RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF ymm wmnM i t't wnwiwntiWMMUiwwmi bwawtj JwntjfcMw. " vutRrrM vvivui k wwuvfsunuwwivsM f m!' k W- - .i ft H; ft X. X ,8 & Sf R. hs :s a; k AS TOLD TO US & K X ft ; K & X IS IS SJ K 15 M Lut (Jute. and drink ul 1'ovtell Pope'b C. J. Piatt was in Hastings Friday. F. II. McMillan of McCook was in town Saturday. Miss Jessie McCallum spent Sun day in Franklin. J. T. Saladen came in from Orleans Sunday morning. Miss Blanche Pope is spending the week in Superior. Camp Funston, Kansas was at public sale Tuesday. sold Earnest Welch was sight in Superior Wednesday. seeing Wyoth Fogcl of Cowlcs visited re latives here over Sunday. Jas. Hubatka of Bladen was In city Wednesday afternoon. the Mrs. Frank Perry was one of the Superior visitors Tuesday. Miss Grace Bcczley returned from Kearney NoVmal last week. Mrs. C. H. Potter spent Tuesday visitisg relatives in Amboy. G. B. McCrary of Inavalc was in the city Tuesday afternoon. Miss Minnie Christain returned from Lincoln, Friday evening. Mrs. W. G. Hamilton spent Sun day with relatives at Guide Bock. Earl McKimmcy, of Holdrcgo vis ited over Sunday with home folks. Mesdames Henry and James ham spent Tuesday in Hastings. Gil- Win. Robertson returned from a business trip to St. Tuesday Joe. Miss Margaret Piatt of Hastings is here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Win. White and daughter, Gem, spent Saturday in Hastings. Rudolph Kubick of Table Rock is visiting friends in the city this week. Lutheran services every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mrs. J. W. Auld and children are spending the week in Boulder, Colo rado. Jacob Petersen is looking after his farming interests in Colorado this week. Mrs. Geo VanCamp and daughter returned to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garber attended the. Pageant at Superior Wednesday afternoon. A large number from hero attended the ball game at Blue Hill Sunday afternoon, , h Mr.4 and Mrs. Frank Hensman of Hastings visited "the Jacob Petersen family Sunday. Mrs.' Wade Tate and family - loft for their home at Tarkio,v Missouri, Monday morning. Bruce Frame come in Friday morn ing from Bird City, Kansas where he had been on business. Mr. and Mrs. Abbey of Fairbury have been here visiting their son, 0. R. Abbey in the country. Gene Bush and Howard Frisbic ex pect to attend the State Y. M. C. A. camp at Crete, this week. W. G. Hamilton, Herb Ludlow nnd George Kailoy attended tho ball game at Hastings Thursday afternoon. Mrs. R. P. Weesner went down to Superior Tuesday morning to visit friends and take in tho Pageant. Will Gurnoy and wife of Lincoln were called here this week on ac count of the illness of her father. Mrs. 0. E. Leggett was called to Iowa, Kansas Tuesday morning on ac count of the sickness of her son's wife. Reuben Dunbar of Guide Rock and Maria Rnusch of ' Germany, were granted R marrjago lic'cnsc Monday. Earl Crafford lias, purchased C. A. Shceley's interest in , tho Clawson & Sheeley pool hall and has taken pos session of tho same. I! iv is ii nt i').v : mi 1 i'opi'". lil'H IIMMI ri'tuui 1 from I ' oi o II tM.h.J Mr. Bay Sutton in 1 dau;.ht" camo in from Oxford, Monday ,morn imr. Mr. and Mrs. C. M the parents of a baby day morning. Sherwood arc boy born Sun- Boy Hassinger went to Hastings Saturday to spend the week end with relatives. Wert Stevens camo in from Bcnklc man, Saturday morning where he had been on business. Zenis S. Smith and Carrie M. Bouth, both of Holslt'in, were married by Judge Banncy Monday. Miss Katherinc Schumaker of Or leans is visiting her sister, Mrs. Har vey Bickcrson and family. Earnest Moranvillc returned Sat urday morning from Hemingford where he had been visiting relatives. Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and her father, C. L. Cotting returned from their outing in Colorado Wednesday morn ing. Otis Leggctt and wife of Franklin came in Saturday morning to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Leg gctt. Fred Leggctt has accepted a posi tion with the Standard Oil Co., and is now driving one of their oil wagons here. Base ball game Sunday afternoon, Married men vo Single men. Game called at ? o'clock at the Starke ball park. Bay Arnold of Omaha has been vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Arnold and other relative1! hero this wcelr. Clyde E. Albis of Guide Bock and Hazel M. Shompany of Denby, Ver mont were granted a marriage license Monday. Mr?. Woods and children of Alma accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Wy oth Fogel home to Cowlcs, Tuesday morning. - FOR RENT My farm, 3'j miles south of Inavalc. Horace A. Span ogle, 112 west Oak St., Ft. Collins, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E Downey of Hol yoke, Colorado arrived in the city Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. E. A. Moranvillc. Chas. Shercr of Lincoln Is visiting home folks here this week. Mrs. Shcrer will follow later, when her school is out. Mrs. Fred Leggctt returned home Friday evening from Hastings where she recently underwent an operation in a hospital. . , V Mrs. Geo. Humme) ancVniecc Lu cile, went to Superior,- Tuesday morn' ingrwhere Lucile will act in the Page ant held there. ,. r Mr.- and Mrs. Bru.ce .Robinson of Superior spent Sunday evening, in the city with, his parents,; Mr.' and Mfs. C. D. Robinson. . . ... Fred Leggctt went to Hastings Fri day morning to bring home his wife who has been in the hospital there for the past week. Miss Clara Malick expects to return to Curtis, with her cousin Miss Hill, who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks. Chester Roberts is carrying his loft arm in a sling owing to the fact that the doctor operated on his hand Monday afternoon. Rev. Cope was called here from Polk to preach the Peirce funeral, but returned to finish his vacation, Wednesday morning. Mrs. White and daughter of Alma came down Saturday morning to vis it her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Hilde brandt and family. Mrs. Roy Cramer went to Superior Tuesday to, spend several days visit ing relatives and enjoying the festi vities held thero this week. The C. D. Robinson family have re turned from their auto"1 trip thru tho lake region of Minnesota. Ho went to Clay Center Monday morning. Mrs. James Doyle went to Hardy Monday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lynn Gillilan nnd family nnd also get acquainted with her new granddaughter which was horn Sun- dy. .. .I.JJKlflB!! Laird I'otU'r ml family lire ldtlnr in Hui'ily t'ns Hi'i'i, i nil 1'bv. II ii per down Iroiu In in 1 .l;in:!or (Ir.ico arc into tnilnv. Low MnlietiM"-. of Wytiiuro, was in the city today visiting fi lends. Mr&. Geo. ll:istinj,'S, of boon visiting at the S. V this weelt. Denver, has Hullcy lii) mo Mrs. Kllzuueth Foo went to Cowles today and expect to visit also in Hast Iurs before returning home. Dr. Warrick, Tito Specialist, will meet eye, car, noso iiini throat patlonts and those needing lassos at Dr. Hutu crell'd ollleo Tuesday, Aug. '2'.k. Hours 2 to 0. Mrs. E. A. Moranvillc returned homo Saturday morning from IIol yoke, Colorado where !he had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. 0. E. Downey. Messrs. and Mesdames Grant Tum or and Chas. Smith returned home Tuesday evening from Colorado and Wyoming where they had been for an outing. Rev. Hickox, pastor of the Guide Bock Baptist church, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vaughan attend ed the special service for Rev. Harper on Sunday. Superior visitors Wednesday were Mrs. Herb Ludlow and daughter, Esther, Neva and Julia Warren; Bert Hatfield and wife; and Harold Gil-' bcrt and wife. Miss Rctta McDowell is taking her vacation from the bank this week and is visiting in Axtell. She ex pects to visit several places before returning home. Part of Guide Bock and Bed Cloud ball team went to Inavalc Sunday afternoon whore they played the local team at that place. Inavalc won by a score of G to 1. Robert Breakey resigned his posi tion with the Standard Oil Co., here and left Monday morning for Grand Island where he has a more lucrative position with this company. The Lebanon