The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1921, Image 3

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Cory for Tlil Department Supplied by
tils American I.eKton News Service.)
Adjutant of North Dakota Legion Dc
pnrtment Acquired Popularity
While Serving as Newsle.
Everybody In North Dakota, and not
a few In bordering .states know Jack
WllllaniH, udju
tunt of the Amer
Icnn I.ejdon de
Iinitnient, nnd his
resonant vole e.
Williams ncqulrod
hot ti Ills popular
ity nnd IiIh volco
by crying "Extra,
extra, all about
It" on tbo streets
of Fiu-ko, N. D.,
for hIx years.
While newsle,
I ' ffitif
V llllumu conceived n monopoly on all
tbo city's evening papers which
brought all tbo other boys Into bis em
ploy nnd made mone.v for him. Later
lio branched out ami worked In a news
paper press room. He worked tip to
pressman, a position he was holding
when lie enlisted In tbo Third En
tracers for the wnr.
Forced to quit school while In the
fourth grade, Williams obtained a good
education on the streets and by night
study. At twenty-one years old be
was president of the Fnrgo Trades
and Labor assembly, a post lie re
signed to enlist. Ho went Into (be
nrniy ns a prlvnte tind came out with
the same rank. He was the llrst state
ndjutnnt of the American Legion de
Puget Sodnd Organization Chooses
Miss Hazel Jordan as One
of Their Prettiest
A dip In refreshing ocenn water ev
ery dny during the summer and every
week, nt leat,
during the winter,
innkes for the
spnrkllng eyes
n n d exceptional
beauty of Miss
Hazel Jordnn, re
cently selected by
the American Le
gion of Seattle.
Wash., ns ono of
the three most
beautiful girls In
tlib great North
west. Itecause of the cool, moist air
which blows the year nround, becuuso
they swim, skate, ski, lloat and fly
and do everything else thnt u real live
Amerlcnn girl Is supposed to do, tbo
beauties of the Northwest far surpass
those of any other section of tbo
United States, the Legion of Sealtlo
holds. All these advantages obviate
tbo use of rouge, powder, the lipstick
nnd pnlnt, too, they declare.
Miss Jordan lives In Everett, Wash.,
on the eastern shore of I'uget sonnd.
Slip wns the only one of the three
girls who would tell, willingly, her age.
She admits elglUeen years.
Ammunition Expert Is Almost Blown
to Pieces In His Own Homo
at Indianapolis.
Although be had gone through tbo
World wnr unscathed and hnd quali
fied as an expert
In handling artil
lery ammunition,
Frank M. Klnnc,
Indianapolis, lad.,
recently wns near
ly blown to pieces
In his home by a
three-Inch shell ho
hnd brought from
Frnnce. After hav
ing served In an
exhibition squad
which gave dem
v ' '
onstrations ot how shells were unload
ed and exploded, Klnnc was unload
ing his souvenir shell when the fatal
uccldent occurred.
Klnno's little homo was wrecked, but
his mother and sister, sleeping In an
upstairs room, miraculously escnped
Injury. The loenl post of the Ameri
can Legion, to which the soldier had
prilled for membership following his
oe'ent discharge from the regular
army, gave him a mllltury burial.
Special Rates to Convention.
Sixteen rnllrond lines touching 27
Itates hnvo granted one-ccnt-n-mllo
fare to tbo third annual convention of
tho American Legion In Knnsus City,
Oct. HO, 81, and Nov. 1. Rate reduc
tions havo been nirtdo by the following
railroads: Missouri Pacific; Kansas
Oity Southern; Frisco; Hock Island;
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. I'aul;
Wabash; Illinois Central; Chicago
Great Western; Chicago and North
western; Uurllngton, Chicago and Al
ton; Santa Fo; Chicago, Peoria and
St. Louis; Missouri nnd St. Louis; Mis
souri, Kansas and Texas and the Un
ion Puclllc. Tho ono-cent-a-mllo faro
zone In bounded by Denver, Minneap
olis, Buffalo, N. Y., Savannah, Gn
Jacksonville, Fla., lllrmlnghnm, Ala.,
Now Orleans and Port Arthur, Tex.
Commander of Department of New
Mexico Knowo About Professions
Represented In Membership.
