The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 04, 1921, Image 4
.' BED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF '! - MU rr- k I raimimmmOT Cream-Eggs-Poultry Yes, Wc buy cream and lots of it also yonr eggs and poultry. We are and always have been pay ing "TOP MARKET PRICES" and shall continue to do so. Yqu may rest assured when you bring your produce to the Union you get the prevailing market price for it. COMPETITION That's what we like. We enjoy good fair and square competition, and welcome it. Competition - is the very,life of trade. Without it the farmer would be "in doubt whether he was getting value re ceived With it he has only to consult the other fellows quotations and then he knows he is receiv ing honest treatment. FAIR DEALING Ask any one of our patrons about our prices and tests and soe if they are satisfied. A continued pa tronage of approximately 350 cream customers is pretty fair evidence that we are treating our patrons right and meeting competition on a fair business basis. YOU SHARE OUR EARNINGS Members of the Union should bear in mind that all the -profit we make on your produce less the actual Tciirpnrandling is paid back to you IN DIVIDENDS. The farmers Union W J. F. Edwards, Mgr. A (! OOP PLACE TO TltADE Red Cloud, Neb. H KimiDxan Children's a Play Clothes Why sit and sew for the little folks these hot days, when you can buy them clothes ready made for only a few cents more than you pay for the goods? And made better than you would make them yourself Come in And Let Us Show You Barbara Phares The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - Nebraska THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Rod Cloud, Nobrasko. eUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY Cntcrcd In tho I'oRtolllce nt lied Cloud, Neb as Hccond Class Matter' A. B. McAIlTHURV.EdUor and Owner Advertsing .Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & 1214 T)oni slick widi -flie prunes 1111 IWnHBSSUllIiPl! Hill )l RKw irtl JJiL 7""5 II jEZj y "IH J Hi (T I WVrZni-Jji iT f" I m A tHES p? 34 ix If j 1 MaJjhVHC II "' , WWWWVWWYWWWyWWVAf I Why Wait? jj: Get your Suits-Coats-Overcoats- 5 Cleaned-Dyed-Altered or Remodeled NOW THE HUGHES WAY Cleaners Dyers Tailors i Both Phones wwwm We efft for and delivor your clothe.. ,WV leads on Hammermill Ripf- fciA Adjusted Compensation It now appears that President Hard ing's action basindofinitely postponed tho arrival of adjusted compensation, properly but erroneously known as the "bonus." The action comes as s dis appointment to every ex-service man who has taken the pains to post him self on tho subject. In every part of the United States the returned service man seems to bo n misQt. He Unds women occupying his former position. Those similarly situated who did not go to war aro comfortably located in their respective callings, generally about two years ahead of the man who weut, from the standpoint of material gain and accom plishment of the work he has outlined lor himself to do. From the west comes the word of service men walking the streets beg ging for work, the'ir former positions In many cases held by Japs'and other foreigners whoso standard of living makes posslblo competition with them in the field of labor. From Chicago comes word that John Munson has just died in a hospital there, friendless and fundless. To the average person this means nothing, for the name of Munson has been for gotten. Rut by members of tho "Lost Battalion" tho name of Munson will not be forgotten. He was the man whoso gallant action was largely re sponsible for tho return of that bat talion For his bravery he was dec oiated by several nations Now he is dead, u victim of the country's forget fulness. ou say these are exceptions to the general rule. Wo deny this. The son of wealth who served during the war and who finds upon returning that his place is still open to him, that his-firm has deposited to his credit a sum equal to his peacc-timu salary each month, bits back in his swivel chatr and an. uouueed that the returned service man does not want a bonus. But he, in his easy job is tho exception and not tho rule. The rule is that the returned service mau is financially decidedly in arrears. The present bill before congress, the Fordney Fourfold Option plan, is the result of the investigation of economic experts, and is calculated to make up merely the economic differencs gained by the man who stayed homr. It would merely raise tho army wage to a figure consi-tuut with the raise ol other wages over the same period of time. It would glvo no one a "bonus" on patriotism. To innlto this adjustment whs the llrat duty of the the nation when the war wus over. As a duty it was super, lor to our obligations to other nations whoso existence we had saved by the timely entry into the conflict. It should have como ahead of our obliga. tlon to the railroads even if they did lose money during the war. Rut now comes the President and tells us that the "bonus" will be too great a strain on the treasury. Yet half a billion dollars to the railroads goes through congress without serious opposition, We are told that we have no money, yet the European nations owe us millions of dollars of interest. Though the times are hard for the time being," they are not as hard as they would have been had these boys not made the sacrifice whlclj the Fordney bill seeks to adjust. We claim to be as conservative as any in our estimate of political con ditions, and as charitable as any in' our judgement of those who differ with us on political questions. We denounco as quickly as auy the soap box orator who blames every action of congress onto the lufluenee of big money, Rut wo must never the loss rcmatk, that in taking his present stand, the president has listened too much to advisers who fear the wrath of Wall street