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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1921)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i? & r ? V' . . w If T. i? V, !j;v ? I- ' .'.; if -r ";! i- K AS TOLD TO' US J Eat and drlnlt ot Powell & Popo's Uafe. , tf N. Pi Campbell spent Thursday in Superior. y ' ' D. F. Mizcr in driving a new Stude bakcr car. Al Hoffman spent Thursday in Blue Hill. i W. B. Smitt spent Sunday with hi3 parents at Denver. A. C. Potter went to Kansas City, Thursday morning. Joe Crow was down from Republi ' can City Saturday. Miss Kathcrine Traut shopped in Hastings on Monday. Mis. J. L. Beebe will1 visit in Alma und Orleans this week. F. I. Hooker of Guide Rock was in the city Saturday morning Sheriff Huffer was in Hastings and Kearney Tuesday on business. jjJ'T nr "" Miss Etta Coon and her mother are visiting in Hastings this week. Mrs. Frank Koon and little daugh ter spent Monday in Hastings. Joe Crow from Republican City visited in Red Cloud Saturday. Mi?s Jessie McCallum and Edith Beckwith spent Sunday In Superior. Lutheran sen-ices every first and third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m. Mrs. Roy Cramer went up to Crys tal Lake, Wednesday, to attend a pic nic. ' A. B. Crabill shipped a car of hogs and one car of cattle to St. Joe Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cramer spent Sunday with relatives at Republican City. Mrs. G. F. Tennant went to Cowles Monday morning for a visit with friends. Isaac Pierce, who has been visiting in Bartley, returned, homo Monday morning. Rahih Chaplin, and wife returned from a trip to Colorado, Wednesday morning. Mr?. Mallick and niece, Miss Ililir went up to Cowles Tuesday to visit relatives. Chas. Turner and wife returned from their California trip on' Tuesday morning. Miss Hill of Curtis is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Rissie Cox and other re latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilham of Hol stein spent Sunday in the city with their parents. The P. C. Pope and E. L. Morhart families returned from their vacation trip Srturday. Miss Gesina Boom and sister, Clara, went to Guide Rock Monday morning for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lindley and M". S. M. Carl were down from Riverton Tuesday evening. ' Rev. J. M. Bates went to Broken Bow Friday morning to attend to some church matters. C. D. Robinson his family left Sun day morning via auto for St. Paul on an extended vacation. Platform Manager Porterfield and daughter left Monday morning for Missouri Valley Iowa. Mrs. S. A. Derr of Alva, Oklahoma, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fincher, and relatives. Clifford Pope of Hastings spent Sunday in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope. Schuyler Hayes of Chicago arrived in the city Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hayes. W. L. Koon went to his farm at Soldnn, Kansas, Saturday whore he will nttond to his wheat crop. Paul Throne and his mother left Mond-iy evening for .California, where P5ulflfllhgo,to school thisjFall. HuylJi'eid at Powell and Pope's. Art Shccley of Hastings spent the last of the week in the city with his mother. Miss Susie Cary returned to Lin coln Monday morning, having spent her vacation here with her mother. Kathcrine Traut returned from Kearney, Friday evening where she had been attending Summer School. Miss Minnie Christian, who is at tending summer scool in Lincoln spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. Frank Richardson and daugh ter Fay, returned Monday morning from n visit in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Rev. Bccbc went to Naponce Wed nesday, where he will preach for the week of the Harvest Home Festival. Godfrey H. Monia and Clara I. Stutcsman, both of Guide Rock, were married by Judge Rannoy Saturday. Mrs. Rissie Cox is spending her va cation from the Cook drug store, in visiting friends in the country this week. , "t-rt' ' 4 fiv ji, :( Isadorc Johnson and D. C. Hender.i son returned home Sunday after spending a week in Colorado and Wy oming. Dr. Lollar and wife of Grand Is land visited at the Harry Cramer home Sunday and also attended Chau tauqua. Mr. Windolph departed Sunday morning for Greeley, Colorado where he has accepted a position as organist in a theater. Mrs Laird Potter and baby return ed homo Thursday evening from Hardy where she spent n few days with her parents. Robert Hoxscy returned home Mon day morning from Denver and other Colorado points where he has been enjoying an outing. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smiley of Hast ings visited with their daughter, Mrs, Frank Hughes and family and at tended Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tulleys passed thru here Saturday on their way home from California whore they have been visiting several weeks. The Boy Scouts left Tuesday morn ing in cars, accompanied by their lead er, Rev, Liningcr of Cowles, to spend their vacation on Miner's ranch. Kev. Harper and daughter, Grace, and tho Cordlc family, all of Inavale, spent Sunday at tho J. M. Hewitt homo nnd attended the Chautauqua. J. M. Hewitt returned home Wcd ncsday morning from his rnimijo'' vacation at Scottsbluff ariu puiny other towns in the western partlrof the state. Mrs. Fay Wells returned to her home at Lincoln Friday morning after spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Teel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hopkins and dhildren of Kansas City arrived in the city via auto Thursday afternoon to visit her sister, Mrs. J. S. L. Thom as and family. C. L. Cetting and daughter, Mrs. J. C. Mitchell left Monday evening for Colorado points, Denver, Color ado Springs and other cities for two weeks vacation. ' Mrs. J. W. Dickson