band and sevuial boosters were in the city Thursday afternoon boosting for the Anniver sary celebration which will bo held at that place the last of this week. The Degree of Honor will meet next Tuesday evening in the I. O 0. F. hall. There- is work to be done nnd till members are urged to he present A program will bo given nnd refresh ments served. Tito Hoys Club of the Unptist church hold their regular weekly meotlng at tho Rev, Barclay homo Tuesday oven ing. They aro making great plans for the fall nnd winter and nre fixing up tho upper room In tho church building for their club room, with all kinds of equipment necessary to carrying out their apecial work. Farm Loans I am ready as always to make any and nil farm loans at the lowest rate and best option. Absolutely no wait ing and no expense for inspection. J. H. Bailey. Dead Letter List The following list of unclaimed let ters will be sent to the Dead Letter Department if not called for by Aug. 31, 1021: Mr. Arthur Baird, Mr. Arthur Dick son, Mr. John Downs, Mrs, Louisa Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Mrs. J. E. Skullle. H. C. LETSON, Postmaster Lutheran Church Notes 0. It. IIeinitz, Pastor Regular services are hold every first and third Sunday In the month In tho Adventist church, Corner of 3rd Avo. and Walnut St Next Sunday the Lord's Supper will be celebrated. Confessional servleo bogins at 10:30 a. m. Announcements fir communion will bo received iin. midintely before this service, Preaching at 11:00 n. m. Two Meanings In Dream. To dream of a flood where houses uid peoplo nro carried away foretells great disaster, loss In business and mental weakness, unless you swim out of tho flood, when It signifies power tnd wealth. , Word to Be Avoided. It Is not a' lucky word, this "Impos sible," No good comes of those that havo It bo often In their mouths. CarlylP. LEARN BARBER TRADE Moler Barber College, largest and best equipped in U. S. We give you one half you earn while in school, this en ables you to make back your tuition. FREE catalog. 1 10 S 14 St.. Dept. 33, Omaha, Neb. Teachers' Institute ( r. i leiu'hi i Tlie Well l t C itiuty '1 11 1 her',' In-i-Utli' held iif the 1 1 i ( uil Hui i IkioI for tlnpe iiiiys lat week uns lurgely attended There wore ninny stimulating talks anil round.tnbles niici'ding mental tonic. The instructors left their audi cnees smiling, refreshed and with now courage for their year's work. The musical information was Inter esting; the poster and art work was greatly to be desired; tho methods nnd psychology of Miss Popo will bo of grent boncflt in every bdiool room; tho npponl of Prof. Stnloy to luivo a dolln lto goal sot nnd work toward it, will be heeded by every toachor. There nro live times as much discuss ion of teachers and bdiools by the pub lie todny as there wits ton years ngo. In u sense puople show keener insight into tho moaning and importance of eilucittlon for the improvement of American life ntid much greater appre ciation of and a sympathy with the teacher. It cannot bo doubted that tho teacher is tho most essential fnctor in promoting tho welfare of our people not only intellectually, socinlly and morally but also physically. The health and physical vigor of our young people nro determined moro largoly lu the schools thnu in any other place. There is hardly a community in tho country thnt is not entering upon tho program of expausion and Improve ment in educational facilities. The number of pupils thnt one teach er is required to teaoh, is boing reduc ed nnd this requires thnt tho stair of teaehoro in any community should be enlarged. Provision is being made forj tho special care and training of defect ive children. Special classes nro being formed for delinquent nnd exceptional children. The compulsory school age has al ready boon extended in n number of states. Many places nre providing faci lities at much expenso for tho eduen t on of adults, mainly at night when they tire not engaged in their regular woik. Touchers have felt lately the new spit it in education and the new atti tude of the public toward the teacher