sccac: RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnakck. s JJMAHUED EVEUV THURSDAY mm iinMimiMiimii iiininiii nwrnn n iipiiiinniiii School Wear Week Children School starts September 5th. While lots of mothers have anticipated the dress needs for their little ones, many have been delayed by one cause or another in making their purchases until now, while scores of other needs will be discovered wncn preparing tne ennuren lor scnooi. School Dresses Our Showing in Pretty School Dresses in the READY TO WEAR In Sizes From 4 to 20 Years at Prices That Will Satisfy The Most Exacting tarred In tho I'oMoltUf; nt iled (loud, Neb ns Kcconit Clnis Matter' A. U. MoAUTHUK.JKdltor and Owner Advertsing .Rates Foreign, por column inch 15c Local. " " ' 10 it l2j Nothing is more serviceable for cool mornings for child ren than a good sweater. Before buying come in and look. F I Ginghams If you prefer to make the dresses wo have a nice line of gingham, linen, poplin or wool in most all of the wanted colors. Hose In buying hose you want the best you can get for the money. I have selected my stock of hose with care both as to texture and price. Agent for Home Journal Patterns RED CLOUD The Women's Store MPRDACW-A p inTTinrrr im imii'i m winanw I wmrmwiwiuinu WWAVAW.ViV.V.W.V 3 Mrs. Ed. Amack iBaaaa.aaaa a a fl I. T. Amack Amack & Amack - UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES I. T. AMACK- RED CLOUD. NEB -PMONE IND. 76M IVV".VVVVV.VVV.V'.V.-.VVVSVNVVV."mVVA'.V Your Heavy Coat ! Can be Dyed and Re-lined so You Can Wear it Another Winter. TALK TO US ABOUT IT 3K THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners Dyers Tailors Both Phones We call for and deliver Bell 88, Ind. 193M your clothes ftuwwwuuwwwuvwvw The Old'Settlers Picnic Mirny pooplo enjoyed, the picnic with the old nottlors ut Cowles, last Thursday. They grew reminiscent while eating thoir basket dlnnors in the beautiful grove ami found out miny intcreHting facts of early days. This picnic (hew together a crowd of young settlers also, ns well us the old, and all felt they had something in common on that day Oi owing old is really nil intricate pnblem. You can't always toll by grayhnir, because ninny people niHy have had sudden frights or BleUness and tinned tray suddenly. Utit a lendmicy to icuiinlsce and to tell the world how much bettor things were when yon wore younir is a straw that shows which way tho years arc blow ing. Hut thcro is ii curtain restfulness about growing old and we noticed the Old Settlers' calm ways no morolteep ing up with the times, going-to dan ces, wlion you'd rather stay at homo nor strenuous hikes no more wild Ua'shesjof ambition and yearning to have your name carved in the Hall of Fitine. You arc not wondering wheth er you are going to set tho world on lire, because you nro sure then that you are not. You know more or less what to expect of life now, for you and life aro old hands at the game. Kveryono.presont enjoyed hearing the old settlers nnrrato on: State his. tory, Indian wars, stockade life, early cooking, school days, early hardships, grasshopporjdays, arrival of the week ly mall, miming now towns., buiralo hunting, the Kuster bllzyaid; the Hist school teacher, dugout life, singing schools, styles, the Mist preacher, rom ances, character of settlers, etc. Each home, then, even tho ;i sod house, was a place of friendship, quiet t ul, ideal family life, and later on, of dreams come true. They thought of their noighboia as themselves, with gain to all, and loss to note, if possi ble. Those old settlers have since become our great men here. Wo admire, more and more, their grit nnd perseverance in making this county what it is today. It has been the place of our destiny and how wo should like It and nvere those that made it such. It was a grcHt delight to have .Miss. Wlllu .Seibert;Catlier present and say a Tow complimentary ternaries ot Webs tor County. Kho has helped iniiko this section of Nebraska famous. It was voted to continue these pie tiles annually, inicl more persuasive methods will be mod during the yeiti to bring old settlers before the public more often, so us to got over their timidity Ji u public speaking, f o r "(lights of woids tire moro fatal than shrapnel," ns the soldier now says. Here's hoping to see nnd hear nil the old settlers at tho same place next year and expect to see them in the samo good spirits. WWF IIP iwwf d gtA sa Js!v& n yn r a Of?Q MvMrlr MitUt z when you Li At a O IMEh E. S. Geurfoer Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guarantuod) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures Dp. E. GJifP GHlROPRflGTOR PI IONES Ind. 193-X Dell -18 Office Tuitiur c BIJg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. H. BlacUedge RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Dr.B8.V. N Ichelscn DENTIST , JRed Cloud Nebraska Notice of Administration I ...Ml In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska. In tho tniittor of tho estate of Char les It. Ilusse.Jdeceased. TO Al.r. l'KBSONS I.NTCRKSTKD IN SAID KSTATE Notice is heioby given that Willard U. Steward has this dHy filed a petition In the county court, praying that ad ministration of baid estate may be graii tod to J. V. Auld, as administrat or, and that said petition will be heard boforo the court on the Uth day of October, 1021, at the hourof lOo'clock, A. M., at tho county court room in the city of Red Cloud, in said county, when all persons interested in said matter may appear and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not bo granted; and that notice of the tiling of said petition, and the hearing there of, bo given by publishing a copy of this order In tho Red Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper printed and of genoral circulation in said county, for three coiiseuuthe weeks prior to Bald day of hearing. Dated this tilth day of Sopteinber. 