r1z 1 J HD OLOOD, MZBBMEA, CHEW i - S 3. la WW.1 i t PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES Travellers Cheques protect the tourist by , affording n safe form in which to curry funds. These cheques, which tiro Issued In lioiiotiilnii- . tlons of $10, 820, 850, and 8100, furnish n roady Jdontlflcntion of the holder and uro payable up on coUntcr-signaturo. Thoy tiro accepted throughout tho world by banks, hotels, trans, portstlon Bompanlcs ntii business houses. lloforo taking an extended trip let our officers ' explain In detail tho advantages of carrying theso cheques when travelling. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce. Preiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cailiie DtpoiUl Guaranteed by th Dtpoittori (Juarantv Fundojlht Stat of Atorana tUMUlMMZlM I WWVVWVWAfVWrVV-VA"AiVArV.VWAVAV.WiVVWm 5 IF ITS FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em Malpne - Gellatly Co. "Talk with us about fence posts1' i nuwuvi nanin Just For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 - - 1921 has been jigurcd out, thai in building a certain house, the LUMBER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1921 Freight has advanced $2So.oo en this material, since ptj, which makes the lumber cost at the present time a trijle over $ioo.oo more than it did in pj, exclusive of Jt freight raise. Piatt fr Frees iraaiiitoixniiraiiiiratiraiiniH I 100 Per Cent Fair At NELSON, Sept. 1 to 2 3 Nuckolls County Fair Will put on a program this year that will please the most skeptical, at t he old price, this is what you want to know. ,; School Children Admitted Free on Tuesday From any where and everywhere, Stock judging -starts promptly at nine o'clock each morning. Superior, Deshler and Nelson Bands Unite in one grand concert, Wednesday, Sepc. 20th. Hiwaiian Quartette will sing during the forenoons. ; Races Start Promptly at 1:30 O'clock ; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. $1,500.00 in the best ;acts traveling will be sandwiched between races. ' . ; Dan Desdume's, the World's Best Colored Band .'and entertainers will cntortain you for two hours each 'evening, no better traveling. Come and stay for the evening show. " Friday Auto Racing Day Some of the best drivers in the United States have already entered these races, You will see the best. If you are disappointed in the program and you think after attdnding that we have failed to give value, stop and we will bo pleased to give you back your money. For Information Write lOnODDtHmnDDDDCKlDtKKKKl mmdc xun MADE HISTORY By JAMES C. YOUNG. McewKaocaaaaaaatt( ( by McClure Newspapor Syndicate.) A "MOST Q0RGE0U8" IRISH 'BEAUTY. WHEN we rend tho story of tho vnmplro who devours men's hearts perhaps we Bhoiild pause and wonder why she beenmo u vampire. Thcro was tho caso of "tho most gorge ous Lady lilesslngton," as an Imagin ative admirer called her. But she was not born Lady lilesslngton, or Lady anything else. Her father was a drunken, roistering squire of Tlppcr ary, and Mnrgucrltu one of seven chil dren. He used to heat her with u heavy strap, nnd perhaps she was glad when ho married her to a British urmy captain from the nearby garrison. This captuln was a drunkard nnd half In sane. Ho beat poor Marguerite worso than had her father. She fled to tho parental roof, and tho father ordered her back to the captain. Then Marguerite disappeared. Her career as a vampire had begun. We find her at twenty, one of the beauties of Dublin. Sir Thomas Lawrence painted a picture of her which made both famous. Sho had several lovers before meeting tho enrl of lilesslng ton, peer nnd man of fashion. lie still held a large part of a onco vast estate, lilesslngton married her and they opened house In St. James' square, London. In 18'21 tho couple wont to 1'arls, whero she met tho Count d'Or- sny, then eighteen years old nnd one of the talented dilettantes of the French capital. Marguerite was thirty-two, but they Instantly loved. The count Joined the two' on their trip to Genoa. After romantic wanderings through Italy, Marguerite enmo hack to Lou don. Then lilesslngton died, nnd sho found herself In straits. She turned to writing, for which she always had had some tnleut, and met with at least a show of success. Her efforts served to attract many notnbles to her salon. She