The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 18, 1921, Image 7

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Itaa-v" sR. ".
Ranks of G. A. R.
Fast Thinning
Drop of 10,103 In Number of Vet
erans of Civil War in tho
Past Year.
Or, John A, I.. Wuililoll, ii noted
Allll'lll'llll bllllgt! lltllllltT, mill Mih,
iWiulell phologinphcd on llii'lr iirrlvnt
in Japan nit it mi iiliNi'iini of thirty
iilno onn. Itr. Wmldell expects to
biltlgo (Iiu Yellow river fur tint IV
hliiuNiinkow llni'.
Suryuons Sow Up Cut
Inch Lony in Heart
New York. Four Mltehcn
hi'im taken In lliu heart (if Frank
Fntino, hIxIccii, stubbed nccl
dentally. Tho XVOUIIll mih mi
Inch long, A f 1 1 i Hut operation,
performed tliiough mi opening
Hindi bolxvecii xn illw, Fnrlno
llMlCll til Mil Up, lOCll'H inn
hopeful for IiIm recovery, Tim
vporuHou reunited 11.1 iiiIiiiiIom,
Mllli'licM being InUi'ii utily when
tho hem I wiim enitlritciod. lr.
Jihim'n M. How nor mill Pr.
lorngo Hojio mm rn mumI Hid
operation, xnlil to liu tin Unit of
ItH kind.
Ohio Hnii tho Largest Quota, With
Pennnylvnnln Oecond and New
York Third Organised In
Illinois In Spring of 1000.
InillmiiipollM. Whi'ti tho Ornnd
At my of tho llopiibllo IioIiIh ltn iiiiiiunl
reunion thin year miiro tlinn HMKH) of
llio Civil war volei-mm who attended
tint encniiipiuciit of IU12U will ho count
ril iiinong tho inlmdiig, hk Hid ranks
hnvu bc.en depleted to thlH extent
through Hid hiMt yi'iir,
Tim totnl iiioiulioridilp of tho (I, A.
K. today In ICI.inn, while. ItH member
ship in iiko wiim ii:t,'-:r,H.
Tim tot nl membership In m-nttered
among 1,-l-iri posts In ovi'ry state. Olili,
with 10,211, has lliu largest member
whip, with I'oiiiiHylviuila second with
W.Yi'i; New York third, H.7P.V, llllnolM
foiirlh, (I.KtlS; Inillmin (If lit. 0,011);
MllNHIICllUM.'llH Hlxtll, n.llfitl. No Other
Mute Iiiim fi.tMiO or morn inemborH.
Properly owned hy nil posta 1m
valued nl ?,J,(t7r..(C7, tiicltiflttu: real
ohIiiIo worth SKO'J.HII.
MoinbeiM In tho old Confi'doriito
utiili'N totnl approximately ",K).
Tho (J. A. It, wiim oritmilxi'd ' HH
ikiIm In tim Hpiini; of 18(10. Who Hh
oiiKhintorH wi'i'c Im n innlli'i' of tliidl
tlon, inlhcr llimi or ri'i'ord, xnyH tlm
M'pnit iniiilo to tho initloiinl I'liciimp-
it In mm ly N. P. (Milpmiiii, then
iiiljiitiint Ki'iii'inl or tlm initloiinl or
Kiiiilxntlon, First Pout In 1000.
"Tlicro run Im no doiiht Hint tlm
Into Col. It, l' Slcphi'imoii of Di'fn
Itir, III., wiim mm of tlm prime oioverH."
hiijh Clilpninn'H leport. "Meliiu reeoj;.
nleil h) Hiuii, he oi'Knnlred tlm tliHt
pol nt Heenliir, III."