In his brief enreer n fnrmer, trap
ppr. dynamlto worker, oil Held work
er, motion picture
operator, b o o k
keeper nnd lawyer,
J. W. Chapman,
Gallup, New Mex
ico, came well
qualified to I. Is
present post as
commander of the
state's d opar t
inent of the Amer
ican Legion. He
knows a little
about every pro-
lessiun represented In tho stute's mem
bership. Covering nil of the United States and
most of Mexico In Tils travels, Mr.
Chapman settled down to the practice
of law in New Mexico Just before
America entered the World war. When
she did, ho volunteered as a mechanic
and chauffeur and spent two mouths
in an army motor shop. Then he was
transferred to a balloon school, but
before he could get acquainted with
the blimps they moved him again, Hils
time to the company's personti'l head
quarters. He was In an olllcers' train
ing camp when the armistice came.
Entering Legion work early, Mr.
Chapman was a member of the com
mittee which wrote the non-polltleai
clause Into the organization's consti
tution, lie bolls down his biography
to this: "I am a member of the A.
J-'. & A. M., 11. p. O. E and K. of P.
I nm an American by birth, training
and Inclination; an Episcopalian by
faith and a prohibitionist by law. I
sing, dance, play the piano mid am
married. What else could I nskV"
General Douglas Halg, "Earl and
Field Marshal"; Beatty, "Ami.
ral of the Fleet.
Decorations and titles won by dis
tinguished ltrltlsh nnd Canadian
guests at the third annual convention
f tho American Legion In Kansas
City, October 31, November 1 and 1!,
tire testimony of their notable records
during the World wnr.
General Douglas Halg Ijenrs the
titles of earl and field marshal and
has tbo right to use the following let
ters, Indicating decorations, after his
name: "K. T., O. C. U., O. M., G. C. V.
0., K. C. I. E."
Admiral Heatty's official designation
Ib "Admiral of the Fleet, the Itlght
Honorable Earl IJeatty, G. C. 11.,
O. M., G. C. V. O., D. S. O."
Tho correct manner to address tho
commander of the Canadian corps In
France Is "Gen. Sir William Carrie,
O. C. M. G K. C. II., K. C. M. (1.,
C. n., Prlnclpnl of McGlll university."
Tho participation of Great Britain
nnd her dominions In President Hard
lug's world conference on disarma
ment Is believed by nntlonal conven
tion officials to remove nil doubts In
regard to the presence of the distin
guished guests ut the Legion national
Commander of Legion's Washington
Department Licked Kitchen Boss,
Then Took His Job.
Tho story of how n list tight mnde
him a dish washer Is told by Thomas
W. Swnle, com
mander of the
American Legion's
department of tho
state of Washing
ton. While the down
trodden bookkeep
er of a Great
Northern con
struction gang,
Swnlo was cajoled
Into an encounter
with tho gang's
bully, who held the rank of camp
cleanser of the pots and pans. The
fight became rough, the bookkeeper
knocked out the dish washer and the
foreman forthwith made up for lack
pf personnel by assigning Swnlo to
wash the dishes until the beaten kitch
en mechanic could return from the
After gaining an education, Swale,
nt twenty-tlireo yenrs nnd 200 pounds,
wns the "baby of tho Washington leg
islature," serving for two terms. Dur
ing tlio war ho served In the nnny In
telligence section In charge of I. W, W.
Investigations In tho Pnclllc North
west. Ho Is n practicing lawyer In
Seattle, Wash.
Tho Verb Salvage.
The verb "to salvage" did not pass
out of existence with the disbanding
of the A. E. I Its synonym, "to man
age," Is still recognized ns pnrt of tht
lungunge of Legionnaires. Georgo It.
Anderson post of tho American Legion
nt Ardmore, Okln., recently "sal
vaged" u library of 2,000 volumes.
