The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 29, 1921, Image 2

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New Laws Cut
Hunting Season
Bag Limit Now Includes Birds
Killed by Persons Assisting
the Hunters.
Tendency to Tighten Restrictions on
Hunting of Birds and Big Game Is
Shown In Federal and Stato
Laws for 1921.
Washington. A tendency to tighten
the restrictions vn the hunting of
birds unil big game Is noted In the
t:unio laws for 11)121, n summary of
which, both A'deral mid .state, Iimh been
compllci) Sy the federal biological sur
vey. Amung the notable changes made
lurlng the present year was the
amending of the moratory bird treaty
act regulations with respect to lint;
This amendnient provides that the
HalJy hnj; limit of any person shall
how Include "all birds taken by any
t'ther person who for hire accompanies
or assists him In taking migratory
birds." This will put an end to the
Ibuse of privileges under the regula
tions regarding the prescribed dally
bag limits by persons who claim that
birds were killed by guides uccom
nuying them.
Waterfowl Season.
The federal waterfowl senson for
California was fixed from October 1
to January in, replacing the old sen
on of October 10 to January 31, tho
j-eason now being the same under both
federal nnd state laws, ltogulutlon 0,
governing the Issuance of federal
Eclcntillc permits, waB amended to
Ipermlt tho Issuance of limited nnd spe
cial permits.
State legislation hnrmonized federal
fcnd 8tnte laws on wnterfowl nnd shore
XIrds In Knnsas nnd Oregon, and on
,A-nterfowl In Pennsylvania and Ithodo
Jslnnd; Washington prescribed n stnte
wldo open season on all migratory
game birds from October 1 to January
15, thus deviating from the federal
regulations, which supersede the stnte
ilnw, east of the Cascade mountains,
where It will now be possible to bunt
jnlgratory game birds only from Octo
Iter 1 to December 81, without violat
ing either federnl or state law; In
Idaho the open senson on migratory
game birds has been shortened under
state law two weeks by opening Octo
ber 1, Instend of September 10, nnd
extending to December .11.
Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Ne
braska, Oregon and Washington ennct
cd legislation slmllnr to the federal
regulation prohibiting bunting from
airplanes. Colorndo reduced the bng
limit on ducks from 110 to 15 u day,
Wahutu Tribesmen Fine Dancers
iwwMllliMBMBBMlMhkaiMteiaiirtiiwy''' . ... m'F Itcut..
Wahutu tribesmen dancing nt Nyanza on the Miores of Lake Tanganlka,
Africa. Their voices, Jingling bells on the ankles and stamping feet add to the
excitement of the scene. The Wahutu are considered great dancers. This In
teresting photograph was mude by H. C. llnvcn of tho Smithsonian Institution
fxpedltlou to Africa.
His Nuptial Race Not "for Maid
ens" but ''Previous Winners."
Instead of Getting Widow With One
Child, Got Woman With Seven
Children and Two Husbands.
New York. Meyer Matter's innritnl
llfo was Just one surprise after an
other. lie told tho Supremo court about It
when ho asked for an nnnulment of
tho match nnd recited tho list of un
expected events thnt enmo to him nfter
he was duly wed.
When ho mnrrled Becky Manor, ho
says, she represented herself us u wld
low with ono child. Surprise No. 1
Another child como to the home, call
ing his wife "mamma."
Surprlso No. 2 Second child came
along later, nlso child of wlfo.
"Dow como?" asked Meyer.
l"Tbought you only had one child?"
while Kansas Increased the limit from
"0 to M. In New Jersey reedblrds
were protected m all times by being
placed In the iiongame class. The
open season for woodcock wns short
ened 'J." days In Michigan, two weeks
In New York and one month In Ver
mont. Doves were protected until
101M In Colorado, and In Kansas an
open season on them was provided
from .September 1 to October 15.
In general, seasons on big game
were shortened and bunting further
lestrleted. Hue!; laws were enacted In
.Michigan, Montana, Nevada, North
Dakota, .South Dakota, Vermont and
In Washington east of the Cascade.