In IIIIiioIm, repnwiitntlvoM of which
met In convention mid urimilzed tho
Hiiile depnrlniont. HtepheiiHon wiim
hy eoimiion coiiNent tho provlHlonnl
I'oinimifiiler In chief, mid poHtH wero
orKiuiled In other HlnleH, rcmiltltiK In
tlm Hint iiiitlomil enemnpuient tieliiK
held nt IliillnnnpoIlM, November 'M,
HW, After the ImlhinnpollH convon
tlon Chlpmnn recordH Hint "pohIh i-eein
to hiivo HpruiiK up iih If hy limbic In
nil pnrtH of Hie North," hut ho nddM
there wiim no record of proKreHH. Ten
utiilcH were repreHented nt tlm In
dlmintioIlM encmiipineiit, 121 Miitcx In
IHH7, IM In 1BUS, 7 In 18( Imvliijf
At tlm IKdtl eucmiipment n inutunl
life Inmirnuci) Mchenm wiim propoMed,
It helliK Miild Hint the O. A. It. hml
M),(HH) uiemherH. In 1807 It hml heen
kii Id Hint tlm Htntu (lepiirtmentH
"chilmed to repreHent n coiiHtltnency
or over 1!(HMMH)." Hut there Ih no mi
thetitlc record of the nuinher for the
curly yoiirH, tlm liiMurnnco propoHiil,
contntiilni; tin eHtlmnte, It Ih thought,
mid tho 18(17 oMtlinnto heliiK reKiinleil
iih Hm nuinher of Union HoldlerH llv
Ink' In the Jiirlmlliilnn of the Htnto do
pnrliiientH repreHented nt tlm conven
tion. Kor liiHtnnce, tlm mljutmit kpii
ernl'M report lit tlm 1870 encampment,
when there wero .'(1) depnrtmentM, miyn
It Im "iilmnliiti'ly ImpoHMlhlo for nm to
fiirnlHh iinythliiK Hle n correct report
of tlm present tiieinhernhlp."
Decllno Constant Since 1800.
In IH1HI, however, reportH tnken n
nutlienttc Ktnte Hint tlm inemhet'Hhlp
wiim 'lll'.i.lSH, the highest iniirlc record
ed. Kroin 1878 to I81MI tho growth
wiih rnplil, lelng from l'J.(MM) to 8r,(MK)
nuuunlly. Since 181H) tlm decline Iuih
heen consinnt except for u IMHN) gain
In IIHKI, Mild to ho due to prospects
or rnvornhle pcuMon leglslutlon. Suh
nciiicnt eiirollmeiit figures from tlm
time the (1. A. It. renchetl ItH 7.011IH1
to tlm ptewnt tltuu follow: H
iNews of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
4.. .-.-.. "' '"'v ,i,',(, "MM0 Nu,r,, w M,V,H
Ocportoil nadloals Aro Flooinfl
From Soviet Rule.
deported to, lie Greatly Disappointed
at What They Pound In tho
"Promised Land."
enn ulTord to live well. Tluix, one
pm ty of cmlgrnutH Iiiim Hticceeiled In
liixliillliig 11 wiiinll sewing fnctory con
tnlnlng nhout .t(Mi sewing muchlues,
'T'oiuieily the soviet government
simply would linvo contlNcntcd HiIm
lucrntlve enlertirtse, hut nt present
tlm goxernnieiit Ih 11 little wnry. the
more so ns In this ense they hnve to
do with liumlgruutH whom they iiinUe
n point of treiilliig wllh the grcntcHt
piiislhlo coinlcy 11111I ennshloiiiHon.
"tjulte reccnUy there nrrlx or 11
pnrty of AnieticniiM whowe specialty
Im tho coustiuctlon of small ti .'oiling
ImuscM, They aro welcomed mid aided
hy the soviet government."
UNI. ...407,781
tvn ...an7s:.i
unci ...I'W.nio
1UI0.... H9.074
l'JIH... .i:o,010
The HVJO national encauiimicnt
voted to moot every yenr as long as
a single inemher survived. Itrlg. (Jon.
.I0I111 i. Clem, nddiess Army mid Navy
Cluh, Wiiihlngioii, I). C, claliim him
self the youngest (I. A. It. laeinher.
lie Im thought hv (he (1. A. It. ollUiulH
hole to he seventy-one yoniM old, hav
ing enlisted as a drummer hoy nt tlm
age or oloon years. The nuestlon of
who Is the oldest mcuihor always
hriiigs up humlrods of clulmants mid
no rellahlo ruconl has heen ohtalued.
An Implement that can he operated
with one hmid has hoou Invented for
stretching metal hands around pack
ages ami fastening the ends.
