The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 15, 1921, Image 2

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Pirates Lair
Scene of Fight
Spanish Battle' on Scenes of
Centuries of Conflict With
Made Famous In Present Generation
by Operations of the Chieftain
Mulai Ahmed Ralsull Recalls
Famous Perlcardls Case,
Madrid. Tlmt part of Morocco
called the Spanish zone, where Spain's
trooys have Just suffered disastrous
reverse!) nt the hands of the Moors
with the loss of thousands of men and
thousands of nmro miles of terrl
tory, Is part of the notorious Burbury
coast whoso pirates preyed on Kuro
pean coinnierce for many years and
carried Europeans Into slavery.
In the present Kcncrntlon It has
heen mndo ruinous ly the operations
of tliu chieftain, Mulai Ahmed er-Hnl-bull,
wlio captured and held for ran
Mini Ion Perdlcnrls, an Amerlcnn citi
zen, In 11)0."). This was In the admin
istration of President Roosevelt and
evoked from Secretary Hay the his
toric phrase demanding "Perdlcarls
iillvo or Halsuli dead 1" It resulted In
tho nlmost Immediate release of Per
dlcarls. Three Races In Land.
Threo races Inhahlt Morocco, the
original llerbers, or moitntnlueors,
who conquered Spain on three differ
ent occasions; the mixed race of
Arabs and llerbers known as Moors
both of which races are gonernlly Mo
linnunednns; and the colonies of Jews
which Inhabit the coast cities and
control the majority of the country's
The Spanish zone, where the fight
ing Is now in progress, Is a narrow
strip of land along the northwestern
coast fronting on the Mediterranean
S.. .....,..,..,..,..,,.,..,,,..,..,..,,..,.. ,..,..,-.,
Eggs Taken From Snake
Hatched Chicks in Africa
A fitory of chicken eggs
hatched after they hnd been
salvaged from the Interior of a
python Is told by the publicity
department of the board of mis
sions of tho Methodist Episco
pal church, In New York city.
Quoting ltev. Edwin II. Rich
ards, for ill years a missionary
In Africa, tho board said that
a python had wriggled out of a
Jungle one night, entered a hen
house and eaten eight chickens
and nine eggs. Natives and mis
sionaries killed the snake, which
then was opened. Tho eggs,
found Intact, later hatched Into
perfectly normal missionary
Secretary Denby in
Here Is Secretary IJenhy in his private "nuvy," fishing In Lake Oakland,
adjoining his farm at Cllutouvllle, Mich.
Boy Captures Sharks
After Two-Hour Battle
Cape May, N. J. Emory Eyes-
man, thirteen-yenr-old son of t
Julian Eyesinan, general tnilllu I
mnnager for the Pennsylvania
railroad, ended a day's fishing
trip with two eight-foot sharks
to his credit. Ho fought with j
them for moro than two hours, !
playing them along and Insist
ing that other fishermen with !
him give him plenty of room.
Tho shnrks wcigiicu a totul or
040 pounds.
.................'... y?
Negro Porter Hero of Pueblo Flood.
St. Louis. Officials of tho Chnmber
of Commerco In StLouls.'Mo., will re
quest n Carnegie hero medal for
Robert J. Taylor of St. Louis, negro
Pullman porter, who Is snld to hnvo
saved 20 lives wlien n pnssenger train
vub overturned In tho Pueblo flood.
June 2.
sea. It extends from Algerln, under
control of the French, to the Atlantic
ocean on the west. It does not, how
ever, Include the extreme northwest
ern tip of land on which Is located
the clt.v f Tangier.
Spanish troops have fought the
Moors for, centuries, but It was only
In 1012 that the northern littoral of
Morocco was assigned to Spain under
the terms of the Franco-Spanish
treaty signed In that year. Since then
Spain has been engaged at Intervals
In sporadic attempts to maintain her
authority, with varying success and
Want More Order.
