BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OflDEF -fi WVA h (. 1 'I?'..,.... ij...ii, . ry, PROTECTION by use of TRAVELLERS CHEQUES TmvellofB Cheques protect tho tourist by affording h safe forin in which to curry funds. Thusu cheques, whloli am UmjimI In denomina tions of 81, S20, 8.0, mill eioO, furnish ft ready Identification of the holder ntitl nro payable up on countcr.sltfnature. They art nccopted .-,.. , throughout tlie world by banUH, liotcls, trans portation -jompanlcs and business houses. lleforo tultlnir an extended trip let our of (leers, explain In detail tho adviiitnKes of carrying these chequeH when travelling. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Flounce, Preiident Rod Cloud, Nob. S. R. Floranee, Cailiie DtpotUt Ouarantttd by tht fitpotttor Guaranty Fund of the SlaU of Ktbratka rcnmmniMsmiiiim WUWW.V, WW IF ITS FENCE POSTS We Have 'Em 5 M&lone - Gellatly Co. "Talk with us about fence posts" 5 UUUWUWUU) wmmmmMMMWMmrMm IBilllimi Just For Comparison 1913 - - 1920 - - 1921 has been figured out, that in building a certain house, the LUMBER cost $1,600.00 in 1913 $3,300.00 in 1920 $2,000.00 in 1021 Freight has advanced $ on this material, since Jp3 which makes the lumber cost at the present time a trijlc over $100.00 more than it did in iprj, exclusive of h freight raise. Piatt & Frees WMaaaiusomsMwsMmmiMummaMMami mum GENERAE CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. GRANT CHRISTY Lovers of llvo stock will en Joy thomoolves to the limit when they attend the Nebraska "PROGRESSIVE" State Fair, Lincoln, September 4th to 9th, according to officials who havo been working all year to make tho live stock show an unusual success. Students of farming all ad mit that live stock raising is the most important farm indus try. Farms that havo no stock, or only poor stock, cannot ox poct to bo as profitable as those on which lots of good stock is kept. Visitors at the coming State Fair will bo surprised whon thoy find out how much good stoek wo havo horo at homo. Nebraska pure bred live stock breeders havo some of tho fin ost animals to be found any where in the country. Tho best of it would compete on an even basis with the best from any surrounding district A blue ribbon won at tho Ne braska State Fair will bo of wonderful valuo as an advertis ing assot to tho owner of the animal winning it. In tho belief that "All work and no play makos Jack a dull boy," Fair Officials have ar ranged an entertainment pro gram that will satisfy visitors every moment of tho fair. These features include Auto Racing, Horse Racing, plenty of music, firoworks and a Mam moth Circus. It is tho best program of tho kind ever put togethar and it is to bo hoped that the people ofwtho State will show their appreciation of tho efforts of tho management by an unstinted patronage. Dr.W.H.Mc Bride DENTIST OVER STATE HANK Red Cloud Nebraska. E. S. Gaurber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kind; - Will Wire Your House And Furnish You with Fixtures Cynical. "Ills friends could give no vensoe why he should havo committed suicide. Ho u'as single." The Stnmford Advo-j cnto. m mmgLr, Jji ij sc Come on along! Fill up your makin's papers with P. A. Greatest sport you know to pull out your makin's papers and some Prince Albert and roll up a ciga rette! That's because P. A. is so delightfully good and refreshing in a cigarette just like it is in a jimmy pipe! You never seem to get your fill P. A.'s so jjoy'usly friendly and appetizing. a Prince Albert will be a revelation to your taste! No other tobacco at any price is in its class! And, it rolls up easily because it's crimp cuti and it stays put. It's the best bet you ever, laid that you'll like Prince Albert better than any ciga rette you ever rolled! And listen! If you Have' a jimmy pipe hankering by all means know what Prince Albert can do for you! It's a revelation in a pipe as well as in a ciga rette! P. A. can't bite1 or parch. