The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1921, Image 7

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Happenings In Life Stranqcr
Than Fiction.
t "Cut-throat Castle," Quilt
(Prepared by the National Otox ipblo Bo
claty, WaJililUKtnn. D. ; )
An luttTimtloiml commission ofllclnl
ly roles tlio destinies of "tliu Zone
of the Straits." Only slnco tho World
war bus It been it "zone." Kor cen
turies It wub the heart of Turkey the
DardanellcH, Marmora, the Bosphorus.
Over It mxt not a commission, but uul
ttuuu and caliphs, Jealous of the dem
vnatruted power of political Islnm.
And ages curlier Byzantine Greeks,
and before them their Ionian and
l'eloponneslan cousins ruled those
samo straits. The new commission
does not llnd Ita rule unquestioned.
Descendants of Turk and Greek
Turkish rotels, In open revolt against
the commission, and modern Greeks,
entirely willing to rulo In Its stead
aver the Important waterways of their
fathers nre fighting It out In the Near
Eat; and the IJlnclc sea and Its gates
are again a field of world events, while
HnBslans, Roumanians and Bulgarians,
and the great powers of the West look
on, all to be affected whatever the
This Is historic ground and water,
from the mouth of the Dardanelles at
the tip of the Galllpoll peninsulu, to
the point nearly 200 miles to the north
eastward where tho narrower Bosphor
us sucks a mighty stream of water
frm tho Black sea. Greek mythology
and legend flrst made them Its theater.
The legionnaires of the Trojan war,
Phryxus and Ilelle, and Jason and his
fellew goldseekers sailed over their
waters and around their headlands;
and later Greeks, Romans and Genoese
built great cities on their shores and
established over their waters the
world-Important trade routes of their
Center of the Old World.
It U against the current that flows
from the north that civilization as we
have known It has worked its wny.
The flrst adveuture was to enter the
Dardanelles or the Hellespont, as the
Greeks called It. This Is the longer
of tho two great salt-water rivers thut
(separate Europe from Asia Minor. It
winds Its way, with two ftharp turns
and numerous gentler curves, for 40
miles before Its expands Into the Sea
of lltirmora, the Grecian Propontls.
The strait varies In width from a lit
tle over three-fourths of a mile to five
xu1Ih. On the European side rises the
kp'P rldgn of Galllpoll where the 111
futtn expedition of Australians nnd
New Zcalunders suffered so keenly In
tho World war. On the Aslo-tlc side
of the Dardanelles lies the plain of
old Troy and the foot hills of Mount
The Sen of Mnrmora from which tho
Hellespont loads Is about 140 miles
in length and 40 miles wldo at Its
greatest width, nnd Is thus somewhat
Humller than Lake Ontario, the smull
nt of our Great Lukes. But though
relatively small, It hus In Ita time been
the center of thu world. Probably
about no other lake or bcu In the world
of such a. size have so many iiniwrtnnt
cities stood. Of these, Constantinople
alone retains Importance today; but
llvlug and dead cities cover tho shores
of practically every harbor and head
land of the little sea. The settlements
that still exist are not even the heirs
of the great cities of yesterday, but
rather ill-kempt Interlopers squatters
that under Turkish domain occupied
their sites.
Colonized by tho Greeks.
Colonists from the Greek cities nnd
Wands pushed up through the Helles
pont and settled on tho 1'ropontlne
shores nt the dawn of European his
tory. Byzantium, on the site of pres-):u-day
Constantinople, wus a member
tf the Second Athenian league; and
Uie Dardanelles, alrendy u Grecian
strait, was the scene of tho battle
which closed the l'eloponneslan wars.
The Mnrmora really came Into Its
own In the period following tho denth
of Alexander when the kingdom of
Blthynla nourished on Its shores, and
I'ontus and I'ergamos grew to pros
perity on either side. Cyzlcus on the
trciilnsuln of that name on the south
orn shore of Marmora was the chief
city. It was founded earlier than
Rome or Byzantium. It had a long
Dfo, possessed at various times by
ithens, Sparta, Persia, Moccdon, Per
games nnd Rome. It was rated one
f the splendid ancient cities, nnd Its
pold coins were tho standard of their
lay as Florence's florins became In
Renaissance times.