continued to live with d'Orsuy, while Bulwer-Lytton, Dickons, Thack eray, Tom Moore and Disraeli paid her court. The "Greek god" did not seem to care. Among the visitors was Louis Napoleon, afterward Napoleon III, then broke nnd without friends. Mar guerite entertained him well. liut at last all of this line living end ed In a crash. There still were debt ors' prisons In England. Marguerite nnd d'Orsay saw them vn wiling Just ahead. They owed more than $500,000, n huge sum then. It was Impossible for them to leave the house except on Sundays, so ninny bailiffs waited about the door. Then the two escnped to Paris. As suredly Napoleon III would help. Iut he had not been cnllcd "Napoleon, tjw Little," for nothing. He showed thorn tho door. Marguerite, past sixty, soon died. D'Orsay followed her three years later, and they sleep beneath one stone. wmy?mmf&&mwmm'A "VAMPS" WHO i MADE HISTORY By JAMES C. YOUNG. g CaiWCjOKSCyrDOEOvOXC v,cj bj A.ii'luiu N'uHsjmiior SjnJIcutc.) THE UGLIEST SIREN ON RECORD. NEBRASKA FARM LEADERS BACK OF HARVEST APPEAL Movement to Succor Famine Stricken People Supported by Prominent Men of State. as mt: wjNdrinmT w g By MOLLIE MATHER. ( 1921, Western Newspaper Union.) GEORGE JOHNSON, Sec'y JOE WEIR, Pres. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ' We do building fr9,m tho excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or ptherwiso, to suit our customers. Wo do FRAME fi'RICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the dif fer- 1 ItencebotKdAndJPripJVstucc0' .? "S liK In..-, .ho face of n horse, said t'url.vle; yet he had lotl her, along with n.siiiy other, notables of the art world who gathered lu l'arls dtitTng the llrst half of the last cen tury. No one could deny that George Sand was ugly, nor that she was one of the most bi,lll..i!it women authors of all time. George Sand's lovers were as numer ous as her hooks. Despite her home liness, she had the burning eyes, of genius and beautiful black hair. Soon after her llrst success sho be came Infatuated with Prosper Merl- mee, the author of "Carmen," and n Hon of the salons, liut on the ninth day she dismissed him. "You arc too cynical for my Ideal," she told him. Then came young Alfred de Musset, the poet, who had Just gniued fame. Sho carried him off to Italy, but there fell In love with n doctor. De Musset returned to Paris. George Sand fol lowed him, heartbroken but accom panied by the doctor. She beseeched the poet to forget tho pnst. He would not heed her appeals. Then tho doctor went back to Italy. In desperation, George Sand cut off her beautiful black hair and sent It to ,de Musset as a token of completo surrender. Still ho would not relent. In nn'ger she wrote a book attacking tho poet, nnd he replied with another. Paris Inughcd. Swinburne summed up the mnttcr thus ly: "Do Musset wus wrong; but George did not bchnvc as a gentleman should." linlzac, Liszt, Dumns and ninny oth er famous men worshipped at Georgo Sand's feet then passed on. At last canio Frederic Chopin, the musician, lie was a delicnto wreck of a man. She restored him to something almost like health by the very force of her love and vitality. Ho repaid her with tho worship of a true artist's soul, liut even Georgo Sand could not hold back tho course of nature, Chopin grow worse. She tired of tho musi cian at lost, andieft him. Dying, ho sent for her, but sho did not go. "Ab," ho said, "sho had promised thnt 1 should die lu nobody's nrms but hers," And ho called, for her until tho Inst, nlUiot'gh it hnlf doz.cn of tho first wom en of Perls stood bcsjila hla, couch, Paris laol;d coiaiy jQpargd, Sand, J k. .. -.4.. .lJ.tMlIU&, nMbi.All ilin. find A Mii'UvCluvir wiitv iwtmi'u'uiuuj uuu a A special Agricultural Committee for the Nebraska Near Kast Relief. has been formed and among Its mem bers uro Governor Samuel It. McKol vie, Leo Stuhr, Secretary Department of Agriculture; C. II. Gustafson, Na tional President United States Grain Growers, Inc.; II. D. Lute, Secretary Nebraska Farm llureuu Federation; Elmer 13. Youngs, President Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation; O. .7. Osborn, president Nebraska Farmers' Educational and Co-Oporutlve Union, and several other leading Nebraska farmers. Approved by Officials. In the Inst week .7. It. Howard, presi dent of tho American Farm