BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, No'orastuv UJittmttBlBArAUlM?rwnaaMvuyLTixatasnn&j . u e Eye 111 1 II Ever stop to think how strongly you are influenced by the look in a man's eye? Your eyes are the most observ ed feature. Why not give them the consideration they deserve, and select becoming eye glasses? Our glasses make your eyes look best, and are best for your eyes. J. C. MITCHELL JEWELER AND OPTICIAN New Voile Dresses J J lAVhKD KVERY THURSDAY -ntcrid in the l'r fclMltctit lcit ( lotidiNcb as Second (.'Inns Matter1 A. U. McAKTUUIMEdltor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, 10&12H Farm Bureau Notes Nifty New Voile Dresses In both light and dark back grounds. Prices range from $4.75 to $9-75 In sizes from 1 6 years to 48 inch but Also a new lot of gingham dresses and aprons. Barbara Phares The Women's Store Red Cloud - - - - Nebraska 1 We have endeavored to put this I garment into first class con- i ' dition as you requested us i & to do. If not entirely 1 v sausneu rLi'JAsrj give 1 m ffl We have endeavored to put this garment into first class con dition as you requested us to do. If not entirely satisfied PLEASE give us an opportunity to rectify to your en tire satisfaction. LET IS JUKE YOUK NEXT .SUIT OK MAT This is our guarantee with every order THE HUGHES WAY FOR GLDTHES TROUBLES sflW ine rraiii m hu CLEANING, DYEING LADIE'S TAILORS. BOTH PHONES W i" tS!S REPAIRING figg'8 tailors MCaJ and Deliver FARMER'S INSTITUTE The Hoard of Directors of the Wcb flcr County Farmer's Institute met i! ml selected October 25lh to 28th as dates for this year's Institute. The Executive committee was authorized to name committees. The first named o i the Committee is to ho Chairman or Superintendent of that depart ment The Executive Committee was urged to select these committees as soon a& possible and everyone can elart planning for the biggest Insti tute ever held. Two departments, Farm Products crd Dairy Cattle hnvo been lacking the past year and every effort will bo put forth to try and bring them back to normal. Now is the time to get busy on the farm products. Committees named were as fol lows: Program E. J. Ovoring, County Agent Henry R. Fausch, Superin tenlcnt of Red Cloud Schools, Mr. Golwick, Mrs. Frank Hughes, and J. E. Bptz. Finance Dr. Damcrell, Geo. Coon and William Carbill. Buildings and Advertising Henry Gilliam, C. G. Starke, C. J. Piatt. Parade F. W. Cowdcn, County Superintendent Estclla Duckor, R. P. Wcesnci. Ilor.c Farnk Starr, Thomas Swart;, and Henry Johnson. Cattle-C. B. Steward, Air Nolan and Wm. Starke. Hogs C. V. Johnston, Lou Wilir.ot and lioorgi Ainnclt. Shepp II. II Crowed 1 Junior Work County Agent Fausch Poultry J'. 0. Butler, Dan Garbcr and Henry Lambrecht. Farm Products Frank Frisbic, Ben Prgg and Chas. Gumey, Sr. Fruit J. M. Bates. HENRY R. FAUSCH, nexe's in J& "a I J K way LiMsL are IS 9 m e ana v cwat f&L(L(L' TURKISH to DOMESTIC 1SL.IZND ClOAIHTTt ft BECAUSE we put the utmost quality into this one brand. Camels are as good as it's pos sible for skill, money and lifelong knowledge of fine tobaccos to make a cigarette. Nothing is too good for Camels. And bear this in mind ! Everything is done to make Camels the best cigarette it's possible to buy. Nothing is done simply for show. Take the Camel package for instance. It's the most perfect packing science can devise to pro tect cigarettes and keep them fresh. Heavy paper secure foil wrapping revenue stamp to seal the fold and make the package air-tight. But there's nothing flashy about it. You'll find no extra wrappers. No frills or furbelows. Such things do not improve the smoke any more than premiums or coupons. And remember you must pay their extra cost or get lowered quality. If you want the smoothest, mellowest, mildest cigarette you can imagine and one entirely free from cigaretty aftertaste, It's Camels for you. Ai ISkJiL m Jt jS R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wintton-Snlem, N. C. HBnmaaaHnBMHaHaiHaMsexfl Br 1 fii -' iviy ' County Agricultural Agent. STATE FARM BUREAU NOTES . Atlanta, Georgia was selected as the meeting place for the annual conven tion of the American Farm Bureau Federation to be held November 22-25 inclusive. The selection was made at a meeting of the executive committee in Chicago last week. This will bo the Inrgesv. agricultural convention ever held. More than a score of foreign agricultural societies have signified tl'eir intention to send delegates. Fred M. Dowee.