FT3D W.OTTD. NEBRAflKA. CHIEF Cuba Is Free of 'El Pote' WOMEN'S WATCH TOWER Tsland Rcpubllo Rcjoicc3 at the Death of its Richest Mil lionaire. CRUEL POWER OF WEALTH Pennant TroiJ Down Million no He Piled up niche on Misfortunes of Others Lived and Died u tirute, Ifftvnrifi. "i:i Pnin" Ik dead mill nil fJlihn rcjnlccii. Tint pennant who be cmim n nillllomilru ninny times over mid tiwil lila wealth to wield n crmi jiimcr dl"d iin In! IiiiiI lived, haunted mill llllll'd, ii victim of li'n MM II pOWer. In 40 yearn Iin cnliihlhdicil a career lurlil with tragedy, dark with unrdhl nehcmlrig, fremeuiloiiM with both muc ' mid failure, A year iikm reputed Ibo rli'hi'Mt mini In Culm, hit fiimo to ii inlMcriihlit end nt IiIh own hands, mid iilinnM IiIh hint wonbi wore Hint Hid width which cost him 40 yearn of liurcminiiig toll o accumulate did not ifleltl lil mi one hour of happiness, .lot l.nptv. llodrlguim wiih known to "lilinilly every one In .Cuba. Hit wiih MrmiKo, idiilnlcr llgiiro, mid even In li'iilli hit fiiriiltdicn n romiirknhht ex mnil(t of what run hit iiceoiupllMlifd ly Hut cnimtmit, mllilcim application of Iiowcr to ii iilugln limit. Fcrvo id J'ofo (lint put holbi) was bin wufch word, din motto, tint ruin of IiIm sordid life, mid It wiih from thin (lint ho caino to hit called "111 Pole," tho nmim with which inllllomi heemmt rmiillhir. For yearn hit thrived, nt tint expense of others. Thru thit fortunes of wnr turned ngiilnitt IiIm, mid, fi'iirlnt: I ho Iomh of nil Mi Ill-gotten gnliiM, Iin roni' milled Niilcldo hy hanging hlniHolf with n twlMtcd wheel. Filthy of Ootly. Not more tlinn live feet In heli;ht, "I'M I'oln" hud Hie powerful, HilckM-t friimo typli'iil of the (Inllego peasant, He wore Hie nhoMl clothes he couhl Unit mnl wiih foul of mini! mill speech mid llllliy of hody, June I, ope; Itodrlgiicz wiih horn In Hpitln mid emigrated to Cuba In IiIm lirteeiith yen i', llcolng from (he him) romlllloiiH of (he Onllcgn peasant life. In I In vmiiii for n while he worked with tlcl( mid shovel, hut us mood iih he could he nhnmloneil hiicIi luird tmiiiinil lnhor to work for mi old necoml-limid l.onk dealer, peddling the honks from house to lioiim1, One morning IiIh aged emplo.ver wiih found ilend In IiIm lied mid young Lopez Hodiiguoii, who nlept on the iM'ciiiIhom, wiim nrrcNled on huh plclon of muriler, hut after spending mime t trim In prison he wiih released for liicli vf sufficient evidence to In diet. The widow of the murdered book heller ceiiiluueil the business nml Lopez Itniliigtlcz. lifter IiIm release from prison returned to his. old em ployment, fine morning the widow wiin found bunging In her room, hut, no evidence being found to coullrm n suspicion Hint there hud hcen foul play, u verdict of milehlo wim returned. lly Hie time the yoiuu: employee hnd unveil up Home money uml he loiu:ht the IminIiicnm Pllcn Dollar on Dollar. Living upon tilinnut nothing uml working HreliWMly, he steadily In rreiiHcd Mm trude uml piled one dollar on tinotlier until with the passugu of the yearn IiIm fortune grow to re pcctiibti) dimensions. When, nfler the wealth of CuIiiiuh lind hcen driilned hy three ycaiH of revolution uml embargo, the American fleet blockaded llavann In I NHS, "Kl Vole"-for Jjy Hint time lie hail come universally to he liuowu hy IiIm soldi ipiet -wiim nhle to ncipilre for cash I a rue properties for n tithe of their value, ami when the Cuban repuhllc v'iim net up he wiih a rich man among iiteii who linil hcen ruined. The latter vere ceinpellcil to pi to him for ciihIi vhlch he alone wiih aide to lend. Ami ro It came to paxn Hint many of those to whom the Kovermri'-rit of tho young repuhllr mum entniMted were IiIm dehtor-- which ho never nllowed them to forget. He MTiired ii monopoly on nil f!uhmi prlulliic for which irmnhil coreii wem to jail, Tien he got control of one of the hlja'cHt intUn mnl wrecked Hint. "horrowliiK" no Icmm tlinn $ll, (WW without iiecurlty of nny IHiul. I He hmned mlllloiiN, hut nl way h do iimuleii from W to 1W per cent In tere. It Im helleveil Hint after the jmy- meiit of nil dehtM the entitle of ,loo Lopez KoilrlKiie. will he world Home where nroimd ?I0.(KK).