J 1' I 'r K t & 'wit lll.lorloAt Son, t- i Mil of n . BiSr2 SI3S3Lt.st:-gmr 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 49 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 15. 1921 NUMBER 37. 'if is EASY to wash PYREX ( Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, crease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in slmpc3 and 6izcs for every practical Imking purpose. It is a saver or time, tucl and Ldishwashing drudgery. Booster's Trip Tomorrow COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLD SHOUT SESSION A booster's trip for the purpose of J Red Cloud Nebraska, Sept. 13 ndvertisin llio local Fanners' Iu9tl- The County Board, of Commissioi tttto is being planned for tomorrow cm met us per adjournment at JO and nil business men and citizens who. 'clock " wit, all members pro- sent mm iransucicu uic iouowing uro interested in this yenrly event are invited to participate. A number of ours will be furnished and those desir- I ing to go can do so by being at the (tiico it Grimes corner at 9:00 a. m. Let's have a good turnout and boost for the Institute. Commercial Club Appoints TRINE'S HARDWARE nx',1cnsiEiniiiiiiiiiffiiiii;!;iaiii BJEiiiiniiiiiiiiJ Ti j& ue economy In buying groceries comes through selecting the better grades from a store you know you can depend upon. Wc pride ourselves on our sincere desire to have in stock at all times the best quality food stuffs at moderate prices. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Qucensware mmmiacmiiM business). In accordance with a law passed by the 1921 Legislature making it com pulsory that the County Superinten dent appoint a Truant Officer fov Webster county a motion was made by Chaplin and seconded by Shidhr that P. II. Honor be appointed to ill this office and receive the sum of $1.00 per day for each day actually nnivitrnil in thin wnvlf !iwl In lir ill- Mr S Kni-rlmnn sprrfarv ! lWC(l ir C(-'nls P01' milc ior cucn nil' mr. a. naraman secretary lrnvclccl in th0 performance of his On Tuesday evening the officers and ' cJuSrncy was instruct n large number (if members ot Uu- 0,i to tart the proper action accoH Cuintuerciiil Club met at their club'inr to law airainst the children of Mrs. Crow to compel them to con tribute to the support of their mothe.'. The Bond of Lawrence Doyle as Constable was approved by the Board. On Motion the claim of Amos Cut ter for $180.00 for house rent for Graycry Bennett of Bladen was iv jnctcd. Motion carried. The following claims were audited and allowed and County Cleric .'n structcd to draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of same. GENERAL FUND Grant Shidler.. .. S 70.C0 room', at which time those present de oidod to employ Mr. S. Ilurdtnati as J secretary, he to have the est room for an ofllec and will be found there sev era I Ik iks each day devoting his time t to the upbuilding of the club and lu torestsof community. They also de- (eided to secure some organization to . furnish the lunch for the Golden Hod Highway boosters who will stop in this city on their trip. Attempts to Hold Up No. 16 Parksville, Mo , Sept. 11. A bandit who tonight attempted to hold up Chicago, Burlington & Quiucy pass enger train No. 10, southbouud near here, was captured by the crew itud sent to Platte City, Mo.,. under guaTcl. Police and state authorities late tonight wutu investigating reports that the man had two confederates aboard tho train who jumped when the third man was captured The man who attempted the robbery boarded the. train at St. Joseph, Mo. Monday's Omaha World Herald Farmers Institute October 2o-'2S are the dates for this year's Farmers Institute Already plans have been made for a bigger .md better Institute than ever befoie. Tho schools will givo a musical, moving pictures will show scenic Nebraska and her Industries, University profess ori will bo with us and all the enter tainments and lectin es dining tho J Bill Colby. evenings will be the- best that can be obtained. Tho dairy depart incni will be a spic ial feature this year and there will Lo a big show of horses. Now is thotitno to select your exhibits for the farm products department. A common re mark at the institute is tills one "If I had known that there was nothing better than this I would have brought a real one". Do it now. Tbelnstltuto is for all so let evoryono enter some thing. Thero will be two parades and a big time for all. Lets go. Frank Starr C. A. Waldo M. D. Jones Co Morhai t B ros Milbuin & Scctt State Journal Co. Woodruff Printing Co. Hillyard Chemical Co National Wood Co Anna U. Spanogic Red Cloud Chief K. B. Printing Co Anna Stumphcnhorst POOH FARM FUND Yost & Son Morhart Bros.... T. II. Dcakin - Graham Furniture Co. Standard Oil Co Farmers Union Hcd Cloud Jlia Abbey Albert McKinney Shaffer Oil Co E. J. Emcrton BRIDGE FUND Wm. Sawyer II. L. Schenk J. K. Martin James Mcintosh Emil Lark . . Wm. Sawyer. Funeral for James Doyle Q i 112 0 12.00 73.40 9'J.43 G.Oli 30. '.G 99.4C 30.5s 41 CG 13.25 G0.00 GO GO 44.70 91.33 13 15 11.50 '..45 87.42 122.80 28.00 2.15 108.00 15G.00 41.25 . 