Radium Bearing Rocks for Madame Curie
Hlga, l.nlvln, l.lltn groups of Hum
nlmi'Amei leans, who wore deported or
'volunteeieil to go from Amotion to
soviet ltussla, are trickling hack
mciosh tlm I ,nt .hm frontier from the
Mud of the Uolshovlkl very frequently
tho-m days. All ,110110 to get hack to
the t'nltod Slates.
These emigrants, according to Amer
ican consular nuVlals, who hear their
stories and have to tell them there Im
not much chmtco for them to get
hack, are greatly disappointed wllh
what they found In the "promised
They tell of starvation and long
itides In trains so packed with people
that there Is M'arooly room to hrontho.
ltesldes those who Iiiim succeeded
In getting to Latvia, there aro many
otherH who have written fi lends In
ltlgn asking for money from Amotion,
Tho Moscow correspondent of tho
ltlgn HundM'han writes as follows
nhout tho Husslan'AmerlcanH Inside
the country:
"The mimhors of Husslnn commu
nists expelled from America, who with
wry faces nro selling their lust goods
-nnd chattels on tho Mosoow market
"places, aro Increasing every Oay.
"The so lot gwxernment Is doing lt
utmost to keep these people ahoxe
xvnter hy giving them oven whole fac
Horlos to rtin and mnnago. Hut as
these factories aro very lunch run 1
down, oven American splrlt and en-
orgy l not suttlolontly strong to sot
thorn In operation.
"A little hotter off nro those of tho
Immigrants who have utnnngcd to take Senator Holm O Hursuiii of Now Mo.leo with tho radium hearing nick
hvlth them from America their tools ho picscntod to Mine. Curie. There aro millions of tons of this ore near Silver
r gods produced hy their trade. Such City, N. M ami It Is holloxod lorn than l,) tons xxill prinluco a gram of
people niv doing a hlg huslness and radium worth ?UHUHM.
.VeliriiHlcn grown potatoeH nro com
iiiiindlng iih lunch as 11 dollar per
hiiHhel more thmi Kiihsiih mid Missouri
potnlneH HiIh .xenr on Hu (Jhlcngo
iiiiirket, according to mi niuionticemeiit
hy the hiiremi of murkelH mid crop
oMllmntcH. The yotntoeH lire of prac
tlciilly the smile kind anil rained under
similar coiidltloiiM, hut the dllTereiice In
((utility Ih mainly nttiihiited to a new
milliner or grading now used In the
commercial pofuto districts, of Ne
hrankii. I'.en (Jrinin, 11 furiiifr llvng imar
Shellop, cIiiIiiih to have discovered oil
on Ids place. A few xveeks ago Mr.
(iiillln had a well drilled on IiIh fnnn,
I'Vpectlng to gel some gooil xvntur.
The wuter wiih oily so he attached n
gasolene pump to the r'gLiug in the
hope Hint good xvnter xvutild soon come
through. He pumped several dayri hut
the water output continued to he oily.
.Stnekhohh'iH of the Nye-Schnelder-I'owler
drain company, In annual ses
sion accepted unanimously the terms
of Umalm ami Chicago haukerM re
quired Tor needed Ioiiiih to hiivo the
company from pohkIMo hankruptcy.
Frank I'owler, president and general
malinger nnd Inrgesl Htockholder, re
signed nccordlng to pruxioiis agree
ment. Merchant h Tall 'Week gathering Is
expect(sl to hrlng 1.0011, or more of the
luereliiintK of Nehrnsku, loxxii and
South Dakota to Omiiha. The dates
are August 'JO to Septemher .'t. The
local coiniultlei. Iiiim prepared 11 splen
did program of entertainment for the
visitors. There xxill he dinners, ex
cursions nnd tln-uter parlies.
The most destructive hailstorm In
j ears has Just visited Cheyenne and
Klmhnll counties. Some late when I1
xvns destroyed nnd corn stripped. A
twister accompanied the hall, and
some buildings xvere unroofed xvest of
Windows of nearby houses ,;ere
shuttered when the 17fi-pouu1 nlr
tunic of the Manhattan oil station at
Hrand Island exploded. All the xxin
down In the station xvere broken. Tho
explosion xvas heiud for miles.
