u r V i fl ft S X I ' . rt -ta,8l,,y-.lorlH, rZTEIViKl CSiSS A Newspaper That 6lves The' News Flfty-tw Weeks Each Year Nr VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 6, 1921 NUMBER 40. ATTENTION! W. A. Stevens Film Attractions present Ex-Sergeant C. W. Stevens Company C, 353rd In!., 89th Div., With his WORLD ft JtlJ.1l FILMS ' 5000-Feet Front Line Pictures-5000 Not a hashed up War Drama nor staged in Army Training Camp, but ACTUAL FRONT LINE PICTURES Educational -Authentic - Historical ACTION ALL THE WAY THROUGH Every Real American Should See This! Added-A GOOD COMEDY-Added COMING EESSE AUDITORIUM t-mwwwww imp inum i '!.KVf STTH 2B"! R H Rj 9 S & W nondav WmV0W MJMtHNMUMM g tax Y Q I W j"" V """vvv fl IS fl ( .'ii I 1 VV IM?M7 .' (fo .Q. - 3: Iff I W$f in i J. C- MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Isador Johnson Becomes Partner in Furniture Co. A deal whs cousutnatod tho last of the week whereby Mr. Isadore John son purchased an interest in the Gra ham Furniture Company's business in tlils city and the firm will oporato in the future under the style of Johnson as urauam Furniture Company. Mr. Johnson has been munager of the Graham Furniture store hero for the past two years and has proved himself a competent and conservative business man and the business hns thrived under his successful nianne. moot, The com pan. 7 have addod Vic toiolas, Victor lecords and sheet music to their line besides having one of the most complete stocks of furniture In the entire country. Tho business will continue undor the personal direction of Mr. Johnson. RED CLOUD, NEDRASKA MtMPWi rjWT iri MiitWM I fM" JITWHIKHh HH4W w nays - ucr. I Next Sunday and ! Prices 20c and 40c Includim Benefit American Legion A WORD ABOUT PERSONAL SERVICE VOUR purchase of a watch or a diamond, of silver tableware or personal jewelry, will be much' more satisfactory it your choice is guided by expert advice. We are nlwayo glad to help our patrons with suggestions, to give them the benefit of our years of experience. 1 hi9 service costs nothing, but adds immeasurably to your satisfaction. Ask to see "1835 JR. Wallace ." Heaviest Silver Plate. The Bohemian Girl The subscription sale to thu Dunbur English Operu Company which will sing ltonemttin Ctrl at tin- Ueso Audi toriiitu Thuisil.iv, October l.Hli. is still open lor rosei vatious All requests 1110 being filled in the order of their receipt -U. Ralph Dunbur, thu well known Chi cago producer bus given his operas a gorgeous setting and tiic appearance Here will mark an epoch in musical and theatrical annals. Thu btar role ill tho operu Is being sung by Lornu Uoouu Jackson, whose interpretation hist season of tho capricious "Carmen" was warmly acclaimed by critics thru out tho United States. Miss Jackson is possessed of a wonderful voice of great range and dramatic power. Chamber of Commerce and I Business Men's Lunch' DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS District Court opened Monday morning with Judge Blacklcdge on the bench, with Lee Johnston acting as officiul Court Reporter. The jury cases were continued until next Monday morning, at which time the jury was notified to appear. The following cases will probably be tried to tho jurf: William Hicks and Elmer Fogg vs Webster county'. Johnston 11. Wisccarver vs Roscoc Hurch. Arthur M. Householder vs Peter ..Mi-pel et al. Other ca-cH d'.-posed of by the court wore as follows: j State vs Chcrral R. -Koontz, dis missed. j State vs Lloyd Crabill, continued for , term. State vs Murel Fentress, sentence of .'10 days additional in jail, on pica of guilty. State vs Rhine Birkner, sentence of .10 days additional, in jail, on pica of guilty. Tolloy vs Slawson, continued for term. Starr vs C. B. & Q. Ry, continued Johan Pohl vs Charles Reddon, sale confirmed. David Z. Muzzcrt vs Charles Rod don, continued. Alice Bessie Mcintosh vs Edgar Mcintosh, continued. Tho Clarke Buchanan Co. vs Harris, settled. Grace Hume vs Robert J. Hume, divorce for plaintiff and custody of child. Luther C. Brown vs Willard A. Brown, continued. Vaughan A. Hall vs William Kittoll, settled and dismissed. Fred Goll vs Adolf Stumphenhorst, continued. John Barkley vs Guy Merrill, con tinued. Effio Holcoml) vs John Holcomh, continued. John A. Elliott vs William D. Gut shall, continued. James W. Auld vs Louisa F. Han sen, confirmation of sale. Charles It. Bossc vs Cora E. Brcrc ton et al, continued. D. W. & F. G. Turnurc vs Board of County Commissioners, continued. Ruby Schouberg vs Henry Ander son, continued. ' Chcrral R. Koontz- vs Forest L. Koontz, sale ordered. ' Mrs. Anna Kemples vs Gcorgo Kcmples, continued. John Cummings ct al vs.