But when Byzantium, In its Incom
parable position by tho Bosphorus,
by Mohammed II.
rose to power, the glories of Cyzlcui
passed nwny. Today practically noth
ing Is left of the once great city, foi
Byzantines and Turks alike used tin
old buildings In the placa of nutural
quarries as sources of stone with
which to build the latest metropolis ol
the Mnrmora and the Bosphorus.
NIcomedIa, now Ismld, at tho ex
treme eastern end of the Mnrtnoru,
was unother city of world Importance.
Under the Emperor Diocletian It was
for a brief time the capital of Rome -and
the world. Nlcaea, Just to the
south of NIcomedIa and a short dis
tance Inland, has three times been the
seat of empire. Twice tho Turks, be
fore they reached Constantinople,
made It a capital rivaling to a degrcs
old Bugdad; and for moro than half
the Thirteenth century, between Its
peaks of Turkish brilliance, while the
Franks held Constantinople, It wus tin
capital of the Byzantine empire.
There, too, the Nlcenc creed, a land
mark In the crystallization of Chris
tian theology was framed.
Chalcedou, Rodosto, llernclcla Per
lnthos, Selymorla were 'Other centers,
uo mean cities In their day, which have
disappeared or dwindled to Inslgnlti
cance. Thriving communities In nl
most each case until tho Turk ap
peared on tho scene, they have been
since touched with the blight to pros
perity nnd progress that Is said ever
to follow his steps.
Bosphorus Most Important
Shorter and narrower than the Dan
dandles, the Bosphorus, third link In
the chain of historic waters that sep
arates Asia Minor and Europe, Is per
haps most Important; It Is the Immo
dlnte gate to and from the great Btacb
sea which reaches toward the heart ol
southwest Europe. To dominate It hi
to dominate one of the world's grenl
trade routes, n fact which has been
put to good nccount from the days of
pre-Byzantlne Greeks to those of Sel
julc Turks. The strnlt Is about twen
ty miles long and varies In width from
1,800 feet or a third of n mllo to two
miles. Darius chose not the narrows
but a point at which the shores are
more than a half-mile apart as the
site for his famous bridge of boats.
The water In the Bosphorus Is over
100 feet deep. A mighty current flows
along the surface from the Black sea ;
but beneath the surface a return cur
rent of water flows In the reverse di
rection. A similar inbound current
flows from the Mediterranean to the
Sea of Mnrmora, furnishing for tho
BlnckAen at least un auswer to tho
old query: Why Is the sea salt7
Tho Seljuk Turks recognized tho
strategic Importance of tho Bosphorus;
nnd crossing It ubove Constantinople
In 14,72, built on tho Europcnn shoro
the old "Cut-throat Castle," only seven
miles above tho city. With the Bos
phorus In their control, they captured
the undent capital the following year.
Until the conclusion of the World
war and tho adoption of the treaty of
Sevres with defeated Turkey, tho
Turks had sat for over 000 years as
the masters of the Bosphorus.
Many Nations Around Black Sea,
At the northern end of the Bosphor
us lies the Bluck seu a dark, forbid
ding ocean to the lundsmuu and well
worthy of Its nnme. One wonders that
the early Greeks named It Euxlnos,
signifying "friendly to strangers," un
less they did so by wny of offering
u propitiatory complaint to tho angry
sea god. Here we ore dealing with
no small sea comparable In size to
our Inkes, but with a great expanse of
water 750 miles long and from 200 to
400 miles wide, which would cover
Mississippi, Georgia, Alubamn nnd
South Carolina nnd a considerable
part of Tennesseo Into the bargain..