Maine protected spike bucks and pre
scribed that one of the two deer al
lowed In the eight northern counties
must be an nntlered buck, and pro
vhled that In two of the counties only
residents may hunt deer during tho
last two weeks of the open season.
Hull moose were protected for live
years In Maine.
Seek Mystery of
Cahokia Mound
Prof. W. K. Moorehead to Open
Illinois Relic of Prehistoric
Exploration May Develop Information
of Surpassing Interest to Archae-
ologlcts Greatest Structure
of Kind In World.
East St. Louis, III. Probing of the
mysteries of the great Cahokia mound
near this city lins been begun by
Prof. Warren K. Moorehead of And-
over, Mnss., upon tho suggestion of
the Smithsonian institution, univer
sities nnd scientific associations. With
n corps of experienced assistants he
will open Cahokia and the chain of 72
other mounds In Madison nnd St. Clair
counties which furnish the most re
markable memorlnls of North Amer
ica. Exploration may develop Infor
mation of surpassing Interest nnd
value to archaeologists.
Covering 10 ncres, tho Cnhokla
mound, which Is 100 feet In height. Is
the greatest structure of Its kind in
the world. It wns supposedly a re
ligious temple. Archaeologists estl
mate that tho settlement of the mound
ns? .
"Oh, 1 merely forgnt to tell
about this one," said his wife.
Surprise No. :i Third child, also
added starter, conies along to live with
Surprise No. -1 Fourth unheralded
Infant adds Itself to home circle.
"How much of a family have I?"
asked Meyer.
Surprlso No. r "There are two
more," said the missus, and tho family
grew from the one listed child to
Surprise No. 0 ileyer discovered
that Mrs. Manor had two other living
husbands and then ho decided to lot
tho Supremo court put an end to his
family surprlso party.
"It Is a enso of fraud and misrepre
sentation," he said In n-sking annul
ment. "Here I thought I was getting
a widow with ono child and I ilnd
that I got a womnn with seven chil
dren nnd two husbands."
Tho word reverend occurs ojily onco
In tho Old Testament
'. .. ....
Mother Says Her Lot j
Justifies Profanity I
Arraigned on n charge of pro
fanity, Mrs. Agnes White of Co
lumbus, O., thirty-seven years
old, and the mother of 14 chil
dren, snld:
"Judge, anybody thnt had to
live as hard a life as 1 do, wo.ti!d
Mrs. White testllled that she
was forced to take In washing
and other work to support her
self and her children. The
Judge dismissed her, after tell
ing her to go and curse no
Homo Gardening Beats Golf.
Detroit, Mich. Thousands of De
troit (r.s who acquired the gardenlns
habit during the war have continued
the practice of making and tending
patches of vegetables and small fruits
until it has become a hobby with a
large proportion of men here. More
Interest Is being taken In gardening
than In golf, baseball or other sport
during the summer months, according
to those who have made a study of
1 the situation.
builders numbered not less thnn l.r0,
000 Inhabitants at the height of its
At First Agriculturists.
The size of the settlement slto, ns
It can be Imagined from the ruins,
the ngrlculturnl type of much of tho
work in illnr, such us the great spades
nnd hoes almost peculiar to that vi
cinity, nnd the rich alluvial bottom
laud combine to show tnnt the Cnho
klans were probably nt first agricul
turists. They probably fished nnd hunt
ed to some extent, but they, doubtless,
depended for their subsistence upon
their Inbor In the field nnd their sta
ple food wns unquestionably corn.
It Is believed thnt the appearance
of tho bison resulted In the abandon
ment of agriculture nnd the develop
ment of tho chase, with the result thnt
the community became nomndlc nnd
gradually crumbled and dispersed to
the four quarters of the continent.
Believed to Have Come From Mexico.
The preponderance- of evidence so
far discovered Is that the people of
Cuhokln were worshipers of the sun.
