The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 21, 1921, Image 5

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There is no better Camera
on the market today.
We have a fine selection
of these goods, also films and
other accessories.
Chaa. L. Cotting
The Druggist
K K S S K w tU K K I,1; K il K K K
Eftt and drink lit Powell & Popo'a
Cafo. tf
The Chautauqua commences next
f m
Vs Chas. Moon was down from Ilast-
ings Sunday.
J. W. Aulcl went to Omaha Tues
day morning.
Mrs Christy Patmore spent Fri
day in Hastings.
Bernard Burden was in Denver the
last of the week.
County Attorney H. S. Foe was in
Hastings Tuesday.
I. W. Edson was a passenger to
Aurora Friday morning.
J. V. Auld was a passenger to
Hastings Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lindlcy were
down from Rivcrton Tuesday.
Mrs. A. T. Wnltfcr was a passenger
to Hardy Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Andrew Saladon spent Wed
nesday with friends at Lester.
A. 3. CrabiU shipped a car of hogs
to St. Joe Wednesday morning.
Attend the ball game Sunday
afternoon at the Starke diamond.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a passen
ger to Superior Friday morning.
Miss Edith Zicss went to Superior
Thursday morning to visit relatives.
Cecil Cummings attended the ball
game at Guide Rock Sunday after
noon. Base ball game Sunday afternoon
Lawrenco vs Red Cloud at the Starke
Mrs. C. D. Robinson spent Friday
with her son, Bruce and wife at
Bert Sherman went to Hastings
after spending n few days hero with
his parents.
Clarence Crary and F. J. Hooker
of Guide Rock were in the city Sat
urday morning.
A large number from here attend
ed th'e aviation-rineet at Nelson the
laBt i the week.
Robert Hoxsey departed Sunday
MJ.4itViim ( M m.
morning for Denver where he will
enjoy an outing.
The remains of Sargent Carl Holz
will arrive in Guide Rock this week
from overseas. The deceased en
listed in Co. G. 255th infantry in Sep
tember 1917 "at Camp Funston, Kan
sas and went oversea with the 89th
division and was killed in action
Sepember, 5, 1918. Th funeral ser
vices will be held in Guide Rock Sun
day afternoon, the American Le
gion Post at that place being in
The Wales Players Present
The most-talked-of and best-loved book of recent
years in Dramatic form. By all means see "Pollynna"
as presented by this New York-Chicago cast and join
the big crowd playing the "Glad Game" at the Big
Tent " .
H iv llreul at Powell and Pope's.
Base Ttnll game nt the Starke
diamond Sunday afternoon.
Lutheran services every first and
third Sunday in the month at 11 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler and Mr.
and Mrs. Irving Cummingi? spent
Sunday in Hastings.
M. A. Mercer returned homo Thurs
day evening after a short stay in
Hastings and Gibbon.
Art Gilbert returned home Sunday
evening from Nelson where he spent
a few dars with friends.
Horace returned to Red Cloud Sun
day morning, after spending several
month'; at Deluno, California.
Mrs. John Fox went to Guide Rock
Wcdnscday morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Clqrcncc Johnston.
Mrs. Roy Cramer and Mrs. J. W.
Hauck returned home Saturday even
ing after a short visit in Hastings.
Ninety six cars of stock passed
thru here Sunday enroute to the
markets at St. Joe and Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shepard of Mc
Cook spent Sunday hero with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickerson.
Mrs. Elizabeth Eldrcdgo went to
Hubbell Wednesday morning where
she -will visit relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newhouso
spent Sundny with his brother, Paul
Newhouso and wife at Guide Rock.
Miss Ebba Grcgcrsen of Mindcn
has accepted a position as operator
at the Commercial Advertiser office.
Joe C. Garrett and Miss Nora M.
Roscnburg, both of Naponcc, were
married by Judge Ranney Wednes
day. Mrs. Frank Foley and children
went to Wymore Friday morning to
spend a couple of weeks with rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hinc3 of Lin
coln arrived here Saturday evening
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Dwycr Hoxsey went to St.
Joe Thursday morning to spend a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Claude
Mr. end Mrs. Gus.Wiggens return
ed homo Saturday evening from Nel
son where they spent a few days with
Miss Gem White returned home
Saturday evening from Lincoln where
she spent a few days with relatives
and friends.
Loren E. Oglevie and Miss Fonda,
M. Rouh, both of Clayton, Kansas,
were united in marriage by Rev.
Cope Saturday.
Mrs. L. A. White returned to her
home at.Oakdale Monday after spend
ing a couple of weeks with her sister
Mrs.' H. S. Foe.
. .Mrs. J.rC. Marshal and. children pi
McCook arrived in .tliq.ciy. Monday
evening to visit her sister Mrs. N. B.
Bush and family.
Mrs. Davis returned to her home
at McCool Junction, Monday after
visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. R. Hughes.
The Red Cloud ball team went to
Rivcrton Sunday afternoon where
thoy played the local team and um
pire of that place. The boys say the
umpire give them a very dirty deal
but won by a score of 7 to 3.