Both the French nnd Spniilsh gov
ernments decided In January, lOliO, to
make military demonstrations la their
respective zones for the purpose of
propurjng tho way to more orderly
government. The French zone was
soon pacified. The Spanish territory,
which Is administered by Gen. Damn
so Uercngucr ns high commissioner,
was not so submissive.
Spanish troops at llrst made their
base on the Atlantic coast of Morocco
at Kl-Arlsh, also known as Lnratche.
From there they penetrated well Into
tho Interior and captured a number of
Moorish strongholds, Including the so
called secret city of Sheshawan. For
some tlmu little activity has been re
Young Clergyman Dwells Amid
Coffins of 300,000 Defend
ers of Verdun.
Wooden Structure Used by Priest Un
til Permanent Monument Can Be
Erected to Heroes of the
Great War.
Paris. A mile from Fort Douau
intuit, which looks down on the walled
city of Verdun, France, nnd Its ring
of defenses, lives a priest who never
smiles. He Is young, clear-eyed, and
does not need tho ribbon of Ute Legion
of Honor nor tho Cross of War with
the palm that hu wears to tell that
ho has served. HtT lives today In a
wooden hut with the hones of JIOO.OOO
of his countrymen, the defenders ot
Time has softened the sharper out
lines of his surroundings, and from u
distance seems to have given the 11!
mllu battle front a green carpet. In
His Private Navy
French Detective Invents Two
Sciences to Do Work.
Poroscopy and Graphomctry Promise
to Make Way of Transgressor
Harder Than It Is.
Paris. Poroscopy and grapheme
try nre two new "sciences" Intended
to make tho way of tho Transgressor
harder than It Is. Poroscopy Is tho
science of measuring tlTo pores of the
body. Urniihometry Is tho science of
form nnd relative proportion of let
ters In handwriting.
Dr. Edmund I.ocard, head of tho
Lyons police laboratory of Identifi
cation, has c orated theso new meth
ods of crime ctlon to n point where
tho results June been accepted In the
Lyons courts and are said to have been
proved effective.
In poroscopy, Doctor Locard holds
ported In thnt western district of Mo
rocco. Tho Spaniards, however, sent an
other expedition under tilt! command
of General Sllvcstrc, who established
a base at MelUla, midway on n prom
ontory which extends from tho east
ern end of the Spanish zone north
ward Into the Mediterranean. From
that point, General Sllvestre's troops
attempted to penetrate southward Into
the Interior. Karly successes were
reported, but last spring the Span
lards encountered strong native troops
and hostile tribesmen, estimated to
number 120,000 and mild to bo well
armed and equipped with artillery.
The piescnt reverses of the Spanish
forces had their beginning early In
Historical Society There Debates Ques.
tlon Bcforo Erecting Monument
Commemorating Event.
St. Louis. Tho offer of the newlj
formed St. Louis Historical society to
erect a group monument bore to coni-
memorato the founding of the clt.v
February 10, 17(M, with the suggestion
that tho central figure by Itene An
gusto Chouteau, surrounded by a group
of pioneers, Including Laclede, has re
opened tho old question ns to who
was the actual founder of this city.
Chouteau has been regardejl by
many historians as Laclede's lieuten
ant. The society has had the Inscription
on Chouteau's tomb, showing the date
of his birth at WO, recut. Records
show that If the dnto were correct,
Chouteau's mother was only seven years
old at the time of his birth.
Over Dead
renllty, trenches have slumped In.
The rims of shell holes have been
rounded by rains, nnd frosts nnd molt
ing snows. Acres of tangled rusted
barbed wire have been hidden under
weeds and shrubbery.
Rlfk Barrel Marks Grave.
Some Inches of rusted rifle bnrro.
protrude rvom the soil to mark it grave
the workmen huve not reuched. Frag
ments c leather and cloth equipment
llo scattered about, and even along
the nuvro frequented paths one stum
bles over bones.