Bureau Federation; C. II. Gustafson, National President of tho United States Grain Growers, Inc.: President James and W. I. Drommond of the International Farm Congress, nnd Nebraska farm of ficials have approved wltli a spirit the work that Is saving the lives of thou sands In the Near Kast. Presdent Howard writes: "I believe that the enterprise for which the Near Kast Relief Is gathering food Is worthy of receiving tho generosity of tho Amercan fanners. Upon investi gation of tho methods proposed for collecting nnd handling thte gift, these mctho'ds appear practicable. It Is be lieved thnt the Near Kast will be able to carry out this program and that It will do so and on thN basis it will re ceive tho support of the American farmers who are generous and who are able to give." Gustafson Commends Plan. And Mr. Gustnfson says: "I want to take this opportunity to commend your organization In Its efforts to se cure contrbutlons of grnln for tho re lief of the starving or the Near Kast and to give my hearty endorsement to your plan ns it has been presented to me. Your method will accomplish tho greatest good for the greatest number. It is n duty and a privilege for the farmer to contribute to this worthy movement and I do not hesl tn'te to urge and recommend that farmers and fnnn organizations sup port It with liberal contributions. Let mo assure you that I shall lend sup port to your work wherever possible." While Secretary II. D. Lute of the Nebraska Fnnn liureau Federation says he believes: "The farmers of Ne braska will be pleased to have tho opportunity to contribute their sur plus corn for the needy children of the Near Kast." Saunders County Sets Pace. Saunders county which Is the leading corn county in the state Is liard at work organizing for the Near Kast harvest grain appeal. It. Conrad Johnson is the special grain chairman for this appeal and lie is being ably backed by Mr. F. K. Alder, former county superintendent of Snundors schools and Jessy M. Gnloway of Wahoo. In all of tho districts of the county, groups of men, regardless of their walk In life, are agreeing to get hack of- this movement. Indeed Saunders county, which has been fore moit in all former appeals of this liaiiiro, intends to take no second place Willi any other ('(muly In the state. They hno set the ilato for the cam paign from September ."th to I.'th and expect to raise at least four carloads of ctfrii nnd wheat. In Ilitchcnrl; county Mr. Clemens, editor of the McCook Gazette, is tho county grain chairman and with tho help of .7. IV Holmes county agricul tural agent, Is organizing the county In a way that will surprise tho entire state. Dodge county Is proceeding to or ganize In u very systematic way. Tho county agricultural agent, It. N. nnuser, Is doing all the secretarial work for the grain appeal and some of tho very strongest farm leaders of thQ county nre back of the movement. Madison county farm leaders are or ganizing. - F. W. Iloswcll nt Iienkloman, Dundy county, Is grain chnlrmnn and in Hitchcock county Mr. M. C. Dundy, a retired and prominent fnrmer of Trenton, Is organizing the entire county by townships. One fnrmer In St rat ton of tills county has pledged one hundred bushels as a starter for their county's contribution. It Is expected Hint Carl Poterson and his associates In Chase county, who sent In tho first car of corn Inst spring, will handle the grnln appeal for this county. Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATU HANK Red Cloud Nebraska. E. S. Grber Wall Paper, Paints. Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds YpU Wire Your Houe.And ' FuiiwhYou.withrFixturea Across their lieartlillre Don and Daisy looked at each other. "Nan is such a dear girl," Daisy said, "I do wish she would take a little more In terest lu men. I really cannot bear to think of Nan living alone all her days. Aiid she is so provoklngly distant." Don smoked rumlnlHlngly. "Like my friend Hob," he remnrked. "Now take Hob, good honest fellow, kind, gentlemanly nnd successful lu business yet, a woman hater." "Oh I 1 shouldn't call him that ex actly," Don's wife defended, "It's Just that Dob Reynolds has had so many fussy feninles In his own family that he Is cautious. You know, yourself, you would hate to rlBk being tied for life to anyone resembling his married sister. Then, too, Bob 1b satisfied In his profession, so ho Just 'steers clear.' " "Hut he needs a sympathizing un derstanding companion," Don insisted. Daisy sighed. "No more than my lone, lovely Nan needs a protecting husband," she replied. Then the two Involuntarily smiled. "If we could manngo n meeting be tween them," suggested Daisy. Don shook his head. "Can't be done," ho answered decisively, "livery time I invito old Hob out he suspects the match-making propensity of the happily mnrrled, and refuses." Daisy nodded. "I know," she said, "Nan is Just that way. 