Around the Black sea are now
grouped more nations than Its waters
have touched, perhaps, nt any other
time In history. Just beyond the nar
row zone of the straits and the tiny
patch to which Turkey-In-Europo has
shrunk, Greece, forging northword,
ifow has a strip of the coast Next
conies Bulgaria tvith a shoreline of
about 100 miles; 'and beyond It lies
Roumnula, occupying the greater part
of the western end of the sen. Across
tho north stretches Russia, and In the
east lie Georgia and Armenia, Stretch
ing nlong the rocky south shore Is
Turkey-ln-Asla. Hardly less Interest
ed In tho Black son are Inland Austria,
Czccho-Slovnkla, Hungary and Jugo
slavia, whoso commerce reaches Its
waters over the Danube.
Odd Coincidences of Wrecks, nnd In
the Careers of the Ex. Kaiser and
Emperor Napoleon.
Coincidences In life nru stranger
than unythliig In fiction.
There used to be two steamers
called the Romulus ami the Remit'. A
few years buck the former wus lost
In the English channel. Within three
weeks the Remus wis wrecked a
thousand miles iiwny from the scene
of her sister ship's disaster.
Many reliable nutliorltles regard the
following us the must amazing coinci
dence on record, says Loudon Answers.
More than "00 jenrs ago. Pec. f, HUH,
n boat crossing the Monnl straits with .
eiglity-oiie passengers encountered a
terrllle gule and foundered. The only
mini to escape death was u Hugh Wil
liams. More than 100 years later, Dec 5,
17S0, another vessel, with a largo num
ber of passengers, sank In the same
clrciimslnnces, and in the same -pot.
All the passengers were drowned ex
cept one. His name was Hugh Wil
liams. Again. Dec. fi, 1S20, a bout carrying
thirty people, sank in the same spot.
Tlie sole survivor was u Hugh Williams.
The llgure P. hus a peculiar con
nection with the career of the ex
kaiser, lie was born In the llfty-nlnth
year of the century, entered the army
In 1S(i!l, and completed his university
career in 1870. Tho dates of bis birth
and marriage .Tan. 27 and Feb. 27
both make nine, If two and seven aro
added together. And the sumo number
llgures In his defeat nnd exile. That
occurcd In VMS. which contains nuo
llgure "0" and two llgures that added
together make "." Also, lie was fi9
years old when his career as ruler
It has often been pointed out thnt
the letter M, for better or worse,
dogged the footsteps both of Napoleon
the Great and Napoleon the Little. In
the case of Napoleon I., It was Mnr
boeuf who first recognized Ids genius
nt the military college, Marengo was
his llrst great victory, Morller wus
his best general, Morcuu betrayed him.
Mnrnt died for him, Mnrle Louise
shared his fortunes, Moscow marked
the turn In those fortunes, Metternlch
beat III in In diplomacy.
His llr&t battle was Montenotte, his
Inst Mont St. Joan. He stormed Mont
inartre, took Milan; Marniont deserted
him. His right-hand man wus Mont
esquieu, his lust resting plnce in
France, Mnlmalson. He surrendered
to Captain Mnltlnnd, nnd bis compan
ions nt St. Helena were Montholon nnd
Mnrehnnd. Ills marshals were Mas
semi, Mortler, Mnrmont. MacDonnld,
Murat and Moucey, nnd no fewer than
twenty-six of his generals had names
beginning with M.
Napoleon III, mnrrled the countess
of Montljo. nnd his most Intimate
friend wus Morny, and his tutor
Morelthe of Montellmnr. His greatest
military successes were the capture of
the Mulakoff and the Muuselon tower.
His biggest battle was Montebello, and
MncMahon won Magenta for him.
He drove the Austrlnns out of Marl
guano, and made his trltiinphnl entry
Into Milan. He was repulsed before
Mantua, in hlu Inst wnr driven back
to the Moselle and his fate settled by
Moltke at Metz.
Octogenarian Pedestrian.
Viscount Bryce, nt eighty-two, is giv
ing Americans in the Berkshire hills
nn object lesson In pedestrlnnlsin which
our uuto-botiiid nnd front-porch-lovlng
race would do well to heed, u writer
stuted recently In the Cincinnati I
Times-Star. The rtlstlngulshcd visitor j
seldom uses a motor car unless the '
dlstnnce to he covered Is too fur to
negotiate on foot, or unless speed Is
a necessity. Viscount Bryco prefers
to hoof It. He is covering the hills
nnd dales of the Berkshlres with a
stilde so rohut as to out distance
most of his companions. Ills health
Is excellent nnd his appetite perfect.