Tho Ak-Sar-lten races one of the big
events of the yenr xxill bo held at Ak-Snr-Ilen
Klehl, Omnhn, September l.'l
17. A big Held of the fastest horses
In the country Is being entered.
Charles. Trimble Is secretary.
Hans are being completed for nn
uomunutlo fete to be held In connec
tion with the fall festival. Miss Klsle
Allen, xxing walker and stunt artist,
has been engages! and xxill enter the
competition for performers.
The 1 1t-yen r-ohl son of Mrs. Fred
Huffman of near Albion, lost his life
near tho city, xvhlle diving In the
lbiivor river wllb a party of boys.
Ills neck xvns broken by striking- his
head on a sand bar.
Flo.xd Cook. S. son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Cook, of Iteatiice, xvns electro
cuted xx hen he came In contact xxith
one of the guide xxircs of the Iteatiice
l'lectrlo company xvhlch hud become
I'he Omaha city council has flxod
The old will of the Btnte of Nebraska
l.s nntbiuutod mid nearly obsolete la
Hist It dot's not shoxx tho present sov
orelgntj- ,; ;k, 8tate, nor lt principal
Industrial activity, according to a re
port niuilu to dox. Samuel It. McKelvio
by Jtein;seiitJitlve George A. Williams,
fhnlnimn of the committee appointed
by the governor under a bill passed by
the lust leglslatiue to design 11 new
Mate emblem. "Tho man with tho
uiivll does not llttlngly represent the
Industry mid labor of tho .state," tho
report declares. "The lixer and steitiu
boat do not In the least empliusl.o
transportation In Xebraska. The lo
cabin shown 011 the seal spells nothing,
xvhlle the mountains In the back
ground, whl h no years ago repre-
sonieu tin. i.ouinlary of civilization,
has no significance todny. There I3
not a feature of the present wal, how
ever much It stood for In the past,
that filly Hpenks of tin. modern Ne
hrnsku, save the sheaves of wheat
xvhlch are engraved on It." The com
mittee Invites the help of Hie presi
and of the people of the state lnUio
way of suggestions.
Hank creditors of tho Nye-Schnelde--Fowler
Co., at Fremont, Is In sesslo.i
at Chicago, named a committee to
formulate a plan of reorganization. A
stockholders' committee also Is work
ing in co-operation with the hnnker.4 In
nn effort to tide the over a
period of llnnnchil depression. Itnlpli
Van Vechten, head of the committee,
believes the reorganization may by ef
fected la time for the company to 10
stiuio operating during this season's
crop movement.
The Wells Ahbott-Nleman Co., tho
largest Hour milling concern between
Minneapolis and the l'ncllle coast,
olo-ed the doors of their plant at
Schuyler. To tho 150 people who xvero
laid olt by the bhut-tlowi, the only
word was that It xvas not knowr when
the establishment would be reopened.
The closing Is said to heve followed a
failure to reorganize the company
xyllh .f'JOO.000 additional stock.
No agreement has yet been reached
In the negotiations between Hay Nyo
and the directors of the Western Theo
logical seminary on the proposition of
converting Mr. Nye's line home on N.xe
avenue In Fremont, Into a seminary
building. Mr. Nye Is holding out for
!?0,000 for the property, which Is
called by many persons the most
plcttirempie and best kept In Nebraska.
T. H. Meanner of the Aero club of
Omaha, xvhlle In Minneapolis, said tho
Omaha cluh xxill enter nt least six air
planes In the Txxin City national air
derby, which xxill he the chief spec
tacular feature of the 1021 Minnesota
state fair. More than 100 airplanes
from states as far east as New York
mid as far south as Florida are to
The Hurt County Stock Show and
Agricultural society nt Oakland Is
erecting commodious bulbllnus on Its
newly acquired possessions xvhlch Join
Its do-acre natural park. The society
already has completed a large show
anil sale pavilion. The building has
a eatlng capacity of 100 and xxill ac
commodate f0 head of cattle and T0
head of hogs at one time.
At a mass meeting of citizens nt
Madison, after listening to estimate
for rebuilding and equipping the old
electric plant for alternating current,
and for building a new plant mar tin)
depot, a ballot xvas taken showing n
strong preference for bulldlnc a new
Superstitious Bulgarian:
Spirits of Evil.