'Who else Is coining?' she will nsk me defiantly." The lire crackled on, Daisy slipped over to tho friendly arm of her Husband's- chair and still sat gazing moll tatlvely Into the rosy depths. "Don," she said at Inst, "while we re In New York next week will you n&k,liob to drop Into the tint occasion ally and see that things nre all right? "Good Idea," Don heartily agreed. "Hob will enjoy looking nfter your fernery, Daisy; you know he Is nn ad mirer of yours." Hob was well pleased to oblige his friends. Thy thought of nn uninter rupted evening among Donald's whII chosen hooks was Inviting. He tlriod the latchkey which his friend had bestowed upon lihn nnd entered the deserted vestibule. All wns In i dull ness for his coming, ns Don had said. As he switched on the llvlng-iooni lights lie saw a dish of polished red apples on a table beside the iireshle chair. Several new pieces seemed plnced for his selection on the grand piano. He hastily shut oft the myriad lights as he dropped to the hearth rug, leaving the golden shaded lamp alone for his use. And ns Hob bent to build tho fire he discarded his coat. From a rear room came croonlngly the chirp of n bird. Hob arose. Don had not mentioned the added care of n bird, and here he, Hob, had allowed two days to elapse before visiting Ida friends' home after their departure. Tho tiny creature might be suffering now for want of food. Softly, on the, thick rugs, Hob made his way in the direction of the bird's murmurlngs. Thy cage hung In u high kitchen win dow, and standing upon a stool before the cage was a girl. Thy bright lights of the white kitchen fell upon her hroi.yu-gold hair; and presently, as though sensing his presence, the girl turned abruptly, and losing her bal ance fell with a startled cry. directly Into Hob's outstretched nrms. It seumed that ho had anticipated that fall from the moment the girl turned her white face toward hlin. A quick stride found him at the side of the high stool. It took him some time, however, to realize that tho young woman's alarm was occasioned by his own presence. Then Hob, holding her nnd vninly endenvoiing to reach the faucet In or der to dampen her forehead with re viving wnter, wondered vaguely how In the world this strange young wom an came to he In the deserted apart ment which Don assured him was locked against Intruders. For a mo ment tho dizzy thought assailed him thnt he had mistakenly entered the .wrong npartnient. Then the pale- fuced young woman found voice. "I don't know," she said, "whnt you are doing here." She surveyed Hob's contless figure. "Hut if you are a bin glar, won't you plense go?" "Burglar 1" Hob gasped. He realized that the young woman wns endeavor ing to free herself from his close sus taining grasp. Also, that a most be coming rose color had banished th ashy whiteness and that her affright ed eyes were now glinting dangcrou resentment. "Burglar 1" ho repeated "Why I came to look after the ferns Don asked me to. I'm ills friend." The young woman, sinking down oi a kitchen chair, stared tit him. "Not,' she asked mockingly, "tho 'paragoi Hob Reynolds? I," her tone was ex pressive, "have heard of you. Dalsj mado me promise to look after hoi bird every evening. I nm Daisy, friend." "Nof," mimicked tho ninn, "the rnro ly perfect Nan? I hove heard of you.' And when It so happened not many weejs later that Hob Reynolds proud ly nnnouiiced ills engagement to Hit two friendly conspirators, Nan laughed. "Bob had to take me," slit reproved Daisy. "You fairly threw me at his head." - ' "Meaning," .said Nan's loytr happily "that you Sheriff's Sale. Notlco is hereby given, thnt under " and by virtue of an Order of Sale is sued from tho oillce of Clara McMillan Clerk of the District Couit of tho Tenth Judicial