As In tho nrmy days when anything
from u mess kit to a five-ton truck
might bnve been ncqulred mysteri
ously with tho simple explanation "we
managed for It" or tho equally expres
sive "wo salvaged It," the post ac
quired the library. During tbo wnr
tho people of Ardmoro hnd collected
a largo number of books to be shipped
to army enmps for use of soldiers. But
after tbo volumes wero collected nnd
.noxed they wero never shipped. They
'were discovered recently In n store
room by a member of the Legion post
nnd It did not tako long to salvage
'J' w ,y
f Lesson f
Illy KHV t. U. KIT.WATEK, I). .,
'l'onclier of KiikIIMi lllble In the Moody
Hlblo Institute of Cliloaito )
((g. 19,'l, Wcaiurn Newspaper Union.)
L.KSSO.V 'rnXT-AilH 18 1-23
UULOKN Ti:XT-t ilctoriulnoil not to
know unythlni; uiiioiik you, nio Joub
Christ, ami Mini crucified.!. Cor. 2:2.
WiJFr.UttNCi: MATUltlAI-1 Cor. 2.1-5;
4:12; II Co. 11:7-9.
I'KIMAHY TOPIC - Tuntmnklns and
JU.VIOIl TOPIC - I'aul Workliiu nnd
I'renchliiK In Corinth.
TciiclniiK nnd Tcnttnnklim In Corinth.
1'uul In u Coimnercliil Center.
The establishment of the church nt
Corinth Is an example of missionary
endeaor for all ages. The method
employed, which resulted In success
then, will result In success now.
I. The True Missionary Method
(vv. I!!).
I'aul came to Corinth a stranger In
n strange city. He did not base an
advi'iue agent to do his advertising;
neither did he have his photograph
put In the dally paper with sensa
tional announcements, upon his arrival
In Corinth, lie did not have a trained
singer with him ; neither did ho have
bis salary guaranteed. Ills method In
gaining a foothold In Corinth was as
I. Finding u home (v. 'J). This ho
found with Aqulla and I'rlscllla, Jews
who were leceiitly expelled from
Home by the cruet edict of Claudius.
Ilelng .lews, he found natural aflllnlty
with them.
li. He tolled for his dally bread
(v. I'.). He was of ibe same craft
with them, being tentmakers. Every
child among the .lews was taught
some trade by means of which he
could gain a livelihood should occa
sion tequlre. One of the rabbis said
that ho who fulled to teach his boy
a trade taught him to steal.
II. Preaching In the Synagogue at
Corinth (vv. AS).
1. Though compelled to toll for n
living while getting a foothold In
Corinth, he did not lose sight of his
main work (v. 4). lie reasoned In
the synagogue every Sabbath, persuad
ing the .lews and Gieeks.
'-. Ills activity was Increased when
Silas and Timothy cuuie (v. ,r). This
resulted from three causes: (1) They
brought good news from the church at
'J hesMilonlca (I Thess. :i:G). To hear
of the steadfastness of those who hnd
confessed Christ under our ministry
puts new vigor Into our labors. (2)
They brought pecuniary gifts from the
Macedonian churches (Philip. 4:1.r;
II Cor. 11:!)). Ilelng relieved from the
necessity of toil for n living, they now
could devote more time anil energy
to the preaching of the gospel. (.')
Silas and Timothy became assistant"
to Paul In the work, thereby strength
ening his bands so as to enable him
to accentuate his efforts.
:t. Paul opposed (v. (1). Ills In
creased activity was met with In
creased opposition. This can always
be o peeled.
1. I'aul announces his purpose fo
turn to the Gentiles (v. 0). Itecnuse
of their blashphcmy and opposition he
ceased to work among the .Tews.
There Is a time when good Judgment
causes one to abandon work where
efforts have been fruitless, but It Is
dllllcult to know Just when to do It.
.r. He did not go far away (v. 7).
He remained sufllclently near that
those whose hearts God touched could
easily find htm. It Is likewise true
(hat although Christ Is obliged to de
part from the soul thnt refuses Him
entrance. He lingers with yearning
love around that heart.
fl. Ills success (v.( 8). Crispus, the
chief ruler of the synagogue, was con
verted. Perhaps the severity of his
action in turning away from them
moved Crispus to action.
III. Paul's Vision (vv. 0-11).
Ills experiences slnct coming to Eu
rope wero very trying. He needed en
couragement at this time. It Is Just
like the Lord to come at the time of
the servant's greatest need. Note the
Lord's (.iiN to him:
1. "lie not afraid." When one Is
executing the commission of the Lord
he need not be afraid.