There Is so much about Cahokia that
Is similar to the works of the Aztecs
that tho conviction Is forced upon the
student thnt It was from Mexico thnt
these people enme to the Mississippi
valley, bringing their religion, their
prIOstliood, their corn, their mode of
life and their middle order of primi
tive civilization.
Even If tho exploration of the Cnho
kin mound Is not followed by nny im
portant discoveries, It Is certain that
the control hy the stato will be given
greater momentum when the people of
Illinois are brought to n realization
of Its archaeological value.
Up to tho present time the Cnhokla
and other table-like turmull In the
group have not been explored much
more deeply than the plow and spade
can work.
Surgeon nt Clinic In Switzerland Criti
cized by Students for Un
usual Act.
Geneva, Switzerland. Tho cantonal
government has ordered an Inquiry Into
an etraonllnnry operation performed
by the chief surgeon at a hospital, who
extracted the heart from a man named
I'asche shot himself, tho hullct pierc
ing his heart. The surgeon spoke for
'JO minutes to tho horrllleil students
with the live heart In his hands.
At the end of the lecture, when the
ninn wns dead, the students protested
to the surgeon, who dismissed their
objections with the remark that the
patient would have died anyhow with
in n few hours.
Authorities are not satisfied with
this explanation, while the victim's
relatives think of bringing a civil ac
tion for damages.
Famous British Hackneys Grow Too
Small, Owing to Inbreed-
London. The famous six cream
ponies, which were formerly part of
tho stnto pageantry of London, will
never appear again drawing the royal
coach through the London streets, as
owing to Inbreeding, tho stock 'has
grown too small for ceremonial pur
poses nnd their places have been tak
en by the "roynl blncks."
The stock of creams, however, will
not bo allowed to din out altogether
for the king 1ms presented them to
tho army council, and in future they
will bo used as cavalry drum hordes.
O. K.M Barnyard Golf" Sunday.
Lincoln, Neb. Sitting ns a court,
tho Lincoln city council decided tho
gumo of horseshoes on Suniiny Is not
a desecration of tho Sabbath and Is
lawful. The nctlon followed the arrest
nnd lining of boys Indulging In tliq
gnmo on Sunday nt tho suburban tow?
of University Place,
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
Nebrnska farmers are not In n pos
ition to stand continued pressure In
il.o (hianelal deflation which has been
taking place, Oowrnor McKelvie In
forms Governor Harding of tho federnl -f C 'ivti.rc r n,i, i. , 1 1 c.
reserve board, c.ovornor McKelvie , ; Vlabl 7 Ko,?i S '. 'T, ",d Su!"
goes exhaustively Into the eondltons as & ..'iVm t uuZuT"' V
revealed by a questionnaire which ho ?" ' ? L, ,'" '.'J' Uf ". w l,ot
rcccnt.y sent to over TOO Nebraska ,,, P , A ej , J
bankers asking their views as to what IllfIPI.i. .. . . .,". t , l. "' l V.1.0
was needed to assist the fnrmers of
Nebraska In recouping their loes of
the lust year. The farmers of this
l,.,.ii.,,, !,.. ,. -t..i- ...... .....
Kee.Ion, (Jovernor McKelvie inf.irn.s
burden. It knimo row that the fed-
reasonable return for their work.
r.rady and Maxwell on the east nnd
"":. !""" !"':'.'-!' -
company.' Tlae villages have had
munlclpnl plants, but they hnve proven
very expensive nnd not altogether sat
isfactory. Judge Palno in district court, on the
representations of attorneys for bond
holders, ordered a decree of foreclosure'
on the Grand Island property of the
-sortli American Hotel company, con
sisting of nn uncompleted 10-storv
hotel building. J. L. Leary and It. It.
North wore appointed referees, with a
bond of $100,000. Tho decree wns for
the benefit of creditors to the amount
of $100,000. It Is expected that tho
foreclosure sale can bo had by De
fender 1, nfter which it will be pos
sible to complete tho building.
