at RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF rt J r r M r i f Li THIS MAN DREADED T0SEEM1GHTGOME Was So Restless He Couldn't Sleep and Daylight Was Always Welcome. "Willi the exception of a little tnlllc tonst, which cotnprNcd my diet for more thtm eight weeks, 1 eottlil not out anything," Mild dipt. (.Seo. V. Wonihlo, residing nt 103 Jennings St., Knoxvllle, Tenn.i u highly respected citizen of that Hty. "I am now able," continued Captain Womhle, "after taking two bottles of Tniiltic, to eat practically anything. I had a bad form of stomach and In testinal trouble for a'long time and for months my condition had been such that I sulTercd agony. 1 got so I could not eat tlie simplest food. I tried doctor after doctor and all kinds of medicine, but nothing that was pre scribed for me seemed to do me any good. I had a terrible pain In my breast just over my heart and for weeks and weeks 1 got no relief. "I finally got so nervous that I ac tually dreaded to see night come, as I could not sleep, and was always so restless Hint I would rejoice to see "daylight come. I was also constipated all of the time. In fact, life seemed a burden mid I was so miserable that I was almost on the verge of despair. Several of my neighbors told me about Tntiliic and advised me to try It. "I am personally acquainted with Sir. Dan M. Chambllss, of the linn of Kuhlman & Chambllss and when I told lilm of my condition and how I suf fered he advised mo to begin taking Tanlac without delay and that It had relieved hundreds of the best people la Knoxvllle. I have now taken two bottles of Tanlac and am giving you this testimonial in the hope that It may Induce others to take It. Since taking this medicine I actually feel like I had been made all over again with the youth, energy and ambition of a sixteen-year-old boy." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Advertisement. Some Frame-Up. M Felix Are the pictures in the rogues' gallery frnnied? ICyebnd Yes, In "guilt I" Louis vllle Courier-Journal. 1WAMP-R00T FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS wit Aiitiu la uuiy uuc uicuiuiuo luab ruaur ' I ' h t A fa ! AM A MaliiiiHa t.i. b.IIh AH tan da out nreminint as n modirinn for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver ana bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot stands the Pfii(?iiPf. fni ihn vtannn Hint if. tin a nrnvon Mjto be just the remedy needed in tliousiinda iJupoc thousands of distressing cases. , tff Ewamp-Root makes friends quickly be R, cause its mild and immediate effect is soon ? realized in most cases. It is a gentle, f healing vegetable compound. i Start treatment at once. Bold at all I drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi fum and large. However, it you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Hulmor & Co.. Binahamton. N. Y.. for a leample Lottie. When writing bo sure and mention tins paper. In Court. "Want Is that man arrested for?" "Making obnoxious smoke." "Cigar or auto?" Louisville Cow ler-Journul. Watch Cutlcura Improve Your 8kln. On rising and retiring gently smear the face with Cutlcura Ointment. Wash oft OIntiient in five minute with Cutlcura Soap and hot water. It Is wonderful pometimes what Cutlcura will do for pr.or complexions, dandruff, Itching and red rough hnnds. Wy He Couldn't Fall. Tom was making his first visit to tlio country. lie enjoyed riding on the old, gentle When his aunt arrived to spend the week end lie was anxious to dis play his new achievement. With bands deeply Imbedded In the Worse's mane, Tom rode proudly by. "Be careful or you will full ofT," uil monlshed Ids aunt. "No I won't," wns the reply. "I pot hold of her hnlr." Cigarette No cigarette has the same delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike is tho toasted cigarette. txjS Tucky llSTRIKEJ Senegal lis People .SW rv ' " Mountaineers (Prepared by th National Oeocraphto So ciety, Washington, V. C.) Senegal, brought Into prominence because of the thousands of Senegal ese who, as soldiers and laborers, as sisted tho French In tho World war, Is tho gateway and main trndo route to France's West African possessions. In that country nnd In the regions Inland to tho east, Mohammedanism holds nlmost undisputed sway; and from there, some observers declare, there Is likelihood that this religion will sweep southward until the great majority of African natives will bo come Moslems in nunie at least On its west, or Atlantic coast, Sene gal may ho said to mark tho beginning of tho real Africa the, hot, moist "dark continent" peopled with negroes. For northern Africa Is to a lnrge ex tent desert, and is the land of Arub and Berber or "Moor." As ono steams down tho Atlunttc coast of Africa, leaving the last of tho perennial streams of Morocco, he skirts u forbid ding desert coast without a permanent stream for 1,800 miles. Tho first lnrge stream encountered Is tho Senegul, emptying into the sea