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. Prlnca Albert la soft! In toppy red (ogf , tidy red tint, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors and in the pound crystal c'oia humidor with sponge molsttner top. J hDiurc A I DEDT iivi ivuiu iuLn HH V'-K MBB&tBBBl'.BBa iB&. L BBBBBB. .BBBBBBH & BBBK ,EBBBiiH .JBHBV BBBBBBBW ' rnsX mk ilBBk 1 ftmartm milium 1 ., "gk by R. J.'RrnoliU Tobacco Co. . Bflev. E. E!l3aUeynnd wlfalsltid with friends in Iimviilo the flrU ot the week Mis Lillian Koontz of Mlnden. Mist onii is spending her vacation with homo follts. Mrs. KoonU unci dnn'hter Lilllmi and .Min, i Sliermnn nutocd to Ilrs' liiys WedncsilHy. Mis. Moilts icturiied to hpr homo t Soward this rnortiitifr nfter visltliiff Imr sister, Mrs. Ilolton Lctson und family. M-". Lctson iii'cnrapiuilcd her homo for n vl-it I. V. Auld, Win. Robertson und H'tiry Fnush iiutotd to IMoomlnton Wednesday und owing to k nilntlny luft their enrs nnd retuuied on No 1 1 this morning. All friends of Kuv. Hurpor ure Invit ed to nt tend 11 speelul Hi-rvlue for him nt the Huptlst eluiroh Sunday after noon nt 3 o'look when ho will say ood bye to nil before leaving for his old liiinc In Missouri Monday morning Children's Fair Ticket Free We have n few fne tickets for the Tlmver .County Fair, for Children's Day, Wednesday, Aug. 31 They en t tie any school child frco admission and grand stand privilege on this diiie, if signed by the nditor'of this patter. Call and get one If you.are entitled to it Inavale The Methodist? Sunday School will serve lee cream Saturday" evonltig. Mrs. l-Vtty returned lust week fiom an extended visit with relatives In tho east. Tho Ladles Aid of tho Methodist cliurulr met in tho ehurch basement Wednesday a f ternoou Chas and Pete Arnold left this week for Wyoming. We shall bo looking for them back before long. Earl Grey and Lylc Leonard return ed Monday from a short business trip In the western part of the state. The Hoy Scouts went for an over night ciinp latt Thursday The Scouts I Itched their tent In tho Arnold woods two miles mid a half west of luavnle. There was plenty to est. Tho water was wet. A few fish bit; nlso many niosquitops. The boys came back re porting that the only thing the matter with the outing was its brevity. Methodist Church Notes Buried Sunday Afternoon Funeral services for Lottie Hunker, the twelve yonr old daughter of Mr. and Mrs A. V. Docker were conducted by Hev II. W. Cope from tho Sid Vet or'on residence last Sunday afternoon and interment made In the city ceme tery. Little Miss Lottie was born in Smith County, Kansas, November 'JO, lOt'fl, When sho was but two yeers of age l ho family moved to MiU city where they have since mudo their home. She was visiting relatives In Falrbury when suddenly attacked from appendicitis for which sho was operated on at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Lincoln but was unable to survive the ordeal. Tho sympithy of the community is witli the bereaved fitinlly iu this hcuir of sorrow, TOWN" PESTS 5 OWW21S. The Tramp Is n I'est that blooms In tho Backyard only In the Summer. When ho Shows Up at the kitchen door, summon Faithful Hector, Inven tor of the Hum's Hush, und have him Usher the Tramp Into the, Alley. If We gotta Work for our Ears, why should Tramps coast through the World on their Nerve? . TO SHOW SILOS This lBn't an uni!jaal sort ot doll houso but a miniature olio intended for exhibition at tho com ing show. Every now typo ol farm machinery la to bo ahown. Shortago of form labor la compoU ing farmers to buy and use labor saving machinery whonovor- pos sible. Farmers intoreatod.ln U REPORT OF INAVALE LIIUtARY At tho meeting of tho Executive Committee of tho Inavale Library As sociation held a couple of weeks ago the Librarian reported a steadily in creasing number of people patroni zing tho Library. For tho pnst three months the library had a total of 2G0 visitors. 