TlMi wooden hut where M. L'Abbe
Noel lives Is perhaps 20 feet wide and
40 tect long, the gift of nn American
committee. At the end opposite the
entrance Is the altar, and, forming an
aisle, are tiers of collln-shaped boxes,
with the lids resting loosely upon
Uicin. Each box Is placarded with
tno names of tho sector along the Ver
dun front wliero the fragment was
FlowerB Blanket Coffins.
Many of the coflins nre heaped high
with llowers nnd wreaths, nnd on all
are visiting cards put there by thoso
whose memories center about the lo
cality named on the box. Of the -100,-000
French who died nt Verdun, said
the abbe. HOO.OOO will never be identi
fied. An "ossuulro" is to lie erected'
on tills spot, and In It will be placed
these "sacred bones," where they will
rest. Each sector will have u tomb
designated for It, where now there Is
a wooden box.
Four shrines, Catholic, Protestant,
Jewish and Mussolninn, will he
grouped nbout the ossualre. Each day
adds to the collection that Is gather
ing In the temporary wooden hut
which serves until thu permanent
structure is completed.
On the nearest hill Is a wooden
cross, built and erected by Marshal Pe
tnln for the dead of his urmles.' a
few yards away Is tho grave of u
French commander, General Anselln,
killed in action. Not far distant and
over the crest of the hill Is tho mas
sive concrete monument hullt over the
"Trench of Bayonets" where uu en
tire company died as they waited,
lilies in their hands, tho bugle call
to charge. Their bodies have never
been disinterred nnd jha protruding
lilies with bayonets llxed are still
clutched by the soldiers whnsu graves
they mark, as though waiting for tho
long-delayed command to go forward.
The present population of Brazil Is
one-fourth that of the United States.
tho number, form nnd position of body
pores remain the same throughout
life. The Impression of tho pores In
Doctor Locanl's .system Is colnicd by
thomlcnl vapors or very line powders
so they mny bo photographed under
a microscope.
Doctor Locard tells of several suc
cessful prosecutions supported by his
new sciences. In one case a burglar
wore gloves, but left an Impression of
n small surface of 'oreurm. That
trace convicted him. Another burglar,
perspiring freely, left tho Impression
of pore surfaces through his glove
and went to Jail.
(SrapliouiPtry, as termed by Doctor
Locard, consists primarily In the the
ory that handwriting shows always, a
certain relation In -:zo between let
ters and unmistakable characteristic)
In form, particularly In loops. In ml
dltlon to these principles Doctor Lis
card, of course, utilizes generally ac
cepted methods of detecting forger
News of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
Some months ngo A. W. Wosthnrpo
of Yunkton, S. D.. came to Falls City
and nccepted a position with the Falls
City Journal, Soon 4t became noised
about that ho was a specialist on but
terflies and Insects of all kinds. Tho
children nnd even the older folks got
busy with their nets until today Mr.
Westhorpe bns over 000 specimens on
the mounting bonrd. These will be
permanently mounted nnd presented
to the Fall City library. Everywhere
In thu county hu Is known as tho "but
terlly man."
Nebraska's total land value ronks
third of all the slates in the union
nnd second nmong tho four states
composing the eighth district of tho
Federal Land bank, according to Pres
ident Hogan, who has had the figures
compiled. Of the tolnl land value of
tho United States, which Is ?." 1,00:1,1 rV
O'JS, the land value of the Eighth dis
trict, which Is $lLG0O,.,l8d,OI.,l, Is about
2:i per cent of the total land value of
the nation.
No Nebraska apples will be In the
market this fall, according to 11 state
ment made by Arthur J. Weaver of
Falls Clt.v, one of the big apple
kings of southeastern Nebraska.
Weaver has' marketed several thous
and barrels of apples every year. Ho
said this was the first complete failure
in the apple crop ho had experienced
in eighteen years.
Ilecord for largest paid attendance
at Itlngllng Brothers-Uarntim & IJalley
circus, goes to Norfolk-, Neb., where
over 17,000 people bought tickets for
the performance there last week.