District, within and for Webster county, Nebraska, upon a de crce In an action pending, therein wherein James W. Auld is Pluinlilf, hikI agnlnst Louise P. Huiison ct al De fendants, I shall offer for snlo at pub lic vendue, according to the forms ot said decree, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at tho south door of the Court house, nt Red Cloud, in said Webstor county, Nebraska, (that being the building whoroin the last term of said court was liolflen) on the 14th day of September A. D, 1021 at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, tho following describ ed property, to-wit:' The East Half of tho South West Quarter (EJsf S W H) and the West Half of the South East Quarter (WK S E) of Section 17, in Township 1, North of Range 10, West or the Cth P. M. Given under my hand this 4th day of August A. D., 1921. FRANK HUFFER Sheriff. Bernard McNeuy Plaintiff's Attorney BOARD OF EDUCATION HOLDS REGULAR MEETING On Monday evening the School Board held n regular meeting with nil members present except Secretary Pope end E. J. Overing Jr. The following bills were read and allowed: - Commercial Advertiser $28.50 Red Cleud Chief 5.85 C. E. Kizor 3.50 Grico & Grimes 31.50 Mr. George Johnson and wife ap peared before the Board relative to the question as to whether their child ren were entitled to free school privi leges or should pay tuition. It being found that Mr. Johnson had moved to Red Cloud to maltc his home. A mo tion was made, seconded and carried that these children be allowed to enter school without the payment of any tuition. Motion made and carried that the Secretary be instructed to deliver Teachers' salary checks to the Sup erintendent who will distribute same to the teachers. Tho Board then ad journed. Lutheran Church Notes O. R. IlEtalTZ. Pnstor Sunday, Sept. llth, the Lutheran congregation at Campbell will cele brate its annual mission festival in the church, nine miles north of Rivcrton on the Campbell road. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. m The local congregation Is cordially invited. '. . Methodist Church Notes Sunday School at 10 n m. Church scrvico at II a. m and 8 p. in. Ep worth League at 7:15 p. in Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at S.o'clock. If you nre notattendji;g elsewhere we extend to you a cordial invitation to attend our Suiidny School, and chinch services ' II. MIRY W Com, 1113' or i, my dear, dropped pjolppUy inns. , v., Congregational Church Notes Rev. Mary 11. Mitchell, Pastor Preaching services at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10 n. m. Prayer nnd Bible Study Friday even ing tit 8 o'clock. All aro welcome, to nay of those services Mrs. Eddy Laid to Rest Death brought relief last Saturday evening to Mrs. Lou Eddy, who has b)cu suffering ill health for some timo past. She had boon a resident of this city for mauy years. The deceased loaves one daughter and throe sous, Mrs Jack Musters, of noldrego, Fred of Smith Center, Ivas, and Jay and Buster of this city. Funeral services wero conducted by Rev. Barkey, Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist church and interment made b3slde hor husband In tho city ceme tery. .' Shoday: Sheep. "I believe I'll go over nnd examine them sheep of Jupe's a little carefulli er," said Mr. T to his wife; bo's offered three of"em for that ycller heifer, but knowin' him as I do I aim to be sure 'foro ho gets her that their fleeco ain't half cotton 'stead of all wool." Youth's Companion. Mllton'o Mulberry Tree. A cutting from n mulberry treo planted by John Milton nt Oxford has been planted In the grounds of Mil ton's cottage nt Chulfont. It Is a pretty sentiment which Inspired such nn net a tribute to the great poet which be woufcl havo been the llrst to appreci ate. Having lied from London to this quiet Bucks, village, ho thcro put Into tho hands of friend Ellwood tho com pleted "Paradise Lost." Ho hnd him take It home, "rend It at my leisure." says Ellwood, "and when I had so dope, return It to him with my Judg ment thereon." Leisure Is the splrlv. of this quiet cottngo, with Its wealth ot cllmblpg ropes; the mulberry tree from Ojsford, will bo an addod charm in thev comlngKyears In this placa. ot literary ,plllmagaiCbrlaUna Sciatica . .Monltli"!'f - 'N ' WT - - ' i I- M it w i u jmicurt. Into, my arms. I Is-