The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 22, 1921, Image 5

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    ore,. intymxA., dn
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Eat and drink at Powell .t Pope's
Uafo. tf
0. C. Teol spent Tuesday in Hasting?.
Mrs. Hoy Cramer spent Tuesday In
Mrs. Clara Shcrcr spent Monday in
Mr?. Koy Cramer spent Friday
Mrs. E. A. Crcighton spent Tu
d.i y in Hasting.
Attorney E. G. Caldwell
Hastings Tuesday.
was m
Tho Nuckolls county fair is holding
forth rl Nelson this week.
".' 'j,",ti y,
Donald Funk' went "to Hastings 1
Monday 'morningNwhcre he will attend
collcVe this year. .'
C. L. Cotting returned home Fri
day morning from Omaha where he
spent a few days.
J. E. Yost and Alf Nolan
pnnied the stock shipment
from here to St. Joe.
twin im ii
lluy hreruTat Powell and Pop
W Vt
Miss Gertrude Coon .departed Mon
day for St. Louis after spending
several weeks here with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Coon.
Thieves bro'te into the Zeiglcr Bros,
general store nt Kivcrtoii Tuesday
night and stole a large amount of
silk goods and some shoes.
lli-v. Mary II MiU'In-Il will proneh in
the Citmti'uatlotiiil clmie'i next Sun.
duv inorniiiK
Mr. and Mrs. John Arncll went to
Orleans Thursday morning for a short
visit with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harris depart
ed Saturday via the Ford route for
California whore they will spend sev
eral months with relatives.
Rev. H. W. Cope went to
Monday to attend the stale conference
of the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Zoiglrr of Lin
coln are spending the week end in
Lincoln ' tn,s cilX wlt" ltcr ftIlcr W- L- w"ec
nor, and with other relative!.
Tho LaUc Guild of the Episropa:
church will hold their rummage rain
on October 0, 7 and Sth.
G. R. Heck ntlcmHl tho
fair at Nelson Wednesday.
Roundhouse Foreman J. W. llnuck
spent Tuesday in McCook.
Bert Miller was a passenger
Superior Tuesday morning.
Linden Koontz returned homo from
Lincoln Saturday evening.
Mrs. P. A. Wullbrandt went to York
Thursday to visit relatives.
Mis. Hummel and Donald
spent Saturday in Hastings.
F in!:
Miss Tillio Cook was a passenger
to Hastings Monday morning.
Vm. DcIIart was a passenger to
Arthur, Illinois Saturday morning.
Miss Nellie Emcrton was a passen
ger to Guide Rock Monday morning.
Mrs; G. W. Drake wont to Dillor
Glen Foo relurned to Lincoln I ho
last of tho week after visiting hi
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Foe and his
brother, II. S. Foo and family.
Mrs. Frank Sutton' of Lemoync a'-
Friday morning to spend a fow days vlvod in the city Friday evening lo
j visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V.
Duckrr and with other relatives.
with relatives and friends.
Mr. Moore of Has'lings arrived In
the city Saturday evening to visit his
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Turner.
Miv. Sam Lindscy departed Satur
day morning for Aurora, Illinois to
attend tho funeral of a relative.
J. E. Jarboo returned to Lincoln
Thursday after visiting relatives and
attending to business matters hero.
Chcrrel Koontz has returned to the
city after spending several months
in Denver and other western points.
J. E. Yost shipped a car of cattle to
St. Joe Sunday and A. B. Crabill
shipped two cars of hogs to St. Joe.
N. P. Nelson returned homo Mon
day evening after spending a few
days attending to business matters nt
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Sheriff Walker and N. P. Phillips
t of Franklin were in the city Wcdnes
i day.
Mrs. N. 13. Bush returned home
Tuesday morning from McCook where
she had been visiting her sister and
The Kromatic Kids will go to Camp
bell tonight whore they will play for
a dance.
Fred Nelson returned to McCook
Thursday after a short visit here with
hia family.
N. P. Nolson went to Crete Satur
day morning to attend to some busi
ness matter.
Trlrc. Laird Pct'.cr and baby went
to Hardy Wcd.-.tcday morning to vis
it her parents.
Miss Mamio Tritz returned to h"er
home nt Omaha Thursday after, visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Hauck.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McNeny and
daughter, Miss Helen, arrived home
Thursday from California whore they
spent several weeks with relatives.
W. A. Romjuo returned homo the
last of the week from Texas and other
southern points where ho purchased
eight cars of cattle lo feed this winter.
Word was received in tho city Mon
day stating that Geo. Harris Buick
car, which was stolen a few weeks
ago, had been found at Hutchison,
The Red Cloud ball team went to
Superior Sunday afternoon where
lliey, played the local team at that
place. Superior won tho game by a
score of 9 to S.
A large number from hero attend
ed the ball game at Campbell Sunday
afternoon at which time the team at
that place defeated Blue Hill by a
score of 7' lo 1.
U J(By '.County Superintendent)
Mr, Boner has been appointed tru
ant officer for Webster county.