- Samuel Garber etsnl, continued. On Monday last the first monthly Booster Luncheon was served iu tho Masonic Hall to over sixty of our lead ing business and professional men and women. The Indies of the Eastern Star serv. cd'the elegantly cooked chicken, sweot potatoes etc in their most admirable manner. As the affair was lamely in tho inter est of good roads tho Secretary was in structed to invite tho County Comtuiss ioners who, it was thought would bo in Session. Only one of them showed up, viz Mr. Stumphonhotst of Itltio Hill. Mr. Fdiibch was present and hud expected to bring Mr. Iloainerfrom the State Agricultural College to address the meeting. Mr lioomer did not arrive however nntl Mr Fitusch made a very capable substitute. Fir.st addressing those present upon tho importance of the Furtneis Institute ho swung mound upon the topic of roads and made a, splcnd'd opening for discussion. j Mr. Connie Starke, Mr. Frisbie, I)r Damorell, Mr. Frank Cowden and oth-' ors discussed the matter most inter estingly. Mr. Stumphenhorst and Mr. Perry were both called on for a few remarks and at the end of the meeting upon motion, of F. W. Cowden the Road Committee of the Chamber of Com. niecce Arranged to meet with the Coun ty Commissioners on Tuesday after noon' for disoussion as to how to get at this matter. We understand that as a consequence of this meeting the Commissioners agreed to take care of the worst places on the road East and informed the committee that tho road South was al ready boing graded. It you are u booster gut your reserva tion for the next lunch by seeing J. C. Mitchell, Dave Kaley or Ed GarDer. "Listen to Me" Pleases The Auditorium Patrons See The New TABARD SILVER We Hike 'Quality' RightThen the Price Right B.Ii. NewtiQtise Red aoud Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbr$k "Listen to M," r nmsinal eiruv.i. ItnoKa iu which about thirty pe p!e took putt wai presented at the l' - e Andlloiiubi '.:. t JjutuUy vui.mg ij a very appreciative- iiousu The uiiiipio hceuery and clevi-r ec'ru-al lighting "! Hifiied greatly to the success of the show. The costumes wore splendid, tho music good, and the graceful movements of the many trained (lanc ers gteutly delighted those present. Tho entile entertainment was absolu tely clean, very humorous and a treat to tho people of Uod Cloud ami vioiu- ' ity. Messrs. lietz, Mercer and Blake assisted in thu orchestra. The management of thu Auditorium is to be congratulated on securing at tractions of this class for the local theatre. 1 J Stt is EASY to wash PYREX I Large Audience Hears Noted Artists in Recital Thursday The recital tendered tho music lovers of this city last Thuisday evening by Mr. E II. NuwhoiibO In which Emer&on j Williams and .Mist Jean MucXeii as 'sisted by Chester Gujiord, threo world 1 famous artists In their line sang and rouderod instrumental selections iu comparison with thnir own voices and ' performance as re ci eated by tho new Edibou phonograph, was one of tho most splendid entertainments of the season. Thu Auditorium was packed to Its utmost and chillis weio brought iu to providu beats for many, Thu numbers as rendered and their ro crea tion on tho new Edison were identical! I Except for tho movement of tho lips of tho performer it would have been, im ' possible to tell thu actual voicu from its re-creation. To provo this conclu sively Miss MaoNnil began singing, tho lioiibu wad darkened, and as Iter I voico came forth clear and sweet, thu . lights wore turned on and Mr. New I houso stood before the audience, the sluglug was belnn' recreated by tho ' phonograph, t Nothing can adhere to it3 hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes and size for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver or time, tucl and dishwashing drudgery. iLmrnmmnmumhiummfam '.X" TRINE'S HARDWARE GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. GRANT CHRISTY