RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF BEAt'TY AND BEAST BOTH AT SHOW 'MIUSkMMn y k is 8 a k m & x w ' AS TOLD TO US Kut and drink tit Powell fc Popo's Cafe. tf liny lire id nt Powell timl Popes (ten" ISn-li hii1 Howard Triiliio ie tun t'J li'iine Wednesday from Ciete. t KwRwtiKvwivxmaMaMLcwxvM&MttfeeKtMiroBSgSttst: 75 In iite .eye .' 'Ml f. t Mis.4 Anna Cilhnm spent Friday in' Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Kennedy of Hast ings vi.-itcd last week with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hughes and family. Don't fail to hear the band concert this evening. Mrs. Roy Cramer visited in Hast ings, Saturday. Mrs. Lydia Hoffman was a Hast ings visitor, Saturday. . A. W. Sherman of Hastings visited his parents hero this week. Mrs. Chas. Walters and children were Hastings visitor, Friday. Howard Kalcy came in on No. 1G Tuesday morning from Orleans. State Agent 0. D. Hedge spent the week end with his wife and family. Mrs. Harry Cramer and son went to Omaha, Monday to visit her parents. Howard Cramer and family of Bladen visited relatives here Sunday. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mrs. V. G. Hamilton visited rel atives in Guide Rock over the week end. Miss Ebba Gregcrsen has been en joying a visit from her parents of Minden. Miss Alta Coon returned to Kenc saw Friday morning having been down for the Ccon-Romjue reception. Dr. Voss of Chicago has been spend ing his vacation with his friend, James Palmer and family at the Hassingcr home. Mrs. James 1'lilh and family of David City have been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Roy Oatmnn and fnmily this week. Mrs. 11. V. Stewart was called to Lincoln, Saturday morning on ac count cf the ?erious illness of her father,. P. A. Malick and children of Mc Cook came in Saturday to visit his sister, Mrs. Rissio Cox and other rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler returned home Saturday evening from Shenan doah, Iowa where they had been visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hohenseo re turned to" their home at Wymore Sun day after spending a few days with friends here. Miss Lydia Traut is taking her va cation from the bank in sojourning In Colorado. Mrs. "Will Robertson returned Mon day from visiting her brother at Xaponcc. Jas. Peterson went to Omahn Sun day evening to attend to some busi ness matters. Mr?. W. S. Brunei and children went to Lincoln, Saturday morning to visit relatives. Mrs. Harvey Rickerson nnd child ren have been visiting relatives In Franklin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sutton re turned homo Friday evening from Colorado where they had been enjoy ing an outing. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gummings and baby cf Hastings spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Copley and Mr. and Mrs. G. Beck returned home Friday evening from a trip to points in Colorado and Wyoming Miss Margret Miner Is home' ana had her tonsils removed which made her very sick. Her sister, Mrs. Robt. Reiher is taking care of her. Mrs. Ed Feam went to Hastings Monday to spend the week with her son, Oris and family. Rev. Bcebo and family returned from their trip to Alma, Orleans and Ox ford Friday evening. He attends Conference in Hastings noxt week. Frank Hensman of Hastings came , down Sunday after his wife, who has I been .spending the week with hor sis ter, Mrs. Jacob Petersen and family. Mrs. John Wecsncr and children of Esbon, Kansas, came in Monday morn ing to visit relatives. Mrs. Mnyms Waskom and daugh ter wont down to Guide Rock Monday morning to visit friwuR i Miss Eltina Rickard of Scolts Bluff was visiting fric-nds hero Sunday. , She anjl her parents were traveling thru in a car on their homeward jour ney from visiting: relatives In the eastern part of this state. A Change From The Old Tiresome Grind of Plays TRY AN EVENING WITH THE WM F. LEWIS STOCK CO. Presenting The Latest Comedies and Dramas Opening Play