Observe Many Odd Customs Which
They Believe of Immense Impor
tance to Their Welfare.
Aro you one of those who xxill not
walk under u ladder, raise an um
brella in the house or spill the suit
without casting u few grains over
your shoulder? If you believe In
these or the kindred superstitions fast
dying out In this country, you will
feel a degree of kinship with the av
erage Uulgariim peasunt. For thoro
are so innny things u Bulgarian may
not do, writes Temple Manning, lu tho
Cleveland I'laln Dealer.
Among tho many customs of rural
Bulgaria, to neglect xvhlch Is consid
ered unlucky nnd even sinful, arc the
following: To hrlng flour Into tho
house nnd neglect to fumigate It with
special incense. This must he done to
drive out of tho flour any demon
xvhlch may have entered the sack.
When tho housewife or her daugh
ter goes to the bprlng for water, sha
must not neglect to spill a little on tho
ground before even Blurting with tho
pall for the house. This Is done to
turn out any elementul spirit xvhlch
has been scooped Into the pall. If It
Isn't done tho spirit may take up lta
abode In the house, nnd tuny even en
ter tho body of one of the family who
drinks the xvnter.
If you nre asked to sell a lonf of
bread you must not part with It xxith
out first having cut or torn off a
small piece from an end. The spirit
that has helped you make the breatl
must be given a chance to tly out of
the loaf nnd still linger In the liouso
he loves.
Under so circumstances may you
give a child n spoon to piny with. I
do not knoxv Just why you may not
do this, but It Is considered -exceedingly
Nor can I nccount for tho belief
xvhlch Is common In some far farming?
sections of Bulgnriu, that It Is very
unlucky to give n child under seven
years of age n bath. The child mar
xvash Itself, but that Is Its oxvn look
out. The mother may xvash tho child
a little also, but not glvo It u bath all
over at one time.
Imagination easily accounts for tho
prohibition against donning n stable,
selling milk, fetching water or doing
any of the many other furm dut!o
after darkness has fallen.
But hoxv Is one to nccount for the
Bulgarian belief Hint to permit a do
to sleep on the roof of a house will
disturb the rest of tho dead members
of the family?
Theso and countless other super
Ptltlons rule the dally work and hab
its of old Bulgarians nnd the youth
xvho live nnd xvork In many a shut-lo
section of that hilly lnnd.
the annual tax le'vy at 00 mills, the I'1""1 l '"' 'MlintiMl cost of S70.O00.
I wRKfiXIQflEu
a' wa iw ? r . ,TaMMsaK,4HW'
i- iHifJK "jAIEflB KdHPiJK
saute as last year. Tift' total levy for
schools and all other purposes xxill
bring it revenue of $!.." 10.000.
Certain Lincoln druggists announced
a return to the old-time lOcent sodas
and sundaes. A return to prewar
hotel rates xvas announced a xveok ago
by Lincoln hotels.
Tho barn and silo on tho farm owned
by William ltogers, txvo miles xvest of
Albion, xvas destroyed by tiro during
a sever electrical storm.
There are soon to be thousands of
"bars" lu Nebraska. Jo'in Westover,
xell kuoxvii Lincoln man 's to tur.ilsJi
(hem. The board of control let tho
contract, to Westover t.. furifish that
many "bars" to alllx the windoxvs of
the noxv state reformatory. Ho xxill re
ceive SUS.O'Jl for the I. -on xvork.
Clinton K .Lattln, 7S. the llrst xvhlto
man to be married in Lancaster
county Is dead here. Mi. I-nttln xvns
married In ISlUl In Mncoln, then
l.-iinvn ns T.nni'iinler lie u-ii. n x-I(l-
The (Mmtuunlty-Ccmmorce club at j owof am, ,s 8lirv,V0I, l)y four ci,hlren,
eight grandchildren, and nine greatgrandchildren.