215 loans of books nnd mag izines wore mndo during that period. Tho treasurer reported that tho first year of the Library's existence would bo clo&cd without a deficit. The Library was made possible by tho subscriptions of those who joined the Library Association. Since the Irst year's memberships expire on August 1, tho Executive Committee have launched a now membership cam paign. A three dollar subscription to tho Library entitles tho subscriber to a full membership in tho Association. This subscription may be paid in ad vance or in monthly installments. It is tho aim of the Committee to se cure enough funds through member ship subscriptions to pay the running expenses of tho Library for the year. Any additional money received will bo expended in tho purchase f new books. The walls of tne Library room ore being re-decorated. The Committee hope to be able to add some new furnishing early in the year. Miss Artie Dickerson, who has been rendering such splendid sen-ice as Librarian during tho past five months will continue to hold that position. Those desiring to subscribe to the Library fund may leave their money cither at the Post Office, or in the Library. Sunday School at 10 a m. Chutcli service at 11 a. m and 8 p. in. Epworth League at 7:lii p. m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. If you are not attending elsewhere we extend to you a cordial Invitation to attend our Sunday School, and chut oh services llAitnr W. Corn, Pastor Farm Bureau Notes COUNTY FAIR Final arrangements nro being made for the County Fair. Everything considered, this ought to be tho best Fair ever held. LIVESTOCK The Fair Association havo raised tho prize money offered" and havo se cured M. B. Posson, Extension Speci alist in Animnl Husbandry, of Lincoln to judge tho cattle, hogs and horses. $100.00 is being offered on Boys and Girls Club calves and pigs. County Agent, E. R. Davis of Adams County has been secured to judge dairy cat tle, poultry and farm products. Stock Judging Contest on Wednes day, August 21th at 2 p. m. Demonstration Contest on Thurs day, August 25th at 2 p. m. Livestock Parade on Friday, Aug ust 20th at 2 p. m. Judging Horses Wednesday, Aug ust 2-lth at !) a. m. Judging Cattle on Thursday, Aug ust 25th at 0 a. m. Judging Hogs Friday, August 2Gth at 9 a. m. MUSIC The Red Cloud, Hastings and Guide Rock bands will furnish plenty of good music on the 24th, 25th and 2Gth respectively. This gives the fair the strongest musical program that they ever had. AMUSEMENTS Fire Works every evening, two troups giving acrabatic and comedy performance. Baseball game every day at 12:30 p. m. Games are being matched with Blue Hill, Campbell, Holstcin, Hastings and Lawrence. Horse races and tho Lewis Stock Company. HENRY FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. All That, 'n Then Some. After all, the question of how much tt costs to support on Infant Is rea sonably decided on the basis of how much money Is available for the pur pose. Pittsburgh (iii7('tte-Tlmcs. Card of Thanks Wo wish to oxpresB our gratitude nnd appreciation to all who tendered their kindness and sympathy at the time we laid our loving 6on andbroth- er to his final resting place. I Especially do we wish to thank those who gave tho beautiful floral of. i- . . r . . rtnrt .1... roriiiRs; also Liegion t'osi xo. .jo, me singers and those who assisted at tho cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Johnson mid family. Mr. and Mrs. II. V Johnson Mr. and Mrs O. II. Johnson The Joy Place DESHLER; NEBR. THAYER COUNTY FAIR August 30-31, Sept. 1-2, 1921 Shady Groves , Blue Grass Lawns Comfortable Rest Rooms Free Park Seats Electric Lighted Grounds Fountains Free play grounds for the kiddies Races every day Good base ball Spectacular Fireworks erery night Feature Acts go Direct to The State Fair McMahon Shows North Bros. Shows li a i i m i i ii i n ifcttfi illsW i ii rT"si 1 1 1 ill - iSMOfliEiMiiHy n v ijtui. 'llbsjUib ii-xu-i inv-wH wm bm m PpSJfftHStv Bfej fcjv-'.-.-T- j. --t" irirt-J' CUOtHiGmT Or THt STATB Or NLDnASHA ssgSlffi A-VP- LINCOLN SEPTEMBER -S73& , NEBRASKA'S GREATEST E7CPOSITION .A fy& DEPICTING if F- T - the: finest , LIVESTOCK-AGRICULTURE-HORTICULTURE-DOMESTIC EXHIBITS. BOVS AND GIRLS EXHIBITS AND DEMONSTRATIONS. IBABY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CAMP., AM USEMENTS BEST AND CLEANEST ATTRACTIONS; HI6H CLASS MUSICAL' PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO. RACES-LABOR DAV. FIREWORKS .- CIRCUS-HARNESS A RUNNING ,"A GREATER NIBRA3KA" SERVICB.TD;'TMEVCREATte'jVWMBER,, rfv & A Mw iTU m ffAr.Fs I V 1 I bbS rVi'TTTaftTrr-VurT'-'r ' -1 r . l jt tho new models anouia vim l'5&MHS .UV national joy Bfiwh iSvwiBwvB IiT. Mi" m5" 'sM'tfF H r ia ' 1'"' hi- IP v itf Ufe " ' - Ku, " .k.V VVf - -w- Vrt- - -. 5 Wfeiffir' ; Wmtii :'-. - - -