frc x. & The MlllloMlres Sen had The 3-shep:6lrl lit ' ESr'' ChbJ Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come Harry The Poor ; ,- ((UN im m m Davwi 0' The Mountains MWllW, VW;& Where llic ,MllfsSK,, M -Shannon! Rim Shannon FIohs ftA-4 mi h The Bishop's Ward WM. F. LEWIS. Owner-Manager Refined Vaudeville Between Acts. Special Scenery and Electrical Effects Will Exhibit in Big Tent Theatre at Red CloudS Monday, Sept. 5th r ' Ply and Vaudeville Changed Each Evening PRICES- .Season,0tiekeWChildren $1.50; Adults $2,00; Reserved, seats $2.75; Nightly prices 25cf 40c, and 55c irij t))'nr tftx Included in nbovo prices. 0 ' - -.M-s more ilulry cat tle Muo'ip'i Hie uso of pure-bred liiri'i can -v oot hope to excel at 2a:ii.-n, Jueotdlnj; to specialists. To atimulato dairying big prizes for dairy cattle aro offored by the Nobmnlta State Fair, Lincoln, BoDt. 4 to 9. Ever stop lo think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man's eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and selec becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FOR RENT .My farm, 3 miles south of Inavnlc. Horace A. Span ogle, 112 west Oak St., Ft. Collins, Colorado. Chap. Moon of Hasting was in tho city Tuesday attending to some busi ness matters. Dr. Darkey and family of Lincoln stopped off hero Sunday to visit a few clays with his brother, Rev. E. 11. Rarlccy and wife. They were enrouto home from a vacation in Colorado. Miss Blanche Boner came in Friday evening from Minneapolis, Minnesota whore she attended Summer School. She will visit home folks for a few weeks before her school begins in Lincoln. The Degree of Honor met lust Tues day evening ut the I O. O. F. hull and a large number of members wero pres ent. One new member was inittited nnd after lodge closed refreshments were served. Slim Tooker, tlio Fightling Parson, in Dawn 0' the Mountains, bald he was ub bnppy as a barn dunce, bo will you be If you ec the Lewis Stock Coin piny In this giont play at Hi'd Cloud during tbolr May week of Sept. 5th. Rev. Harper of Inavnlc was called here Tnursday to perform the marri age ceremony of Clyde E. Albln or Guide Rock and Hazel M. Shompany of Derby, Vermont, at 11 o'clock, at the homo of Rev. E. E. Barkey. The newlyweds loft on a trip thru Yellow stone Park. For Sale: Improved farm of 400 acres in south eastern Wyoming. 200 acres in cultivation and 200 acres in pasture. Farm Is tractorized nnd in a good wheat country. Stock graze on native grass year round. Good roads to railroad town. Telephone in house and school only 20 rods away. Price $50 per aero or will trade for good im proved farm in Webster county .-Harry F. Miller, Albln, Wyoming rfd 1. About sixty gaests enjoyed the re ception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romjue on Thursday evening at the W A. Romjue borne south of town. The bouse was beautifully decorated in pink and white, as it was tbo color soheme for the whole affair. The guests amused themselves in various ways, but music was tho predominat ing feature of the evening's entertain ment About 10:30 a bounteous supper was served by six young lady friends of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Johnson of Toll: autocd thru hero tho first or tho week, -topping off to visit with tho Rev. Copu family. Slias A Howard, of Glen Elder, Kansas, and Minnie II. Bair of Grand Junction, Colorado were granted a marriage license Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Fox and child ren arrived home Friday evening from Scotts Bluff where they had been visiting their son, Vale and wife. District Judge L. II. Blacklcdgc rc turnsd home Tuesday from Newport, Rhode Island where he had been visit ing his son, Ensign Allan Blacklcdgc and wife. The Sunshine and Shadow class of the Sunday School of Dist. -17, were entertained hero Monday evening, by one of their former memuers, Earl Patten. John Erickson, E. J. Peterson and Con Wilson returned home from Camp Funston, Kansas tho last