The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 13, 1921, Image 1
if 1 ' . . V ' r. 'K r , - . ic a ' iTTIftV' V 1 "i " . j i .w. . V . .. 1 . U. ! " .1 L i r J I I i :- fj 'ssssV SSF Farmers' Institute October 25ito,28th--Bigger and Better Than Ever M '.,. . i! ' i ;.'5L ,--,, itiiMr.-r-T-ir-ri VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 13. 1921 NUMBER 41. Photographs Do You Need Any This Fall? Now is a good time to get them as we are making a Special Price of $6.00 and $7.00 A DOZEN FOR A SHORT TINE ONLY. Sec The Styles in The Street Case THE GLEASON STUDIO Red Cloud Farmers Institute Booster Trip Next Wednesday Get ready for the UonHters trip next Wednesday, tho time Is 0 a. m. t Plau to be on deck with your car hs I this trip must positively he a good one. The hand will be there. Tho Itinerary Is as follows; Start: Red Cloud at 0 a. m Lebanon for booster rally and luuoh. Arrive: Enbon 1:30 p. m. Otego 2:30 p. in. JJurr Oak 4:00 p. m. North Branoti 5:00 p. m Red Cloud 6:30 or 7 p. ji. Your enthusiastic support is expect ed. Red Cloud Clianihnr of Commerce. - m Beck's Side Ahead in Drive Tho niHinbeiuhln caiunnlirii whloh was InaKuratcd Inst Thuisdrty by the local American Legion Post is produc ing results. Captains Ur-ek and Pol nloky's learns are working diligently und have boomed a luig number of now membeis. If both teams keep up with the pep they huvo started out with there will be veiy fow ex-service Country Club Organized Monday ovouiug a largo number of our citizens met ut the Commercial Club rooms and organized a Country Club for the purpose of having a golf club or "cow pasturo pool" and those who have' been playing tills game are pleased with the interest being shown in this organization The following ofllcors wore elocted: D H. Kaley, President. Isadore Johnson, Secretary. S R. Florance, Treasurer. Floyd Turnure, Ned Grimes and A. ti. Holos, O rounds Committee. The club Is starting out with a mem bership of thirty und they have secur ed u sixty acre plot on the Eihclman farm southwest of this city and It is said tills is an Ideal place for playing golf. Hereford Breeders Make Tour One of the most enjoyable und edu cational events took place Tuesday which has oocurrod since the tlrst Re gisteied Hereford made his appearance In Wi'tistcr Rniinf.v Rl.nrt.lnir nt Mr. ...uhu.. wu.i;i iuv i;a.-oi:ivii.ui - - '- "j ' - - "r. - - men In this community who do not be-j Kculey's place east of liladen and com A WORD ABOUT PERSONAL SERVICE i YOUR purchasejsf .ajwatch or a diamond, x of silver tableware or personal jewelry, will be much more satisfactory ir your choice is guided by expert advice. We are always glad to help our patrons with suggestions, to give them the benefit of our years of experience. This service costs nothing, but adds immeasurably to your satisfaction. Ask to see "1835 R. Wallace," Heaviat Silver Plate. J Vi ii X i TrK.". uuftwAl tm Iffeo jol . a'Jl tit i w it i ot Mil IT fong to this organization Reek's side is In tho lead but "Pink'' expects to send his "mopping up squad" over the top at zero hour and secure several members which tho other side knowjiothing of. Anyhow both teams feel that by securing a large number of now members they are not worrying about paying for the "chow" for tba new membors. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN lAMArW!MWVMVVAVVVV Are You Buying Dependable ;. COAL? That is The Kind We Sell Alarm Clocks A new slock of Westclox Alarms BIG BENS SLEEPMETERS BABY BENS ' AMERICAS pleting the tour nt Alf Nolan's all the Ureedors of Ilerefords made the tour visiting all tho herds and it must bo said that before loug Webster County will be noted for having some of tho best ilerefords that arc raised anywhere. Time and space will not permit giv ing a full account of tho different .berda and their cheif herd Blres but the men who are commencing in the Hereford breeding business are men who do things. Tboy arc reliable men and it you dont think they show hos pitality just visit their place and see if thoy are not good fellows. Some of the largest herds visited be ing Frank Roan's, Frank Cathcr's and Uurl May', the smaller breeders while not so large In members they make up the dUrereuco In quality. In nil it was an enjoyable evctit.nud it was unani mously agreed to make it an annual event. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS TRULY AWAKENED At the regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night there weije over forty members present and much real work was accomplished. C. J. Piatt made a motion that the Secretary be instructed to write the State Engineer asking why the State road-working force cannot work the road between Red Cloud and the Coun ty lino when not working elsewhere Motion carried. The Booster trip for the Farmers' Institute was arranged for October 19th to start from Red Cloud at 9 a. m. The Committee from the Farm ers' Institute will arrange for cars to carry the hand, while the Commit tee from the Chamber of CommcrccJooucerniK tho matter of stopping I Malone Gellatly Co. I vwuvw. WWUVWUVWI UWArVWJWWftWWUV.SVJ"JV- Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack k Amack UNDERTAKING RED CLOUD, NEB : BOTHPHONES 5 ; L T. AMACK-P1 10NE IND. 76M 2 tMMrWUWWUWWWmrVWU . have already made arrangements for the band, and will endeavor to get as many business men and their cars on the trip as possible. Mr. Art McArthur and a committee from the American Legion asked the co-operation of the Chamber of Com merce for Armistice Day Celebration. A committee was appointed to. meet with tho Legion and find out definite ly .what kind of a program was con templated and report at the next regu lar meeting October 25th. Mr. Polnicky and Mr. Caldwell ap peared before the Chamber asking that tho band be paid two dollars a man for each of the two parades dur ing tho Farmers' Institute expressing the willingness of the band to play the Booster trip free. After some discussion Judgo Blacklcdgo said he would donate twenty-five dollars to wards this and tho Chamber through President Hamilton guaranteed tho rest of the amount needed. Mr. Frank Cowden reported that nearly ovorv merchant had agreed to have a flout in the Civic Pnrado at tho Farmers' Institute. Any merchant who has nt yet mndn up his mind to thN plw'd do "0 at onco and report to Mr. Cowdon. A commUteo consisting of J. C. Mitchell and Sntvuol Hardman was appointed to moot with tho Ladies Civic Improvement League at tho Library on Wednecdnv. Other rouMno mnttors wore attend ed to and tho meotfnir adjourned nt 9:30. Henry Pharos of Central City nr- Notice Stock Shippers The State Railway Commission an nounce that they will hold a mcoliiig Tuesday, October 18th, at 10 a m , ut their olllces in Lincoln for conferonco cabooses or coaches, which are provid ed for shippers, at convenient places upon nrrlval of stock shipments at their destination, or whero stoppage is made for feeding or for loading, or for change of curs The law is very clear in tho matter of coaches or cabooses which have been provided shippers or caretakers accompanying shipments of llvo stock, being stopped at suitable places for their discharge and reception. Tho object of this meeting will bo to bear any complaints that shippers might have muko with regard to this matter. Representatives of tho carr iers will bo present. Tho commission ODutcmplatos making a personal in vostlgatlon as to tho practloo of tho cairiers concerning this matter nt tho important stopping points and tcrtni. nals. Robert Potter returned to Okmul gee, Oklahoma tho first of tho week after spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pot ter. A large number from he;D attended tho ball game at Franklin Sunday afternoon. Tho Blue Hill team, with Clavence Mitchell on tho mound, and Dad White's all Star team from Kan sas, with Lefty Bailey on the mound put up tho best game that has been played in southern Nebraska for many years. Bluo Hill won tho gamo by a score of 3 to 1. Mitchell 'hit two singles which mado homo runs for him and also struck out twenty men while Bailey struck out seventeen. This gamo demonstrated tho dif- nved in tho city Wedncsdny morning fprenco between pitchers out hero in to visit Ids mother, Mrs. Barbara tho short grass country and those who rJiarC3' ' nre,ln the gig leagues. We Mike 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right E.H. Newhouse Red ciou j Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbmk ill V y sz- & 't is EASY to wash PYREX 0 Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX i3 the original the first transparent oven wnre and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes nnd sizes for every practical bnking purpose. It is n saver or nmc, luel and dishwashing drudgery. SJrSyr I TRINE'S HARDWARE GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wo do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. GRANT CHRISTY 4;