departed Friday morning for her home at St. James, Minnesota after spending tho past month' here with her daughter, Mrs. R.V. Nicholcon and family. Miss Paulino Rannoy departed Fri day morinng for San Francisco, Cali fornia. From there she will take a boat for Shanghi, China where she in tends teaching school in an American settlement. The biggest offer for the money Is the new trial offer of the Lincoln State Journal; two months for CO cents, or with the big Sunday paper 75 cents. Mutt and Jeff are joining tho Journal's comic family every day and a page In colors on Sunday. The Sunday Jour nal's featuroj alone are worth tho money. Try this big state pnper. It's the only Lincoln paper that can be delivered on rural routes the same day printed. Farm Loans I am ready nb always to make nnv and nil fnim loans at tie lowust rnu and best option. AUoU toly no wait lug "d no expense for inspection. J. n.'Huiley. Grace Church Services llth Sunday Aftor Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. in. Holy Communion with address at 11 n. m. No Evening Service. Kansas Pickups SMITH COUNTY Miss Loucso lirown spent Thursday with Miss Velnia Cnrr. Quite a number of children In this vicinity are having the lagrippe. Dr. II. M. Tweedy and family visited Sunday with E. E. Spurrier and family. Ernest Look nnd wife spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives lu Lob. anon. Wtn, Qulnn ami wife nnd Earl Ab bott and wifo spent Sunday at E. E. SpurrierV.' F. M. Brown took his oldest son, Ralph, to Alma, Nebraska to be treat ed for rheumatism Mi 8. F. M. Ilrown and Mrs Geo, Roliror spent Tuesday with Mrs Geo. Perterson in Smith Center. Miss Helen Tweedy of Smith Center Is spending the week with Mrs.. E. E. Spurrier and Mrs. Earl Abbott. A one quart Thermopak with one quart of ice cream for 11.00. Powell & Pope's Cafe. iWlllard Elson Wilmot, aged 10 j ears, 3 months and 10 days, passed away Friday morning at Beatrice. Tho re mains were brought to this city Satur day evening and tho funeral services were held Sunday morning, in charge of S. Hardman, interment being made in tho city cemetery. The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Wil mot and they together with ono sister a'nd two brothers arc left to mourn his demise. mmmmmmmujm'ym jr mm V wHHfflmmmwLi smzi wmj cm s TFT wig a Tin ir n v1 enrrv 2HJi v t '' waras- s wmWmvaWsymJL yvf?Mi r A Dismal day for two vacationists in the country Edison is first with Broadway Hits EDISON'S Special Broadway Hit Service has brought Broadway right into our store. We can put Broadway into your home. Come to our store and listen to Edison's July Broadway hits, if you want to hear the same hits that Broadway is singing, dancing and whistling this very moment. If you do not own a New Edison, we You have probably heard about Mr. Edison's famous $10,000 Prize Offer for a four or five word phrase, which will dis tinguish the New Edison from other phono graphs and talking machines. Ask us for information about this prize offer. Having a New Edison in your home will give you idea9 for prize f E. H. Newhons Licensed Edison Dealer M -" . Ray Ralph of Wrny, Coloralo arriv ed In the city this morning. Miss Florence Ely went to Guide Hock this morning to visit home folks. Mrs. Clarence Ksheluian nnd t,on went to Guide Rock this morning to spend the day with the Charles Plinres family. Mrs. Urereton and children departed this morning for their homo nt Scdalla, Missouri, after nttondiuff tho funeral of U. R. Hesse nnd vlsltiug her brother Chas. Kalcy. Tho Degree of Houor lodgo will meet next Tuesday creulng at 8 o'clock In the I. 0.0. F. hall nnd tho members nro urged to bo present. Sunday afternoon the Bangcrt Bros,, nnd Rod Cloud crossed bats on tho local diamond. Red Cloud won tho game by a score of 11 to 5. The Suporior Shifters and thalr bHiul were In the city Tuesday evening on a booster trip advertising tho Amer ican Legion Pageant which will bo held there August 10 nud 17th. Congregational Church Notes Rev. Mary U. Mitchell, Pastor Preaching services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer and Biblo Study Friday even ing at 8 o'clock. All nro welcome to nnv of those services LEARN BARBER TRADE Moler Barber College, largest and best equipped in U. S. We give you one half you earn while in school, this en ables you to make back your tuition. FREE catalog, 110 S M St.. Dcpt. 33, Omaha. Neb. 'flfe Phonogpaph u)ith X SouV Mr. Edison's $10,000 Prize Offer contest phrases. -ft k- -" ' .-J -,: "-. WJ GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inforior stucco. GRANT CHRISTY In The Eye Ever stop to think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man's eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and selec becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN THE KIND OF STATIONERY YOU USE tells the whole story of your business career. Write yonr letters on Hammermill Ripple Bond, correctly printed at the Chief office. It creates a favorable impression. ISON shall be glad to loan you one on three day9 free trial, together with the latest Broad way hits. "Not until you have a New Edison in your home, can you appreciate what music will do for you; how it will revive you on a hot day; drive away the blues; banish worry,' and refresh you when you are exhausted. You fill out the coupon and we loan you an Official Laboratory Model the only phonograph that can sustain the test of di rect compari son with the living artist. j0 Trial Coupon i Oh Joy ! Edison s latest Broad way hits arrive V i WHHHHto " NAM! L Mm m Thli coupon Tihon fillrd out by re- M I . ponU)lo Itron, entitlrt hlm(or her) M . to the loan t.f a New I'dlion and n te- , Jjr b. lection of RECREATIONS for 3 dy. JP I ftfr No tiurjeoi4 obligation, ipj 1