and his profession. Ten years ago thu teitc'.ior was n sort of beast of burden in ninny places. They were required not only to teuch school, but were ex pected to do anything else in the com munity thnt thoy could do better than others and without any thought of re ward. Being a teacher, it wits assum ed by the community that they would be a missionary to serve humanity in anyway they could without regard to his own physical comfort or social status. But that attitude on the pnrt of communities has passed. Teachers nre taking it for granted moro than they used to thnt they nro members of n diguilled profession en gaged in n culling which demnnds as high intellectual and personal quali ties us any other culling. This will all bo to the advantage alike of thu teach ers themselves and ot tho schools they tench. TeHchcrs must feel free nnd In dependent or thoy ennnot uso their talents to tho greatest advantage in the schoolroom. Speaking of Manna. The friends of a certain first-day school were astonished at the text fiTen by a small guL who In a tone of peat earnestness repeated daring the dosing exercises: "Ye cannot serve God and mamma." Friends' IntelU encer. 1 j Should Cultivate That, Too. Bo many singers want to run before they can walk, says a critic. With some singers whom we have heard the ability .to dodge as well as run would be an advantage. London Punch. Somewhat Hard on Humanity. Every man's experience of today Is that he was a fool yesterday and the day before yesterday. Tomorrow ha will most likely be of exactly the some opinion Mackay. ' TOWN PESTS Tho Movlo Peat reads tho titles Out Loud so that Everyono can near, as suming that tho Audlenco ore cither illiterate or havo leff their Glasses, at homo. Sometimes tho Movie Post mispronounces a Word nnd then Kudo Snickers are' heard all over the Thenter. K.REAP twwpFJiBllMMagffl B. Johtft iJcmchalaace 1 RM k Bimmea He I iHaB A-vi-iouiiTrian yl,r. UgfiJ ZJ W' g HP&mViUw;iHMRHB mAwm. UM,.tMB3 w WSSVQmlmmi vMl'M " " Jh a?il X 5 FIREto mainwiwnw'iKaMCTnwiCTTatgaaujMuuMiHMijuijjiit'iwuiL,: in 1 lie fcye Ever slop lo think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man's eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and selec becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN AUTO MADE and REPAIRED Any thing in the top line. Fogel BIdg. I II1TI Ell Red Cloud J. V. DUILEK The Margin of Safety Is represented by tho amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull yourself into a fancied security. Uecauso (Ire has never touched yon it doesn't follow that you're immune Tomorrow -no today, i,f yon have time and you better llnd time come to tlio'otllce and we'll writo a policy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BH TOO LATE- O. C. TEEL R.elia.ble Insurance The Joy Place DESHLER, NEBR. THAYER COUNTY FAIR August 30-31, Sept. 1-2, 1921 Shady Groves Blue Grass Lawns Comfortable Rest Rooms Free Park Seats Electric Lighted Grounds Fountains Free play grounds for the kiddies Races every day Good base ball Spectacular Fireworks erery night Feature Acts go Direct to The State Fair McMahon Shows - North Bros. Shows NEBRASKA' - i . i m TTjaoP&aoo f) jH ' aOoottotaanTB MZx&& LINCOLN SEPTEMBER 4-5-6-7-8-9 K . . NEBRASKA'S GREATEST EXPOSITION ,,A. , fyZS DEPICTING' 9M -rtowiij-T V TUB LIVESTOCK-AGRICULTURE-HORTICULTURE-DOMESTIC'EXHIBITSU BOVS AND GIRLS EXHIBITS AND DEMONSTRATIONS iBABV HEALTH DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CAMP. , . . . Amust BESTAND CLEANEST ATTRACTIONS; HIGH CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO RyOGES-l-MIVJI- UrtTi yw y rORKS-CIRCUS-HARNESS -OUP.VAIMI ,OURvMOTTOi - A 6REATER NEBRASKA'V ''SERVICE TO 'THE SgEAT'MT WJMBgRw Printing? Bring it to the Chief! TOPS Also Upholstering First class workmanship Nebraska ss Dr. R.V. Nicholson DENTIST lied Cloud Nebraska. Dr. E. GUP GHIHOPRRGTOR PHONES lnd. 193-X Dell 48 Office Turnurc BIdg, formerly Occupied Ljr Attorney L. H. Blsckledgo RED CLOUD NEBRASKA mmm RTATI Cl MtlBAIHA 'LM W W . t mm m rvi t. r i e RUNNINGRACES sJyX!si A r.i r'1JK'VV ylwyyx