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold,
or has colic, a tenspoonful will never
fall to open the bowels. In a few
hours you can see for yourself how
thoroughly It works nil the constipa
tion poison, sour bile nnd waste from,
the tender, little bowels nnd gives you
a well, playul child Again.
Millions of mothers keep "Cnllfornla
Fig Syrup" hnndy. They know n ten
spoonful today saves a sick child to
morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which hns di
rections for babies nnd children of all
Dgcs printed on bottle. Mother I You
must sny "California" or you mny get
an Imitation fig syrup. Advertisement.
Every time a man makes love to
his wife he makes a profltuhle In
There is only one medicine that really
itands out pre-eminent as n medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the
highest for tho reason that it has proven
to bo just the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly br
cause its mild and immediate effect is coot
realized in moat cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at U
drug store in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you -wish first to test this
(treat preparation pond ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertioement.
It tnkes money to mnko money,
Xos, and a great deul of something.
Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con
tains directions so simple any woman can
dye or tint her worn, ohabby dresses,
skirts, waiBts, coats, stockings, sweaters,
coverings, draperies, hangings, everything,
even if she has never dyed before. Bar
"Diamond Dyes" no other kind then per
fect home dyeing is sure because Diamond
Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade,
streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether
the material you wish to dye is wool or
tilk, or whether it is linen, cotton or
mixed goods. advertisement.
Timely Advice.
"I want to leave footprints on the
sands of time."
"Well, keep out of the mud."
Don't Forget Cutlcura Talcum
When uddlng to your toilet requisites.
An exquisitely scented face, skin, babr
.and dusting powder and perfume, ren
dering other perfumes superfluous.
You may rely on It because ono of tho
Cutlcura Trio (Soap, Ointment and
Talcum). 25c each everywhere. Ad
vertisement. Modern Girls' Progress.
Say what you wunt to about tho
modem girl, her costumes nnd her
munncrs she has nt least emancipated
herself from tjie cllnglng-vlne stngo
of development. Detroit Free Press.
Ilnby's little dresses .will Just simply
dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try It nnd Bee for your
self. At all good grocers, Cc -Advei
Tho wild wnves ure like soma
people they make a lot of noise and
say nothing.
Any woman who doesn't enre how
her hair looks In the back Is des
perately 111.
DyClngtStCtnutn, STEARNS'
Ready for Use Dattar Than Trapa
Direction In 1G language In eierj box.
Hats, Mice, Gockroacliei, Ants and WaUtrben
lfBtroj food anil proportjr and ara carrier or
lttraae. Stinrna' Eltctrlc I'aiti lurcts tbsis Mtta
to run Irani the building for ftatcr and (reib ale
Uo and 11X0. "Monor back 1 1 lt aUs."
I), H, Government bojs 1U
Keep Fit
Bowel regularity is tho
secret of good health.
Without forcing or irri
tating, Nujol softenstho
food waste. The many
tiny muscles in the
intestines can then re
move it regularly. Abso
lutely harmless try it.
I y&is