(KK), jirovliu,' Hint It wiih not the fear of penury that drove him to end IiIm life in the fiiMllon hy which IiIm employer 40 yearn uo hud tiled uml which had iiinil.'i'd the hoKlmil'ii; of IiIm own prosperity. ioSSnIlo Hog' Onoutt Do Plowing, WoodMlock, Out. Ho;m dike the lilnce of plowM mid hnrrowH In the cul llviillon of one of the hent prodiicluic fimiill apple ori'hardH In Ontario, Mont orchn rdlHtM plow mid replow ami liar tow and illicit the laud lictuecn the ri)WH of trceM. .1. V. Tutlle ir Cur rle merely turiiH In u drove of Iiokh. The Nntlonal Woiiiiiu'm party Ih com Iiik Into IIh own iikiiIii uml Iiiih bought a new home which will he a reKUhtr "political watch tower" to the cupltol, which Ih within a hImmis'm throw. The home It one of the most hlHtorlc In WiiHhliiKton, ImvliiK hcen the meetln place of voiicreHH from 18l.r to 1810 while the cupltol wiih helnu relmllt, ami wiih Hut Hceuu of I'leMldeiit Monrou'M ImiiiKtiratloii. (Jeorge Schwp.stcr, t,r of David City, Just celchroted his "Otli hlrthdny and In honor of thl.s event 1,'JDO per?om were wrved with ejike and lemonade In the newly-completed hnsvment of the S'chwester depanment store. The cake measured oO hy W, inchex nnd was two and u half feet liL'h. It contulnei 10 layers mid welKhed 27 pound1?. The contents of the e.ike were 75 pounds of powdered vufnr, ',1't pounds if IIIXItlllllili.il lillilna til ....! i.0 norne Holdlers' orpiniallon $M,M), to ' "' ""'.V . ... ' . , , , ,.. ' . . . , 'Tefimery butter. .'I.j Hounds of Hour uml ii ! iiiiiiiiiii' i v w r-v- on iiiiiii in i - "' ''-' " J'""f ,rt-.T iIW ( 7 J CORNHUSKER ITEMS Ncwu of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. State ofllclalH will joon turn over to 7L'0 eL-s. It carried 70 $66,000 Thief Given 3 Years f Mcmphis Teller for 12 Years Missed Vacations to Shield His Shortage. COURT GETS HIS CONFESSION Ucoan With $100 Holdout and Lived In Hopo of Maklnu All Good Nev- r Missed a D."iy or Was Lato Otraln Wa Terrible. MeinnlilH. Teiin. Alex V. .Smith, for merly note teller for the KliMt Nation ul hunk, Hlood convicted, but elated with a tin co-j ear term, Klvcn to him after he hud confCHsed to a $iHI,00ll7 peculnllon uml ileailed guilty. DuiIiik the IU yearH Smith wiih con nected with Hid hank hu never took it vacation, never wiih ubxent or late In rcpnrthiK for duty, Ho told rcportcra In order to cover up the HliorliiKo ho hnd to bo continually on the Job. .'lolin 1). Marllii, .Sinltb'H couiiHel, rend u copy of SiiiIHi'h couI'chhIou to llio court In IiIh pica for leniency. Thu confcHMlou miyn : "I, Alex V. Smith of KuIcIkIi, Tenn., do hereby iiiuke conl'e.sslou. "1 wiih born In Liverpool, ICiikIiiiiiI, on .Iiiiio 8, ISSII. I left ICiikIiiiiiI uml ciiiue to the United .Stiitcs when I was iiliout twenty-two yearn olil. After a Hhorl Hliiy In New York city I came to MemphlH, Tenn., uml hecume a bank clerk In thu employ of the Hunk of Commerce of Memphis, where I worked for about nine months, I tuen en teied the employ of Hie First Nntlonal bunk of Memphis, Tenn., and was con tinuously ciupliood theie until .luiiu ury 111, 11'JI. I was note teller at the First National hunk for about I-' consecutive years. During this thnu I cave iIIIIkciiI atleiillon to Hie (lit tles of the position. Deaan With $100. "About 11 years apt, one day after the vaults were closed, to accommo date a customer 1 took u deposit of nhout $100. That nllit I used this money to pay u debt, Imping to re place It linuu'dlately. It was never replaced, and the hIioi'Iiiko grew, until .lanuary l'J, 10'.M, It amounted to Slid, MU.:7. ".My method of concealment was throughout the entire period of short age to hold for a day or two, then re mit, being In the muiiucr always short In my remittances. "I uiurricd nhout eight years ago, and at the time of my marriage my Miortngo was comparatively hiiiiiII. My family consists of my wlfle, aged thirty-one yen is, and three children, Alex V. .Ir aged seven; .llm Milligram, aged six, ami .lay Shaw, aged two years, nine months. "The inoneyH which I embezzled from the haul; were absorbed In my personal expense ami extravagances. 