Tho Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. Soptem-
Mlnden Is organizing a baud. Pan U
Doyle has been selected as band
Methodist of Waunetn nro raising rt 1 ,,or i;l.o, nro cxpocted to bring not less
$10,000 fund for constructing a Inrg." 1 tlini, ux),ioo visitors to Omnhn this
now church, xvhlch will ho built offa As usual, there will be the threo
brick. 1 purees, each and all having numerous
A big Frontier Boundup nnd si, 000 now and unique ftsitxires.
prlro "Bumpkin" shoxx. Is to be stnged
j nt Holdrlge on September IS, 10 and
The recent hall storm xvhlch xvns no
CAinpittllcd by n blub xvlnd caused great
damage In the vicinity of Broken Bow.
Man Visits City tor First Time
nnd Sees First Woman.
Gwlft ChaiiQe Comen nnd He Imme
diately Sled HU WhUkere and
Ihiys Store Clothes
Omnhn. Tracy tlltlls older Own
Biighnm Young when he tvok his
tlxlrxl xxlfx Iws 4l lot his os flrst
foo n xxcnwn. Ho also lws linxl his
ix.rt jvmombonl texv of a nxllixxiiil
twin, ft MW 0rtr n ,,rtt,y tioxxpair
nnd ft rtctlon ronputno.
Vpon mvIUb ft for tho first
time,1 OUBs visited ft barber shop and Ids big hair cut and his fiuv
Glllb Is Oxlrtythrci years old. Ho
xvn bom In Chtcapa. His mother xxn
nn ftctross nnd Ids father n dUctplo
of Moo.y nnd SaVey. But for n third
x CiHXtvirv father nnd i-vm, their
of John the Baptist dxvolllnt In the
wlbUruess. have llxoil alone on n west
ern Ndu-astwi ranch -10 miles from
railroad, with no Mrangvr stopping
within Its fence posts,
(Jcorgv Willis, the father, died re
contl.x, two onrs short of the rour
sclx and ten which ho bellexiM that
bed botn promised to htm. Tracy, the
t-on. hurled tho body on the ranch and
xxvm on with bis farm xvork, Txd;y
he came to Omaha on bis pioneer Jour
ney xxith a load of cattle.
Aeooixllng to the yrcr.ff man's tale,
tho older C.lllls trafficked, with his
neighboring farmers only on their
property and nox-or on his own, for
fear his son's ears jJionld pick up
bints of cfx titration. The father tied
to the WVm with his son to nixo him
from th dancing, singing notres-os
In Chicago's old Hnynwrket theater.
"A devil lurkh on oxerj city street
coi-ner. ratnc laugm me, 1 racy umis
f my mother nnd warned me to nvold
all sinful men."
With tho money from the snlo of his
cattle (Bills changed his home made
The board of directors of the Sheri
dan County Fair association at Gordon
has changed the dates of the Sheridan
county fair to September 5 to 9, In
clusive. I.nylng of the three miles of concrete
A steel amphitheater Is being erected surface on the Lincoln highway .near
on tho county fair grounds at Albion,
It xxill seat a,000.
Mason City xxill bold n three-day
Home-coming celebration, August 3-1
The Bock Island nnd Northxvestern
Columbus tins been completed by tho
Allied contractors.
l'lans are under xvay for n big nvm
tlon meet at Crete Augut lS-'JO. There
xxill be nil kinds of nerlnl stunts nnd
n cross-country rnco for prize n.oney.
Bitter Joking.
Kllnor Glyn, the novelist, xvns talk
ing to n reporter about her long visit
In Spain.
"The death rate for babies Is fear
ful In Spain," she said. "If It xvero
not for that sad fact the world would
soon contain more Spaniards than
Chinese; for the Spanish aro n re
markably prolific race. Families of
IS nnd even 20 children ure not un
common nmong them.
"But these children die off In their
Infancy becnuse their mothers are so
very Ignorant of hygiene. I once heard
txvo Spanish doctors Joking Joking;
bitterly, yon knoxx- about Oils ma
ternal ignorance xvhlch does so much
"'Yes,' said the first doctor, 'Don
nn 1'Ilar's uexv baby died off, off, of
course. At the nge of two months sho
wns feeding It on pork, cheeso and
" T'ork, cheese nnd wine a good
diet, Hint, for n two-months' old baby,'
eald the second doctor. The rich Ho
niara, though, huve a better one for
their youngster. They give It for din
ner every evening n brace of chops,
fried potntoes, sweet pudding and n
stiff xvhlsky nnd Boda, with coffee,
liqueur nnd a good Etrong ilavanu ci
gar to follow.'"
rnllroads, through their nttorneys, hnve The Chnmber of Commerc has tne
garments for a suit of store clothes, i notified W. O. Osborne, state tax com- moot In charge.