Miss Marie llobertson of Redfcrn
Table wns seriously Injured in an
automobile accident when she wns re
turning home from Oconto. Tho car
In which she was riding was driven by
Clifford Slnck. Tho car skidded from
n bridge and went into the water.
Miss Kobertson received severe Injuries
about tho head and chest.
The Kllgore State Hank of Kllzoro.
Cherry county, was closed by .T. E.
Hart, secretary of the stato depart
ment of trade and commerce. Ex
haustion of the bank's reserve and
credit made necessary the closing of
tho bank, according to Secretary
Tho city council of Plnttsmouth' hns
taken steps to repnvo Mnln street, fol
lowing n petition presented hy tho
Chamber of Commerce. A group of
Plnttsmouth business men recently vis
ited Omaha to look nt rcpavlng Jobs,
where nsplmlt had boon laid success
fully over cobble stone streets such ns
this town hns.
Prospects in the Coznd section nrc
for tho heaviest yield of sugar beets In
years, according to growers who Mon
day began tho hanvest. The American
company Is erecting a now dump here
to faclllato loading. A greater acre
age will be planted next year, farmers
having found tho crop more prolltablo
than most others.
Bids on $.'10,000 bonds, Issued bv
school district No. 3: consolidated, at
Lorenzo, Neb., wero nwarded to tho
Peters Trust compnny of Omahn. The
contract for tho building, which Is to
bo of brick and concrete, was awarded
to S. It. Sweet i : Sidney.
Senator C. II. Itnndall of Randolph,
has been nppolnted n member of the
committee from this district to nd
mlnlstor funds nnd loans under the
recent amendment to tho war llnnnce
corioratlon act.
Ground Is so dry In tho Lodgepolo
vicinity, farmers declare, that it Is of
little or no use to sow fnll wheat.
While ninny hnvo put seed into the
soil, others are still holding back.
In the Oiiinha post olllco jazz music
has become a feature. Selections are
played while tho clerks sort mall. It
Is claimed that greater efllclency nnd
more speed Is attained.
Dr. Ilervln U. Hoop hns nnnounecd
his resignation ns president of tho
Vork college to take effect October in.
Registration at the Kearney Teach
ers College this year will reach the
500 mark.
Tho state treasury has received
?143,000 of federal road aid funds
which has temporarily swelled tho
cash balance, but this money will bo
paid out nimost immediately to road
Uquldntlon of tho bankrupt Wells-Abbott-Niemnn
Milling company will
leave tho stockholders nothing, Judge
Howard Kennedy of the Peters Trust
company, receivers, admitted. Efforts
to reopen the mill nt Schuyler by tho
issue of receivers' certlilentes had to
bo dropped when eastern credit banks
declined to advance $100,000 needed to
resume activities.
Moro than $10,000 damngo was
caused hy fire of undetermined origin
which destroyed tho Aben-Immelmnn
Mercantile company, tho Campbell
drug store, nnd the Masonic nnd Wood
man halls nt Sterling. Beatrice fire
men assisted In fighting tho flames.
Hundreds of Nebraska Legionnaires
nro now shaping their business affairs
so that they mny attend the state con
vention of tho American Legion at
Fremont, September 129 to October 1.
Tho program hns nenrly been com
pleted by the committee In charge and
Intimations are thnt athletics will play
a strong part in the entertainment
farm and to feed the cheap corn to i T u h"' V W,,,ln'" ' '
live t,.k. ivi tJ. . f ... ... ... . s "' " ' ""'wi. former olllcers and
f-- 1-' "ttn.-- in man, ui ii fllt'.mf mo nr .1... .. ...
J.,ty ...HI.l ,, ll rom Xr i , nmliT Z l'!u l"-" "",""
tilt.' II l'."t lllll l:il'll vrunji iwittilcf in . .
Mrs. S. R. McKelvie, wife of tho
governor, may bo responsible for land.
Ing tho next annual pow-wow of tho
American Society of the American In
dlnns' association In Lincoln. Mrs.
