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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1921)
A V h 1 i r v a m 'InroJt, "N . '' --'-J'..-y.-i: UgSfej VOLUME 49 Comfort, Economy and Efficiency COMFORT 'for it means a cool kitchen. Economy for it wastes no fuel. You burn kerosene oil only when you need it. Efficiency for a Florence Oil Stove is easy and quick of operation and every,, bit of heat is concentrated close under the cooking. Come in and let our salesmen show its manyj good points. TRINE'S mmmsmm flEED GROGERIES TODAY? "Always prepared and waiting to fill any Grocery order1' is the motto under which our store is' run. It means that no matter how small your order may be or what particular items you may want, we are ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of pack age, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out level.1' Neither do we offer anything in the Vegetable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we are sure our prices will please you. Satisfaction or your money back guarantee P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware sdinMirajimM a i We arc in the coal business and will try to have a supply of good coal on hand at all times, and will have a price on it that will save you money, We have a car of Sunnysido Maitland now, and will have a car of NIGGERHEAD in a few days. You will find that these are extra good coals. We are selling this'' coal on a close margin and will have to sell for cash. Please do not ask us for credit. The Farmers Co-op Elevator ' (i. A. KAILEY, Ngr. Hardware vmmwmmmmMmwmMmmmmma mums .4 nm nfwnnT- m i ttt.i .jsiaww mrmiiiiiiii n-r ii iftiHibiih m u-j ,i A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For J1.50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. JUYL 7, 1921 Wants Cannon For Ornament ! Congressman Andrews introduced the following bill In the House of Rep resentatives Juno 30th nnil It If noted upon favorably the Court House grounds will be ndorned with one of the Kaiset's fieldpleces A HILL Authorizing the Secretary of War to donate to the count) of Webster, ie. braslta. one German cannon or field piece. J He It enacted br the Senate a.d House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem bled, That the Secretary of War be, Hinl he is heieby, authorized and direct ed to donate, without expense to the I'nitcd States to the county of Web ster, Nebraska, odd cannon or Hold piece captured by tho American Army from tho forces of the Imperial Ger man Government, to be used for orna mental purposes. i Died Mis. Trances Cockrall, known to all as "Grandma Cockrall" passed from this sphere of action, leaving nil earth ly ciues and sorrows last Thursday afternoon, to the sure and certain re ward that awaits one who has so well illled the mission for which they weie placed here on earth. She had suffer ed an illness of n year's duration dur ing which time she had.beeu given the best attention that medical skill could provide to no avail. The deceased was born in West Vir ginia eighty years ago the fifteenth of this month She leaves to mourn her death five daughters and two sons: Mrs. Curt Hlauch of Hlue Hill, Mrs Anna Hlauch of Holstein, Mrs. Mae Knutson of Hladcn, Mrs. Geo. Mann near Lester, Charles of Canada, while Nellie aud Orley are still at home. Funeral services were held by Rev Llniugerof Cowles, from the home in Pleasant Hill Township last Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment was made In the IMeasaut Hill ceme tery where she was laid to rest beside her husband who proceeded hen to the great beyond several years ugo. CITY COUNCIL HOLD REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Mayoress Mary Peterson called tho Council together in regular session, with all members present, on Tues day evening, at which time very little, if any, business of importance was up for transaction. Tho compensation policy of the Globo Indemnity Co. was accepted by the city, as was also the estimate of the ordinance cxponso for 1921, as presented by Councilman Sherwood. The city clerk was instructed to certify tho expense of cutting weeds on private property and tho county clerk was requested to change the paving assessment on tho books in tho county treasurer's ofllcc, so that thoso who have made partial pay ments may pay tho balanco in equal amounts of ono twentieth yearly. Tho following claims were allowed: 11. II. Frazior S175 00 W. A. ratten 112 CO I3crt Perry - . C. D. Whitakcr S. R. Floranco 0. C. Tool C. R. Lewis . Lawrence- Doyle Frank Clnwson Sam Mountford - Smith & McKimmcy - Joo Hewitt Piatt & Frees Geo. Trino John Navel .. Mnlone-Gcllatly Pittsburgh Meter Co. . Mueller Mfg. Co. Nnt'l Refining Co. 105 00 12 CO 227 21 31 48 85 00 75 00 55.30 17 CO 2 95 213 GO 572 88 30 85 8 40 9 C5 188 01 G 38 180 00 ni-LaWnl Fire Hoso Co 020 SO Mid West Elec Co. 102 81 Edward L. Smith of Kingston; Kan sns, nnd Miss Jessie V. Bcldon of Lebanon, Knnas wero united in mar riage by Judgo Ranney Monday. Celebration Pleases People Notwithstanding tho threatening weather and minor difficulties encoun tered, the uelobratlon ot tho Fourth under tho diioctioii of the Red Cloud Fire Department was a completo suc cess. Tho merchants and bus'uoss men aie to bo complimented on their splendidly trimmed windows and tho display of flags and rod while and blue decorations which contributed appreciably to tho appeal ance of the city for the occasion. People began coming to ihe city early in tho forenoon aud .continued until In the evening the streets were crowded. The races were enjoyed by a large number of speetatois aud Messis. Gardner aud Maun gate an exinuitton or uerouauo stttnis as a free attraction. The parade of decorated automobiles was very pretty and required a great deal of work to arrange. Mrs. I'1. L. Smith won first prize with a Ford coupe decorated in white, beautifully trimmed. A. L and Clara Walker were awarded second money, and R. V Wcesnor third. These cars wore adorned with floral decorations and wero very beautiful. 