1G.95 . 195.00 . 41.50 . 15.00 31.00 Board adjourned to meet October 4, 1921. B. F. PERRY County Clerk In'ordcr to close out our present stock of wall paper in a hurry We Have Cut Prices to The Quick distoSof 20, 2 S and 30 From Original Retail Price. , Which brings them down to cost prices and lower CHAS. L COTTING THE DRUGGIST Last Saturday morning funeral ser vices were conducted from tho Catholio church for James Doyle, Father Fitz gerald being in charge. A largo num ber paid their last respects to the de ceased who had a largo circle of fi lends and stood high in tho community, by their presence Interment was nuulo in tho Catholic Cemetery. James Doyjo was born May 10th 1&03 at Stroetcr, Illinois, and passed away after an operation In a hospital 'at Kansas City, September 8th, 1921, being over llfty three years of age. Hu ' camo to Nebraska when but a boy and t lived in the vicinity of Guldo Hock un til the year 1895 when he moved to tho 1 farm in Ploasunt Hill township whero ' ho resided until tho tlmo of his death. Ho married Agnes Postllwait Febr uary Gth, 1891 aud to them were born seven children: Mrs. L.T. Gillian of Hardy, Mrs. Ed Donton of Bladen, James of Cowles, Harold, Frauds, George and Marcoylcuo who are at homo. Ho leaves llvo sinters aud four brothers besides bis wife and children to mourn his untimely demise. Congressman E, W. Andrews of Hastings was la the city Tuesday NOTED SINGERS IN RECITAL HERE LAST OP MONTH E. H. Ncwliouso will present Miss Jean MacNeil, and Mr. Emerson Williams, assisted by Chester Gay lord at Bcsso Auditorium Thursday September 29th. This trio of artists comes to us with the highest tributes of press and pub lic. Miss MncNcil and Mr. Williams have occupied solo positions in tbo largest churches in New York, in addition to Concert and Oratorio work throughout America. While they specialize in songs of Bonnie Scotland, which they present in Scotch costumes, they never fail lo please in tho Oratorio and Concert numbers. They lmvo contributed their share to the success of many of our worthy American composers. Chester Gaylord is an artist who lias mado many friends among dis criminating music lovers for his sin cere musicianship and unusual ability. There nro indications that some thing out of tho ordinary will Jo heard at the Recital, although E. II. New- house refuses to divulgo just what it is. Tho reporter has his suspicions. If they aro correct, those who attend arc apt to have a very pleasant surprise. Invitation Concert MERSON WILLIAMS and JEAN MACNEIL THIS NOTABLE MUSICAL EVENT IS PRIMARILY AN INVITATION AFFAIR. A PEW RESERVATIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION. MUSIC LOVERS CAN OBTAIN THESE TICKETS WITHOUT CHARGE, BY APPLYING IM MEDIATELY TO THIS STORE. THESE FAVORITE ARTISTS APPEAR O AT -msc ESSE "WIS v v. TCTlltiM A UDITORIUM Thursday, September 29th In addition to singing several groups of songs, Mr. Williams and Miss MacNeil have consented to compare their art with its RE CREATION by Mr. Ediscn's new phonograph. Chester Gaylord, pianit and saxophonist, will assist. lAiJ&sstsi TW 0 & J RED CLOUD, m "st L' iL nsB wnouse NEBRASKA JE2222E3E3ESKinnZl HESSiS! Bnnnmaiim Groceries Are one thing you have to buy almost every day, so it is important that you get them where service and quality are to be obtained at the lowest prices. U A trial will convince you that this store satisfies each requirement fully. Grace, Church Services . 17th Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Servlco aud Sermon by Rov, J.JiI.-Batos.at 11 a.m. . " , vA PnnnllKr Rnrvlfift. r . And Bear in Mind m S3 That we are prepared to handle your Cream, Ejgs and Poultry to the best possible advantage and pay you The Highest Market Price The Farmers Union 1 J. F. Edwards, Mgr. -1 7 Red Cloud, Neb. r es? H morning. . , IHHBI J fc rfK. .f, f.