1 have not dissipated money In gam bling or speculiitlon. I have, of course, entertiilued thu vague hopu that I could make restitution of these peculations, hut Inive been crushed with the realiza tion that tills was Impossible. Strain Hao Been Terrible. "The strain of my situation has, ot course, been terrible, uml I have suf fered liuiiieuse mental torture for years. "I have been unable to obtain sulll dent sleep or rest except through the use of Intoxicants, uml have been com pelled to resort to the sumo means as a stimulant to enuhlu me to discharge the regular duties of my olllce. "It Is my Intention ami desire that In the event there should he an In dictment returned iigulust me on ac count of my wrongdoing to limuedl nlely enter a idea of guilty to the same mid throw myself without reservation upon the mercy of the court. "It Is my desire to receive such pen alty us may be Inflicted on me us speedily as possible, It being my deep deslie, after 1 have met my punish ment, to rise ugaln and hu a mini. It will he my earnest effort to make good, in the fullest measure possible, the loss which has been occasioned as thu result of my wrongdoing." After Hie shortage wan discovered Smith says regarding bis conversation with bank olllclals: "I gave them llm exact llgures, to wit. $m.001.:i7, together with all data ami documents pertaining thereto, thereby enabling thu olllclals of the hank to make a speedy adjustment of their records. I gave the exact amount of my shortage as stated above, so that the bank would not bo put to the necessity of a long, laborious and ex pensive audit of my accounts. and are not being taken care of by the ' f idem I government. Tliw hint legls-! laiiire provided a trust fund of .L 000.000, the Interest of which will he iimimI for Nebraska veterans. Since In terest would not be available this year, ) 000 was appropriated for Inimedl ute ue. It Is quite likely the Ameri can Legion wifl be hilectcd to adminis ter this fund, ami thai local posts throughout the state will be asked to Investlmite mid recommend action on (ill applicants for aid. Twenty hmcIiiI traffic officers, co operating with the police department, raided the streets of Fremont the other night In search of auto headlight find tall light violators. Cops were Mntloned at Intervals along the bus iest streets and all offenders were either escorted to the police Htatlon pr given notice to appear for trial. Over 100 drivers, among whom were many prominent citizens, were victims of the law enforcers. No lines were levied, however, and bond money was refunded with lectures to obey the luw In tho future. Complete return from St) of the 0.'J counties received by V. II. Osborne. Htate tax commissioner at Lincoln, shows the total personal property as sessed In 1011 to be $800,1 .r.9,0(i."i against $ 1, 0(5(1,8 rj.riO.'i In WM, a de crease of IM.lfi per cent. The value of all property returned by the 80 counties In 1021 Is !?:Sl,.Jl1,-l!.l8,o.r.:. Fob lowing their oipiiillzailon It Is found Hint the value has been decreased to &:j,o.oo,:ior.,'iifi. J, 10. Haul, secretary of the depart ment of trade and commerce, announc ed thai a levy must be placed ugalnst the guaranty fund or ir.o,000 to pay depositors of the Ccreseo Slate bank, IS RESTLESS AGE Children Only Follow the Ex ample of Their Parents. .which fulled recently. In a short time Sylvia Pankhurst Toasted by Reds JptSfWl5? S3SSr.8K? PAJAMAS "NOBBY" ON STREET nusfl Officer's Garb Leads to button of Garments to nefunees. Dlstrl- SI kl y' . xafe ,iu t m v if (f ' ' "miff; WmM"! -s ! 4-rrrv , sAmaiJF- A . r . " v 24 ommi&AtkLiaiiii&s Constantinople, Turkey. Atuerlcnn lied Cross nml army paJauiMs are hc- i lug converteil Into Jaunty street clothes 1 here by Ingenious Itusstim refugee i soldiers and civilians. , Hugh S. Mini, treasurer of the lied Cross, when here on a visit of Inspec tion, saw a spick-and-span mounded Itnsslan otllcer nourishing a cane uml funning himself with a straw bat nt the local lted Cross etllces. lie no ticed that the man bud taken a suit of pajamas, t-ewed shoulder strap braid on them, strapped his olllcor's belt about them and rolled up the bot toms to give a trouser effect. Mr. HUM thought so well of the In genuity of the man, who had I'efeated the hot weather, that be gave orders I for several thousand more pajamas to be distributed, so no Itnsslan need wear his heavy, shabby winter clothes. '4;ni :. attiTMi4nrttn o .. . - ' -W!M . - - . Wi!ZlLlJcJ&JifakW1!? MIbm Sylvia I'auUhurst (center), who served live mentliN' Imprisonment t llolloway for preaching sedition In the llrltlsh navy, was recently dis missed. Following her "coming out" she was tendered a brvakfnst In Loudon by the Communist party. This photograph showa tho "reds" offering a toast to Miss I'nnUhntf-t. PartrldQca Allnht In Street. Coatesvllle. Pn,A covey of part ridge came Into this city and alight ed on the paved streets In the busi ness