The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 11, 1921, Image 5

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K 121
8 HitiiKMHKiSSi !8 55 JS IS
I 1$ iv H'-tMil tit I'mwlt and PopeX
I Grandpa Han en Kited in Cowlo.-,
Kut and drink at
Powell it Pope's
Isadora Johnson
Ford car.
is driving a new
Clifford Pope was homo from Hast
ings Sunday.
Robt. Brcakcy
visitor, Friday.
The A. II, Carpenter family loft
Monday evening via car for Scldcn,
Mr. and Mr?. Fred Wallin of Kck
ley, Colorado arc visiting friends hero
this week.
A largo number from hero attend
ed the ball game at Hastings Sunday
was a. Hasting i
John Griffeth came in on No.
Friday morning.
Rev. Harper of Inavalc was in the
city Friday morning.
Miss Cccila Johnson
Hastings on Tuesday.
visited in
Charles Richardson returned home
Sunday morning from Cheyenne,
Miss Jessio McCallum nutocd to
Shimmer Lake near Grand Island
Sunday afternoon.
A new tiro station has been opened
in the Holland hotel.
Mrs. Curt Evans returned from
California Friday morning.
Fred Carvahan of Hastings spent
Sunday with friends here.
Mrs. U. Pharos and Rctta McDowell
spent the week end with the Hutchins
family at Cowlcs.
Mrs. John Arncll entertained Fri
day afternoon for her guest, Miss
Mercer of Lincoln.
Misses Marie and Lydia Trautwcnt
to Hastings, Friday morning.
Mrs. John Merrill went to Guide
Rock for a visit Friday morning.
Schylor Hayes returned to
work in Chicago, Monday night.
Miss Mabel Lundy went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning to visit friends.
A burning car on the track at Red
Willow delayed No. 1G about two
hours Monday morning.
Clnrcnce Jollison went to Lincoln,
Monday morning.
The Webster County Teachers' In
stitute is in session this week.
The Hoard of Equalization was in
session Wednesday afternoon.
County Attorney II. S. Foe was in
Lincoln the first of the week,
George Hunsickor of Oxford was
in the city the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mctcalf Jr., have
moved into the Steffins residence.
A largo number of towns in this
state- have organized Ku Klux Klnn
Miss Mercer of Lincoln has been
a guest of the John Amell family
this week.
Mrs. George VanCamp and daugh
ter of Lincoln are the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Robt. Damcrell.
Fred Barker of Marshalltown,
Iowa, is here visiting his sister, Mrs.
Ned Sutton and family.
Ed Piatt and family went to Hast
ings Saturday to take in the circus.
Mrs. Frank Peterson went to York.
Friday morning to visit her mother.
Mr. Farmer road the Farmers Un
ion ad which comes a message to you.
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Mr. Ex-Service man there is an ad
appearing elsewhere in this paper
perLaining to you, read it.
The A. U. and D. W. Kaley fami
lies returned from their vacation in
Minnesota Monday evening.
Everett Coon returned homo the
last of the week from Omaha where
he spent a week with friends.
Mrs. Ilosmer departed this morning
for Fairfax, Missouri whsro she will
visit with relatives.
I. W. Edson came in Monday even
ing from Horace, where he has been
preaching for some time.
Mr. an 1 Mr-. Lowe and Mr, and
Mid. Cha-i. Urough'fm of Rivorton,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Top
ham, Sunday. '
Mr. and Mr. Grant Turner de
parted the last of the week for Col
orado and Wyoming where they will
enjoy an outing.
,ne fcyi
Miss Marjory Jackson, a Red Cross
worker, was in the city Monday at
tending to some matters pertaining
to the Red Cross.
Mr. E. 11. Hunsickor and son, Glen,
of Blythcdalo, Missouri have been
visiting this week with his brother,
R. L. Hunsickor and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McFarland and
children departed Saturday morning
via nulo for San Diego, California
where they will visit his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Floranco and
family returned home Saturday night
from Detroit, Minnesota where they
had been visiting his brother and on
joying an outing.
Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer and
Mrs. Hassingcr went up to Hastings
Wednesday to visit relatives.
Mrs, A. D. Ranney went to Blue
Hill, Tuesday morning for a visit
with her son, Clayton and wife.
Miss Rhoda Foss of Beaver City,
is a guest of Tliclma McBridc this
Miss Marie Bogcnricf of Mankato,
Kansas is visiting at the John Merrill
Miss Neva Baker went down to
Hardy, Monday morning to visit relatives.
Editor F. I,. Brown of Rivorton was
in the city between trains Friday
E. H. Ncwhouso went to Omaha
Monday to purchase some of the lat
est creations in jewelry for his store
Miss Alta Coon of Kenesaw is
spending the week here with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Coon.
Fred Slaby went to Republican City
Monday evening where lie will pitch
for that team in a scries of games.
Jacob Peterson and family accom
panied by Fred Slaby, attended the
big ball game in Hastings, Sunday.
The Red Cloud band has been se
cured to furnish the music for one day
at the county fair at Bladen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Copley departed
Tuesday via auto for Sterling Col
orado where they will Join Grant
Turner and wife and Clias. Smith
and wife and enjoy an outing in points
in Colorado.
The DcRree of Honor met Tuesday
evening at the I. O. O. P. hall. A largo
number of members were present and
those in attendance had something to
say for the good of tho order. After
lodge closed refreshments were served
Ever slop to think how strongly you
are influenced by the look in a man's
eye? Your eyes are the most observ
ed feature. Why not give them the
consideration they deserve, and selec
becoming eye glasses? Our glasses
make your eyes look best, and are best
for your eyes.
MADE and REPAIRED Also Upholstering
Any thing in the top line.