12. H. Newhouse was represented with a float advertis ing tho Edison phonograph which contained uconscaled orchestra. Smith Hrothcrs exhibited a Fordson tractor on n float. Sutton and Shipman en tered a Reo truck. It. P. Weesuor's float emphasized their "Wake 'em up" slogan with a huge firecracker lighted nnd ready to go. Plott & Frees demonstrated the "old and uew" way of delivering building materials. The parade was load by the Franklin band which furnished music for the day, aud with which everybody was highly pleased. The ball game between Franklin and Red Cloud was an interesting contest and ended iu victory for the home boys to the tune of two to nothing. The boys all played good ball aud the game was thoroughly enjoyed by all who witnessed It, During tho ball game the Red Cloud Community Chorus rendered several selections to a large aud appreciative audience in frout of the Newhouse building. The water fight between Hoso com panies one and two was won by com pany number two, Gardner and Mann gave another acrobatic exhibition which ended tho days program. Maxwell Bros, of Kansas City who were on tho program were unable to come and owing to ineiOoient service of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany u telegram from a Hooking Agency in Kansas City in charge of them stating that this attraction could not be benf but another could be sub stituted, was delayed several hours and the fire boys recelvod it too late to secure the other attraction. Owing to tho rain in the evening tho Uro works wero dispensed with and will be shot off next Wednesday even ing commencing at 8:15. Bert Stevens Now Owns Nyal Drug Store at Smith Center i A dent was eonMiinnmted the fhstof tho week whereby Ilert btevens be came Hid sole owner of tho Nnl Drug tatoru. He formerly was in partnership with Mei ill Dltnond. Hurt takes pos session tomoirnw the Hist of tho mouth. lie will keep tho pieoent foii'c Ivan Wallace wilt stay pennti iiQiitly in tho prescription department Uert has boon in buslne-s here for home time and every one knows him to be the iduil business man. WViO Miro his placo of biiilness will keep its shaiu of tlie putronaue it hits hereto to 10 aud keep its rank with tho lino of leading drug stores. Smith Center Juiirnal Tho Denreu of Honor will meet next Tuesday afternoon iu tho 1. U. U. V. hall and all the members aro requested to bo present Albert C. Httuoft an i Miss Vnsti M. Kuiitml, both of thisulty, were grunt ed a marririgo .license Tuesday .and wero married at Guide Rook. i! SL - r - ft" mil ;i wibriwiiiiiiiiiiiIIiiibiiiiiiiwiiiiiiii.iiiiiiii.ii'iiiii iiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippi'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiraiiiiiir,!!!! Mwif ihikh! mmm Are you fair to your watch? An automobile needs frequent attention. What about your watch a mechanism infinite ly more delicate? CARBON In the motor of n car will decrease the running efficiency of that car. And yet the carbon will accumulate. The car owner, knowing this, has his car frequently overhauled and the carbon removed. And yet this same man, per haps, will allow his watch, a mechanism infinitely more deli cate, to run for years without attention. All the while it is ac cumulating dust for tiny dirt particles will sift in through the most tightly fitting ensc-and this will in time Impede the timekeep ing performance of the watch. Your automobile performs oc casional service, but your watch has to run continously for n full twenty-four hours each dny. Look at your watch. How long has it been since you took it to n jeweler for examination? We Make 'Quality' Right Then the Price Right B. H. Newhouse Rtd chud Jeweler and Optometrist Ncbr$k I EliailMM Only 500 Single Admissions Available For Grand Concert by ELLEN BEACH YAW At The Red Cloud Chautauqua JULY 26th, at 8 p. m. Here is a real opportunity (tickets only $1.00. children 50c) to hear one of the WORLD'S GREATEST SOPRANOS right at your door. She has sung in the largest opera houses and for the rulers in every capital in Europe Prima Donna of the Metropolitan Opera, New York, with three recent appearances there. Soloist of the big Shrine Conclave at Des Moines The only Soprano who ever thrilled on Fifths (Jennie Lind was the first to thrill on Fourths) The highest voice in the world (six whole notes above Galli Curci and Tetrazzini) and one of the sweetest. With all this she is A Great Democratic Artist GRACIOUS and PLEASING to Popular Audiencies Mail orders filled in order received, Address S. HARDMAN RED CLOOD, NEBRASKA She will sing "The Skylark" in which she reaches B flat above high C. It is worth going miles to hear her sing "Annie Laurie," "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia," etc. WVJ,AVAV.VAVAV.VVlV.VtV.V.VAVAV.V.V.W.VVM M rs. nci. macic I Amack & Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB L T. AMACK-PHONE Ityp. 76M IMNWWUWWWWJWVW lgrSKri. - ,, .... NUMBER 27 If your watch is to run at its highest efficiency, it should be cleaned, oiled and adjusted at least once a year before the last particle of oil has disappeared from the bearings. Our Service Department is well equipped to make any re pairs and adjustments that may be necessary. And white ycu nre in, we par ticularly Invite you to view our very complete stock of new watches dressed in attractive Wadsworth Cases. I. T. Amack L C.l.f J I tWX M V L 4VK? --JXiMA) y, i li, , f