McKelvie is a member of that associ
ation and Is registered as "Wild
Flower." For that reason Hev. lted
Fox Sklnhushu, an otlieer of the as
sociation, thinks Lincoln might he a
good place for the next convention and
has written asking what Inducement!
J the capital city has to offer for the con-
- ! v,,.i .
I"".' Mllll IIIIMIIJI H 'II-
es-tal, .Smilk'lit Maid can rnck, trot,
canter, slow pare and walk. Mlsq
, i;am-t't vlm
"1111111, woo
Vre r, U v, ,,,,, , , y'
IJ ,n ! Sm- JlrtVi "'i
has acted In LnsUy,
tlon.'il IimiiI:.
Iiavo deposited mortgages on j,.al es-
i 11 1 1 ntuniiti4l.... & . 1111,1,1 -.,. . . .
ii.o.rx'rZ,,,,,;; zsz?rz
County Attorney L. C. Westwood has
been at the town of Graf, east of Te
eumseh, to investigate tho lire which
destroyed the Community club hall and
Eesenbok's garage building. The of
ficer believes the fire was not nccI
dentnl, and he has nsked the stnte tiro
marshal to look Into the matter. The
stato fire marshal Is also to Investlgnto
tho Sterling fire, in which two busi
ness blocks wero lost, together with
lodge rooms, stocks of goods, etc.
Resignation of Charles A. Peterson,
supervisor of Platte county, becauso
he no longer Is a resident of tho county,
Is asked In a letter addressed to him
by Otto F. Wnlter, county nttornev.
Elected In 101S, Peterson Inter moved
over the lino into Madison countv hut
retained his office, savins that lu
would resign If requested to do so, "but
thnt he wanted to see tho completion
of the court house.
Plans aro about complete for the In
ternational Aero congiess to he holii
November The flying field In tho
north part of Omahn Is rounding In
shape nnd word comes that the leading
nlrmen of the United Stntes will ho
here. Attendance is estimated at 10,
000 to lu.000. Headquarters will ho
in tho Omnhn Auditorium.
Mnny citizens of Wood Lake lmvo
been severely stung by the "golphhug"
and every evening will find n good
crowd out on the links playing "pasture
pool." To date the record for the
course Is held by B. n. Mickey, who
made the course in -10.
Nye-Schneider-Fowier Co., of Fro
mont, has been dissolved nnd articles
of incorporation for the Nye-Schnelder-.TenksCo.,
by which nnme the western
firm wns known before the nscendnncy
of tho Fowler interests, have been filed
with the Dodge county clerk.
Department of Labor statistics show
that S.OOO persons are unemployed In
Omahn. J. M. Gillan, manager of the
Industrial bureau of the Chamber of
Commerce, considers tho figures too
high nnd declnres thnt only 0,000 aro
Tho highest price ever pnld for Box
Butte county farm land was recorded
last week when W. C. Mounts, clerk
of tho district court, purchased a tract
north of Alliance for ?U2ri an acre.
Federal Judge T. C. Munger and ills
wife returned, to Lincoln after a three
months' tour of Europe. They vlsted
Englnnd, Scotlnnd, France, Switzer
land, Belgium nnd Italy.
The overcrowded condition of tho
iilgli .School at McCook makes Indur
ative the building of the Junior high
school building for which $1.10,000 has
been voted In bonds.
A municipal lighting jilat Is too ex
pensive, the village of Dunbar bus de
cided, arrangements have been
made to build n .transmission line from
Nebrnsku City.
Light frosts have been visible nt
Long Pino for tho past few nights.
Corn Is out of danger from the fros-t.
Aurora has a lino record for sending
thirty-one young people to colleges and
universities this yenr.
A light snowfnll hns already been
reported at Chadron this fall.
Tho Scrlbner Stock Show which
closed nt thnt plnce last week was the
most successful show In the history of
tho associntion.
Owing to poor health Wood row Wil
son hns decllnad tho Invitation of tho
Heaver Qlty Community Club to como
to Ucaver City to open the new com
munity auditorium, which hns Just
been completed nt n cost of $00,000.