Largest paid attendance In any season
previous to last week was at Con
cordia, Kan. Before that time Post
ville, Ia had tho record.
One thousand garments comprise tho
quota renched by the women of
Grand Island, which under supervis
ion of the American Ked Cross have
been remade from old clothing for the
stricken children ot central Europe.
Tliey will be shipped to Europe Im
mediately. Adam Breed, of Hastings, will leave
next week for the Hawaiian Islands,
where he will nttend the World Press
congress ns the Nebraska delegate.
While in tho islands Mr. lirccdo will
net ns correspondent for a number of
Nebraska newspapers.
The llrst frost of the season, nn ex
tremely light one, Is reported from
low Innds In tho vicinity of O'Neill.
No damage was done." The lowest
temperature recorded by the govern--ment
thermometer for the night was
40 degrees.
Sixteen hundred nnd fifty-two tour
ists' cars were parked nights at the
public camp ground In North Platte
during August, n number nbout one
fourth greater than during the same
month Inst year. -
Frank Summers of Beatrice sustain
ed n dislocated shoulder, 11 crushed
hand nnd gashes about the face when
a team attached to n wngon load of
corn backed Into him, pushing him
Into nn ensilage cutter.
The Columbia school building, built
nt Gothenburg In 1S!2, hns been equip
ped with a new, $G,000 heating system
to replnco the old one which was last
year condemned as Inadequate.
It cost Nebraska fishermen and hunt
ers $02.15 to break the game luws
during the last 120 days. That amount
of fines was imposed on ambitious
sportsmen by George Kostors, statu
game and fish warden.
With tho threshing senson nearly
over, In the vicinity of Lodgepole, light
horses sell hero at public sale at from
510 to 5li.". The best heavy 'horses
bring from ?.10 to 5100. Shouts and
poultry sell high. 4
A large barn on tho Ernest Aekinnn
! farm near Jansen was destroyed by
llro of undetermined origin. Some hay
and 700 bushels of oats went np in
smoke. The loss Is plnced at Sl.fiOO.
Superior's 5."0,000'lilgli school, which
was damaged by llro nbout six weeks
before school closed last spring, is now
ready for use.
The Northeastern Baptist association
Is holftin'g Its annual convention nt
Wayne. About 200 are In attendance.
1120O Nebraska National Guurdmon
hnvo returned from n two weeks en
campment at Camp Dodge, Iowa.
Nearly 1000 out-of-town merchants
nttcuded the "Merchants Week" In
Mart Smith, fit), who was being
taken to the Lincoln nsylum, Jumped
on' tho passenger train a few miles
west of Oshkosli. Shortly bcforo the
train arrived nt Oshkosh, Smith usked
to be taken to the wash room. On
leaving tho room tho olllcer stepped
ahead and the door was slammed shut
by the patient, who Immedliitely Jump
ed through the window. The train
was stopped and Smith picked up nnd
brought, to town. Ho wus apparently
too badly Injured to attempt to escape
after tho fall and medical attention
was given him. Ills homo Is nt Broad
water. A small gns balloon, with message
nttached, sent up August ill, from
Humboldt, was found In n posture
five miles southwest of Skldomore,
"Mo., nccordlng to word reaching Hum
boldt. Compensation to Nebraska workmen
or injuries received so far this year
amounts to SMfi.Ottl.OS, representing
11 total of '1,805 claims, according to
a statement Issued by F. A. Kennedy,
stalo labor commissioner. Accidents
reported numbered 0,075, with 1,221
enses pending. There has been $C0,
SS5.-11 paid out for mcdlcnl and hos
pital expenses.