and big bankers, and too little to those who are in closest touch with the conscience of the Am. erlcan people. The time will come when the return ed soldier will be the most influential man lu American life, political and otherwise. When that time comes it will be too late to care for such cases as Munson, But tho6e who survive will recelvo their back pay with inter, est. And If the present political part, ies will not suffice a new party that will can bo created Clay County Republican Rlshop Beeuher, of Bastings, con ducted tho funeral services for tho late Col. C, R. Besso, at the home last Sat urday afternoon. Rev S. Ilardmau hihI wife had charge of the music. The business houses all closed during the M'lvieu out of respect for tho deceased I'ho i-itiitiiliis auuomp tnied n,, hit dun ifhter-in law, Mrs Fred Joyce, woro fetaitcd for Maine, where iut riuuul, will be undo. , MY DAD'S favorite yam. WAS THE ouo about. THE OLD storekeeper. WHO WA8 playing checkers. IN THE back of tho store , AMONQ THE coal oil. AND THE prunes. WHEN THE sheriff. WHO HAD Just Jumped his king. 8AID "SI thcre'3 a customer. WAITIN OUT frcnt." AND SI said "Sh-h-h! IF YOU'LL keep rmlet. MEBBE HE'LL go away." NOW HERE'S tho W Idea. "" WHEN A good thing. HAPPENS ALONG. DON'T LEAVE it to Goorge. TO GRAB tho gravy. F'RINSTANCE IF. I M IB 3L lml Irq -r-. rSs. 7ahWV4-CV. 1 ZZ 'cP,P JF YOU HEAR of a smoke. OR READ about a smoker. THAT REALLY does more. THAN PLEASE tho tastO; THERE ARE no hooka on you. THERE'S NO law against. YOUR STEPPING up. WITH THE other llvo ones AND SAYING right out. IN A loud, clear voice. "GIMME A pack of. THOSE CIGARETTES, THAT 8ATI8FY." t . e .''- YOU'LL say yon never tasted such flavor, such mild but full-bodied tobacco goodness. You're right, too, because then don't make other cigarettes liko Chesterfields. Tho Chesterfield blend can't be copied. Have you seen the new AIR-TIGHT tint of SO? jm iwvirKKaaw mmmv A9H JmrM CWAHBTTBI! lMLM srRmxwnsv&,m.m m wmmmmi i i iii nmv -i .?; m nni - cm &iMm$&yBB&p Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. casaBs&ss&xssi ETiS&Bi &w.flqsasaBaMasa3Bgaa krnS&KSSGSMB Farm Bureau Notes WEBSTER COUNTY DAIRY STOCK JUDGING TEAM The Dairy Team that will represent Webster county at the State Fair was picked Wednesday at a contest held at Wm. Arndts of Blue Hill. The members are Lormier Edson, Red Cloud, Paul Gurney, Inavale and lWm. Amdt, Jr., Blue Hill. ' JUDGING PRACTICE OF HASTINGS On Friday the Dairy Team and their Club Leader, E. W. Loseke, the 'Stock Judging Team composed of Cecil Means, Red Cloud, Marion Ste ward, Red Cloud and Earl Portinor, Guide Rock, also C. B. Steward went to Hastings, where they met the Judging Team from Hall, Adams and Clay County. Practice in i-tock judging was given tho members. Two classes of Jerseys at tho Yost farm, one class of Guernseys at the Ncwkirk farm, three classes of 'Hercfords at the Geaud rualt farm and two classes of Perch eon horses at the Mills farm. This was a great work-out for the mem bers and an enjoyable time was had. Dinner was served at the Y. W. C. A. After dinner Secretary Beels of the Hastings Chamber of Commerce gave the members a talk which was follow ed by Mr. Parmeter, President of the Adams County Farm Bureau. Mr. Lauritson, Dairy Specialist of Lincoln, assisted by Mr. Loseke had charge of tho Dairy Judging, and County Agent Davis assisted by C. B. Ste ward had charge of the cattle and Mr. Fisher had charge of the horses. HENRY R. FAUSCH County Agricultural Agent. While they last 1 qt. Thermopak, one quart Ice cream for S1.00. Powell & Pope's Cafe. Go East this Summer Enjoy a succession of delightful experiences. The Jersey Coast never loses its charjn. The blessed old Atlantic wafts a salt breeze invitation. In Boston and along New England's shores historic charm and quaintness blend with the usual seashore attractions. In "The Land of Evangeline,' ' replete with mystical, natural beauty, summer days are magical. The Berkshire country combines the charm of lake, and picturesque river and country side. The Adirondacks are ever restful the shrines of the historic past never cease to appeal. The Catskills "The Land of Rip Van Win kle" is the great natural playground of the Eastern States. Then there's Niagra Falls, The Thousand Islands, the White and the Green Noun tains, Deleware Water Gap and a host of other regions-each with a lure of its own. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale is sued from the office of Clara McMillan Clerk of the District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District, within and for Webster county, Nebraska, upon a de cree in an action pending, therein wherein James W. Auld la Plaintiif, aud against Louise F. Hansen et al De fendants, I shall offer for sale at pub lic vendue, according to the terms ot said decree, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the south door of t be Court house, at Red Cloud, In said Webster county, Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the last term of said court was holden) on the 14th day of September A. D. 1021 at 2 o'clock P, M., of said day, the following describ ed property, to-wlt: The East Half ot tho South West Quarter (EH S W M) and the West Half of tho South East Quarter iW', S E,) of Section 17, in Township 1, Noith of Range 10, West of the Otlwl'. M. Given under my hiind this llh day of August A. D VI. Kl- NIC II UPPER Sl.eillf. Ilerniird McNeny PluliilUfV. Alton ey BURLINGTON EXCURSIONS EAST The Uurllngton offers round trip vacation. excursion tickets to Eastern resorts-long limits and liberal stop over privileges. N. B. BUSH TICKET AGENT AUTO TOPS MADE and REPAIRED Also Upholstering Any thing in the top line. First class workmanship Fogel Bldg. J. 0. BUTLER Red Cloud Nebraska Printing? Bring it to the Chief! - m v - j V i f ' J J