through a sys tem of lakes and lagoons, navigable during the rainy season for COO miles Inland. This was naturally ono of the best trado routes Into tho Interior of northwestern Africa, and by tho con struction of a rallroud from the river's rapldB to n point 435 miles farther in land, It has been mndo still better. Real Control by France Is Recent. Tho foothold of Franco In Senegal dates from the days of Itlclielleu. In 1030 Fort St. Louis wns established as a trading post nt the mouth of the Senegal river. Franco could point to little moro thnn the maintenance- of const stations in tills region, however, until relatively recent times. It was not until near tho middle of tho Nine teenth century that thero was anything llko nn aggresslvo effort to consolidate Senegal under French control. How great the progress has been since that time Is Indicated by the fact that thero are now four solf-govorulug municipal communes In Senegal, nnd they Jointly send a deputy to tho French chamber In Paris. Tho portion of Senegal which may ho regarded as having progressed far toward becoming, llko Algeria, a part of France, Is small, embracing less than 1,000 square miles and having a population of only a few hundred thousands. Tho remainder of Senegal, with nn area of moro than 70,000 squnre miles, consists of natlvo stntos under French protection and under tho supervision of resident ngents. Situated between desort Africa aud moist tropical Africa, Senegal Is not unnaturally n region of mixed races. As ono advances from tho north, tho Senegal river marks tho first encoun ter with predominantly negro tribes, as It marks tho end of tho desert nnd Us frlngo of semi-desert Oti the north sldo of tho river dwell peoplo of Ho her or "Moorish" stock swarthy, straight-haired, Btraight-nosed. To tho south of tho river tho tribes vnry much In appcarunce, but practically all are negroes black or dark choco late colored, with broad flat noses and kinky hair. Closo to the coast are the members of the Wolof tribe, who are usually regarded as typically Senegal ese. They are said to bo tho blackest negroes known. Kven their lips are black. Tho peoplo of this trlho are particularly loyal to tho French and havo served In largo numbers ns sol diers. Wlce Methods of Administration. In administering Senegal, ns indeed in administering nil her African pos sessions, Franco hua depended on tact rather than on force. Her oUlclnlB not only recognize natlvo chiefs, but nlso treat them with consideration. Tho greatest of tho rulera aro presented with Ynluublo gifts, which emphasize tho wealth ond power of Franco, and eomo of tho leaders are taken to Paris u jrupntg of thi ffovornment. Xha ata- of Senegal. French administrators have earned tho gratitude of the large and influen tial trading clnss In Afrlcn by brenklng up brigandage and policing the cara van routes. Tho Moslems nro all grateful because of tho French policy, which has Insured privacy to tho mosques and harems and hns permit ted them to continue their schools and colleges, and In some enses has even subsidized such Institutions. But though Franco hns permitted Moslem Bchools to be curried on, she has not left nil schooling to the Mo hammedans. Public schools havo been established In Senegal and elsewhere In the West African possessions, In which children of the vnrlous races, tribes und religions are taught U) French. At present these schools reach only n few thousand children In Sene gal, but the system Is being extended us rapidly as possible. Excellent roads have been built by tho French In Senegal, connecting the various towns and supplementing the river nnd rail routes to tho sea coast. Dakar, which Is situated under tho lee of Capo Verde, the westernmost point of land In Afrlcn, is tho best port on the whole west coast, nnd almost tho only port on that coast at which ocean-going vessels can tlo up along side a quay protected from tho surf. As a result, tho commerce of tho port Is heavy, and the trade routo to the east starting thero Is used to distribute and collect supplies to and from ex tensive regions In the Interior. Dakar Is tho scat of administration for nil French West Africa and has a larger European population (about 3,000) thnn any other town in Senegal or tho neighboring countries. No Place for White Men. Senegal Is not n "white man's coun try." Because of Its climatic condi tions It Is unhculthful for Europeans and probably ulways will be. Tho French recognlzo this nnd have made no efforts to colonize tho country. The European population is made up almost entirely of administrators of various kinds, and traders. This situation has mndo necessary tho Freuch plan of organizing the country largely on th basis of native states under protec tion. Although cattle-raising on tho grassy plains of tho upper Senegal has long been tho chief Industry, agriculture has attained a place of greater Impor tance in recent years. The prlnclpnl