For these blessings Lord Bryco gives
walking, constant, dully walking, the
endit. He Is a living example of the
virtues of using one's legs for tho
purpose which nature Intended.
The English are great pedestrians.
Even In the Inrger cities, where trans
portation Is frequent and comfortable,
they Hock along the pavements from
the sheer delight they llnd In using
nature's llrst means of locomotion'. In
America wo go In n great denl for
uports, and llnd much pleasure and
health In these diversions. But we
nro not a walking race. Wo are pass
ing up one of tho simplest, easiest and
cheapest forms of exercise known, and
our digestions and tempers are paying
thu price of our pedal laziness.
The Oldest Donkey.
A cut Is snld to have nine lives, i
How ninny lias n donkey?
According to Snm Woller, "nobody '
ever saw a dead donkey," hut donkey's j
do die, nnd tho clnlm of n C'umberwelJ
coster thnt his donkey, nged forty, Is I
tho oldest donkey In the world may ho
true. Only one contennriait donkey j
has ever been recorded. Ho Is stated
to Imvo lived In Cromnrtv for inn
years, nnd then died from a kick of
a horse.
" There Is another story of n mnn
who once expressed n desire to llvo to
two hundred.
"Two hundred!" exclaimed his com
panion. "You must be tin ass I"
But that, of course, was n different
kind of an ass. London Answers.
JMilKiWStliHlrrr- vSSOHttffiy Zm V'1.-'Mll'J-i..'-:wvr;' iisSHyMwi i
rel vfJL l' hi
or ntfw, t , U CSS ."'
onau via man uioom glare as you au jyi, y, J&l
Er winter from the dirty, dingy, streaked VsTC'
Shall Old Man Gloom glare at you all
winter from the dirty, dingy, streaked
and unsanitary walls of your
Wc know what your answer
Alabastine is a dry powder packed in fivc-
Eound packages in white and a variety of
eautiful colors ready to use by mixing with
pure cold water, with full directions on
every package.
Alabastinc has bcenan the market for forty
years, is a household word in every civilized
country in the world. If unable to secure
the services of a painter or decorator you
can apply Alabastine yourself.
Important to Know
To secure Alabastinc results you must get
Alabastinc; it is necessary to sec that the
package has the word "Alabastinc" and the
cross and circle printed in red.
When employing the services of a painter
ask him to bring the Alabastine in unbroken
packages and mixed on the job. This he will
be glad to do to convince you that he is
giving you what you desire and pay for.
Willing to Accommodate.
"I see by the papers," said the con
vict to thu warden, "that the prison
is greatly overcrowded."
"Yes," replied the warden.
"Well," wild the convict, "I was
Just going to say that If you've got n
customer that really wants my cell
I'll pack up nnd go so as to make
room for lilin."
Fresh, sweet, white, dnlnty clothes
for baby, if you use Red Cross Ball
Blue. Never streaks or Injures them.
All good grocers sell it, 5c a package.
Buoy. -"Did
you do any lly fishing while
you were on your vacation V "A lit
tle. 1 did more lly swatting."
To step Into another mnn's shoes Is
generally ouster than It Is to walk In
it's toasted, of
course. To seal
in the flavor
ifijLsJhu ' .; li&Ur
will be and to secure these satisfying
of Wallpaper, Paint or Kalsomine
Alabnstine Over Painted Walls
Have you had the experience after going to
considerable expense to paint your walls, on
the theory that they would be washable the
same as your woodwork, of finding that after
washing triem they were grimy, streaked and
unsatisfactory? Have you hesitated at the
expense of again repainting them?
If the paint is solid on the wall and not
scaling, go over it with a coat of Alabastinc
and be pleasantly surprised as to effects pro
duced and saving effected. Alabastine may
even be used over old soiled wallpaper that
is firm on the wall not printed in aniline
dyes or with raised figures.
