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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1921)
i , U I ' : sssH JsBsUV i'Jiicolu S VOLUME 49 ", Hi 'c 1 t is EASY to Nothing can adhere to its hard, odor-proof, grease proof surface. It is easy to keep clean for it will not chip, craze, bend, dent or discolor and always remains new. PYREX is the original the first transparent oven ware and is guaranteed not to break in actual oven-use. PYREX is made in shapes and sizes for every practical baking purpose. It is a saver of time, fuel and dishwashing drudgery. LS i f TRINE'S HARDWARE mnnniiKi Hnimni flEED GROCERIES TODAY? "Always prepared and waiting to fill any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no matter how small your order may be or what particular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of pack age, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out level." Neither do we offer anything in the Vegetable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our prices will please you. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and imsnHnu Paper In order to close out our present stock o wall paper in a hurry We Have Cut Prices to The Quick discounts of 20, 25 and 30 From Original Retail Price. Which brings them down to cost prices and low6r CHAS I. K W,f . '!y ' ': THE.nWififilST , li , J.JK . vww - rww '. -" V . an M,r c-vv.-r. wash PYREX Queensware nincxiij mTTIlMfi - w im-m H F V 1 k Newspaper That eirea The News RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 4. 1921 Will be Buried Sunday at 2:30 S. H.Johnson, residing In Cathorton township, received n telegram this morning stating that his son Charles remains had left Hoboken, New Jetv sey. The body will arrive In this clt Friday croning or Saturday morninp, The funeral services will be held Sun day nfternoon Ht 2:.10 at the New Vir ginia ohurch. The lied Cloud Amcrl c;in Legion Post will have charge of the service tit the grave. Bound Over to District Court The flrt of the week Sheriff lluffe arrested Murvcl Fentress and Ryan Uirkner on the charge othaving mash In their possession. Severul barrels nud milk cans containing different brands of mash were found south of the river near the old mill daai, west of this city. The gentlemen were brought before Judge Ranncy where they entered a plea of not guilty, but were bound over to District Court. They beiug unable to furnish bond are now guests of Sheriff iluffer. Succombs From Operation . Lottie Ducker, passed away last even ing at Hastings, after bavin? under gone an operation which was thought for a time to nave ueen successful, ilie remains will arrive la the city this evening, sue bad been visltlnc rela tlvcs in Fairbury where she was taken suddenly 111. Her father, Deputy Coun ty Clerk A. V. Ducker and Dr. Stock man left for that place Sunday tnorn fug. upon" arrival ahe was taken to Hastings for an operation. The news of her untimely death comes as a dis tinct shock and the community deeply sympathize with the family. July Weather Report Temperature: Mean 02 deg., maxi mum )0 deg. on 2nd, minimum 53 deg. on -1, 8, 0th. Precipitation: Total 3 50 inches. Number of days: Clear 20, partly cloudy T, cloudy 4. Dates of Thunderstorms: 1, 4, 0, IS, 28th and 3lst. Wind S E 15 days. , Kaiufall since Jan. 1st, 13.37 Inches. Chas. S. Ludlow, Observer. CITY COUNCIL HOLDS REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Mayoress Miss Mary Peterson call ed the Council together in regular session, in the Council Chambers, on Tuesday evening and after the min utes of the July meeting were read and approved and the report of the city treasurer presented and ordered placed on file J. A. McArthur ap peared before the Council and asked to have the waterway on Eighth Ave nue filled up as it now stands. The matter, however, was laid over until the next meeting. The Levy ordinance for 1921, like wise the Appropriation ordinance for this same period ,was introduced by Councilman Sherwood and duly adopt ed. Mr. Holloway of the Fidelity Na tional Bnnk & Trust Co. of Kansas City was present and stated that a number of the paving bonds were past duo and desired the city to assist the bank in getting them taken care of. The Council assured Mm they would confer with the city attorney and ?eo what could be done. The following claims wcro allowed: II. R. Frazicr $150 00 V. A. Tntlon- 125 00 Chas Whltnkcr. . 85 Bert Perry . 75 S. R. Flornnco 235 O. C. Teol a 31 L. Doyle.-, 75 C. R. Lewis.....' 85 00 00 71 20 00 00 10 32 30 40 90 50 00 75 Frank Clnuson . 30 A. 13. McArthur. 1G G. A, Crow. G. R. Beck G. E. Coon Trustee... 