- NE
Congregational Church Notes
Hev. Mary II Mltohull Pnslor
Pt'iiuclunir M-i-vico at 11 a m
Sunday mj1io.i1 nt 10 a tn
Piavi'r ami liibli studv I'i idav even
ing nt S o'clock All aro welcome to
nti j ut tlie"-o fci vices
Next Sunday tum-iiiiiK there will bo
preaching ami sjtigsorvlceatll o'clock.
The Union service will be held on the
ohtiruh lawn in the evening.
The following is an extract from
the Des Moines Register of Tuesday
morning, Juno 16th., reporting Ma
dame Yaw's appearance ' before the
big Shrine Conclave. ' '
"With a group of old favorites in
addition to her favorite Skylark
song, Madame Ellon Reach Ynw led
her audience at the Arabian Way yes
terday afternoon to forgetfulness of
the glaring, sunlight, the nlnty degree
heat, and own the ardor of their
spirit of revelry.
"She sang 'Pixie', 'Carry .Me Back
to Old Virginny' and 'The Last Rose
of Summer' and the audience riot
ously applauded. The bell song from
'Larkme' by Delibcs, and the 'Laugh
ing Song' by Auber were sung, but
last of all, of course, was tho song
for which she is famed "The Sky
lark". Miss Lenorc Mudgo played
her accompaniments.
"Although many crowed close about
the stand where she stood, in order
to hear her, it was not necessary to
bo near for her clear lyric tones
reached tho farthest corners of the
grandstand. Tho Skylark number,
her own composition, proved all that
it had been heralded, showing to the
best advantage the unusual range of
her voice.
"Her voice i'j as sweet as it is re
markable, and tho case with which
she retains tho high notes and jug
gles them in birdlikc trills is perhaps
the greatest of her accomplishments.
"Madame Yaw instantly won her
audience by the smiling friendliness
with which she greeted them. Clad
in cool blnck and white relieved by a
huge bunch of pink roses which pre
sented the Shriner's compliments, she
made an attractive picture as she
mounted to the platform. She waved
to her audience with the informality
proper for Shrincr week and they
cheered her extravagantly in return
"Tho sun shone with intense heat
at tho 1:30 hour for which the concert
was scheduled, bu,t it daunted neither
the singer nor her enthusiatic audi
ence." I .
The following regulations have
been issued by the State Department
of Public Works and police officials
have been asked to see that they arc
enforced on and after July 23rd:
1. Two white lights are required
on the front and one red light on the
rear of every automobile used at
2. Spot lights may be used pro
vided they project their light direct
ly on the ground nnd at a distance
not exceeding 30 feet in front of the
3. Diffusing lenses will not heap
proved by the Department and their
uso is prohibited. It is impossible
with a lens of this type to control the
light so that wth a Euffkient driving
light, there will be no glare. Ex
amples of diffusing lensei are: War
ner, More-Light and Perfection.
4. Gas or oil lamps need not be
equipped with approved lenses.
5. Electrical headlights using a
bulb of more than 4 candle power
must be equipped with an approved
lens. No bulb shall be over 24 candlo
6. Plain glass lenses will not be
permitted, even though they are in a
headlight which may be tilted by
means of a lever controlled from the
driver's seat.
7. Homemade devices will be pro
hibited. While these devices to a
certain extent eliminate glare, the
driving light as a rule is reduced de
low tho required minimum. Under
the law, the Department of Public
Works is required to approve every
lens used, and if homemndo lenses
were submitted for approval by every
one making them, the fee for tho
examination of the lens would be
prohibitive for those desiring to use
Tho Standard Ford Green Visor
headlamp has been scientifically de
signed and is machine made, and in
tho test has passed all of tho re
quirements. 9. Frosted bulbs are prohibited.
With a lawful lens, they are not nec
Oliver Powell was in Hastings Mon-i
day afternoon.
Dr. R.V. Nicholsoi)
bee l)r' Warrick Wednesday, July 27.
Roy Tail of Lincoln was m the city
Minday Marchemo cherry Ice cream
for sale nt PoiVell , Pope m. tSiio a t.
C. C. McConkcy departed Thursday
morning for Albcrton, Montana,
where he will visit his son, M. C. Mc
Conkcy and family.
Orvnl Jensen returned to McCook
Sunday evening after spending a few
days hero with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Jensen.
Tom Blake arrived hero Sundny
morning from Sidney to visit his
father, T. E. Blake, who is working
third trick nt tho depot.
Clifford Pope returned to Hastings
Wednesday morning after spending a
couple of days here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pope.
Eatl Snlndon returned to Aurora
Monday morning after spending a
few days here with his brother. An
drew Saladon, nnd other relatives.
Sunday afternoon tho Inavalo ball
team went to Guide Rock where they
played tho local team at that place
Inavalo won by a score of 15 to 8.