At tho State Fnir'Hazol Whalcy's
enrd in pencil drawing took third
premium. Helen Johnson's poster
took third premium, and Stella Hln
denach's card in free hnnd cutting
took fifth prcmuim.
'This year I will try to give an added
premium of thirty dollars among the
schools that can gain first premium
nt the State Fair, no school to get
mo iv than Ion dollars in cn&e there
arc only a lew gaming lirst premium. :
1 think it would bo best for four or
five schools to join together and buy
one hundred nheelj of mounting 'g
Doaru.-t and mourn vncir own umiiuiib
and classify them. Then they will bo
cnl.-ivd a they intend and if any mis
take uro made they will feci better
about it than if It i.s duo lo somo
oversight of Iho county superinten
dent. When one" person mounts the
work for tho whole county it is
not "done as if more people
wore concerned and the responsibility
is loo grcal. Your wishes arc not
always carried out. Tho specimens
can he classified on tho back for tho
Slate Fair, the Bladen Fair and the
Farmers' Institute.
Last year some of tho teachers
made between twenty five and thirty
dollars in premiums. There was some
beautiful work sent in lo tho Fair
but it did not fellow the rules and so
was not entered. Bluo Hill had somo
beautiful work in penmanship and
watcrcolor that was worthy. This
year I wish that tho premium lists
were carefully studied for I think
there was work handed in that was
very fine. This is the first year wo
have sent in any work so it wasn't so
bad but we want somo first prem
iums. This same material will bo
sent to tho Farmers' Institute to
gether with any other work that Js
brought in from this year's work.
There are still places for any
teachers that have certificates in
Arthur county, Lincoln county, Per
kins county and McPhcrson county
There should be somo places for
emergency teachers soon ro any
such wanting place smirch write tell
ing what their shortage cor.sisin in.
Mrs. G. A. Schultz returned home
Friday morning from McCook where
she spent a few days with relatives
and friends.
Curtis Friday spent a few hours
in tho city Friday while enroute to
Guide Rock where he made an exhibi
tion flight.
N. B. Bur.h and ron Gene au'ocri to
Smith Center Sunday end rpent the
day with friends.
Mrs. Christine Patmorc returned to
Blue Hill Monday moring after spend
ing tho weekend with relatives and
friends here.
According to the 1020 census re
ports from" Waslvngton, D. C, thefo
are 13,784 illiterate persons ten yrnrs
of age and over in tho state of Nc
hraska, "illiterate" meaning, unable
to write. Of rh's numlrr 9,468 are of
foreign birth. There is !es illiteracy
in the rural districts of the state than
in the cities.
Two trains of stock consisting of
r.'xty one cars passed thru here Sun
day enroute to tho markets at St. Joe
and Kansas City.
State Attvnrt Filled with Frrltr RirU, Tunny Clonni
Ourdrnm L'nulpnite. Urillianl Scenic Environment.
Always tnc Cljgost and Bsst Show Wist of Cnicaso
'J. W. Evans who has been working
as relief operator at the Burlington
depot for the past two months went
to McCook Friday morning he having
finished his work here.
George Hart, traveling representa
tive of the froight department of tlic
Burlington, spent several bourn n
Red Cloud Wednesday attending to
company business matters.
Mr. and Mr.. Ben McFarland ar.o
children returned homo Friihy even
ing from San DirEo, Calirom'n wlicc
they spent several wco'c.i with h!c
mother, Mrc. Louise McFarland.
We're giving you the finest
At Lowest Prices
for men's
Engineer G. L. Posy of M:CooI: ar
rived in tie city Tluimhy to take the
switch cngina in the local yard . En
gineer went to Oxford to
take a regular run out of that r-la -
Don Hcaton returned home the
last of the week he having been dis
charged from the army. The past
year he has been serving in the 2nd.
Tank Corp Battalion of the 2nd. Division.
Word has, been received in the city
announcing tho birth of a baby son
to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Ncllums of
Nashville, Tennessee. Tho youngster
has been named Robert Overman Ncl
lums. '
Mrs. Herman Greghart of Obcrhn,
Kansas spent Thursday in the city
with her sister, Mrs. H. Ncuci'ierg
and family. She went to Grand Is
land Friday morning to spend a few
days with relatives.
and young
men's guaranteed all
wool suits in the new
est models and fabrics.
for beautiful worsteds
richly silk lined, tai
lored to perfection in
the latest styles.
Other Suits 1S to &2
For Your Boy's Suits
and Overcoats
They are made for those who want the best value; the
kind that look well all the time: thu kind that save the
tha.' .'.".'.'; a fid sv: Is for Iwys and Jov fathers;
Mrs. P. A. Jernbcrg returned home
Saturday mornir.7 after spending
several wcclu with her daughter,
Mr-. Cecil Esn'g and family at Yuma,
I Colorado, nr.d in Akron, Colorado at
U12 hivno of hoi con Cavl Jernbcrg.