section. Volunteer firemen caught n few anil placed them In n bin. lib crating them later In the country. They had become frightened when a cooper's hawk attacked them on the I bill. Hart expects to make other levies amounting to approximately $:i00,000, to pay depositors in hanks at Allen, limine mid Hosklns. HankH ami French, near Coring, Jiavo completed the harvesting and threshing of 1,170 acres of wheat. A V 1 1 1 1 four combined harvesters and threshers they cut the ent're acreage In eight days, sacked the wheat and hauled It to market. They claim this to be Hie record for harvesting and threshing In Nebraska. (ieorge Dlmlg reports the largest yield of wheal raised In York county this season. He threshed 11 acres, which he sowed last fall with Kanred wheal, imported from Kansas, averag Jug fi().8 bushels per acre. He also threshed OIK) bushels of barley from lfi acres. A Iwo-montbs' drouth was broken In lllgsprlng when an Inch of rain fell In a few minutes. Lawns and gardens in town have been burned up owing to lack of moist lire. The country sur rounding the town has had several good rains, Insuring a good crop of corn. Work Is progressing rapidly In the City park at West Point In prepara tion for the big cantonment of the Patriarchs Militant of the 1. O. O. F. ,of Nebraska, which will be held there -this mouth. A malady contracted by Mrs. Dean ,Mohr so baffled Colrldge physicians ;that Dr. .1. Williams, nervu specialists ,nf Sioux City, was sent for. The 'diagnosis revealed n pecular case of ileepli,g sickness. Dodge county thro.-ihers are showing (hut the wheat yield of the county Is (exceeding the early estimate and the ifanners lire as a general rule well sat 'Isfled with their small grain crop. Arrangements are being completed by the Deshler Light and Power com pany for the construction of several country electric light transmission Hues for use of fanners. Hog Cholera among the hogs In var ious herds In the vlclnl'y of York Is 'reported at this time. livery effort Is being mude to stump the disease out. .1. C. McCorkle, near Alliance, (threshed 1 1(5 acres of wheat, which lylelded f0 bushels per acre. Mason City will bold a three-day Home-coming celebration, August !l-l A The Fall City llrcmen are advertis ing a three day tournament for August 20-li(5'J7. At a meeting of tl.e entire member ship of the Shifters' club held at Su perior, further ar,:.ngoineni were jnade for the big historical pageant iwhlcb Is to be enacted August H and 17. The plans for the O. A. It. re union, which Is to be held In conjunc tion with the pagea:.t, were submitted. Application for Ivmanco of S-'OO,-000 worth of new stock In the Wells- Abbott-Nlcrman milling corporation at Schuyler, will be made to the state iitithoiitles. The new stock will solve ilnanclal dltllcultles of the company, uceonllng to advices from Schuyler. Dr. 12. H. Stnuffer, president of Mid land college and delegate to the Inter national Itotary convention held In lOdluburgi Scotland, returned to Fre mont lifter a two months' absence In llurope. He v-Nitcd various nations following the Itotary conference. The Omaha central labor union piling to organize a bank with $5,000,000 In deposits to begin with. Organizers are now at work and It Is hoped to have tho bank In business before snow tiles. The Institution will be controlled en tirely by labor nnd will cater to union members. Newspaper Asks the Pertinent Ques tion Whether It Is Not Time to Stop and Think ti dozen or red candles. A fight over the lorntlon of tho school house was terminated at ICIIs- worth ipilte abruptly when two mem bers mid leaders of the minority fac tion loaded the building on skids at night and linuled It with a tractor two nnd one-half miles to their own location. It Is stated that this movy ended the controversy us th'j majority leuders have given up the fight. The permanent Injunction asked by the village of Davenport In a suit against the Mayer Hydro Klcctrlc Power company was grar ted In u de cision handed down by Judge L, V. Colby. The defendant company asked higher rates than Its franchise called for, and u temporary Injunction was granted until a hearing on the matter could be held In the district court. Under the terms of the decision the former rate will remain It, force. Judge S. P. Davidson and family of Tccuniseh aro camped at the J. O. Hoach resort, near P.o.ton, In tho inountnlns of Colorado. Miss