Ho also bought a safety ra7or, a tube
of tooth paste and txvo silk neckties.
Ho Is xvtUIng to admit that one glimpse
of the city has- demoralized him. In
bis plans for the future, which in
elude continued residence on his
secluded farm, ho mentions a xvlfe nnd
n course In agriculture.
Drowned n Sxvimmlng Hole,
l.exxtstoxxn, lll.Mrs. lavo Shnxv
thlrty-flxe, her txvo children, Kutli.
fourteen, nnd IVxrothy, txxelxe, nnd
Charles Loiley. nn elderly man, uncle
of Mrs, Shaxv, xvero drowned In a ptvxl
on the Shaxv farm, six miles west of
mlssloncr, that they xxill appeal to the The State Teachers' college nt
supremo court for a change in tax valu-' Kearney Is closed for the month, fol-
ntlon placed on them by tho state lowing the reported refusal of the
board of equalization. Bailronds, In normal board to grant the requests of
bearings before tho board, demanded more than 100 students that the school
that their x ablation bo reduced 15 per iit fcopt open for summer course xvork.
cent, the same as xaluatlon on farm Members of the faculty bnd volun
proporty was reduced. The board re- teorod to give their services If tho
fused to comply xx Ith the request. school wore kept open, It is said.
Contnglons diseases 'n Nebraska re-j July was the xvettest month in Cig
ported to tho Mate department of i county In the memory of the oluot
health during July number 879. Dip-, inhabitant. According to Kveritt
Meteor Falls In Tennetsee.
Chattanooga, Tenn. A meteor
xwlghlng between ,V1 and CA1 pounds
fell near hero The meteor made n
swishing noise that xvas heanl sex oral
lllWc o-n to the chapter which tells ' said vodajr, 'Tie told me the sad story 1 block. It burled Itself In the ro,.nd. 8,fl-b dixoncs
therla rjises reportil from Omaha
during tho month numbered 18.
For every txvo people that rtlcxl In
Nebraska ex cry jear Ave are bom to
take their place, aecorvllng to statistics
prepared by tho state bureau of public
henltb, department of vital statistics.
The average x early birth rate In the
state Is 2.MV) a month. The average jinke has been used by lmndrtsi of
ditb irate' Is 1,0,V There were 15,-' bathers xvho now desert It In fenr.
ji2S marrlagcn last year. There were Volunteers are forming to capture the
Means, weather observer, seven inches
of xvater fell during the month.
Dleovery of some kind of laige
xx-ater animal In n lake, six miles south
east of Hot Springs Is creating great
excitement. The lake covers 100 ncroa
' of land. Iarmers xvho snxv the .epeut
iaiv It 1 nbout twentv feet lonir. Tla
Aviation Marvel Found.
An airplane capable of landing with
out the need of a large aviation Held,
able to rise without a long run before,
able to travel more than- 300 miles
an hour nnd, If necessary, to meander
along at but a few miles an hour, is
announced as the invention of an
Italian engineer, Epaminonda Ber
tuccl of Home.
The inventor claims that he already
tried out the machine on a small scalo
and regards his first experiments as in
dicative of the success of the Inven
tion. The new machine Is primarily
Intended for aerial xvnr chasing and Is
to be armed wIUi u machine gun. It
Is a monoplane.
1 reptile.
Remedy for Ante,
Here Is a helpful paragraph In a
Nexv York paper: "To rid the pantry
shelves of retl nnts, wipe them with
denatured alcohol every few weeks."
Now, how are you to catch Uae ant
and give him that alcohol bath? Tho
cussed little things Just won't Btend
still. Jackson Nexx-s.
The Crowning Aggravation.
To make matters worse, when youi
collar is wilted; when you vacillate
between a desire to commit suicide
and a desire to throw up the Job ncd
wander eff to some cool mounudmop
to rest, in pops tje coal man to euy:
"Buy your winter fuel wixr."-Louii
ville Courter-JourcaL
- i
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