First class Workmanship
Red Cloud
Mi3s Rachel Cowdcn is homo from
Madison, Wisconsin where she attend
ed the ummer session at the state
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ellison of Coun
cil Muffs lmvo been vHting with her
sister, Mrs. R. L. HunsicKcr and fam
ly this week.
Miss Helen Johnson left Wednesday
morning for Broken Row where she
will spend the rest of the summer
visiting friends.
Foreman Morton Smith and his
helpers, who aro employed by tho
Allied Constrution Co., of Omaha,
have finished their contract of build
ing bridges for this county and will
leavo for Custer county whero they
have several bridges to erect.
Mr. Stanwood and son, Clark of
Cadoms were in the city Sunday at
tending the funeral of Chas. Johnson.
Mrs. Jacob Peterson went to Hast
ings Tuesday morning where she will
visit relatives for tho rest of the
FOR RENT My farm, 3'i miles
.south of Inavale. Horace A. Span
ogle, 112 west Oak St., Ft. Collins,
L. Sherman and wife accompanied
Mrs. Will' Koon and Miss Ruby to
Smith Center, Sunday where they
attended a camp meeting.
Miss Gem White returned Weri:
ncsday morning from Colorado"
Springs, where she has been enjoy
ing her summer's vacation.
Cleanest, Cleverist, Classiest
Show on the road today
Eleven Entertainers De Luxe
Giersdor? Company
Supreme Instrumentalists, Petite Dancers,
Delightful Singers
MUSICAL BANQUET that feeds human nature with the
good cheer of living like the sun does all outdoors.
100 PURE
Also two reels of comedy each show
Friday, August 19, 8:1S p. m.
Saturday, August 20th
Matinee at 3 p. m. Evening 8:1 S
Sunday, August 21st
Miss Charlotta Buerstett'a is home
from Kearney, and will visit her sis
ter, Mrs. E. L. Morhart and family
the remainder of the summer.
The citizens of tills city woro treated
to ii bund concert Wednesday evening
irlvon by the local band, under tho
leadership of Mr. Uetz. A platform
was erected in the street which nnvo
the band boys an ideal position and
enabled the citizens who gathered to
hear the music to got an advantageous
view of the performers. A number of
selections were splondidly rendered to
the great delight of those who availed
theiubelvea of the opportunity of com
ing out. This is the first concert given
by tho newly organized band and tho
citizens thoroughly appreciated it.
The Margin of Safety
Is reprobentod by tho amount of
insurance you curry.
Don't lull yourself into a fancied
IJccuuso fire has never touched you
it doesn't follow that you're immuno
Tomorrow no today, if you have
time and you better llnd time
oome to theoMuu and we'll wrlto
a policy on your houso, furniture,
More or morclmndibo.
R.elixble Insurance
Dr. R.V. Nicholson
Red Cloud
Dr. H- E. GJLJfl?
PHONES Ind. 193-X Bell 48
Office Tumure Bldg, formerly Occupied by
Attorney L. 11. Blackledgo
Mr. and Mrs. Young and daughter,
Ruth, of Crete are here to attend
the Coon-Romjue wedding. Miss
Ruth will sing at the wedding.
Miss Hattie Christian went to
Hastings Monday morning to bring
home her niece, Carolyn Tate, who
has been in the hospital for three
days there.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Teel went to
Lincoln Friday to spend a few days
with their daughter, Mrs. F. N. Wells,
and they will visit points in Illinois
before returning home.
Mr. and' Mrs. Jim Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. George Clark of Lewellyn. Neb
raska, Walter Clark of Colorado,
Miss Emily Straum of Sabctha, Kan
sas and Mr. Itibault of Fairbury have
been guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Bailey the past week.
J. W. Auld received word Sunday
from Mrs. E. S. Joyce of Lisbon Falls,
Maine stating that she arrived at
Wayne, Maine Wednesday with the
remains of Mr. Bcsse and that he was
buried in the Wing cemetery, beside
his first wife, son and parents. The
cemetery being located across tho
street from his old home.
Sacred Concert 3 p. m.
Evening 8:30
Adults 55c tax included
Children 25c tax included
Dance Friday aridltatlifday nights -- 9 piece orchestra
Watch" For Street Parade
Farm Loans
I am ready as always to make any
and all farm loans at the lowest rate
and best option. Absolutely no wait
ing and no expense for Inspection.
J. II. liuiley.
Congregational Church Notes
Rev. Mary II. Mitchell, Pastor
Preaching services at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 10 h, m.
Prayer and Bible Study Friday even
ing at 8 o'clock. All aro welcome to
any of these services
Have you any unsettled claim against the government? Do you
want information regarding compensation, vocational training
or hospitalization? ' ,
A clean-up squad of government workers
is coming, to Hastings, August 12th, 13th.
Come to Red Cross Community House
Empowered to give special
attention to all old cases of compen
sation, vocational training and
hospitalization, as well as to consider
new claims. Representatives from
the American Red Cross and the
American Legion will assist the
squad while in the state.
All chapters of the American
Red Cross, local posts of the Ameri
can Legion and the public at large
are earnestly requested to help bring
to the attention of Nebraska Ex
Service men the opportunity to
have their claims presented to the
Moler Barber College, largest
and best equipped in U. S.
We givo you one half you
earn while in school, this en
ables you to make back your
tuition. FREE catalog, 110 S
14 St., Dept. 33, Or.taha, Neb.
Men with compensation claims pending.
Men who want to get hospital treatment.
Men wanting to apply for vocational training
Men annealing for new classification.
J Men making new claims. u
If you were discharged as physically fit but are now suffering from
disability traceable to service you are eligible to make claim for
government aid. Be Sure to Bring Your Discharge Papers.
Webster County Chapter Jpl American Legion IPosts ,
American Red Cross .- BF of Webster County