Since tho departure of C. W. I'ugsley
to Washington, ns nsslstnnt secretary
of ngrlculture, Governor S. It. Mc
Kelvie has assumed n closer personal
supervision of the editorial department
of his paper, the Nebraska Karnier.
Largo crowds attended the Ak-Sar-Ben
races In Omaha.
Tho oil well near Ueattlo Is now
down 2,00." feet In a formation of Mis.
slsslppl limestone. When through this
formation tho hole will ho cased and
drilling proceeded with a sis-Inch hit.
Casing Is on hand to put the holo
down .'I.-100 feet.
At nn Informal luncheon the Com
munlty club of Oxford made arrange,
ments for' an old-fashioned ox roast
on Armistice dny. Details will bo
handled by u Joint committee of mem
bers of tho Community riub nnd the
American Legion.
....,v,,,,., wl ,,. tiu-gr i
Read Mrs.Corlcy's Letter and
Benefit by Her Experience
Edmund, S.C. "I was run down with
nervousness and female trouble nnd suf
fered every month.
I wns not able to do
any work and tried n
lot of medidne, but
got no relief. 1 saw
your medicine adver
tised in a little book
thnt was thrown in
mv door, and I had
not taken two bottler
of Ldia E. Pink-
ham's Vcpe table
Comiiound before I
coultl see it was holn-
ing me. I am keeping house now and
am able to do all of my work. 1 cannot
say enough for your medicine. It lias
done moro for mo than nny doctor. 1
hnvo not paper enough to tell you how
much it has done for me nnd for my
friends. You mav print this letter ii
you wish." Euzahkth C. CoiiMsr,
care of A. P. Corley, Edmund, S. C.
Ability to stand the strain of work is
the privilege of tho strong and healthv,
but how our hearts nchc for tho wenk
and sickly women struggling with their
daily rounds of household duties, with
backaches, headaches, nervousness and
almost every movement brings a new
pain. Why will not tho mass of letters
from women all over this country, which
we have been publishing, convince such
women that Lydia 13. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound will help them just as
surely a3 it did Mrs. Corley?
50good cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack of
We want you to have tho
best paper lor "BULL."
So now you can receivo
with caoh package a book
ol 24 leaves of MUL.
the very finest cigarette
paper in the world.
Bins and Cribs
Bond for circular and prices on
Carter Combination Grain Uln
ana Corn Cribs. Btrungot and
bett Vl'tltllntl'll bin on tlm nnrlril
Mohlmnn't Hair Tonic Restores Color
and Beauty to Gray and Fadod Hair
ItemovPH dandruff Stojm Intlr fallinn. nnd
Itch nc scalp 1 00 boitl. W.'j. Mulilmami.
llrntrlcc, .Nclirimlfw. .Money bade guarantee.
Early Habits,
nthel Are they engaged?
Clara Not yet. He still hires
taxi when they go to a show.
"O Happy Day" sang tho laundress
as she hung tho snowy wash on tho
line. It was u "hnppy day" becauso
she used lted Cross Ball Blue. Adver
tisement. As to Luck.
"Do you think Friday Is unlucky?'"
"No, I was horn on a Friday." "Well,
what do your parents thlnkV"
is re
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Bjr U,hg th, Gtnuint STEARNS1"
Ready for Uso Bettor Than Traps
Directions In 16 language In oveij box.
tlats. Mice, Cockroaches, Ants and Wntcrbucs
lpjtroT food and proporty and nro carriers uf
llseuSA. Stturnt' filrctrlc l'aitf torccs tnein ncatk
to run f roru ttm bulldlmc for wntrr and fresh air.
840 and 11 W. "Money back If It falls."
U. S. Uovurnment buya It.
Clear Baby's Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
Sosp 25c, Ointment 25 tad 50c, Talcna 25c.
v mm
m( aMM2L' I &- - kV TV
p 1- i
y !
't Wn w w-wn.n,fcjt..r ..mi ..nt, Hvwjr'MtmiriMiA