Ituth Davidson, L'0, was lost In the mountains for 10 hours and was unconscious when found by n searching party. Miss iJsivlrisofi had gone for n walk In the Needle Ilntte mountains and lost her way. She roamed about in the mountains for hours, seriously fright ened nnd finally fell from u .small cliff nnd lost consciousness; The farm bureau picnic for Madison county, was held at the Andy Tom hagan grove soiilheast of Itattle Creek. It was estimated that i.OOO attended the picnic. Ituslness houses closed for the event. The program Included ad dresses by Cl W. Pugslev and Professor II. C. Fllley of the Cniverslty of Ne braska, ami concerts by the Norfolk, Madison, Newman drove mid Ilattlu Creek bauds. The campaign to rale ?.'l.",UO0 to se cure the air carnival for Omaha this fall Is well under way and everything points to the success of the movement. Not less than UOO avl iters are expected to come with their machines to par ticipate In the Mights and carry away the prize money. The air mull Hying Held on West Center street will bo used. At a meeting held at flrand Island called by the president of the Three Hundred and Fifty-fifth Infantry or ganization, which was n part of the lOighty-nlnth division, prollmlnures were laid for the reunion, which will be held on August ill) and .'II. Tbeo dure Koosevelt, Jr., Is expected to ad dress the gathering ami about 1,'JOO men lire expected. A grain shocker invented and con structed by .1. F. (irllllth of Albion Is Mild to perforin work from 00 to !)."i per cent perfect, (irllllth bus beep at work on the machine for twelve years. A local company was foi-med here In 101(1, fhe years before the model was completed, to bundle the Invention mid manufacture the machine. The telephone strike at P.loomlleld bus been called oft an. I the patrons will soon receive first-class service again. The strike of Hie patrons was called last April when the telephone company advertised im Increase In lta rates. The special bond election here, ask ing for $l(i.",000 additional money wltlj which to complete Norfolk's new half million dollar high school building, was successfully carried. In the report of County Assessor P. C. ltundle of Aurora the total valua tion of the county Is ?l-l,:i:Jl,:U.1. Last year the total was i?ri1,o:t,'l,-l7ri. A contract has been awarded n. Kansas City Unit for the erection of a new 7.1,000 electric light and power plant nt Pawnee City. The state board of equalization hns refused to lower the assessment of Ne braska railroads, demanded by rep resentatives. A car shortage Is reported In Chap man. All the elevators are full and the shortage is proving a handicap to the farmers. The postolllce at Mead, was broken Into by burglars and about $-00 worth of sianipswere stolen. A toreiitlal rain In Madison county did much damage to ;he growing crops. 1S5 new laws passed bv the last leg islature, went Into effect this week. Through the efforts of the Com munity club and the Mluslnc ss Men's club a baud Is assured In Stanton. A. D. lllava of Havenn.i will take charges of the band. Heroic efforts of nurses saved tho lives of patients In the Arapahoe hos pital when tire broke out In the build ing. After the pailentri had been rescued, workeis succeeded In saving most of the fixtures. The blaze, which was started by an electric Iron, did damage estimated at .1,000. The tiro was checked before the whole building was destroyed. At a meeting of the Live Stock I.treeders' association at Tocuniseh, tho new sales pavilion became n reality. It was voted to build one -00 feet by HO feet, with n sales ring -10 by 10 feet In the center. Harry Housen, Deputy State tiro marsball, bus Just completed the In vestigation of a fire at the homo of Judge S. II, Twist, at Salem. The lire had been started In nine different places. Judge Twist recently receiv ed three blackhnnd letters, demanding his resignation from the city council, which he hail IcuoreiL "The poor little rich girl" Is no Ac tion, us Is demonstrated from time to time when fcurveys are taken of chil dren to determine the causes of mal nutrition and over-fatigue. The chil dren of the wealthy or well-to-do more often than the children of the poor ure found to be under weight or nerv ous. Sometimes the trouble Is due to careless or Improper feeding, though oftener to the complexity of modern life, says Dr. liorden S. Vcetb'ii of St. Louis, speaking before the