1021. A. 1). RANNKY, -(Seal) County Judge. A true cjpv. fmmh:: & i !Vr iasie wil1 tel1 you tIiat! For Camels have the flavor and fragrance of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended. They're smooth and mellow mild. TASTEh-ere,S N CIGARETTY AFTER- We put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it's possible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of line tobaccos to niake a cigarette. That's why Camels are THE QUALITY, CIGARETTE. V ' w .1 Mi lr. . J -i ' R.J.REYIOLDSTcl.ioCo. Wuilod.SaKo, fl. C. At IkJ VM MRS ittc?? MB 9M A A 20 Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST . OVER STATU RANK . $ ,- u &&$? Wi.MW:,M!SJfrm)!: Baptist Church Services Preaching 11 u. m. uii(l7:30p in. Sunday Koliool at 10 a in. I'ruyer meeting 7:30onoli Wednesday evening followoil by Choir practice. We aro ploased to have all who do not worship elsewhere to moot with us Grace4 Church Services 10th Sunday After Trinity Sunday School nt 10 a. m. Holy Communion t 11 a, m. EvouIdl' Service at 8 n7m. '" .. You iro heartily weloomo ?do'lli qor Publication of Summons. .Samuel (Surlier; Mary A. Garbor; tho heirs, devisees and successors in in'er est of said named poisons and all per sons having or claiming any interest In Lot IS, in ltlock 0, of tho Original Town or Red Cloud, in Webster Coun ty, Nebraska, will take notice tint lolin Cuininiiigs; Ueiilah M llltchell and Mary S. Crelghtou as plaintlirs have filed their petition mid commenc ed an action in the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska, against thorn, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a jndgmeht and docree or said Court quieting and confirming in the plaintiffs tho full owneiship and title In and to said Lot IS, in Hlock 5, of the Original Town of Red Cloud, Wobster County, Nebraska, nnd for- over bar mid exclude the dcfotidiintu and all poisons other than the plain tiffs from hereafter assorting, setting up, or claiming any titlo or Interest lu or to the said premise or .any part thereof adverse to the present full titlo nnd ownership of the plaintiffs. Tho plaintiffs also pray for general equitable relief You are requirod to answer said peti tion on filo In tho oiileo of tho cleric of snld Court at Red Cloud, Nebraska, on or beforo Monday, October 3lst, 1021. Dated September 21, 1021. John Cummings, et al, Ry K. G. Caldwell, Their Attorney. Notice of Administration In tho County Court of Webster County, Nobrnska In the matter of the estate of Ras mus Jensen, deceased. To Am. I'nuso.Ns lNTi:m:sTK In Said Rsta n: Notteo Is hereby given that Ray Mayo has this day Hied n petition in tho county court, praying Unit admin istration of said estate may bo graut- ed to (icorgo R. MoCrary, as adininis-' trator, and that said potltion will bo ' heard before the court on tho Sth day of October, 1021, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the county court1 room In the city of Red Cloud, in said! county, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear and show cause I why the prayer of potitlonor should not bo granted; and that notice of the llllng of said potltion, and the hearing thoreof, bo given by publishing a copy of this ordor in tho Red Cloud Chief, u legal wookly newspaper prlutod nnd of general circulation in said county, for three cousouutive weokb prior to said day of lioitring. hnta t.l4 Otdts .!, t U. ,.,. I, WM..I7M b..0 umb uujr Ul hJClflDUAUUl (S&1,) ' County Judge. 8 FM'MaTII!! PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Travellers Cheques protect the tourist by affording n sine lorm in which to carry funds. These cheques, which are issued in denomina tions of Sin, S2i). Sr.0, and 81()0, fiirnisli a ready identification of the liold.r and are payable up on uounter-sigiiature They are 'accepted throughout the wmld bv banks, hotels, turns pnrtHtiou sompaiiie. and busities houses. Refore taking an extended trip lot our of floors explain in detail tho advuntages of carrying these cheques when travelling THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Nob. S. R. Florance. Cadiie VtpotlU Guaranteed by the Depoiilort Guaranty Fumtofthe State of Xelratka raiiTOiOT !V.'AVAV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VAW IF IT'S FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em Malone Gellatly Co. S "Talk with ns about fence posts" VWAVV-V.VVVV-V.V.VV.VAV.VV.VV'AVArVVlrtVW American Legion ! PWIMWI 11TT11I FRIDAY NIGHT - SEPT. 3 BESSE At The AUDITORIUM nai c MUSIC BY THE KROMATIC KIDS" Guarantees You a Good Tlmo iq Everybody Come Out and Shake Your Feet Admission $1.10 Spectators 25c i i T A ! v. -.i . ) s