'J. "Spon k, and hold not thy pence."
The one who has heard the voice of
God cannot refrain from speaking -cannot
bo still.
H. 'H am with theq." Tho Lord Is
with everyone who faithfully carries
out his commission.
4. "No man shall set on thee to hurl
thee." The one sent by the Lord to do
a work Is Immune from danger and
barm until his work Is done,
fi. "I have much people In this city"
It Is most encouraging to know that
In the great cities the Lord has Ills
own people and that the -one who goes
In IDs name shall have fruit for his
Bible Classes Necessary,
lllble classes are ns necessary to a
healthy parochial life as are any other
religious agencies, and tho priest who
neglects them because they seem to
him old-fashioned or connected with
the Protestant sectarian system lays
himself open to great blame. "Thy
word Is a lamp unto my feet and a
light unto my paths." Dean Larned.
The Builder of All Things.
Every house Is bullded of some
man; hut ho that built all things la
God. Hebrews 3:4.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Take Aspirin only us told In each
pneknge of genuine Buyer Tablets of
Aspirin, Then you will bo following
the directions nud dosngo worked out
by physicians during 'i yenrs, and
proved safe by millions. Take no
chances with substitutes. If you see
the llayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Ilendacbe, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Earache, Toothache, Lumbago nud
for Pain. Hnndy tin boxes of twelve
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packnges. Aspirin Is tho
trade mark of llayer Manufacture of
Monoacctlcncldcster of Snllcyllcucld.
Advertisement. '
Just a Rehearsal.
"Vampire l"
"Wretch, out of my sight 1"
"I was a man when I met yotil"
"You'ie a worm now!"
"Gosh!" exclaimed the leading man
ns he paused to mop his brow, "this
Is warm woik."
"We're not getting a nickel for It,
either," groaned the leading lady.
IMrmlngham Ago-Hcrald.
Is Rrcatly relieved by constitutional treat
Is a remedy. Catarrhal
DeafncB.s Is caused by nn Inflamed con
dition of tho mucoUH llnliif, of the KuHtn-
uiii.ui auiio. wnen iiiih tunu In Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect
liearltu;. and when it Is entirely closed
De.ifnons Is tho result. Utiles tho In
flammation can bu reduced, your hcarlnn
may lo destroyed forever. HALIS
CATAKUII MIODfCINK nets through the
blood on tho mucous mirfneos of tho sys
tem, thus reducing the Inflimtnntlon and
oHslstlnB Naturo In restorlnn nonnui con
ditions. Circulars free. All Drucglsts.
V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ad
vertisement. A young man seldom believes that
n girl enjoys a kiss unless he has It
from her own lips.
Cutlcura for Pimply Faces.
To remove pimples nnd blackheads
smear them with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash oft In flvo minutes with Cutl
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clenr by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to in
clude Cutlcura Talcum. Advertisement.
Tho total length of tbo world's rail
ways Is 7:$2,800 miles.
f l) X
Some More Truths.
X70ULD you use a steam shovel to move a pebble? Certainly not. Implements
are built according to the work they havo to do.
Would you use a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not.
Kennedies are prepared according to the work THEY havo to do.
All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought
out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let
this be a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and the Just-as-good stuff that
may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for the little babe.
All the mother-lovo that lies within your heart cries out to you: Be true to
Baby. And being true to Baby you will keep in the house remedies specially,
prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge.
jjfffflwpt r.nntnnts ISPluid Dracta'
.V4n.5 )
i ATr;riirT.-'n"fi:nOi:NT. t
1 V r .'. .7 -- -r.-A.Jl
i AvcficInWciTcparauwiw vj
biimiuwiiy u. -j-
;.:.. i.'him tn i nnn nv iitri'uu
tinglheStomauisami iiowcaw.
ntcrctrVromotlnS DiiScsUon
Cheerfulness and RcstContoos
Mineral. Not iyviiou.i-
&cfitfdw&UIl&Ma!m ,
JtozzA. i
H'ann Sml
hUbrftrtn fhrt
A JintnfdlHcmcdyfor
Constipationand Diarrhoea.
anil cvCTK.niw --
Simile Stfiwta 14
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
' Iff SjaTaffrrfirP ' ' t
Kte.SCi tf t
625,000 BOTTLES
Biggest Thing of Kind Ever Seen In
That State, Declares Dig
The fact that (I'J.'.OOO bottles of Tan
lac have been sold In the state of New
York since Its Introduction there less
than one jenr ago, Is a big business
Item that will attract unusual atten
tion thiotighout the entire East, for
nothing like It has over happened be
fore. It breaks all lecords.