On Tlmrnilny. 0 toli.-r 'J7th. Nniltli
Bros , nf Siip"ii'r will linlit, tln-lr
nnnunl Puliiiwl niini llotr s.ile
for tdv in tjjls iiinp
Tim Hunt IM. WiiliiiL' Wmlnrq v ill
iii"i't. nt. t 1ii ciilcuci. nf Mr. 0 Ufri',,
.Iiimi 1 on 1'Viilm' nf "rniinii. .iinc'l
Mivoilnt 4 :'!(). Cardhil iivit.ainn f
it I.
7JIJ?h Fnnnlc I) Fuller. f (Vnv'co.lui..
I'l'irUtcri'il iN'mIw ni(ii UVslrvMi' U''l.
vi-i'oitv ill Univci.Mlv I'lii"". Ilii full
wlirclic IS u iiictntii'i' of tlio I'lc.wli'
llln II ulllvx.
Dr Wiii'iiclt. Tim Sp 0'i.lU'. will
llli'i-r. cyi-, ixr. iin.i' ani tliriml lut'cnts
Mill! llldS" IICl'lUlll ulllHM'h lit. Dr. 11.1111-
or'li'n hIIIch 'J'tieMluy. Sep'. UTlli.
lloiir.s 1 tu C
Several until limit nf lieil Clmi'l liu-I.
Iicnh iiihii mul cliizenx uith in HIhiIimi
iIiim Hfieriiuuii lihtiHmtlnif Hiei-Htnre
iiilvertislng t Ii KnniierM tnsUtnie
wliicli inkwM p'liue Oi-tnlx-r 'i-'itli n .'!' Ii
The Khmiihi'o liihlltiite is une nf l'eil
Clnud'H unporiHiit eventH unil It Inc.
tieen h-.Ii! in pievioiis yoitrN I hut it vh
one of tho tu-Nt lllil in the stMte A
i-trnnir proitrmn Iihh lieeti uriRUped for
iIiIh ,enr hiiiI mII who attend wi he
Hinnly repniil for tlm tiniti hpent.
Kluduli EnterprlM
I I.riford George Gmolrer, fon or
TIiv. M'Jgtr'o Smel'cr, and Miss Mary
j n. n-nith, dauihter of Mr. and Mrs.
j J. W. Smith r.v.icllng near Bluo Hill.
were rn!tcd in r'nrriage by Kov. Coirc
nt tho home of he: parent. Saturday
We have
all pvict l
b MWi
Word was received hero tho first
of the wesk announcing the arrival
o a baby boy nt tho J. E. Wagoner
homo in Hasting?. Mrs. L. A. Wag
oner went to Hasting Tuesday morn
ing to spend a few day3 with tho
parents and tho newcomer.
The Franklin papers aro sneaking
very highly of tho scrvlco that N. V.
Phillips is rendering as City Marshal
of that place. He arrested several
speeders lnrt week and Iho polico
judge fined Ihr'm each $25 and cosIm.
Somo different from conditions in Bod
Tho L'ady Shopper had tlio Poor
Inn drag out Everything In Stock,
nnd tins Spent n Pleasant Afternoon,
which was All alio Intended to Spend
when she Camo In. Merchants llko
Lady Buyers hut Lady Shoppers aro
Why Drygoods Clerks Oo Crazy and
Start Itimnlns In Circles.
Farm Loans
We are thinking of
This week and have made big preparation for his new
school year.
Plenty of new' Kay nee Waists and Shirts I
l.OO to $1.5
Knee pants Caps-Overalls Shoes
All priced to your satisfaction
"IRON CLAD" Stockings now 50c
. The best boys' stocking in America. Heavy and medium
weight, black or brown.
See us for your boys' school needs.
Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Always Reliable
"V'" ,
o 1'
wfsrrwsr ,.- r. a 1
tivtnrfln.V ' U ',"'!
iw .w aft. irr'-jwM ar-Ta
h mm 7ivo wi
( Um
.t .---
bcWj U-H
l(0 rH 1
For Your Boys and
Girls in School
' Gcc tiicir happiness and groce as
they ir.arch or dance to the merry ,
music of tlio Columbia Grafonola.
Then coir.c to our store and get
the latest Columbia Record Cata- ;,
loc. Note its special children's '
music, fairy talcs, patriotic selec- j i.
tions, and nature stories.
A Columbia Grafonola with a
selection of Children's Records is .
the greatest pleasure you can give
them, end will save hours of your
Wall Paper Sale
In order to close out our present stock of wall paper
in a hurry
Ve Have Cut Prices to The Quick
dbor 20, 2 S and 30
From Original Retail Price.
Which brings them down to cost prices and lower
I am ri'iuly iis hHmijk to inula' any
iui'1 all farm loui.s t Un rnto
an I biht option .Misoluto'y no a 1 1 .
ng iiml no t'.-Hinstf for liispceilon,
.1. II tlnllcy
extent by the stationery you use. The careful
selection of good paper, well printed, makes your
correspondence d:ctVct:v::. A31; up fcr samples
of work on Hammermill Ripple Bond.
, U.'.',
nnrrmiinanrinviirnira Hfl-IE HOME