You Can Always Get Alabastine
There is hardly a town where Alabastinc is
not carried in stock by dealers who carry
paints. If you do not find it and arc offered
something else claimed to be just as good,
write ur and wc will tell you how to easily
secure Alabastinc.
Sample card of tints furnished by dealers or write to us direct.
The Alabastine Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Western Ganada
Offers Health and Wealth
and has brought contentment and happiness
to thousands of home seekers nnd their fami
lies who have started on herFKEE homesteads
or bouRht land at attractive prices. They have
established theirown homes and secured pros
perity and independence. In the great wain
trowing sect ions of the prairie provinces there
s still to be had on easy terms
Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Acre
land similar to that which through many
years tins yielded from 20 to 45 bushels
of wheat to the acre oats, barley and flax
nlso in great abundance, while raising
horses, cattle, sheep nnd hotfs is rqunlly
profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raised crops in n single season
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
Healthful climate, good neichbors, churches,
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets
and shipping facilities. The climate and soil
offer inducements for almost every branch of
agriculture. The advantages for
Dairying, Mixed Farming .
anil ;tnrk I7nlnlnr v5
make a tremendous appeal to industrious
settlers wishing to improve their circum
stances. For certificate ontltllni! you
to reduced railway rntes, illustrated
literature, maps, description ot larm
opportunities In Manitoba, baa.
hatchewan, Alberta and mi
lls h Columbia, etc., writo
Room 4, UeeDulldlna
Omaha, Neb,
AiiUurir. J if .nt. D.&L ImntmttM
ad C.l0ntlllii. D.mlils f .
for stoves
120841 Douglas St. OmU, Neb.
Nebraska Directory
Enslow Floral Co.
131 So. 12th ; Lincoln, Neb.
Our Ilualnris I We Tear
'Km Dp mill Hrll the 1'Jrrrit
I'lirU for All Mullen of Cum
Call,, write or phone: you'll receive prompt
Horvlco. HlKhcBt prices paid for old euro
2021 O Street Lincoln, Neunultii
Wabash Pad
Curs Collar Sore while you
work the horse. Askvour
dealer, or send us$l 60 V
lor sample, postpaid
umiriinni oiiua l.Vf. .
Min., Lincoln, near. i
10o a Roll. Uo a l'ack, Any Bit.
Prints Vest Pocket and Krownle
No, 1 ana 2, 3o each. All other
sizes up to and Including 34x4';,
4o each; S'ixtTt, 4x1, and 3Uittt.
Co each. Pott cards from any Bin
mm, so encn.
Oklahoma Film UnUhlnr Co., 311H North
B'dw'jr, P.O. llox 070, Oklahoma City, Okla.
1123 O Strett a Lincoln, Neb,
wa-3 'A rite
p.&nw .'
wrtr. vs -
3gyf Vi. I
Or would ymt prefer walls that radiate
cheer and hospitality, modernize your
home and conduce to health, happi
ness and the pride of living ?
results you have only to use
Nebraska Directory
Dividends i&S!S
For Information and circulars vrilto,
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Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Uotlles and Dairy Supplies: R?b
Cases and Chicken Coops; U0UXR3
130DJoneSt. ,1 1 W. Third St.
We Pay Postage One Way
Reliable Cleaners
1322 N
Lincoln, Nel
Your Most
For best results sell your cream to our
nearest local representative or ship ua
direct. Write for tags and prices.
Dept. A,
Lincoln, Nebfc.
Hall'c HarflwarA
.-" a8tfwttv
New and Used
1517 0 Street - Lincoln, Neb.
New and lined for All Mukeo ot Can
JVa curry complcto lino nine Oears, Plnloni.
Turner Axles, lliirvey Springs. A cornpRU
line ot Auto Accessories und Ignition.
1053 O Ht I'hone II 1S20 Lincoln, Neb.
Developing, Printing
and E-nlarging
Lincoln Photo Supply Co.
(KaHtman Kodak Co.)
Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln. Ne&
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mMm What Yon Waul
Electric Startor Specialists
Distributors of Prosto-Lite Batteries
Phono Btiae
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