The City Council at McCook has
purchased a G,000 truck for
their fire department. How long
will it bo before Red Cloud has a
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Crabill and
daughter, Both, of Ft. Collins, Colo
rado arrived in the city Friday to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M.
Earl Hall nnd Ray Mountford
went to Omaha Tuesday morning to
secure two new Buick cars for the
Hall garage und drive them back to
this city.
Mr. r.nd Mrs. Bernard McNeny and
daughter, Helen, departed Sunday
for Sacramento, California and other
western cities where they will enjoy
an outing.
Lat Friday the Farmer's Union
elevator had an exceptionally busy
day as Manager Kailey states they
received eighty four loads of wheat
or, -1200 bushels.
'F. N. Wells returned to Lincoln
Sunday morning after spending a
week hero with Mr. and Mrs. 0. C.
Tcel. Mrs. Wells will remain here
a while longer.
Mrs. Ida Richardson and daughter,
Fay, departed Saturday evening for
Denver. Before returning home they
expect to visit her husband, Frank
Richardson, at I'ucblo.
Dr. Warrick, Tho Specialist, will
meet Eye. Ear, Noe and Throat pa
tients and those needing glasses fitted
at Dr Daraerell's ofllce Wednesday,
July 27 Hours 1 to 0. ,
Miss Maudie Williamson resigned
her position as operator at the Com
mercial Advertiser office the last of
the' week and departed Sunday morn
ing for her home at Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morhart and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope departed
Tuesday morning via the auto route
for points in Iowa and Wisconsin
where they will enjoy an outing.
The Degree of Honor will meet next
Tuesday evening at o'clock in tho I. O.
O. P. ball and all tho memborn are
urged to be present There will be
initiation and refreshments will be
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner depart
ed Monday morning for Los Angeles,
California and other western coast
cities where they will spend two or
three weeks with friends and take
in the sights.
Hnrry Thompson departed Satur
day evening for Denver where ho
will spend a few days. He and his
son, William, expect to go to Bellc
fountaine, Ohio and spend a couple of
weeks with his sister before return
ing homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. G. Railsback re
turned to Wilsonvillo Tuesday morn
ing after spending a few days hero
with her mother, Mrs. T. W. White
and relatives. Mrs. White and
daughter, Virginia, accompanied them
home for a vi3it.
EDUCATION that PAYS, taught by
Actual Practice from tho start, in Ne
braska's Oldest, Largest -nnd Leading
Unfitness Training School. Positions
guaranteed ortuliion refunded. Thir.
ty.efght years of faithful flcrvlce. Send
for catalogue Grand Island Business
College, Grand Island, Neb.
Grace Church Services
Dth Sunt' Alter Trinity
Smidav Sil u a in.
Holv Unm i it il a ui
No Eventi" i. .
I have purchased the EXIDE BATTERY
STATION operated by Carl McArthur and will
continue this business on a larger scale in the
Newhouse Building.
Additional apparatus is being installed in
order to be equipped to do first class repair
ing of automobile lighting and starting systems.
This station will be prepared to charge,
and rebuild storage batteries, repair motors,
generators, magnetos, and other electrical
A complete line of new Exide Batteries
will be carried in stock.
Battery inspection and distilled water
service free.
Exide Battery Service Station
B. C. BURDEN, Prop.
Wc do building from the excavating to the painting
complete. Wc will figure your jobs to furnish all mater
ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME
BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ
ence between good and inferior stucco;
A line of new FLY NETS, FLY COVERS,
. AUTO COVERS, and DUSTERS.:, . -.
Priced at a low margin of profit
J. V.
Wild Animal
real Democracy in Yellowstone Park
The world's greatest wild animal refuge is Yellowstone
Park. There the rarest and noblest of American big
game lives its old wild life, You who love the wild, see
its creatures in their natural haunts. ,
Lordly elk roam the pasture lands; bison still graze
the plains; the vanishing big horn pose against the sky;
th e graceful antelope may still be seen fleet shadowy;
the wize beaver plies his age old trade; the big and little
bears clown and make friends with you.
to Wild Animal-land
through Gardiner gateway
Nowhere else in all the world besides can you find
Nature so spectacular. Geysers spurting, gem-tinted
hot springs bubbling, thundering cataracts, the indescrib
able glory of the Grand Canyon! Fresh wonders thrill
you a hundred times a day in Yellowstone,
Out Cody Road
See Cody, Wyoming, "Buffalo Bill's" hometown; stu
pendous Shoshone Canyon and the gigantic Government
dam, higher than the New York Flatiron Building.
Motor over this "Most wonderful 90 miles in America"
without side trips or extra cost.
Then to Colorado; Denver the gateway to Colorado's
"Land Amoung the Clouds," where numerous and varied
side trips await the taking (Rocky Mouniain National
Estes Park refuge of peaceful tranquility and exqui
site beauty, an easy side irip).
Burlington Planned Vacations offer you the regular
tour of Yellowstone plus ail this in one trip.
Come in and let me tell you more about it
and help you plan.
DI1TI Ell Red Cloud
Red Claud
Saturday, July