& V RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHEEP r Children's School Wear Week School starls September 5th. While lots of mothers have anticipated the dress needs for their little ones, many have been delayed by one cause or another in making their purchases until now, while scores of other needs will bo discovered when preparing the children, for school. I School Dresses Our Showing in Prclty School Dresses in the READY TO WEAR In Sizes From 4 to 20 Years at Prices That Will Satisfy The M6st Exacting THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrnska. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY .utired In the I'ostolllcp nt Hid C loud, Nob 3s Brcond Clans Matter' ' A. B. McAItTIIUK,Edllor and Owtior Advertising .Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & 12H SWEATERS Nothing is more serviceable for cool mornings for child ren than a good sweater. Before buying come in and look. Ginghams If you prefer to make the dresses we have a nice line of gingham, linen, poplin or wool in most all of the wanted colors. Hose In buying hose you want the best you can get for the money. I have selected my stock of hose with care both as to texture and price. Agdnt for Home Journal Patterns The Women's Store Our renders will notice considerable improvement in this week's Argus. Mrs. Clara Darker is helping with the machine work which (jives the editor more time to look for elti&lvc nows Items. There Is also, of course, n con siderable Improvement in tho ollleu foicoduo to lellnlng feminine Iniliietiee, We may he permitted to add that this explains the high tou'e that Is observed to characterize the Advertiser and Arus oillccs and the deplorable condi tion of our hated adversaries in the east side ba&oment, who hide uround in their shirl sleoves and biuolto strong- plpos. Webster County Argus. Wo wish to say right hern that if it the "reilued" atmosphere over in the Argus office that causes tho editor of that paper to rear up on Ids hind legs atid make mean little personal attacks like this, without any provocation, we nro iudced happy to enjoy the "deplor able" condition to which he refers. The editor of a newspaper has a dis tinct mission in the community and should be too big, broud and liberal in his vlc.ws to resort to any such petty tactics. A man with an "ingrowing" disposition who has to go through this world with a criticism always on his lips Is rather to be pitied than censur ed. J!ut one can never boost himsolf by knocking the other fellow. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA WWAV,WAW.V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.VVVV.V.VV.V.VAM Mrs. Ed. Amack I. T. Amack Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING 5 : BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NKH i I- T. AMACK-PMONE I'ND. 76M uwwv irtrtWBViVWBVW VVWiWVWV.V r i Did It Ever Occur To You? It is real economy to have your clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired, the "looking over" they get is well worth the charges for tho service. tf E 3ME 3 THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners Both Phones Bell 88, Ind. 193M Dyers Tailors We call for and deliver your clothes " i )wial Wl mLf You'll enjoy the sport of rolling 9em with P A,! Print Albtrt it told in toppy red bagt, tidy red tint, hand torn pound and hall pound tin humldort and In tho pound tryttat a'ast humi dor with tponge moltttntr top. MWJWWWWVW fHE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of your business career. Write yonr letters on Hammermill Ripple Bond, correctly printed ot the Chief office. It creates a favorable impression. Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Kcd Cloud Nebraska wi $h t E. GAJUP GfjlHOPHflGTOH , PHONES! lad. 193-X Bell 48 '. Office Tumure Bldg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. R.BIcliledge , .RED CLOUD -' NEBRASKA The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of Insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself Into a fancied security. Because fire has never touched you it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find tlmo come to the;oflloo and we'll wrlto a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.oileLble Iri sure, nee September in Nebraska The dense corn Holds, with wollfillod ears Inclining downward, that cover v.iht areas of Nebraska's tillable land pivo evidence of the fertile soil, and the favorable elhnutio conditions that liavo prevailed this year.' As the fartiv ers and townsfolk from all sections of the state motor along the highways to ward tlie capital city to attend tho state fair and return homeward again, they will not fail to note the volume of production. Nebraska leads this year. Gradually the stato has moved upwnid among its sisters as uu agricultural producing ground. She stands next to IvHiisus in winter wheat production tills year, and Kiinias has lung held (list pi'Sllluu in tho nation. Nobras. KaV corti cuinlition outclasses all otlit r states this year. l-'odcrul htutwtics show that Ni-bnihlia is uol burpass.