10 10 37 9 o John Clove Grico Barklcy.. Loy. & Grimes.. Crano Co. General Elec. Co.. Johns-Manvillo Ijlat'l Refining Co.. Mid West Elec .Co.. B. W. Stevens 23.10 1 49 1 37 ir.9;eo 164 . ' ( Flfty - twe Weeks Each Year Far SI.50 Chautauqua Closes Tho Kdufmann Male Quartot receiv ed a continuous ovation from number to number in the prelude on Thursday nfternoon. Dr. Jra P. Berry, a teacher, lecturer and noted preacher gave an extraordiu. ary address on the subject, "Art. Tra vol and Patriotism". It was brimful of good things. Hl3 patriotism was deep cned while ho visited the leading cities of Europe, mingled with tho people of Palestine, went over the hot sands of Atrica by camel, along tho Nile on tho back of an Arab, clambered anionj? the Alps and returned to tour tho United States twico ceosslug It In a Ford. It was a deeply Instructive and worth while lecture. The Karnest Toy Artist's Trio on Friday afternoon entertained under diluoultles as a 'storm camo up and blew over some stakes to the tent and this frightened tho people and they re paired to the school house until the tent was fixed and the rain ceased when the remainder of tho splendid program was rendered without further interruption. This was an artistic group of players and 6lngers flying only the best class of music. Earnest Toy himself ranking as one of the greatest violinists of the day. He rendered a number where he played upon four strings at once. Mrs. Foy is an artist on the piano and has an ex cellent voice. Miss Frank, a singer from Louisville, Kentucky, has one of the sweetest and clearest voices heard on the whole week's program. Dr Gabriol R. Magulre, distinguish ed explorer, told of his many thrilling adventures in Africa for sevcu years. He showed his wonderful collection of curios, among which was a flue collect, ion of snake skins of the largest snakes found in Africa. The Wales Players ushered In a big day on Saturday. Josh Lee, reader and humorist, fol lowed, iu championship form. Every body ltuighed and was happy'wlth him. Ills 6oldier rhymes were grand. The play ''Pollyana" was enacted to the satisfaction of all the lovers of that sweet story here. All were experts along their lines of acting. Many de termined to play the glad game with Pollyana after this. Sunday, the closing day, was anoth er big day. The churches of the town had their Sunday schools as usual and then gathered under the big tent for anion church services, "with a united choir singing. The platform manager, Porterfleld preaching the sermon, which proved to be a powerful one, Indeed. The Midland Metropolitan Singers gave a sacred concert in the prelude of the afternoon. Then followed the number many had been so anxious to hear Frank Dilnot of London, England. Ho told the story of the life of David Lloyd George Prime minister of England in a dram atic way well worth hearing. He com pared England and America, 6aying wo aro alike: In both having the same kind of spirit; same kind of homo life; both democratic; 6ame longunge; same emotions exhault us and that England would bo ready to answer our cull for holp If need be. More stars and slrlpcs seen floating there than any other beside tho Union Jack for liberty and progress The children gave a mu&ical dram atization ,of ''Songs of Auld Lung Syno." Some singing and sotno doing pantomiue. Mary MaUride provided at tho piano. Tho larger girl did most of the solo work. Somo of tho songs were: Junnlta, Old Folks at Home. Annie Laurie, Slumber lloat, nomc Sweet Home, etc., ending with Amoiica, tho audience staudlng. This was brief but very good. 'The Metropolitan's gavo the closing concert consisting of portions of operas, ballads, old favorites and hum orous numbefs. The work of tho pianist was splendid. QThe result of J boosting for another Unaulnuqua hero noxt year is not very gratifying as only 201 tickets lmvo bpQn'placod and only28 persons have slewed the suarantoe obligating them- 'pelvea,to tho extent of ,.00 caob in ca6o-or deuoii: . a ooucr program 1 OoXpntlclpatedfor'tnotheryear, MICTM Are you fair to your watch? An automobile need frequent attention. What about your watch a mechanism mtinftc ly more delicate? CARBON in the motor of n car will decrease the running efficiency of that car. And yet the carbon will accumulate. The car owner, knowing this, has his car frequently overhauled and the carbon removed. And Vet this same man, per haps, will allow his watch, a mechanism infinitely more deli cate, to run for years without attention. All the while it is ac cumulating dust for tiny dirt particles will sift In through the most tightly fitting cnse-nnil this will in time impede the timekeep ing performance of the watch. Your automobile performs oc casional service, but your watch has to run continously for a full twenty-four hours each day. Look at your watch; How long has it been since you took it to jeweler for examination? m M i We Mike 'Quality1 Right-Then the Price Right B.HNewttbuse Red aoud Jeweler and Optometrist Ncpntka 'mmmmmmwMmwmmmmmmBMmmmmmmmmmmm Special Summer Values PALM BEACH SUITS $12.50 to $16 Our Special Lot WQOL SUITS Values up to $45.00 $15 to $30 EXTRA VALUES IN MEN'S SHIRTS New Prices Nice percale shirts $1.00 to $1.50 Madras $1.50 to $2.00 Silk and Satin Stripe $2.50 to $4.50 Silk shirts, Crepe de chine, Jersey silks and Tub silks $5.00 to $7.50 Special lot of Men's Bell Briggen long and White Shoes short sleeves $1.50 $1.00 to $1,50 Underwear, athletic Poros knit Underwear 69c to $2.00 85c t0 S1'50 We G. Hamilton Clothing Co. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY . .. , . .-.-....,. rwmrm. n.uiinCTivnmnm..w. .1 1 uijuuj, f TUTV I WWkV Mrs. Ed. Amack Amack UNDERTAKING I BOTHIPHONES L T. AMACK - ferito' I V i mi - m NUMBER 31 If your watch is to run at its highest efficiency, it should be cleaned, oiled and adjusted at least once a year before the last particle of oil has disappeared from the bearings. Our Service Department is well equipped to make any re pairs and adjustments that may be necessary. And while you are in, we par ticularly invite you to view our very complete stock of new watches dressed in attractive Wadsworth Cases. Discount On all Dress Straw Hats I. T. Amack : & Amack RED CLOUD, NEB PHONE INDl 7$I K.' - " C:';Uv j