Mr. George H. Evans, manager of
the Gibson-Snow Company, the well
known wholesale druggists, with
branches In Albany, Huffalo, Roches
ter and Syracuse, recently announced
that the preparation was now selling
In their trade territories alone at the
phenomenal rate of approximately GOO,
000 bottles a year.
"If the present rate continues," said
Mr. Evans, "this state alone will prob
ably require considerably over Tt'O.OOO
bottles a year. This Is a tremendous
figure, but 1 am really conservative In
making this statement."
Tanhic Is sold by leading druggists
everywhere. Advertisement.
Little Sister's Interest.
Little Jennie gazed long nnd
thoughtfully at the young man who
was calling on her grown-up sister
".May I climb up on your knee, Mr.
Greene?" she Inquired at last.
"Yes, of course, dear!" smiled the
young man, who wanted to make a
hit with the family. "Want to pull
my hair eh?"
"No; I want to see If I can find
that word," replied the little girl.
"What word?" asked tho visitor, In
"I heard Maude say this morning
that If a man ever had tho word
'Idiot' written till over his face, that
man was you!" Stray Stories.
Perfectly Safe.
"Mn, may 1 go boating?" naked
Doris. "Indeed you shall not," replied
fond mother. "Who in the world
asked you?" "Mr. IlufTers," said the
girl. "Oh, very well, you may go with
ti I til. He has a cork leg, and If the
boat upsets you can Just hang on to
Our Duslnesc.
It Is therefore our business care
fully to cultivate In our minds, to rear
to the most perfect vigor and ma
turity, every sort of generous and
honest feeling that belongs to our
nature. Edmund Iturke.
When looking for lodgings n man
must either inquire within or go with
out. Children
Arc You Prepared?
A doctor in the house all the time would be a good idea. Yet you
can't afford to keep a doctor in the family to keep baby weU or pre
vent sickness. But you can do almost the same thing by having at
hand a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria, because it is a wonderful remedy,
for indigestion, colic, feverishness, fretfulness and all the other dis'
orders that result from common ailments that babies have.
Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It is a harmless sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Children
cry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because they
have found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend.
If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to
help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor.
But doctors have nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be
cause they know that it can only do good that it can't do any harm
and they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you would
use for yourself.
Bears the
Weak and Miserable?
Doei tho least exertion tire you out?
Feel "blue" nm! worried nnd Imve daily
backache, lnincncM, headache"), dizzi
iicm, and kidney irregularities? Sick
kidneys arc often to hlnmb for this un
happy state. You must net quickly to
prevent more criou trouble. Uo
Doan's Kidney Pills, tho remedy rec
ommended everywhere by grateful
users. Ask your neighbor t
A Nebraska Caso
Mrn. M. Rteffdon,
Ocnova, Nelir.,
says: "My back
wan w ci a k and
tired and I hnd
dlzay headaches. A
friend who hnd
been li o 1 p o d by
Doan'sKldiioy Pills
ndvlped mo to try
thorn and ns a re
null I trot well. The
t rou bio hasn't
bothered me In the
last iioven years.
I lvo Doan's the
Cet Dun'i t Any Store, 60c Dot
Made Young
Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body
full of youth and health may bo
your9 if you will keep your system
in order by regularly taking
l ''-
Tho world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder nnd uric acid troubles, th
cnoralcs of life and looks. In uoo sine
169& Alt druggists, thrco sizes.
Look for thn name Gold Medal on ereiT fee
and accept no imitation
i finest product
tlultoni, Buttonhole
llemititclilnir. StUiia,
Beading, and Pennant.
StnJ for Cclalogat
1120 Walnut Street, DepL F, Kansas City, Ma.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39-1921.
Cry Fop
Signature of