-e, head of the legal department ' of the Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation appeared before the state railway commission in op position to the application of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Com pany for continuance of its 10 percent surcharge and for increased toll rates in which it was joined by the Lincoln Telephone Company in so far as in creased toll rates were concerned. Many other persons representing nearly all 'portions of the state also Dttcne'cd and expressed opposition to increased rates being granted to pub lic sctvice corporations at this time, when the prices of farm produce arc at the lowest level in many years. At the meeting of the Mid-West Farm Bureau Federation presidents and secretaries held in Chicago last week in connection with the meeting of the American Farm Bureau ex ecutive committee, the Farm Bureau from-minc-to-consumer co-operative coal marketing plan was tentatively agreed upon. It was plainly stated that the plan is not to ho a com mercial enterprise, but merely a scr "ico ngency, hcrving not only farm bureau members but all individuals. Orders will bo placed by individuals through their county farm bureau. The county farm bureau will pool the orders through the purchasing agent of the office or allied organisation. The orders for each state will bo turn" ed over to the purchasing agent, who will seek the grade of coal desired at tho most favorablo rate as regards location, the coal to be delivered through tho local co-operative ele vator, tho local dealer, or county farm bureau. Tho farmer is to pay for his coal upon arrival at his locnl distributing point. of animals and feed? Yes-2609 No-90. No. 3- Do you favor the delevopment of a personal rural credits system based on proper safeguards ? Ycs-2G8G No-88. No. 4- That authority bo cranted the Federal Reserve Board to so classify rediscounts as to give prior ity to loans for basis production of pli kinds ? Yes-2G00 No-137. No. 5- Increasing limit federal hnd mortgages from $10,000 to $25, 000. Yes-21!)5 No-391. No. G- Asking Congress to submit fulcra! constitutional amendment pro hibiting tax-free securities. Yes-2900 No-11. No. 7- Continuance of excess profit lax. Yes-2915 No-137. No. 8- Are you opposed to general sales taxes? Yes-2985 No-79. io. y- win you bo able to move greater quantity of farm products if ireight adequately reduces? Yes-3126 No.-34. No. 10- For the building of farm to-market before construction of transcontinental highways. Yes-3001 No-56. No. 11- For Great Lakes-St. Law rence waterways. Yes-2750 No-17G. No. 12- Do you favor other water way development for transportation reclamation, and water power at this lime? Ycs-2366 No-310. No. 13- Placing packers under government regulation to be ad ministered by department of agricul ture. Yes-2721 No-221. No. M- For making illegal "short selling" in agricultural products. Ycs 3088 No-52. No. 15- For "truth-in-fabric" leg islation. Yes-3228 No-7. No. 1G- Legislation for enabling co operative marketing. Ycs-3158 No-7. Three Things You Want The Gage county fair this year is to bo managed by tho county farm bureau with county cxtontion agent Boyd Rist in charge of tho arrange ments. Tho program has already been arranged which given promise of making it a most successful exposi tion of tho industry of the county. Secretary of the Interior Fall: "One never stops learning till ho draws Ids last breath." The three things that count in a battery, Exide gives in the maximum degree. These are : 1 Pleqty of power and then some. 2 .Lorn? life. 3 Freedom from repairs. To make sure that the Exide gives this service, ask any motorist who uses one. To see why, call and dissect an Exide Battery with us. J Red Cloud Battery Service Station CARL S. McARTHUR, Mgr. jrmTmrn Partial returns have been reccivod by tho Nebraska Farm Bureau Fed eration from tf.-enty-ono Nebraska' counties giving replies to tho Ameri can Farm Bureau questionnaire on sixteen national questions as follows: No. 1-Do you favor commodity financing based on bonded warehouse receipts? Ye2062 No-110 No. 2- Do you favor livestock financing tfasod on an ndfqunte pledge Speeds Up Car Repairs Determined that every grain and coal carrying car shall be in ship shape so that tho road can render 100 porce'nt sarrloo when the urops begin to move and tho public oouimences to buy coal, K P. UraoUen, Vlco President in charge of operation bf the Burlington ltcmd, advises that etTectivo July 1. his Hue wdl employ lWK) onrrppam'n. - -m - BATTEL 8 ES V Did It Seem That Long? Santa Cruz News "She was slxty nine years of ntfo and she had been mnrricd for inoro than a century, Boston' Transcript. JUST RECEIVED )ecn j Fogel Bids. A line of new FLY'NET$ FLY C0VBR8; AUTO COVERS, and D0STERS. Priced at a low margin of profit tin m S3 T,jj,ift'rfvwrvr.mMmijrae!n'mMKmr .El ii ' .V , i v J i ( i 'Ll 1 -A 11 x Vx .1 i Rett Cloud Nebraska Tr'" i-e m- ff