section on the diseases of children at the meet ing of the American Medical associa tion, In session In Hoston, the Okln hoinan states. "My little girl never has n leisure hour In fact, she Is Just as buy as I urn." said a mother to me one tiny. "We Just cannot keep our children nt home In the evening," said another mother. "We have made a rule that they could not go out to parties or clubs except on Friday ami Saturday nights, but we tlml we cannot en force It." It's the same old story keeping up with Lizzie. If your neighbor's child must be on the "go" continually, then, In order tt keep the pace, your child must follow that silly example. At least that seenm to he the popular supposition keep up with Lizzie If you undermine your health, If you fall to secure a sound education, If you prepare for failure Instead of success. It Is not surprising If the children and young people of today are eternally restless, if they never are content to remain at home, If they llnd life In tolerable when their days and night are not crowded with pleasure and umusemcuts. Children always follow the example of their parents. When the mother belongs to three or four card clubs, a literary club or two, at tends luncheons, teas and dinners. plays golf, sits on committees, dabbles; a little In politics, what can you ex pect of the children? Crowing up In an atmosphere where there Is no quiet or repose. It Is Inevitable that children should be restless, continually seeking; after new excitements, competing so cially with those In their own circle, bent on being seen everywhere nml having a good time at nil costs. When a mother who Is nlways going about remonstrates with her children for making so many engagements, that they have on time either for the nec essary amount of rest or study, It 1st not surprising that her remarks carry no conviction. When either children or adults spend their lives rushing from one place to another, from one pleasure to nnother, what have they. In the end, to show for their scattering of energy, their expenditure of time? Women today are highly on-nnlzeri: In culture clubs, patrons' clubs, and civic societies. Why do they not, get together on this problem of conserv ing the time and energy of their chil dren, saving a part of It from thft eternal program of Joy rides, dances, clubs and picture chows? Seek Origin of Granite. Two Harvard geologists, Professors lteglnald A. Daly and Charles Pnlache, accompanied by Dr. O. A. P. Molen graaf. a Dutch scientist, plan to spent! the early months of l'.KIn an expedi tion to South Afrlcn to study unusual geological format Ions In that region, the university announced recently. Dr. Fred 13. Wright, penologist of the geo-pby.slcnl laboratory nt Wash ington, will accompany the party nB the representative of the Carnegie In stitution. The chief object of the scientists, who plan to leave F.nglnnd next Jan uary, will be the study of a body of obtrusive rock north of Pretorln, anil they hope Hint their Investigations will shed some light on the origin of gran ite, which has long perplexed geol ogists. Dr. Molengraaf was formerly chief geologist of the Transvnal republic. He hns also done considerable work In tho Fast Indies. Photography as a Sculptor. Ilncsc, of Florence, Italy, Invented a process for producing bas-reliefs by photogrnphy. The basis of the Inven tion, tho property possessed by a film of chromium gelntln of swelling In proportion to the Intensity of tho light falling upon It. The swelling Is greater with low than with high Intensity, so Hint the light pnsslng through n photographic negative pro duces upon a chromiuni-gelatln pinto n positive In distinct relief. Tho trnnspnreney of nn ordinary negntlve, however. Is not truly proportional to the relief of the orlglnnl method, but by nn Ingenious automatic device, In volving n double exposure, this dlf. Acuity Is avoided, and a negntlve Ih obtnliied hnvlng Its lights and shndes correctly graded to produce the effect of relief. Coal Could Do More Work. Ilascd upon the performance of GO large locomotives operating over nenr y 700 miles of route on tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rnllwny, and on other facts of record, It has been es timated that the pnssenger nnd rev enue freight tonnngo of the Unltetl States could bo hauled by electric locomotives for one-third the conl now burned under steuui-euglne boilers. V V ') Y i