of the week. While their they purchased several cars of lumber. AUTO TOPS MADE and REPAIRED Also Upholstering Any thing in the top line. First class workmanship Fogel Bldg. I i OI1TI Ch Red Cloud Ji V. DU1LEK Nebraska The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of iiiburanee you cany. Don't lull youriolf Into a fancied security. Uocauso fire has never touched you it doesn't follow Unit jou're iininuno Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and you better find time come to tho'oflluu and we'll write a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATH- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST Red Cloud Nebraska D. E. 6AtP GHIROPRRGTOR PHONES Ind. 193-X Bell 48 Office Tutnure Bldg, formerly Occupied by Attorney L. II. Blacklcdgc RED CLOUD NEBRASKA The Jy Place Miss Zelma Wondtsrly, who bus boon doing educational work in South Da kota, this summer, was bitten by a dog lately. No late news of her condi tion bns been beard. A largo party went together to the County Fair, Wednesday, composing tho families of: Ed Caldwell, Ned Grimes, E. L. Morhart, Sid Florance, A. U. and Dave Kaley. One of tbo prettiest btnge stoiies that has ever been written. One of the most inteix'bting features of "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" is thu ijiinini lii&lilon in wnleu the love htory between Chad and Mllllhsy startb and tho way in which it developed up foitb happy conclusion. Tho play starts at the point where Chad escaping from a man to whom he bad been 'bound over' Is taken by Mllihsy's father, big Joel Turner. It faithfully follows tho book and ends at the point where Cdad has escaped from Dillon and, the war over, returns to fortune and the girl wuom be loves, tbo girl who has been faith ful to him through all of his trials and tribulations. See this groat play pre sented by the Lewis Stock Company during the week of 8optembor 5th. The Red Cloud band will give their concert toinght. They played at the Bladen fair Wednesday both afternoon and evening and thus put our weekly concert over until this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wolfe of Alma visited Sunday with Christine Cald well. Miss Caldwell boarded with this family when she taught school In their district several years ago. TOWN PESTS .4. t.jil.i'7 '! LEARN BARBER TRADE Moler Barber College, largest and best equipped in U. SJ We give you one half you earn while in school, this en ables you to make back your tuition. FREE batalog, 110 S 14 St., Dept.33, Omaha, Neb. MISSUS , KtM BORREW tW LOW4 OF A OOZCU EGGS, TVV AURA CLOCK MsJD TOOTH'S PAPER? aJf7::p1 i fffSSSF . f W DESHLER, NE THAYER COUNTY FAIR August 30-31, Sept. 1-2, 1921 Shady Groves Blue Grass Lawns Comfortable Rest Rooms Free Park Seats Electric Lighted Grounds Fountains Free play grounds for the kiddies Races every day Good base ball Spectacular Fireworks erery night Feature Acts go Direct to The State Fair McMahon Shows North Bros. Shows H -53?WJ Sti KfAan ;B " m iXssss& r B HHksten , ?MqT ,SPfcj s& m loLboDf :fer The Borrower lugs oft Egga when they're Eighty Cents a dozen and 'brings them Dack when they are Down to Twcnty,-Fivc, and -takes the fyvwn, Mower In tho Summer and-JUe-turps, It In tho Winter and borrows 'Todays tfewspuper and 857 Otli'er Things u'Wl Never BrlngB Thorn Hock Nd'MureVNb Time J -V. i'.j feyM? LINCOLN SEPTEMBER 4-5-6r7-8-,9 A w NEBRASKA'S GREATEST EXPOSITION A, M DEPICTING' 3JP- LIVEST0XKA6RICULTURE-H0RTICULTUrE-D0MESTIC EXHIBITS BOYS AND OIRLS EXHIBITS AND DEMONSTRATION IBABY 'HEALTH DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CAMP. A .akM. m m . s . hmhiA urn. SBiM Amu sEmbraia BCSTAND CLEANEST! ATTRACTIONS; HIGH CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO,.RACES-LABOR DAY. fORKS -CIRCUS-HARNESS & RUNNINI 0U nWl lT "' OURVMOTTO A EAT HURA3KA" SERVICE TO THE GREATEST. NUMBER" l!4 riREM A fj. Wr GRACES .. vmzmwsKmafm?zr r iv .- ' . ' . li.' mo '.jjai Tn) ' oK Priiitittg?: ; ?ringife he,Cfef!