Earl Torter, president of Ihc Omaha
Aero club, says that 50,000 personal
Invitations have been sent out among
the 210,000 uir men avtillubio for Iho
big reunion to be held In Oninlm No
vember 3, 4 and 5. It Is to be tho
most Important aeronautical event In
the history of the game, according to
those who should know, for not only
will a national air body be formed, nnd
eight nlr races and exhibitions held,
Including the Pulltlzer trophy race,
hut (lie general meetings of the re
union promise to. bring developments
nnd n nations Hint wllj advance tho
cause of aerial nnvlgullou troinen
dotisly. Tho urerngo Nebraska farm, Includ
ing both land nnfl buildings, Is worth
520,027 or .$87.05 nn ncre, according
to statistics compiled by D. P. Ilognn.
presldent of the Oniahn Federal Land
bank. According to this same report
the farm land of Nebraska is worth
$3,330,150,180. Mr. Hogan shows that
Nebraska land ranks third of nil tho
land In tho forty-eight states and sec
ond in point of valuation for the Om
aha Land Hank district, which Includes
Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota und
The new Gerlng-ScottsblulT bridge
hns been opened for tralllc. Thu
bridge Is 21 feet wide of reinforced
concrete nnd tho approach is 1.S00
feet long In the shape of an elongated
"S." Tho bridge cost $M0,O00. Tills
bridge, It Is said, carries moro tratlle
thnn any other bridge In the state,
and only one bridge thnt touches thu
stnte exceeds it tho Oinulia-Councll
Bluffs bridge.
. Hiding on a train for tho first tlmo
In his S3 yenrs of life, Silas Hunt of
Ilnycs Center went to Lincoln to the
stole fair. At the same time Mr.
Hunt saw an nlrplane for tho first
time ns It circled above the llnlr
grounds. lie declared thnt he could
see It better without his glasses than
with them." Mr. Hunt came to Ne
braska over sixty years ago with an
ox team.
The entire melon patch of live acres
at tho stnte Institution for feeble
minded, east of Beatrice, has been des
troyed by vandals and Ijr. Stewart,
superintendent, Issued n statement to
the effect thnt they need not come
again as the Job had been completed.
Broken melons were found over tho
patch nnd along the highway by
Sheriff Emery, who visited the slnto
Word has been received from many
points that numerous veterans of tho
Sandstorm division will be In Omnlin
for the conclave, September 10, 20 and
21. Fort Omalia has been obtained for
the occasion. From 4,000 to 5,000 vet
erans nre expected.
A new typo Do Ilnvllnnd airplane,
to bo placed on the nlr mall service,
will bring the Chicago mail to Oniahn
September 10 or.12. The plane travels
15 miles nn hour fnster and carries SOO
pounds, twice ns much mnll as Is car
ried by the typo of plane now In ser
vice. Deputy United Stntes Marshal Tom
Carroll of Lincoln, hns announced his
resignation from that post, effective
September 1. He will go Immedlatelv
to the staff of U. S. Hohrer, federal
prohibition commissioner.
Tho sale of its light system nnd con
nection with the Jine of the Til-Stute
Utilities company line Is being con
templated by the village of Magnet.
The estimated expense of the change la
Through the courtesy of the Phadron
business men the Pine nidge Indians
were served with free beef, sugar mid
coffee during the Dawes county fair.
Over 1000 Sioux were In attendance.
Stalks fifteen feet high ears of
corn nine feet from the base wore
raised on the Hoy Hlatt farm south
west of Superior nnd brought to that
place for exhibition.
John Webb has resigned the position
of deputy county treasurer of John
son county nnd'hns taken the superln
tendency of the schools at P.rowuvillc.
Plans have been approved for a new
Platte river bridge at Oshkosh. It Is
probable that a now bridge will nlso
bo constructed nt LIsco.
The Tuckervllle and Franklin school
districts located near Callaway have
consolidated and are now putting up
a largo school building.
About twenty swine breeders of
Knox county recent, v organized thu
Knox County Swine Breeders associa
tion. Bigsprlng will soon hnNO city water
works In operation. A yenr has been
consumed In building the plant.
Web-worms nre infesting the shndo
trees In Columbus now In numbers
greater than ever before and there Is
real danger unless dealt with In u
drastic manner. They nre mainly nt
tacklng the bos ciders, ash ami elm
trees, many of which may dlo unless
relieved of the pest.