-d y any otlief state in llm combined ield of agiiuiltural and liwliu-u piudiuta. A i-il II is better fur hi-tlci tJ tweed in tho piuductiou of a c j ii. oii.atiuii uf many thuu to lank liiglutt in one. Diversified production is Ni brablcu'b groiL advantage Nebraska t mt within tlio tueinruy of many of its citizens living today was not reminded as suitable for agriculture lint oven now we have only begun Tho years of Nebraska's greatness aro still ahead. Woods llro's. Forebight. Farm Bureau Notes SEED TREATMENT FOR STINK ING SMUT (BUNT) IN WHEAT. Soaking Method Run tho seed thru a good fanning mill before treatment. This will remove manyof the shrivel ed and light weight kernels, spore balls, many of tho free smut 'spores, and dirt. Make up a solution con sisting of 1 pint Formalin to 35 gal lons of water. Tut tho seed in loose ly filled burlap sacks, dip into the barrels or tanks to prevent wasting tho solution. Waco the seed on a clean floor or canvas, and cover with sacks or canvas for two hours. Dry by spreading in a thin luyer and stir ring occasionally with a shovel. If the seed is sown when swollen, open the drill to offset this. Disinfect the drill with a one to 10 solution of For malin. It is recommended that For malin in scaled bottles bo purchased. Sprinkling methods This method is not as effectivo as tho soaking method and is not to bo recommended when the soaking method can bo used. Where tho wheat is only slightly af fected and it is run thru a fanning mill with a good air blast to rcmovo ,tho sporo balls this method may bo successfully used. Sprinklo on tho seed a solution of one pint of formalin to 35 gallons of water, using about ono gallon to the bushel, shoveling over at the same time to mako sure of uniform wotting. Cov"or in a pile with bags or canVas'and'handlo as in tho soak ing mothod. Thejiffcctlveness of this treatment depends on tho thoro wot ting of eacJTseod. If the seed is swol len, open tho drill to offset this. Dis infect the drill with a ono to X0 solu tion of Formalin. It is recommended that Formalin1 in scaled bottles be pur chased. '" j ''. ' ' u HENRY R. FAUSCII County Agricultural Agent. FIRST tHing you do next go get some makin's papers and some Prince Albert tobacco and puff away on a home made cigarette that will hit on all your smoke cylinders! No use sitting-by and say ing maybe you'll cash this hunch tomorrow. Do it while the going's good, for man-o-man, you can't figure out what you' re passing by! Such flavor, such coolness, such more-isk-ness well, the only way to get the words em phatic enough is to go to it and know yourself! And, besides Prince Albert's delightful flavor, there's its freedom from bite and parch, which is cut out by, our exclusive patented proc ess! Certainly you smoke P. A. from sun up till you slip between the sheets with out a comeback. Prince Albert is the tobac co that revolutionized pipe smoking. If you never could smoke a pipe forget it! You can AND YOU WILL' if you use Prince Albert for packing! It's a smoke revelation in a jimmy pipe or a cigarette! Copyrlsht 1921 by K. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wlnston-Salcm, N.C. the national joy smoke Thirty Years Ago From the Filea of the Red Cloud Chie! o! September 4, 1801. Prof. Caster has arrived in the city. Steward Albright of Superior is in tho metropolis this week. .1. 1$. Utanser, of Garfield township,1 is building n new barn. Seward (iiirbcr has bepn elected U3 cashier of the !'. M. Hank. i John Wnrjiul: has accepted a position in J. 0. Hutler's Harness Shop. Frank Cowdon ran over n do last Fiiday and niashrd one of his bi-eyele whoe's ' Water Commissioner W"ard has been greasing up tho hydrants for winter ine. That was a hard blow ".lcems" Mc Neny gave tho Independent Party at Mindeu. Only a few more days till tho Old Soldier's Reunion takes place- The Chief expects fully 40,000 people to be present. The Sons of Veterans are making all necessary arrangements to have a grand theatrical performance. Tho play is known as "The Tennessee Scout." Charlie Reigle, well and favorably known as "Reddy" the noted seout of the wild and wooly plains of the Re publican Valley has resigned his posi tion as pathfinder in the grocery house of C M. Meyers and is holding down tho position of "baggago smasher" for tho 13. & M. HH 0 COAL fmvmttmr&xzmzssaKSiimia'miuv .i mrHawani We Sell Niggerhead Maiiiafid . And Routt County Lump MWnjrtiWH 'HIIUMIW ! IHMtlllWIIIIIHWIIBMII MW1 WMHHMWMM iflWiW We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. mi M FARMERS' ELEVATOR 3d Dd Ordinance No. 45 Au Ordinance providing additional penalties for the violation of Ordinanco No. 32, and for tho removal of any building erected in violation of the provisions of said Ordinance. Bo it Ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Red Cloud, Nebraska: Section 1. Any lot ownor who erects a building In violation of tho provis ions of said Ordinanco No. 32, or per mit the same to bo erected or remain on said lot, shall upon conviction bo fined in any sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars (1100 00) and each day's maintenance of said building shall constitute a dlstlnot offense. Section 2. Tho Mayor la hereby in structed to cause tho immediate re moval of such building. Adopted September 6, 1021. Approved September 0, 1921.. MARY PETERSON, Mayor. Attest: O.- O.'-TEEL, City CerU. (Seal.) . , t. The Red 8ea. Tho Hebrews called tho Red sea tho Yan Suph, or Bea of weeds of: sedgo. Tho Red sea is roally red, due to a minute bright red plant, a kind of seaweed so small that 25,000,000 can live1 and thrive within a single cubic Inch of water, Besse Auditorium Saturday - Sept. 10th William Farnum "When a Man Sees Red" The best pkfture Farnum ever made. Not a new picture but . . so good it is worth a second r . showing. i j onrr 30c and 15c T I -v -i. I i. ;V W - v