article of export Is tho peanut, nnd considerable amounts of other oil seeds, oils, hides, rubber, timber and. cocoa also aro sent out Senegal ships largo quantities of kola or cola nuts. These uro eaten by the natives throughout western Africa, aud even In the more remote parts of tho conti nent, because of their stimulating qualities. Cotton grows wild and Its produc tion might bo mndo Into an important Senegnlese Industry but for the hnblts of the natives. They aro unwilling to engage In the cultivation of a crop which requires considerable steady work and a relatively loug wait for maturity. They prefer to raise such crops as peanuts and millet which re quire little attention between planting and harvest While thero aro a few tribes of na tives in tho outlying portions of Sene gnl whoso members practice fetish worship, tho great majority of tho In habitants of the country profess Mohammedanism. Tills religion wns Introduced both by the Berbers or "Moors" from tho north and by near ly puro negroes who camo from tho West nbout tho Thirteenth century and sot up tho powerful sultanato of Tlmbuctu. Some of tho tribes of Seno gal aro apparently staunch Molmm medans, but others nro only nomlnnl followers of tho Prophet, preserving their superstitions and pagan prac tices much as nomlnnl Christiana con tinued to hold to such superstitions Id EuroDQ during tho Dark Ages. CUSTOMS FIFTY YEARS AGO Who nmonc us would B.ny to-day, "I never use a Dentifrice, I never have to?" Yet Fifty years ago, odd ns it may seem, not one person in 1,000 used a Dentifrice or even a tooth brush. So to-day, after moro than 30 years of persistent publicity of Allen's Foot" Knee, the Antiseptic Powder for the Feet, not many well-turned-out people care to con fess, "You know I never have to use a Powder for the Feet I" Moro than One Million five hundred thousand pound of Ponder for the Feet were used by our Army and Navy during the war. The reason is this: Incasing and confining the feet in leather or Canva Khocs is bound to create friction, more or less. Allen's Foot"Kase removes the friction from the shoes, ond freshens the feet. It is this friction which cause smirting, cal louses, corns and bunions. You know what friction doe to your motor-car axle. Why not remove it from your footwear by Shak ing into your Shoes to-day, Allen's Foot" Kase, the cleanly, wholesome, healing. An tiseptic powder? Get tho habit, as millions now have it. PROBABLY SORRY HE SPOKE After That "Break" There Really Was Little That Indianapolis Man Could Say. Detective Sergeant Church went calling with his wife the other eve ning on some relatives. Dinner wns served, and as was customary nt such n gathering, the visitors brought along some of the eatables. The cake served wns of two kinds, angel food and devil's food. When It came to the cake part of the meal, the sergeant nte henrtlly of the angel food, hut only nibbled nt tho devil's food. "I guess you folks will have to save this devil's food cake until I come again," he said, "I am so full I Just can't ent another bite." Arriving back home the sergeant turned to his wife: "That nngel food enke wns mighty good, but I Just couldn't go thnt devil's food. It was sure punk cake." "Well, that was tho enke I mnde," his wife said. Indianapolis News. If you uso Red Cross Ball Blue In your laundry, you will not bo troubled by those tiny rust spots, often caused by Inferior bluing. Try It nnd see. A Windfall. A couple of Chicago youths met on the street onu day when ono mndo the following nnnouncement: "Well, Hurry Hnrklns' uncle has Just died nnd left him n lot of money. Ilnr ry always said that his ship would come In some duy." "Yes," said the other youth, "but he didn't expect nn heirship.' Love. "Sho ought to bo happy." "Why?" "Her husband seems as fond of her ns he Is of his golf." Are You Human? little baby. A little child. Don't they appeal to you? Doesn't your heart yearn to pick them up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield them from all harm? sure it does else you're -not human. Being human you love them. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness there's no night so black. Save them then. Use every precaution. Take no chance. When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember it's just a baby, just a child nd if the Physician isn't at hand don't try somo remedy that you may have around the house for your own use. Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can usq it with perfect safety as any doctor will toll you. Keep it in tho house. Jjvrff,nnftfll5riuidDfao i ' rr-i T,T.y - - LOOBaL-OMKUW A llnfttheStomacnsanaqw" m mm Mm ThcrcbrotlnDl&g MBf ecrfuVssandJlcsUg mzm't Mi,onnirifn.Morphlnenori mi' r.Hhornnirim.MoroWneno': '.. u- cwJ V JbchUjScU. Chrifttd&jar &umwnmr AiictpfulRcmcdyfer ! ConstipationmidDiarrJJoca. una rev-1"' cVwrt cJmileS:4n2lHELu' vkcT Exact Gopj of Wrapper. EP.nn 4t - i'i MUCH TOO LARGE AN ORDER Naval Authorities Had Not Provided Sufficient Flags to Convey Pep. pery Admiral's Message. A certain British admiral tell an amusing story of an explosive old sea man under whom ho served many years ago. During .some tnctlcal operations one of the ships of thu squadron had mndo some bad blunders, aud at last tho admiral lost his temper. He stormed nbout the quarter-deck, nnd Informed his hearers of his opinion of tho olllcer In command of the err ing ship. When he pnused nt last for want of breath, ho turned to tho signaler nnd said, "And you can tell him that, sir." Tho mnn scratched his head medi tatively. "I beg your pardon, sir," lie ven tured, "but I don't think wo have enough Hags for your message." ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Take Aspirin only ns told in each package of genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will bo following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, nnd proved safe by millions. Tnko no chances with substitutes. If you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Ilheumntlsm, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pnln. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is tho trade mark of Bnycr Manufacture of Mononcctlcacldcstcr of Sallcyllcacld,. His Dusy Day. A solemn-faced Individual wan dered into tho ofllco of Mr. Dubwnltc, who was up to his eyes In work. "My brother," said the solemn vis itor, "I come to you with n message." "Hand it to one of my clerks," an swered Mr. Dubwalte, as his pen con tinued to trnce his signature at the bottom of business letters. !lle'll sign for it and bring It to my atten tion if It contains anything thnt ahem requires my attention." (Paul Cook In tho Birmingham Age-Herald.) Children 1 f fefeSfc' Do the People Know? Do you know why you aro asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria when you want a child's remedy : why you must insist on Fletcher's? For years we have teen explaining how the popularity of Fletcher's Castoria has brought out innumerable imitations, sub stitutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of generations to come we appeal to tho better judgment of parents to insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med icine. And remember above all things that a child's medicine i9 made for children a medicino prepared for grown-ups is not inter changeable. A baby's food for a baby. And a baby's medicineis just as essential for the baby. Tho Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by the same hands in the same manner for so many years that the signa ture of Chas.H. Fletcher and perfection in the'product are synonymous. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears (aZ7-C6. TH C.NTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 1 ' "iiwJK,HL'7riT?nitf Are You All Worn Out? Do you suITcr dally backache and stabbing pains feel worn nut nnd dis pirited? You shouldn'tl You want to lie well and the best way to get well is to find what is making you feel so badly. You should look, then, to your kidneys. When the kidneys weaken you suffer backache, rheumatic pains and urinary irregularities; your head ache, you aro tired, nervous anil de pressed. Help tlio weakened kidneys with Doan'a Kidney Mis, Doan'a have helped thoiiands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor I A Nebraska Caso Tlionms Shane, ro uted ninll tnrrlcr, Clay Outer, Ncbr,, says: "t wns both ered with It I A n o y trouble n ml my hark nt tlmoH woulil rIvo OUt. I PCIUltlll't ilo any llftlnp or stoop ing nml I hail to Ret up often to pass tho lililtinif nnnpnilntin T nlso Biiffernt from rheumatic palna In my left shoulder nnd down to my kneofl. I wan told to Ret Ponn's Kid ticv 1'llln nnd uso thorn. Doan'u soon had mo fcclltifr all rih'hu" Get Doin'i at Any Store, 00c Do DOAN'SRSS FOSTER-MILDURN CO., DUFFALO, N. Y. No More Misery After Eating Just Takes An Eatonlo "Tho first dose of Katonlc did mo wonders. I take It ut meals and tun no longer bothered with Indigestion," writes Mrs. Kllen Harris. Thousands of people, like this dear lady, gratefully testify about Katonlc, which does Its wonders by taking up and carrying out the excess acidity and gases which bring on Indigestion, heartburn, bloating, belching nnd food repeating. Acid stomach nlso causes about seventy 'other non-orgnnlc nil meats. Protect yourself. A big box of Katonle costs but a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. DOKH VOl'lt SUIT LOOK I.IKK A I.OOKINO (ll.AS.S? A Stic pnckiiRo nt our clrntirr will mnks It lnol lllir. new A tin ilnllnr rmcliuKn cli-nnn n rui or enrpct. Clfaii 'cm nn the floor. Moniy buck If not luitlntlnt ARonls ntml evrrywlir r Tho r. It Hoxknin Hnlrj Co Itooin 6, Clnyton Hindi, Denver, Cola. Enslow Floral Co, 131 So. 12th : Lincoln, Neb. 126 MAMMOTH JACKS I htTo a barvaln for run. romn qnlrk. W. 1 DrOI.OWS JACK FA KM Cellar ltaplili, lima A FRECKLES gggg Cry For the Signature of