Four passenger trains In Nebraska
wero ordered laid off by the state rail
way commission und ft hearing was
held on tho proposition of the discon
tinuance of two more. The commis
sion iititliorl'otl the discontinuance of
four trains on the Minneapolis & Om
nlia between Sioux Slty and Oninho.
Bayard new high school building Is
now complete. The building lias been
In the course of construction for two
yenrs, with the usual worries nnd
anxieties attending any building these
last years, the estimated cost of tho
finished building amounting to $250',
000. ,
Tho Loup Tlvcr Is cutting n new
channel two and n half miles north of
Monroe, und tho spreading water Is
destroying corn fields und covering n
vust amount of farm lands, according
to Information received by Acting Gov
ernor P. A. Unrrows in a letter from
Dr. J. M. Thompson of Monroo.
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning I Unless you see the nnmi.
"Bnyer" on package or on tablets you
ore not getting gcnulno Aspirin pre
scribed by physicians for tweuty-ono
years and proved snfe by millions.
Take Aspirin only ns told in the Bnyer
package for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Hheutnatlsm, Earache, Toothnche,
Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger pnekages. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacctlcacidcster of Sallcycacld,-
Not So Alluring.
Critic Drnndur Mathews said at a
Columbia tea:
"Suggestion rather 'than detail
makes the most vivid picture. Detail,
Indeed, may spoil n picture completely.
"A preacher was describing heaven
to a widow whose husband had Just
died. He said that the separation ot
dear ones wns not for long, nnd then
with elaborate detail he pointed tho
happiness of whom death re
unites In Paradise.
"When tho. preacher stopped for
breath the widow observed thought
fully: "Well, I suppose his first wife lias
got him again, then."
Thousands of yomen have kidney and
bladder trouble and never suspect it.
Women's complaints often provo to be
nothing else but kidney trouble, or tbo
rcsult of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys are not in a healthy
condition, they may causo tho other or
gans, to become diseased.
.Pain in the back, headache, loss of am
bition, nervousness, nre often times symp
toms of kidney trouble.
Dn't delay starting treatment. Dr.
Kilmers Swamp-Root, a physician's pre
scription, obtained at any drug store,may
bo just the remedy needed to overcome
such conditions.
Get n medium or large size bottle im
mediately from any drug store.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer &, Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.-Advertlsement.
Settlng.Up Drill,
'lie "Don't you think I ought to ex
erclso my mind more?" She "Yes!
Why not tnko It outside?" Cartoon
la greatly relieved by constitutional treat
Is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal
Deafness lu caused by nn inflamed con
dition of tho mucous lining of the Kusta
clilnn Tubo. When this tube Is Inflamed
you hnvo a rumbling sound or Imperfect
hearing, and when It 1b entirely closed.
Uenfneaa Is tlio result. Unless the In
flammation cun bo reduced, your hearlntr
may bn destroyed forever. HALiIii
CATAIUtir MEDICINE nets through tho
blood on tho inurous surfaces of tho syn
tein, thus rcduchu; tho Inflammation .ami
assisting Naturo in restoring normal con
ditions. Circulars free. AH Druggists.
V. J. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Ad
vertisement. All He Does.
"He gets his money easily."
"Very. All ho has to do for It Is
to btlck everlastingly to his Job."
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With tho antiseptic, fnsclnntlng Cutl
eurn Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented convenient, economical face,
skin, baby and dusting powder nnd
perfume. Benders other perfumes su
perlluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet
frlo (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Ad
rertlsement. Life never rises any higher than the
belief. The man who believes wrong
will beluno wrong.
tobacco makes 50
flood cigarettes for
Wo want you to liavo tho
bost paper for "BULL."
So now you can receive
wlthench package a book
of 24 loaves of WUk.
Iho very finest cigarette
paper In the world.
tjfiEJht&w&i' "
O i E I B
. I